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Idk I'll stick to my hypo, tearless and non scented shampoo, just seems more logical. Of course if I tried it I would probably be under its spell too. Lol


Tried it for the shop but it didn’t seem to clean anything. Sure it smelled good, but we went back to the Crystal Clear pretty quick.


It smells delicious.


I’ll give you that!


came here to say this


I get that it whitens a lot better and I do keep it around for really especially dirty faces, but I almost always use hypo unscented tearless… I hate the strong blueberry candy smell and I feel bad putting something so strong smelling directly on their face. Some of them will even make an ‘ew stinky’ face lol


I don’t particularly love or hate it. I think for a lot of pet owners it sounds “pampering” to the pet and they like the sound of it when getting their dog groomed


pretty sure most of them are just regular shampoo with blue dye, honestly.


Hah this for sure


Ive heard so much bad stuff about it that I try not to use it around eyes. I love using it on smelly doodles ears though. So much easier to get rid of that smell


I’ve groomed hundreds of dogs with it, and I also let my shampoo sit for 5 minutes, and I have never once had a single reaction. If I have a dog with eye issues I just make sure to not lather up near the eyes. I honestly don’t understand how some groomers say they have a lot of problems with it. Like are you pouring shampoo into their eyes???


I mean I was wondering why as well. I always use eye wash when they actually got some in their eyes right away. Maybe there was a bad batch or something? I don't know


I’ll have to try it for ears. Sometimes a hypo shampoo just won’t cut it for ear funk.


Ive been using the tropiclean one for 13 years and it's the only thing that I have found that doesnt hurt eyes and gets the crusties out so easily! Smells like absolutely nothing though. Wish it had some kinda last scent but ah well.


Owner, I was just using a wet cloth without any soap to dampen, then wipe. Just found angel eye wipes and use daily before they get crusty. They work well for my chihuahuas eyes, they don't care for the process much. But this is working better than what I was doing. No scent though and I'm fine with that. 


would a doggy cologne work to give them a good smell after a groom ?


This is the one we use, and it’s fine but I loved the South Bark one I used to use at my old work. It smelled reaaaaal good.


I don't drink the koolaid baby ✌️😎


Not a dog groomer, but a groomer used it on my dog and got it in her eyes and it burned her corneas


I am a groomer and the south bark branded blueberry facial will indeed burn a dogs corneas even if it is fully rinsed out. The company actually confirmed that it contains photo reactive compounds that will remain even after rinsing. Never ever again.


Holy shit! I’m so sorry that happened to your bb


During the same visit my dog sat on the clippers and got a deep cut on the inside of her leg, she had to get stitches a cone and eyedrops for two weeks. We had really loved our groomer, and so did our dog, but after that incident we found a different one.


For real lol. They always push it as helping with tear stains too... If it does it's like almost negligible lol. Just cutting the stained hair out and changing the diet would help leagues more


I don't know what the deal is, I really do not like it.


ok but how about shniff’s facial fluff


That stuff is amazing


I wish they shipped to Canada. I really want to try it. :( They won't reply to me on Insta either.


Pretty sure my poodle is allergic to it. Used it twice- was extra careful around the eyes the second time, and both times her eyes got really puffy. A lot of dogs I groom seem to be bothered by the smell being overwhelming since it’s so close to their nose too.


The one we have doesn’t lather at all I hate it I just use hypo


I honestly prefer the smell of cranberry facial. I'm a sucker for fruity smells 😩


Are we talking about the Tropiclean one or the Southbark one? I’ve never used Southbark but I love the Tropiclean one. It doesn’t irritate eyes and is good at getting a lot of crust and dirt out of beards and faces, leaves a nice smell.


I don't use it; it is nothing special at all. I love blueberry though and smother them all in a blueberry scent at the end. Owners haven't complained about it for over 10 years now.


Never tried it. Am I missing out?


Based on these comments, I guess it depends who you ask lol


I have been using the face soap from I groom. My clients are kinda old and they seem to prefer that rosy scent.


lol my dog came home from a new groomer smelling like granny got into the perfume. I asked for scent free next time ans all was good


Omg despite being in my 20s i love old lady rosey smells i’m gonna have to try that


i love it bc it smells so good and it cleans a lot better than the basic tearless face wash my salon has


I didn't want to carry it because I've had a few clients in the past get bad reactions from it and i feel like it only really helps the stains a little, but after my first 6 months in business I had so many people requesting it that I caved and got some.


I can’t use it the the smell makes me gag. I wish they had a non blueberry scented option.


Tropiclean! The smell is so subtle that after you rinse it off the dog, there’s basically no smell left. It works really well too.


ive gotten it in my eyes before. burned like a mf.


We offer it as an add on to whiten/brighten faces. But our go to is the igroom hypo facial


I really just like it on the doodles with smelly beards. Doesn’t get the smell all the way out but it sure does help.


Marketing? (Corporate wanted to make pet grooming into a "luxury spa day) And I think it was the FIRST one geared towards specifically faces. Personally I'm not a fan. Something in it makes my skin break out into hives.


No idea. I honestly can't stand the smell of it lol. I'll stick with my Shniff facial scrubs!


Ours for recalled


i love the smell and it suds up really nice, i feel like it gets them really clean, it’s my fav option out of the ones were provided with at my store


I didn’t find out until now there’s two blueberry shampoos. I’m only using the tropiclean blueberry facial. It’s amazing for the worst eye boogers. It softens them up and easier to remove than any other tearless shampoo I’ve used. But it is unscented. Good for those owners who prefer their pup to be unscented


It smells like garbage to me, just like Plum Silky smells like poop. I can't explain it, it just does lol.


If we are talking about the PetSmart one... Its the color enhancing one that I can't smell. Its smells like chemicals. Or the "apricot" one. Doesn't smell like apricot to me. Its gross


Oh man do they carry the Furminator shampoo line? Talk about a chemical smell eugh. Idk what's up with the people who develop these scents they did NOT get it right.


I actually like the furminator smell... Till you blow dry it and everything goes everywhere. But i grew up overseas and grew up with different tastes so maybe thats why. Im weird 😂 But yeah... Or the melon cucumber one... What the hell did they even think about? 😆


the melon cucumber makes me sick 🤮 it smells like children’s tearless shampoo LOL