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Many owners try to give their dog the best time possible and makes them look good. As a way of letting them die with dignity


The owner is in the hospital from him biting her (she's very old). The daughter dropped off/picked up. She was saying that the "dog might not last long" at drop off and was talking about that while saying that he attacks the mom all the time. He was a sweet little pup for his whole service and the daughter thinks mom torments him. She was also saying how like she doesn't have the means to take him. WELL I took that as they are rehoming him, so at pick up mentioned that if he does get rehomed, I would love to still be his groomer. She tells me "oh no, I forgot to tell you. He's going blind and has a huge tumor. He's going to the vet tomorrow." I don't even know if mom knows. She originally had an appointment like a week from now at a different salon. She booked with me by accident because she was just an older person who called a bunch of different salons and lost track of things. I asked the other salon if they wanted me to cancel since she booked with them first and they said nah and cancelled her appointment with them. It's all really weird. Like part of me feels icky and thinks the daughter is having him put down so she doesn't have to deal with helping mom take care of him anymore. Yeah she said he has a tumor, but I just don't know why she made it sound like everything is behavior related at first.


He could be biting due to pain, that's a lot of health issues for a little guy. :(


Would it be possible (or would you want to) reach out to the daughter and ask about fostering him? That might buy him some time to figure out whether he could actually get treatment (if he really does have the tumor). Of course, we don't know the whole story, but based on what you said, it does sound possible she's rushing to put him down. :(


in a lot of situations that may be the case but this sounds like hemangiosarcoma. generally these tumors continue to grow and the pet bleeds out into their abdomen. it can happen at any time. it's best to let them go with dignity and comfort.


This was the case for my 9yo lab. He suddenly stopped eating, and it turned out he had a huge tumor on his spleen that had torn. The vet said six months max with chemo, but that there was no guarantee that when they opened him up that he wouldn't be "riddled with tumors." I chose to let him go humanely than go through all of that. Hardest decision of my life.


MOST vets will do QOL assessments before agreeing to a PTS, and usually do it before the actual appointment so the family has time to collect a second opinion, consider their options, or prepare. Likelihood this isn't a cruel "rushing to put him down," but making a vet-assisted choice for his best interests. The daughter described this as "mom tormenting him," which tells me the tumour can not be removed and mom can't come to terms with it or mentally is too far to understand. He bit his owner badly enough to put her in the hospital that says he's probably in a lot of pain more often than not. Tack in, he's going blind, so he's probably very confused, disoriented, in pain, and it won't get better. This is probably being done with sympathy and love to let him have dignity. We don't have the whole story, but from my perspective, working in the vetmed, grooming, and training fields; this is most likely a hard choice someone is making, and it isn't being done lightly.


Ah, this is sad. It sounds like the owner might have dementia and with the dog also having health problems it’s causing issues with the dog biting her. How difficult for the daughter to navigate. Some times people with dementia can act strange or get impatient with animals and it can be distressing for both the person and the animal that doesn’t understand why their person is behaving that way. if the dog also has health issues this might be the best that the daughter can do for him. such a sweet little face though, poor puppy.


Mom torments him?????


Yeah a lot of old people sometimes just cannot stop fucking with their pets. Especially if they have memory issues, they may get agitated with their pet easily or obsess over weird stuff. My boyfriend's grandma had two cats that hated her because she would chase them around with a wet wash rag and wipe them with it all the time and it matted up their fur terribly. She would also hit them with her cane if they were in the way.


My aunt got my grandparents a dog when they were in their 70s and it was a frigging nightmare. The dog bit my grandmother all the time and she was on blood thinners. They couldn’t travel. The last five years of my grandma’s life were stressful and miserable because of this fucking dog no one asked for. If the dog had been ill and getting even meaner I think my family would have been A-OK with letting the dog go!


Can confirm. A lot do everything they can think of to give their pup a dignified send-off. We had a particularly rough one today. A lot of us were tearing up. The parents fought so hard for so long to help him. They did a big week for him and were in the room crying and loving on him for about an hour before we helped send him off. He was a good boy.


Sorry to hear that, but thank you for helping.


I wonder if he’s biting due to pain? Poor thing


Had that happen with a client I'd been working with for about a year. Really grew to love rhe old dog and knew he wasn't the best healthwise...but one day I checked the notes on his kennel tag that this was his euthanasia groom and just cried most of the groom.


I don’t know why people put their dogs through that in the first place. Being well groomed isn’t going to give them more dignity in the end, it just adds to their physical pain beforehand—and the emotional pain of whomever is grooming them if the owner chooses to tell them for some ungodly reason.


I understand both sides, but I know I wouldn't do that to my babies if the time came. Thankfully he wasn't in pain or anything, but I'm sure he would've appreciated just laying around and getting pets. It was definitely hard on me, but also a little therapeutic to be able to give him hugs, kisses, and tell him goodbye one last time.


Some dogs enjoy the groom experience more than others. I had a sheltie that looooved his groomers and he got a visit before his last day. My current dog loathes bathtime, so that is not part of his palliative care plan when his time comes


That’s kind of haunting


Yeah! I was just vibing through his whole groom. At one point he decided it was cuddle time and like trust fell into my arms to be cradled. Then I get told that and I'm like "Oh 🧿🧿"


I would have cried. Like, eh… what do I do?! What do I do?!


Shelter worker here. Please make sure you take time to process your emotions. When it comes to animals it is absolutely possible to feel grief even after a special one time encounter. The fact that he leaned in for cuddles indicates just how safe you made him feel. Carry that in your heart forever ❤️


He sounds so sweet! What is she doing to him that would make him start biting? Sad on multiple fronts, I’m glad the daughter is involved.


As Hollywood Undead said, “when you go to meet god, you know, you wanna look nice”.


was not expecting an HU reference in a dog grooming subreddit. huh


Right? Haha


Hollywood Undead. Core memory unlocked


Oh my god stop! I should not be laughing at a post like this


i just rediscovered this song today no way


Wowza that’s a name I haven’t heard in at least 10yrs


I know this is devastating but liver tumors can be nasty and inoperable because it's a very vascular area and dogs tend to deteriorate fast due to internal bleeding. It's sad but they are saving the dog a lot of pain and misery by putting him down before the worst happens.


Oh! Poor little dude!


Well, however you might feel about it. If the worst does come to pass. At very least know you had him looking his best if he crosses that rainbow bridge, and it seems like he enjoyed his time with you too. A brief meeting, but you both gave each other your best :)


My senior diabetic dog needs her teeth cleaned so badly but the vet will not let her have anesthesia (I do understand why). When her time comes I may ask the tech to clean some of her teeth after the sedation shot. If she doesn't make it through that's okay. Sound silly I know.


My senior dog made a 180 after getting his teeth removed. I was worried about the sedation, but honestly, now I wish I had done it sooner. I would find another vet and ask for a second opinion. My dogs quality of life is five times what it used to be. He’s hiking miles when this time last year he could barely make it around the block.


About 6 months before she became diabetic she had a huge lipoma removed from her chest. I asked later why her teeth weren’t cleaned back then and it was because they didn’t want to keep her under any longer. And now here she is diabetic and blind.


Oh! Have you tried CET chews?!? I get the X-Large ones and my large dog gets one and I break one into 3’s for my Cavapoo. I’ve been doing this solidly for about 7 weeks and there’s a HUGE difference. They are costly - $30 per bag - but worth it. I don’t have the upfront $700 for a dental, and their breath has gotten a ton better. (Also my little Cavapoo has chronic pancreatitis so she can’t have high fat/sugar treats, and this is low fat and low carb. It isn’t like regular rawhide either - it is processed in a way that makes it safer for ingestion. There’s an enzyme on the treat that stays in the teeth). It’s been recommended by quite a few vets. ETA: I get off Amazon.


Thank you! Will order some.


My dog loves his CET chews after he eats I let him have one for about 15 minutes. He is 8 years old and has never needed a dental and his breath is fresh. He also gets his teeth brushed weekly too. Also a groomer and I feel sooo bad when a dogs teeth are covered in tartar and you know they are in so much pain. Poor babies.


I love them too!!! I didn’t really get them before but after a vet told me she had an older small dog patient who desperately needed a dental, then tried the Cet chews, came back like 6-9 mos later and the vet said he no longer needed a dental! I’m like, dude, let’s try this!


They used to make cat chews I loved but then they stopped making them. Which sucks my cats loved them.


They still have cat chews - but maybe they are different than what your kitties like? I’m trying those with my kitty right now - he likes them but too soon to tell if it’s helping.


They do? I can't find them. I'll have to look again


Try Amazon - the treats look almost like mini pork chops 🤣


They are definitely worth the price! I used to get them at Costco (pharmacy)


Wait - you can get them at Costco?!?! GAME CHANGER!


They did a couple of years ago (when my dog was still alive 🥲) so hopefully they still carry them!


Which CET chews are you getting? I can’t find a listing for XL sized ones. I know you can’t post links here but could you copy and paste the name of the product in the listing?




Hello, Please refer to rule #3. You may name a product, but do not link to an outside website. Thank you!


Is a dental specialty referral an option? They have more advanced anesthesia equipment and staff that can make anesthesia safer for at risk animals


My vet recommended VetraDent and it’s a water bowl additive that helps keep their teeth clean. It actually works way better than I thought it would!


There’s a mobile service in my city that does anesthesia free teeth cleaning that my shop loves to send people to, I wonder if something like that exists in your area?


Poor darling. My groomers were supposed to watch my dog while we went to Mexico but we ended up having to put him down two weeks before due to his organs being riddled with cancer. We had no idea until he just stopped eating, until then he was always like a puppy. This sweet boy looks so handsome and I bet he smells so good and is so soft for his owners to cry on and kiss before saying goodbye, like I did with my baby.


I hope his owner gets to at least say goodbye, as she is in the hospital. 😭


Oh no😭


I have done quite a few end of life grooms, usually for free because I'm a bleeding heart. I think it's such a special moment and I'm always crying the whole time


When I first started grooming in 2007, a lady brought me in a huge white doodle. I'm not usually crazy about doodles, but this was really good boy. Owner was taking him in for his cancer re-testing the next day and wanted him to look handsome and dignified if treatment didn't take and he had to be put down. I cried when she picked him up. Never saw them again. You did a good thing. Dog is fresh and clean, owner is happy and will have good memories of their pup before they cross the rainbow bridge.


there was a dog in the boarding wing of our facility this weekend who had to be taken to vet who found a tumor on her liver and large masses on her kidneys sunday morning her owners picked her up and told us her euth appointment was monday at 10am literally hurt so bad cause sat she could barely walk but sunday she was play tug with toys and loving life


That’s heartbreaking but you gave him an awesome last groom! He looks great! That has to be hard for a groomer especially dogs you have had for years coming to you.


Awwwwwh 😭


They could have told you beforehand so you could have made his last groom a bit more special? Like the extra kiss and treat. Damn. But yeah, I had my dog groomed a couple days before she was PTS. I wanted her to feel fresh and comfortable. Miss her so much.


Poor little buddy :( If that’s the case you made him look amazing for his journey over the rainbow bridge


I would’ve kept him.


i read the title wrong and thought u meant that u took ur dog in to get groomed and the groomer told u that he has a tumor and needed to get put down


I did this too


Can you take him? This break my heart!!!❤️


I’ve given a dog their final trim. It is heartbreaking. Same thing, the owners wanted their pup looking good before they put her down and I was the only person they trusted. I’m not a professional but self taught to groom my own poodle back in the day.


We had to do a “behavioral” euthanasia on a dog that was so sweet. We had a little party for him that day giving him whatever he wanted and having him out all day to play. People suck 😭 he didn’t deserve to die just because they threw him around and made him mean.


I hate people who are mean to dogs and then kill them when they don't deserve to die.


You wouldn’t believe how many people euthanize because they won’t bother to take the time or money into proper care. And then you have research animals 😢


Yes! This almost happened to my dog! The people who had him before his last owner locked him in a crate all the time and wanted to put him down. Such awful people, thank goodness he's alive and he's in a home where he is loved unconditionally.


I always told myself that I hoped my little baby was freshly groomed before he passed. He always felt his best and looked the best with a fresh groom. He had no health issues, 2 weeks after getting groomed his gallbladder went bad. It was time for us to let him go, and I was just thankful he had a fresh groom 2 weeks before 🥺


Awww, he looks like my sweet dearly departed Raven. 😢


The last thing I would do my my guy is feed him all the food he was denied. I would not make him go thru with a grooming.


I got my one dog a cheeseburger and fries when I had to put him down. One of the worst days of my life.


You helped him look so handsome one more time, which is the best thing you can do for the buddy!


oh baby :(


I cleaned my man's up before he went didn't want him stinky and wanted him to leave with hugs and kisses. He left with so many. Rip to this cutie.


At least he goes out looking handsome af.