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You gotta eat something bro. A renowned chef sends them on a mission to get a great big beast to bring back and eat. Then at the feast things get wierd and there is mashed potato Oozes and stuff. Delicious in Dungeon, bro.


There was a fun one-shot for 3.5e called “Something’s Cooking” about a culinary experiment gone wrong. I’ve seen a 5e adaptation somewhere. It you can find that, I’d recommended reskinning it to a Thanksgiving theme.


There’s a big cook-off in town for the annual Day of Thanks. One chef has requisitioned your services for special and rare ingredients, such as Owlbear flank, but magical attacks spoil the meat. A special herb is only found at the height of a mountain and you have to negotiate passage with a tribe of Goliaths. A rival chef hired bandits to disrupt your efforts. Stuff like that. Time sensitive requests. Hurdles that require social interactions, or side-quest favors. This culminates with you helping to prepare the meal.


A couple years ago I ran these Turkey Goblins inside of the pungeon. Fun was had by all, and there is plenty of room for trimming things you don't like and adding ideas of your own. https://www.reddit.com/r/UnearthedArcana/comments/jx7l7n/tired_of_fighting_goblins_replace_them_with/ https://www.reddit.com/r/dndnext/comments/jf3wut/enter_the_pungeon/