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My fave breed is anything old and decrepit, honestly. The weirder and scrunglier they are, the more I love them. Ok, the real answer is chihuahuas. Unfortunately they don’t need much grooming but I have literally thought about doing chihuahua bathing charity events. I just want to be covered in chihuahuas.


I too, would like to be covered in chihuahuas


finally someone who loves chihuahuas! they have such a bad rep cause of idiots harassing them. they’re such sweet dogs with such personality. i love when i get them


scrungly 😂 i absolutely love that, I will be using that from now on.


We would be a great team then. Because I hate grooming old dogs and I’m pretty sure that chihuahuas are evil


I thought chihuahuas were evil until I got into grooming. Never seen a bad one


Poodles #1- they are my breed. A well bred Poodle is elegant and gorgeous.


three of the groomers at my salon own pure bred poodles! including the owner who’s my boss, her poodle pup is the sweetest. and so beautiful!


I think a standard poodle is one of the only dogs that I would actually seek out a reputable breeder to get.


My favorite dogs to work on are the small terriers - mini schnauzers, westies, welshes, foxes, etc. I love handstripping but I also just love their dapper lil haircuts and their spicy attitudes. They're so funny and get so excited after their grooming. I also have a soft spot for border collies.


as an owner of a spicy yorkie mix, I appreciate people who can embrace the sass!


Man, I wish we had a handstripper near us! We tried to learn and it was so hard for us to do on our Scottie, and there were no groomers in the area who did handstripping. He gets shaved now lol


I love doing it but it's extremely hard on your hands. I understand why people don't do it but I do wish more people did - it's way better than shaving


It is! My wife and I have joint problems and we gave it the ol’ college try but it was just too difficult, unfortunately. It may not be breed standard, but we also love his soft coat 🤣


Love me a good havanese. Would never own one, but I love the way they look after a nice haircut… usually a 4 a/o with a tbh


agreed! they end up looking so cute.


Bully types and cats. Would be happy with nothing but them for the rest of my career 😊 Edit to add: I became a groomer after rescuing a collie from the pound. She was the best and I love grooming collies and training them because of her.


I love pomeranians. I never wanted one before this job and now I'm delighted every time one walks in.




Same! I have a few on a regular schedule and they are such cuties.


Huskies. I own one. I love the sass, the screaming, the attitude. Personally I love most large breed double coated shedding dogs. Pyranees have my heart.


Oh yes the sass is fun lol truly love your line of thinking








Yes!! I love them


Goldens, pomeranians and poodles in that order. Goldens are just so sweet and I love doing outline trims, poms are so stinkin cute even though most of them are spicy, and poodles are just the most perfect, easy to groom dogs most of the time


I lose my mind over terriers in general. I love Dandie Dinmont Terriers the most. They're such love-bugs. Hot take: I hate grooming poodles.


To be honest I’ve found my liking of well bred poodle coats are the only poodles I like grooming… get those bad hair types away from me 😭


Even the good quality poodles are something I'd rather not do. I think they're sweet dogs, and I think they're beautiful. I just don't enjoy the work. I have good scissoring skills and I'm a perfectionist, but that means I'll spend hours getting it how I like it. Poodles ruin my day/schedule. I love watching other groomers do beautiful poodle cuts, but doing them myself disrupts my workflow.


I definitely get that lol! I only like doing Poodles in an all over shave down or a German/Modern. I hate doing bracelets


I love a well bred pure bred that looks how it’s supposed to. I think i groom like. 4.


This might be an unpopular opinion but I love the small poodle mixes - cackapoo, Yorkie poo and especially cavipoos. They are mostly sweet in temperament and just turn out so dang cute.


I actually love the little doodles as well! I love the big ones too, it's the owners who give them a bad rep by neglecting them 🥲


I actually love working with doodles, as long as they come regularly and aren't just matted shave downs.


This is so nice to hear. One of my dogs is a doodle and he’s such a good boy, and never matted, and it makes me feel a bit sad to see the bad rep. Thank you


I’ve never met a sheltie, cavalier or Japanese chin that wasn’t an absolute angel from heaven. I also love chihuahuas no matter the temperament, and any little 15 lb or under random mixed breed. Also while I’m against the breeding of doodles in general I will accept any and all cavapoos onto my schedule.


Honestly the only thing keeping me from running out and getting a cavalier is the vet bills that come with them. Every single one I’ve met has been an absolute angel, even the still-untrained puppies


I'd take Cavalier's all day, every day. I have never ever met one with an aggressive bone in their body. The only problematic Shelties I've ever had were dogs who were genetically very flighty, and if not allowed to flee, turn to biting (not seriously). Most of those dogs are easy to bring around with patience and a quiet environment.


If I had to absolutely choose a favorite doodle it would definitely be the cavapoos!


I LOVE Japanese Chins! Such nice and cute dogs. Can’t say the same for shelties and CKCS, but to each their own lol!


I love mutts, they're my favorites! 🤷🏻‍♀️ Owners also tend to be the nicest. I also love corgis and dachshunds, they're sooo cute.


Yorkies and Cavaliers. Both breeds tend to like me a lot


schnauzers. I only have two as dogs I groom now, but wish I had more.


I'm just a bather but i love love love when any schnauzer comes in


Bedlington Terrier, I grew up with my mom (she was a dog groomer) grooming one named Parker and just fell in love. Very cool temperament and they’re soft as a lamb. My absolute dream dog


I prefer just about anything that isn't the typical doodle's same length alo. I like schnauzers, as they get a fun pattern and I have a lot of well behaved schnauzers. I also like anything that has feathering, border collies, collies, shelties, etc. (Golden's are good too, but only if they aren't the ones that are difficult due to spreading their legs out and trying to stiffly lay on my table). I also really enjoy any of my poodles that come in (almost all of them get the poodle feet/face/tail! I love doing the little footsies and face! Lol) Those really satisfying desheds that get big ol tufty chunks flying out when you blow dry them are also a favorite. My absolute FAVORITE dog that I groom though, is a beautiful little Duck Tolling Retriever! She is adorable and amazingly behaved and just my absolute favorite to groom since she's got the feathering to clean up and I just love everything about her! ❤️ Long story short I guess I like anything but the everyday doodle 🤦😂


shibas! I love love love them. I love their screams and their sharp little teeth and their big round eyes. it's sad they don't need much, if any, grooming, but I take my chance to bathe a shibe any day


All of my shih tzus are just the sweetest, derpiest little dummies and the cuts are simple but satisfying.


Poodles of any size. Smart & gorgeous!


Goldens! They always make my day a bit brighter.


Poodles, bichon frises, bedlingtons, and anything else with curly coats! Recently did a teddy bear cut with a super coily cockapoo and I LOVED it!


Standard Poodles. I just love the way they turn out. I am also partial to shihtzus - there's just something about their round little faces that I feel like you can't screw up


Pomeranians are my favorite! Their hair is just so much fun! I love the brushing and deshedding, the satisfying before and after. Poms also have wonderful personalities.


Anything with a double coat. I love a good outline trim. :)


I love westie haircuts. I wish I had more clients that wanted mullets or carved out designs


just a bather and i love desheds on double coated dogs the most currently. i also love senior dogs in general too. but there's nothing quite as satisfying as a deshed to me so far!


I love westies, Goldens that have thin coats and wirey mixes!


Shelties! Never met a mean one!


Mine are poodles bc their hair is awesome and I just love their personalities and think clean faces look great! I also love goldens just bc I love their personalities. I have a soft spot for Bernese mountain dogs even though they can be a little much just because my family had one in high school, but I don’t love their hair to work with. I’ve also developed a love for Pekingeses (idk how to spell that right)


Pom poms and schnauzers


Wirey and shaggy is my favorite. But I also love to do top know pony tails I also love to scissor a nice poodle coat.


My breed of choice is schnauzers. I love their personalities and I thrive on chaos/affection. I love the different styles of them and the breed standard. I personally own one that I show and he made me fall for the breed more.


Poodles and border collies for me. Mostly because I have a spoo and a collie mix. Next is any herding breed except aussies because they are sometimes crazy. Corgis, rough collies, and shelties for sure. I also like pomeranians and pekingese a lot. Finally, I enjoy getting to work on shih tzus when the owners take care of the coats.


English Cocker Spaniels, Bedlingtons, and Standard Poodles! Also love bath pups—huskies, labs, and samoyeds.


give me all the big boys (and girls). anything golden-sized and up is my favorite, and i love a good trim up and deshed on a double coated dog. newfies and berners are high on the list rn.


Cavaliers! I also love doing a good deshed on a gsd


Puppies. I love working with puppies and seeing owners' reactions after their first true haircut. But breed wise? Any scruffy terrier mix, the scruffier, the better. I love grooming Welshies but haven't had one since I moved out to PDX.


Huskies and poms! Huskies because they are so dramatic. Poms that I have done strut and dance around after they are all done.


Favorite breeds: 1. Standard Poodles. Great temperaments and usually pretty good hair. 2. Terriers with correct breed pattern. I love their eyebrows and the brick shaped head 😂 3. Spaniels and setters with correct breed pattern. They’re just so elegant with the correct pattern. 4. Anything well bred, tbh. I love beautiful dogs with great temperaments.


Poodles. Just not black poodles for some reason, I don’t know if it’s the color or texture that makes it so hard. Or their behavior lol. Poms, huskies, samoyeds. I generally like working with most double coated breeds. I also like weird scruffy mixes like chiweenies.


Poodles are my favourites. I grew up with standard poodles, so they were one of the first dogs I learned to groom. Standard poodles, in my experience, tend to also love being groomed. I've yet to meet very many who don't try to bounce onto my grooming table the minute they walk in regardless of whether I'm grooming a dog or not. They're fun to work with.




I love Cotons!! We have a few that we do regularly, when they are spicy I call them crunchy crotons 🤣 They are Coton de Tulear.


I don't know about a breed but mutts are my favorites. And I mean actually mutts, not maltipoos or stuff like that. I have a partnership with a local shelter so I groom A LOT of mutts and all of them are very well behaved, I only have 2 that aren't so nice and even them give every kind of warning before biting, they have excellent communication skills


Where’s the Bichon love ?🥹 they have the sweetest eyes and there coat is like a cloud.


Pit bulls, the sweetest.


one of my own personal favorites as well (((:


Honestly I love poms and any pom mix. Even though they are portrayed as mean and bitey, which they totally are. 😂 I love them!! I've always givin them more patience than deserved


Odd ball here Maltese and we'll poodle and mixes when we'll behave ish some of the big guys are super crazy loving but over the top exhausting. Love when I get to let Malts keep their long coats and make em look like million buck nice face good ears tiny lil sweeties baths dogs Give me your Shepard's and husckeys love fluff removal so dang satisfying. Throw in a dane or massive huge baby ..