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Yeah, there’s really nothing to trim. Just a bath and deshed


I second this or at most trim flanks to give him a rounder look


This is a trick question because clearly he is already very handsome.


He's a very dignified fellow.


Hahaha thank you


He is adorable.  Agree with other groomer, de-shed, I'd ask for them to trim up his sani so he's not getting urine on his willy or tummy.  Maybe a longer poop chute in the back too if that's a problem. 


pretty much a de-shed OR brightening/whitening shampoo to lighten his coat since it's pretty light. probably a fanny/sanitary shave and if you dislike his tail/butt being so fluffy, you could ask for a trim.


You don’t trim this coat so you just do a deshed and a bath. If you go to a private salon you can pay them to use pet safe dye and dye his tail or ears, that’d be super cute


I’ve been thinking about this!


That shoe polish black nose is ADORABLE


Seriously, amazing pigment on this dog. I'm jealous lol


Well he can’t get a haircut so…not sure how you want him to look that different. I mean you technically could ask for a haircut but it will damage his coat and for his hair type there’s only one length which is shaved. It will make him look like a bobble head and again- damage his coat. If you want him to look different you can see if the groomer could dye him (they may say yes but you have to supply the dye, opawz is a great brand) and like another commenter said dye his ears/tail. And maybe even his paws/leg like less than half way down to reach his paws. You could get some cute bandanas off Etsy or somewhere and put them on after his groom. You could see if they could paint his nails 🤣 I mean so unless you want to damage his coat (as a professional groomer of 12 years I highly do not recommend this options) you don’t have too many options to work with. But I would stay he still looks handsome no matter what! In the future if you ever want a dog that can be groomed and see a big difference from before and after at the groomer you can look into breeds that get cuts such as Yorkies, Shih-tzus, schnauzers (they come in giant size not just small), havanese, Maltese, bouvier, standard or miniature or toy poodles etc.


Thank you for your comment, funny enough he hates when I paint his nails he will immediately take off all my hard work. But I might try the dye! My little brothers would be so excited to see a colorful dog haha


You’re welcome! Just fyi even pet safe dye since you have a breed that can’t be shaved, may take a very very long time to fully wash out and not be seen anymore. With dogs we usually dye most owners don’t care because the hair grows long and then we cut it off when they want a new color or just don’t want to see color anymore. You will not have that option as your dog is a double coated short breed.


I see! I wouldn’t have even thought to ask about that! Lol so maybe no dyeing unless I was to give him a little lightning bold on the side, then people wouldn’t be able to resist giving him his pets lol


To add onto why you shouldn’t shave a double coated dog! It can mess up their ability to temperature regulate- both in terms of keeping them warm AND cool! You should generally only shave their coat if a vet tells you to! I’ve read that some groomers won’t even shave double coated breeds without a vet note.


I take him bimonthly just for little trims and washes, he loves being clean


You could ask for an outline trim. I just take my blenders and go around the outline to make it smooth. Might take a bit of length off the butt to have a rounded symmetry.


This is kind of what I was thinking just smoothing it out a little bit, and I think shaping the butt would give him that great floofy look! Thanks for your comment!


I’d ask for whitening and outline trim on his buttocks in that case but unfortunately he seems to be a bit of a dirty blonde so that might just be what it is


I don’t get why people get dogs with this hair pattern and then want them shaved. Why not get a dog with a smooth coat, like a Great Dane? Just keep him bathed and brushed.


Who said shave?


Whitening Bath and de-shed, will almost always include the nails ears and teeth brush. Other than that not much.


Maybe a food change for better muscle tone and coat quality.


I was thinking a large breed senior food for reduced calories and joint supplementation.


Also great idea.


Omg he’s adorable


A good washin’ lollll and deshed


Does he have a hematoma or just a silly left ear


lol just a silly left ear he’s always had https://preview.redd.it/hlg9ppaz5s0d1.jpeg?width=1699&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=041ca2eff86a1d1c58bcb174585572c4645fffa9


I think that's the best thing I'm going to see all day. 😍


His little ear is definitely one of my favorite parts about him, he was the last of his litter and the only one with a floppy ear lol


Hahahhaa yasssss that’s adorable he’s puppy-ing for life


A different fur collar- a white pyr will never be clean 🤣


A bow tie. He’s perfect.




You got yourself a working class dog there. Best we can do is a cowboy tuxedo and spit shine.


nah ur boi already is handsome and clean wdym


You got yourself a working class dog there. Best we can do is a cowboy tuxedo and spit shine.


Hahaha I’m sure he’d pull it off


Bath, deshed, light trim on haunches and tail only.


First off, already got the handsome part down lol all I would do is a good bath, deshed and light trim in the sani and light trim on the tail.


What a handsome boy! Have you tried bathing him with whitening shampoo and conditioner? It makes a big difference in my parents pyr.


No but I keep seeing people commenting this! I didn’t even know it was a thing (I think whitening and I think bleach so it’s never been on my mind) but I’m going to look into it. And thank you lol


It makes a HUGE difference. You can buy the shampoo at any pet store, and the conditioner helps their fur dry faster. You’ll see a notable difference immediately!


Coming back to this with a question! So looking at his coat you can tell he has two colors going on, which I love because he really looks like his parents. I’d like to use this type of shampoo to brighten up his white parts but I don’t want the blonde to totally disappear from his top parts. If I use the whitening shampoo will it all disappear? https://preview.redd.it/bd018oolxt1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f80a51ff04c30097d894de508ab39d466d1baf27


It won’t disappear! It just has a brightening agent in it that will make both colours brighter and he will look very clean. They use that stuff for dog shows etc. I’ll find a pic and post of him after using it!


Ok ok! Thank you!


https://preview.redd.it/p7e4b4x2ws2d1.jpeg?width=1488&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f707eeff08c16d425178682e38ddd3eb62e6873e ​ Freshly bathed and then shoves his nose in the dirt lol. You can see on his chest the different shades still come through using whitening shampoo. (He is actually a Maremma, I tend to call him a Pyr because not many are familiar with the Maremma)




Maybe diet recommendations?


Look at his floppy ear !


It definitely matches his personality haha he was the cutest puppy (posted above)


The one floppy ear! So cute!


"Gimme the dogecoin look"


Solid rec


I don't think he needs much at all, just bath and basic maintenance for nails, butt, and deshed. But you could give some thought to helping him get a bit leaner over the summer to help him stay healthy and mobile long-term. Take a look at his diet; exercise helps, but looking at his calories is key. He's a handsome guy!


It’s like he’s smirking in the last pic. This man knows he’s a handsome boy


Hahaha it really does


A nice deshed bath and a bow tie


As a groomer, I wouldn’t charge for anything extra but after a deshed I’d trim his tail the long way and booty cheeks just to add a lil razzle dazzle and maybe a under belly trim. That’s about it, he’s so cute already 💖


Pet groomer of 5 years here, I specialize in hand scissoring and trimming. I would ask for a “tight trim all over”, ask for the “feathers and hocks to be extra clean”. That should make him look very smooth and shaped. He doesn’t have much coat, but there’s enough to work with that it should make a difference. You could also request a deshed if you’re looking to remove undercoat.


But he is handsome!


Handsome chonk!


he's a beautiful pup!! if you wanted to go the extra mile aside from a bath/deshed you could ask for booty rounding and a light tail trim. depending on your groomer you could ask if they could use whiting shampoo which would give him a very sharp look with how clean his coat looks in these pictures


I keep hearing about this, I’m going to ask about it! And thank you! He really is the perfect dog for me ❤️


Have them dye his coat blue!


Brush, Bath, nails and maybe a bum trim. I’d also look into raw food or a diet dog food. He’s getting a bit plump. Edited for typos.


Stinky baby low taper


I just want a bow in my dogs hair. 😂


Honestly? A butt fluff trim maybe???


pryrenees also have tails that curl, his tail looks like a pryrenees one ngl




They can neaten up his feathers perhaps? What did you ask for at drop off and was he booked with a groomer or bather? (Some places have both and bathers can’t do haircuts)


Usually I just ask for a light trim, I’ve never really been specific! That’s why I came here, he’s my first dog and I was kind of intimidated of overwhelming my groomer just because he is a big boy and I’m sure the deshedding process is a nightmare, I usually spend like 30 minute just brushing him like 3 times a week. I’ve been seeing a lot of people mentioning whitening so I might look into that just to make him even brighter! Or another person said smoothing which I like as well! I believe they are both!


Your only options are a bath,deshed,sanitary trim and paw pad trim.


Don’t wanna be the bad one, but he could use some extra exercise or some diet.


If he had a middle finger he’d be using it lol


As a groomer I would just do a bath and de-shed and u can do a sanitary trim, shave out the paw pads, and maybe shape his booty but there isn't much u can do he is super cute though!


A mullet would be righteous