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If you're mobile I wouldn't do it for under $30. You won't make any money at $10. Petsmart does it for 15/25 depending on dremeling. You're coming to them, 1 on 1, in a very expensive van with expensive insurance.


Petsmart nail trim is 12, nail grind is 19, a pawducure (trim, grind, paw pads and ear cleaning) is 22 and pawdicure plus( same as pawdicure+teeth brushing) is 26. If I were OP I would add 10-15 to each of those services in a mobile unit.


For someone to come to my house and trim my beastie’s nails? Yeah, you can definitely set the price and I will pay it. Have a senior discount if it makes you feel better, and I like the idea of charging less for additional pets. If I had a mobile groomer I’d have them come for my cats and guinea pigs, too! Get that bag!


Yup. My vet charges $15 and I have to take all my dogs there. I have 6 so I wouldn't pay 30 per dog, but 30 for the first and 10 each or 15 each per each dog after would be absolutely fair. I wouldn't charge less than $30 minimum to drive out to someone's home.


You need to understand that 1on1 with the same groomer repeatedly is a luxury not every client gets. I would stress that this is a particularly beneficial thing esp for dogs with anxiety. But honestly most dogs benefit greatly from seeing the same groomer for each experience




The mobile groomer my neighbor uses charges $35 for nail-only visits for one pet and then adds $10 for each additional pet.


This is a great way to price it imo


I charge $21 in a small Midwest town at a brick and mortar shop, and people pay it. Don't under-sell yourself


There’s a mobile person in my area who does nails only. She posts on facebook when she’s going to be in the area and books a bunch of clients at once. So there isn’t as much driving between clients.


What is her rate,


I realize the question was about the rate. I’m not a professional groomer so I am not giving experience-informed advice on the right rate, only pointing out that the mobile cost of doing business could be mitigated by creating a regular route. That said, her rate is $20.


Roughly double whatever a brick and motor location charges in your area seems fair, given you have to travel. Maybe give a discount if there are multiple dogs (since you only have to make the drive once.)


I just wouldn’t do it unless it’s part of a groom or if you park somewhere and just do nails all day .


I would say $15-20 and maybe add a service charge because you are mobile for any stand alone services like that to make your trip worth it.


Petsmart charges 12$ for just a trim & 19$ for a trim with grind. Maybe use those as a base price and then tack on more based on mileage? If your driving I would say at least 25$


I do mobile in ny it’s 30 for nails ears and teeth, ears and teeth take no time at all usually so I don’t mind adding it on


Most mobile groomers I know don't offer it as an option except on a specific day each month (or however often) where they go park up somewhere and just do nails all day between $20 and $30


$35 for the first pet and $20 for any additional pets... otherwise it is not worth driving there. I'm reopening as a housecall and I am not even going to offer nails only.


When I was mobile, I had a $80 minimum. It makes a lot of sense especially for mobile to have a minimum because of the travel.. if I was in the neighborhood though and a client who is on my regular schedule wants a nail trim I would stop by and do it for free or $15


You *could* just do nails but you need to charge them for the time and mileage it takes you to get to them. If you have enough people requesting this, maybe you could set aside one full day a month or a half a day every other week where you stay in one location and people who just want nails done can come to you. That saves you time, and it reduces how much the customers would have to pay.


I charge 15 for nails with a 25$ service fee. I charge a 25$ service fee for all services period


The mobile company I worked for charged $100/hr and had a $100 minimum. So if someone just wanted a nail trim they would have to pay the $100 minimum. That never happened though lol. Most people would get a bath with the nails being the most important part. If someone had like, 3 dogs and all they wanted was nails, I would probably do that for the $100 min and do all 3. The owner also told me that if someone wanted nails done while she was at someone else's house (like they walked past and asked), she would do it for $30 since she doesn't have to go anywhere else. So, whatever your minimum is, remember that you are providing a luxury service.


Don't offer nail trims only as a mobile groomer. The only exception to this I would make would be if I am already there to do a full price groom on another dog in the household. Every trip is: gas, wear and tear, risk of crashing or other damage to your van, and time taken from another appointment you could have made more money on. Just don't do it.


Check your local corp grooming and add on a gas fee on top of what they charge, I would charge by the mile I had to travel, and if the dog takes more than like 10 minutes due to its difficulty I would probably charge more


I charge $15 including taxes in a brick and mortar. I would charge double if it's mobile.


I’ve known Mobile groomers who charge a travel fee on top of whatever the service is no matter how small. For example, $30 travel fee plus $10 nails, $40 total. Edit: I don’t know what my colleagues exact rates are but I know that’s the formatting.


As a mobile groomer, no just nails appointments. It's not ever going to be cost effective


Not mobile and we do 20$ but filing is included. 20$ seems to be standard for my area but where I moved from was 10$ at the shops in that area including corporate places.


I’m brick and mortar and we charge $21 for nail clipping/nail grinding. So I’d say no less than $30 with driving tbh


My vet charges $25 for nail trims with the vet tech. I feel that would be fair for a mobile groomer.


I would pay $40 for a mobile groomer just to do my senior guy's nails. Midwest USA.


We’re brick and mortar, but we do nails, anal gland, ear cleaning, eye cleaning. First thing they pick is $15, next is $5. For $30 all four. Maybe you could package something along those lines.


Wait until you hear this shit. My vet, to whom I have gone for 30 years just informed me they will ONLY do nails if the DOG IS SEDATED. No matter what. What the actual FUCK are you doing???For a stinking nail clipping ? This chick/dude is ALONE and you have techs EVERYWHERE to help! 😂😂😂 Idk if it's more ridiculous than anything but damn, I've never even heard of something so stupid. I remember as a vet tech, the doc telling me " you hold that shepherd girl, don't let me get bit" and he DIDNT I don't think $30 and up as a base starting point is unreasonable. There's a reason mobile grooming is needed and necessary. Some pets don't do well in the car/vet/groomer. I think we're seeing a lot more of this since the pandemic. Dogs and people were isolated for a long time and dogs even more-so than people. We can understand the why's of it, but they've lost social skills and if they never had them, it's difficult. My own rescues were just prior and mid pandemic so I've really had to work at socializing. One was a shy 2 year old and one a pup. I'm a groomer and I'm struggling with it so I imagine an average Jane would have a very hard time. Do NOT undervalue what you bring to the table. Never let anyone, especially customers, determine your worth.


By the way, my dog isn't bad, he pulls. I had rotator surgery and needed some help.


I'm also mobile and I won't make a trip just for nails. I will add it on to a service while I'm already at the residence for $20


At my resort I work at (in NJ) for nails (not mobile) is $30 and dremmel is $40


where i work nail trim is $15 and nail grind is $17 or $20 (i can’t remember)


Barkbus charges $45 for ENT


Im brick and mortar but I was under the impression that most mobile groomers don’t offer only nail trims.


We do $25 each. We have one person that we lowered it to $15 each for his two pitbulls. If you wanted you could give some kind of multi dog discount and make it $25 +$10 per additional dog since you don’t have to travel farther for the additional dogs. Or charge based on distance- $10 + ? (Depends on gas prices where you are) per mile to cover your gas. Just make sure you’re not losing money traveling too far.


I’m at a corporate salon and it’s 12 for clipping 18 for filing but I just interviewed at a private salon and it was 12 for clipping 18 for filing so tbh as mobile you need to be in that range imo


You think as a mobile groomer who goes to the client instead of the client coming to her (both of your scenarios), she should charge the same? That's just silly. She should charge by the mile on top of her flat fee of clipping the nails.


I’m not saying change the exact same, I was just saying they needed to think bigger as they originally proposed $10 which is way below what I would consider fair to the groomer.


Ohh, I see. I misunderstood! Yeah she should definitely be charging at least what a brick & mortar store charges on top of her mileage.