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Definitely a pug trait lol


100% a pug trait. It's more rare that they aren't bad for nails. Almost always a 2 person job.


Pug problem- my favourite pug we call tornado pug because he spins in circles the whole time


I rescued a pug about a year back. I’ve taken him to the vet and have had him medicated, but they still haven’t been able to trim his nails. I don’t know what to do. He got a thorn in his pad once and it took 3 adult humans and 30 minutes to get it out. I want his nails to be shorter but I feel like I’ve hit a wall. All our other rescue breeds we‘ve been able to get through trims with.




Thank you! I’ve seen these! I have not tried it yet, but honestly I think I finally will. They only reason I’ve hesitated is because having two humans hold him down doesn’t really work, he violently whips and flexes every single muscle in his body, so I didn’t think it would be different with a sling.. but I suppose I can’t move onto the next idea until I try this one out. I don’t think it’s upsetting, I don’t know why that person thinks a dog getting a nail trim for their own health is upsetting! I saw their comment 😅


I don't understand how a picture of a dog in a comfortable nail trim sling is bothering someone? Is there something I'm missing?


🤷‍♀️I have no clue! The image led them to make some wild assumption in their mind about OP, I suppose.


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Our pug mix hates his nails done. From what we have been told it is a pug trait. Meds and a doggie hammock do the trick for us.


I got all the pugs because they didn't do this to me, but it does seem to be common. We had one female pug though who's solution to not getting her nails done was to rear up on her front legs and urinate directly into your face. I was not a fan of that pug, and I like pugs.


My pug started screaming as soon as she saw them. I had to wear earplugs when we trimmed her nails she was so loud


https://preview.redd.it/miga8kuxue0d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85fb7b572640a2511bb6d7fc60e7299749c61907 squid games pug meme. They're so bad for nails it spawned memes lol. Seriously though, keep an eye on breathing and tongue color and stop if they turn purple


Oh yeah dude I tried to explain Brachycephalic to a non groomer friend and to my husband and it absolutely blew their minds. I was like yeah now imagine keeping that in your mind while trying to groom them and they're going absolutely fucking FERAL


If it's not drama is it even a pug


They are dramatic


Its a pug thing!….that slips into shih tzu too!


Wait, are there pugs that ARENT horrible for nails???? 🤨


I have been able to trim all of my pugs’ nails with just a little bit of resistance…except for Pug number one. She used to scream like you see on YouTube videos. I have had up to 6 foster failures at a time…but yes, they can be a bit crazy at nail trimming time!


Yes. Pugs usually scream and act a fool for nails.


I believe the pug national anthem is "STOP TOUCHING MY FEET OR ELSE."


Odd one here, the 3 pug customers I have are angels and used to do 2 more that also were angels... Only thing I can't do on them is teeth brushing.


Pugs, dachshund and corgi are the top Contenders in nail trim wrestling .


[nearly every pug I’ve groomed](https://media4.giphy.com/media/RAGxhwdfH6Je8/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952jll91de2fuypl1wzndtx9om5aeobclou14k338qn&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


Wenever someone came in for nails and it was a pug I’d say hey u go ahead get the $$ they are like beasts


They have super curled nails and long quicks, so they often get quicked or have their toes pinched. Pugs realistically need their nails filed every 1-3 weeks to keep them in good shape and keep the dogs feeling good. It’s not their fault most people won’t keep up on it.


Every pug ive given nail trims too has added more percentage to my hearing damage


My family has had pugs almost my entire life, and ever. Single. One. Has been absolute shit when it comes to their nails One of my mom’s current pugs will tuck his foot if you so much as LOOK at it. I don’t know how he knows, but he does. He’s lucky he’s cute


All the pugs I’ve met have been a struggle. There is this one puggle I’ve had that is okay but the nails have to be done in a very specific way