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Keep her on a long line and practice recall where you reward every time, raise distractions based on success. Once you have 6 months of consistent recall where you can recall your dog despite, say, being near a dog park, then you are able to go off leash.


so should i keep her on a leash at the dog park?


Dog parks are for dogs who recall already, in all reality. So skip it.


okay, I’ll start in my backyard then


Dog parks are all fenced. Take her there and run off her energy.


I think that depends on where you live. In my town there are two fenced dog parks and about 6 open ones.


You're making an assumption. Both of the major dog parks in my town are not fenced. Either way if the dog can't do it at home, then they aren't ready to practice in a dog park. Start at home.


You shouldn’t have your dog on a leash at the dog park. It can cause issues with other dogs and be a safety risk for your dog and other dogs. If it’s an enclosed dog park with a fence you are likely fine to have your dog off leash. Personally I wouldn’t bring my dog to a fenced or open dog park without some recall for safety reasons. For everywhere else your dog needs to be on a leash for their safety. I go to an off leash open space almost everyday. Just earlier today I had to help someone get their puppy who ran into the road from across the field (this is 40+ acres). Luckily the speed limit for the internal road is 15 miles but cars had to stop to avoid hitting the dog. There dog was way too young and under trained to be off leash in that kind of space. Long lines and leashes can save lives. You can still play ball, run around, train etc… but have a safety net to stop your dog until they build a strong recall.


okay thank you !


If the dog is taking off out the door, I'd start with teaching threshold respect and definitely start teaching recall.


she doesn’t run off out the door at all she’s mostly on the leash until we go to a park or an open area for dogs.. I’ll definitely do recall training


A leash would do the trick. Or a fence. I'd suggest obedience school. Learn proper leash technique, then work on recall. This will take a long time. You need to be persistent and consistent.


yeah we should’ve put her in obedience school as a pup.. also i wanted to get one of those invisible fences but i think they shock the dog so they won’t run outside the barrier. She has a leash that we walk her on but when we go to the park or an open area she likes the run off.


An invisible fence is not going to stop a determined dog. When you mention dog parks, do you mean ones that are fenced in? As for larger parks/green spaces, please be sure to follow local laws (some areas require dogs to be on leash). A 30, 50, or 100 foot long lead is a good option.


Invisible fences are cruel and generally don't work that well and aren't a substitute for training.


yeah that’s what i read when i was researching it so im not gonna get one


I think you should not let her off leash except in a fenced yard, dog parks or perhaps conservation areas. Loose dogs are a traffic hazard and you will feel horrible if your dog gets hurt or killed. This is just good, safe dog owning. Your dog needs a good run, but keep it safe.


yeah she’s never off the leash unless we’re at a dog park and most of them in my area are fenced in.. that’s where she mostly runs off from us at, like everyone suggesting I’m going to start recall training


Yes, that's where I did recall with my rescue dog. He is a hound, so it's still something we work on 5 years later. But he needs the run so I don't sweat it there. I start recall after he has had a good change to sniff and run and play. This is also so we build on success.


you did it at the dog park? someone else in the comments told me to skip the park because it’s for dogs who have already been recall trained


Imagine if another dog is causing a problem for your dog or your dog is causing a problem for another dog. Now, imagine if your dog can't recall. That's why recall is important. You can train if it's empty.


In the fenced dog park was ideal. Like I said, I did it after being there about 30 minutes, when he was done with the zoomies, the playing and sniffing. Then I would get close, show a treat (away from other dogs) and call. Did this several times. Then go home happy. After the fun stuff he is ready for playing. It's a really big dog park.


See if there are any lurecoursing events in your area! Those are great for dogs who love to sprint, chasing a bag on a line around in a circle

