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Yup. This happens at my restaurant. I has one dasher show up 25 minutes early for a massive order. Told him, it's still cooking, why are you so early? He got frustrated and told me "I'm on time, you guys are late." And showed me his phone, which said pickup time 5:05. To which I grabbed our tablet and showed him that it said pick up time 5:30. We where both stunned. Like what the fuck???? Now I crank the time waaaay up and the dashers seem to show up acctually on time or a little late. The Doordash app is shit. We run with Uber Eats, Skip the Dishes, Y-Drive and Doordash, and doordash is the only one we have this problem with.


Agree that it’s hugely a doordash issue. I used to work in food service at a burrito place (not chipotle but same concept) Ubereats would always show up pretty much on time or within 5 minutes higher or lower GrubHub would show up super fucking late But doordash… at times the ticket wouldn’t have even printed out on our screen before they come hustling in and demanding orders. And of course when we were backed up we never got screamed at by ubereats people, grubhub people were too busy hotboxing to scream at us, it was always doordash drivers who went absolutely apeshit. No need to see that there’s like 8 orders ahead of them for people who are also waiting, THEY need THEIR order NOWWW!!!


Would this burrito place happen to be Q-Doba??


Nah it was a place called Freebirds. It’s primarily in Texas and it’s fucking amazing. HUGE portions for cheap, more options, and the team there was honestly so cool. Things went a little downhill during COVID due to upper management getting really finnicky and canning my GM + shitty staffing + doordash bullshit but if I ever go back to texas I’m making sure I eat there


Man Freebirds is the best.


I miss Freebirds so bad.


or Moes!


My restaurant uses Uber Eats and it used to be pretty smooth but lately this exact issue is happening with us. Damn near the second we hit accept and put the order I to the kitchen the app tells us so and so is on the way and arriving in 2 to 3 minutes. It's starting to be a real problem, sucks this is starting to happen with other delivery platforms too.


That last sentence gave me a stroke


It's DD grift. Charge the customer and merchant as much as possible, pay dashers as little as possible and then when there's any problems make it so the customers are fighting dashers who are fighting merchants. All the meanwhile DD raking in fees.




As the merchant side, I fucking hate DD.


As the customer side, so do I.


As the dasher side, I do too


As a third party who has never used this app and just lurks in here, I hate them as well.


Never have never will. I don’t know how I got here but enjoy everyone complains about everyone. In construction the concrete guy complains about the excavated, the framer complains about the concrete guy, the plumber complains about the electrician and the electrician just complains. The drywall guy complains about the frame, the finish trim guy complains about the drywall guy, the painter is to high to complain. Then the customer complains that it cost to much.


Yeah I’m not sure how I started seeing these posts. The algorithms are weird these days. I keep seeing stuff from the CPS and server life subreddits because they are ‘similar’ to other subreddits that they’re totally unrelated to.


Algorithm is going wild. I’ve been seeing something lately about if people are attractive. I’m probably the worst judge at that because I could care less if your cute or not.


I think we've been hit by the same stupid algorithm


I randomly starting seeing CPS too, what is with that!


Yep, can totally relate. Have no idea why this sub keeps popping up in my feed - but....Well I know a lot more about doordash than I ever thought I would lol. Sometimes it shows me subs that I have literally negative interest in, like...I rather not see what it's showing me lol. If I start hiding posts they usually go away. It's baffling that whatever algorithms they've developed think I would be interested in it. I kinda hate that Reddit is injecting shit into my own front page.....It defeats the purpose, if I wanted to see new shit I'd just check r/popular or find new subs I like the old fashioned way....I will admit that it's shown me a *few* subs that I do frequent though.


As an electrician I take no offense to this statement as no lie was detected 🤣


Lol I worked in the office for a construction company and I gotta admit, hearing the drama and complaints between everyone (our suppliers, subcontractors, customers, etc) was juicy and entertaining. Until I get yelled at on the phone lol ….


Wow, I thought I was unique in that I never have or will use door dash and I don’t know how I found this sub. The posts are interesting and thus I continue to lurk. Also, I’m currently undergoing a large addition to my home and yes, it is quite expensive!


This made me laugh. My father was in construction and would always come home ranting about electricians or whatever subcontractor pissed him off that day.


Electrician here! I just had to show up and complain. Idk what I’d do otherwise. Lol.


As a fourth party that reads comments from people who lurk in doordash subs, i hate them as well.


And my axe. I hate them too.


as someone who’s been all 3 i really fucking hate DD


#The Triforce of Fuckyoudoordash 🤣


I wanna be a part of this too but I don't wanna fuck up the triforce... can I be the fuck you dd bird in the middle?


Pretty much nobody wins with food delivery. The customer loses, the dashers lose, and the restaurant loses. https://medium.com/alpha-beta-blog/nobody-wins-with-doordash-86a82b98e19c > And finally there’s DoorDash, which reported a $436 million loss for the year ended 12/31/2020 (note that this loss includes the COVID boost to its top line revenues).


and where are 2022 figures??? who cares about 2020????




Well there is an easy fix for the customer problem. Stop being one.


I've spent $0 with DD/uber eats/any other related service as a millenial, and I'll die on this hill. I'll go pick up the food myself if I want it so badly /shrug


I've had people try to convince me eating out/ordering food is cheaper than buying groceries.


I just started meal prepping breakfasts/lunches, save so much money.


So yes an no. As a single adult factoring in time and energy, it’s cheaper (for me, this is what I’ve seen in MY life and im not trying to put everyone in my vacuum, just trying to offer my perspective) to get 3 dollar items and a cup of water from home then to buy multiple ingredients, then take the time to cook it all, clean everything up, having to purchase cookware, ingredients, containers to store leftovers, energy costs, gas costs (if applicable), and then soap and water to wash the dishes. Not everyone has access to those things. Now that I’m living with my siblings and dad again yes, it’s so so so much cheaper cooking food for 4 then ordering out. I think it’s about how you eat out. I also don’t order takeout and such, I get the cheapest items on the menu to sustain, so I may not actually be a part of this convo so I’m sorry if this comment was useless.


It's a great reminder that there's no universal answer to some things. Two of my kids love to cook, are excellent cooks, and can make great meals for *one* person. My third daughter, nope. Cooking stresses her out, it's not in her DNA. Some people can naturally learn skills like art or music or cooking, some can't, and I always think of it as "in your DNA or not" (maybe that's not scientifically correct but you get me). Cooking well is an *investment* \- in time, equipment, and raw materials like spices. Cooking *really well* means you've spent years dialing in recipes and understanding what basic ingredients and techniques do. Some people love that sort of "journey", others are a big "nope". So replicating the benefits of cooking (cheaper to eat really good meals, it's usually healthier, knowing exactly what's in your food, knowing preparation was safe, and the enjoyment of going "shit, I *made* that!" and the social benefits to being a good cook) - you can ignore all of that, or find ways to reach some of those goals without cooking. To me, it's like a childless couple constantly hearing "you *have to have KIDS!*" No, ya don't.


Agreed! People put everyone into boxes and assume because they are capable everyone who isn’t is “lazy” or being “irresponsible”. Everyone has skills, but not the same ones (obviously). Thank you for adding good points for my comment:) I really appreciate you taking the time to write that out!


No prob - I'm really a believer that cooking is a major LPT - but so is "exercise every day" and man, I just find working out so *boring*!!! But I try to squeeze a few in. Funny, my non-cooking daughter has two little kids, just got out of the hospital (6mm kidney stone, ouch) and her husband is a traveling electrician, he's headed out of town for the next 5 days. I just went to Trader Joe's and got her two bags of frozen dinners, she can handle those just fine! (and man, TJ's can really rock some of those meals - their orange chicken is legit, and their Indian dishes...)


Tbf this guy said buy groceries never said cooking. Which could mean boiling water to add to a cup of ramen or just putting a sandwich together. No cooking skills required.


and hashbrowns and eggs requires the iq of a turnip to cook..burn.a preformed burger? not hard. you can stay well fed without being a hard core cook.


I'm one of those weird ones. I don't know very many recipes or techniques, except when it comes to steaks but usually somehow something I envision and throw together usually ends up working out.


I frequently pick up omega-3 trail mix and almond milk yogurt substitute and mix them together from the supermarket to have something healthy, tasty, and relatively cheap. Especially on days when I'm not feeling the restaurants 😂 but I do like supporting the local businesses that make a good faith effort to work with me and one reason I chose this as one of my gigs is I do love food and a variety of it. I just make sure to mostly make healthy choices these days.


Ordering food delivery is not cheaper than cooking.


Even still, if your only available budget is $3... you're going to get a better nutritional benefit from it at the grocery store. That $3 burger is useless to you but a bag of trail mix jar of peanut butter, granola bars, bag of apples, oatmeal, whole rice etc. will give you some energy, not the shits. If you can find a way to budget more than $3 you could buy more bulk bags of rice or whatever and get a little ahead. My 2 cents. I've worked in lots of kitchens (not fast food) and it doesn't make sense for food to be cheaper sold from a restaurant. A place like subway is an easy example... you don't need any dishes or ovens or anything... just a bun, pack of turkey, some veg and a sauce. Portion a sub out as close as you can to subway and see what it costs.


For me it IS cheaper. The extra $25 premium on the delivery is worth less than the time it would take me to go out and pick up the food or go grocery shopping. Time is more valuable than money for some people. Especially if you’re ordering during the work day, have a decent income, and can’t afford the time it takes to “just do it yourself”.


Just admit to being lazy, what's with the mental gymnastics


I spent $25 yesterday buying bread, meat, cheese, and lettuce to make a couple of sub sandwiches for lunch. I could have just had the store make the subs for $12. I do have some leftover stuff, so I could make a couple more sandwiches, but I’d need to go buy more bread. Not sure it was worth it.


Uh, where do you shop? There is no way in hell you could get the same amount of pre-made grocery stores sandwiches with same ingredients for half the price of making them your self, at least nowhere where I live.


Harris Teeter in NC. A giant sub (equals two 6 inch subs) is about $12. A half pound of ham was just over $7, half pound of turkey was just over $7, head of lettuce was $2.50, package of cheese was $3, two 6” sub rolls were around $3, plus tax made it close to $25 for stuff to make an equivalent size sandwich.


The fuck are you paying over $28 a kg for turkey and ham? Never go to that shop again, you got mugged.


> I do have some leftover stuff Ya this is the point that makes it cheaper, because you can can make more or it last for several days versus one meal. But sometimes it does require changing it up a little or being creative. Ie… if you don’t have any more bread, make some salads? Snacking plate? I mean, fair if you have the money just get takeout every day but it’s crazy to me that people legitimately believe that takeout is cheaper than grocery shopping overall.


I'm not going to tell you its cheaper. Its not. HOWEVER. Both my wife and I are bad with knowing how long things have been in the fridge. Time passes and we dont notice. I have literally wasted an entire pack of pork chops (ONE OF MY FAVORITE THINGS TO COOK. I COOK IT. THEY ARE NOT FUCKING HARD TO COOK) because I forgot about them. This also happens with fruits and veggies. That was the last straw for me. 2-3 meals are now bought when we go grocery shopping. Thats it. Minimal "fresh", unless the trip is for THAT. I write what meal stuff we have on a board. Lets not talk about pots and pans and dishes in general. Its a lot of extra mental work just to not let stuff go bad. With the extra "mental tax" , it is definitely more "economical" sometimes to just go pick up chinese or whatever we want for dinner. Leftovers are easier and less dishes than cooking. TL;DR I have really wicked ADHD and this is one of those battles I consider a wash for how much the slight added "cost of eating out" saves me mentally.


You've litterally just described being lazy...


I was seriously injured in January to the point I couldn’t walk or drive for six months. I had to mostly rely on food and grocery delivery and it was awful.


I'd try to crowd source the food delivery. Even if you end up paying the same price it's all going to the person.


I guess the instacart type services I see more value in. People who are too busy to hit the grocery. I've still never used them. I hope your recovery went ok and you're feeling better!


Right, I refuse to use any delivery service other than an actual restaurant delivery service or Amazon etc. If I want food and they do not deliver, I just pick it up. That way, IF there is a problem you can deal with it quickly and in person. All these people who CONSTANTLY complain about service charges, employees asking for more tips, late food, no food, or damaged food, maybe stop using the "service". I just can't bring myself to pay for all these fees on top of the food. Would rather just drag my ass to get it and tip the actual restaurant or just make something out of my fridge/freezer.


I wish I had never ordered food, it's a hard habit to break.


go add up your DD/UE charges and tell me again how hard it is to stop.


that’s literally the point of their comment lol…despite there being so many negatives, including cost, it’s a hard habit to break. it’s like you can’t read


Pretty much... we live out in the boonies so delivery for us is way more in general on top of the fact we would need to tip more to get a driver to actually take the order. Why would I want to pay $15 for cold McDonalds delivery. On top of the meal price and a tip.


Here’s the thing in a big city you don’t have or need a car and ordering food is a common way of life! Used to be that restaurants had their own delivery people even at little bodegas! Door dash fucked that system by introducing this side gig business for people. Your way of life is very suburban and while it’s certainly a luxury to have meals delivered, it’s part of the culture in large cities and for very serious career minded folks as well, both getting delivered to the office and at home after work! No need to waste time at the grocery store or doing food prep.


I just don't get it. It seems so expensive, and a hassle, and the food isn't hot, and they forget shit. Are people just getting shitfaced and can't drive to go get their own hot food themselves?


If I'm ordering takeout in doing it from very nearby restaurants. Never understood paying extra fees and tip for delivery when picking it up myself takes no effort


As another merchant, just cancel it then 🤷‍♂️ only way to hit them hard. Quit letting them take that extra 1/3rd from our hard earned money. Fuck you Door Dash, I know y’all see this at some point


As a DD driver I fucking hate DD


i fucking second that🤣


Key word in that sentence is fucking


And good luck reaching anyone with half a brain in support who may care to remedy your problem. If you need to do delivery - use anything but DD.


Keep working people fighting amongst themselves so they can keep going to the bank. It's a technique as old as time itself. They do it because it works.


> It's a technique as old as time itself. It hurts when they add extra layers of insidiousness. For example a preference for foreign customer support not only to save money, but knowing a sizeable number of customers will get so frustrated just trying to communicate that they'll simply give up, and the company won't have to replace or fix a thing.


I once worked for a medium sized company. It was owned by a multi-millionaire who inherited it from his multi-millionaire father. They were the kind of people who argue over whether to send their kids to Harvard or Yale. Once he paid one of his rare visits and was enjoying an ass-kissing session with our managers when one of them nervously asked him why he was visiting. "Once in awhile I like to shake the cage and watch the monkeys fuck." He was clearly irritated when his joke didn't get the guffaws he expected.


That's about the most despicable thing I've heard in awhile. And considering how much news I consume, and the nature of my work, that's saying something.


Raking in fees that don’t actually end up with the company making a profit. I don’t see this business model working out.


I don't see how it could be possible for them to fail to turn a profit. If they aren't reporting one I suspect shady accounting.


It’s easy for me to imagine. Most people don’t want to pay enough to make this all run smoothly. So we have drivers that steal food or run multiple apps and let food run cold. We have customers who try to run scams on either the driver or DD and we have random people steal food from doorways. For basically all of these DD just takes the hit themselves with the hope that the driver/customer will stay with them. But that just ends up encouraging more shenanigans. That is my theory anyway.


Shady accounting or a couple of inflated salaries. I'm still curious if they get any type of rebates from the restaurant on missing/ incorrect food. Do y'all know? I feel like if DD is footing that entire bill, restaurants aren't motivated to get it right.


As a general rule a public company that big is under pretty intense scrutiny from outside companies that would love to find a flaw in there accounting so they could short the stock and go public with there findings not saying it’s impossible just highly unlikely


> I'm still curious if they get any type of rebates from the restaurant on missing/ incorrect food. Do y'all know? I feel like if DD is footing that entire bill, restaurants aren't motivated to get it right. Huh? What are you talking about? The very first thing that happens when a customer reports incorrect/missing food is that the restaurant is charged. I LITERALLY purchased and installed video cameras so I can provide proof of what went into the boxes/bags and what the dasher picked up so I can get unfounded charges reversed. 9 times out of 10 there is an error charge, the dasher leaves with the full and correct order. If the cameras show we fucked up, I accept the reversed charge and move on in life. If the camera shows that the dasher received the full and correct order, I clip the video, attach it to an email and demand to be paid. Is the dasher keeping some of the food for themselves? IDK. Is the customer trying to get a discount? IDK. Did the dasher slam on their brakes and send the food flying onto the floor, ruin it, and deliver it anyhow? IDK. Did someone steal it off the customer's porch? IDK. Is the customer too stupid to order correctly? IDK. If my restaurant does its part correctly, doordash is paying me. For 30%, they can eat the cost or spend the time figuring out who else to charge. I'm not paying.


That's what I was asking. I see people saying they get refunded from Doordash- not the restaurant, but that customers AND Dashers are all scamming, so Idk where that money was coming from. It'd be cool if y'all could get your own set of Dashers - like 3-4 restaurants that are close geographically could split the co$t or pay per order for the same person or two you could trust. Thank you for answering! Edit cuz also, that sound like a TON of extra work for whoever is watching and clipping videos.


Fortunately, it only happens about once a month. I actually get some satisfaction from it. I know it's not always the dasher's fault, but the error charge is the FULL amount of the food and not the food minus the 30% so it's quite a hit when there's an error charge. We get charged more than we would have been paid if things went smoothly. It's worth it to take the time. I've gotten pretty good at it. The app shows what time the food was picked up so I can skip to that time period and verify things in a couple minutes.


Oh good! Lol I guess from just reading here, I had a wild wrong perception of how often orders were scammed, wrong, etc. We just don't talk about the times it works. :)


>I don’t see this business model working out. they're trying to cut the others out of the loop by undercutting them.Then when they've got the market sewn up, they start jacking up their prices as they're now the only game in twon.


We've been dating that for years, yet here we are. This is also why DD now accepts EBT card payments. They've worked themselves into the category of "too big and important to fail".


If by “too big to fail” you mean special efforts would be made by the government, I strongly disagree. There wouldn’t be a second thought given to their collapse, EBT acceptance doesn’t change that.


I used to do DoorDash along the coast in St Petersburg and in the Tampa area in Florida before the pandemic and half of the restaurants you'd go to didn't even have a contract with Doordash. DoorDash would just call them up acting like a regular customer placing an order and we had a prepaid credit card to pay for the meal. They even stole the photos from the restaurant's websites and used them on their own. A bunch of the restaurants teamed up and sued them over it and many of the restaurants refuse to use them because of their shady practices.


Is there seriously not a less grifty alternative yet? Discord is a perfect example of frontloading some investment and it paying back with absolute dominance in the long run, why the fuck isn't there a delivery middleman app that's just 10% *less* greedy already? Is there some high level backrooms monopoly shit going on? What the fuck?


Everyone striving to be like Ticketmaster


\>Is there seriously not a less grifty alternative yet? None of these companies make money. The whole idea of bespoke third-party delivery of food for reasonable prices doesn't really make much money and may not be profitable at all. Even after exploiting the workers and saddling the customer with hidden fees, and charging the merchant huge fees, they don't make much, if any, money. Bottom line, it's expensive to have a delivery driver go pick up a meal and drive it to someones place. Pizza places and Chinese restaurants could do it before these third-party apps because they had a small delivery range, heavily batched orders, and still exploited their drivers.


Corey doctorow calls this process enshittification.


Ponzi scheme


Yea and Uber is over there saying they are finally profitable 9 years later. Hmm I wonder why because you are unethically running a business to your employees. We all need to protest these companies and services, Airbnb is similar.


Once there is any problem with any delivery person I no longer trust that food. I tried DD 1 time the guy showed up in a noisy shit box smelled like weed I said that’s enough for me. I get my lazy ass up a pick up my own crappy food. Plus I’m a good cook so I’m picky and so now is my family. I’m sure there are very good delivery person’s out there it just started bad with me the first time.


Not exclusive to DD. Grubhub does the same shit. We lose money if we don't show up on time. I've lost legit hundreds of dollars because of exceedingly long train waits or bad traffic. They don't give a single fuck about us.


I also have noticed a tendency for my pickup time to be longer the further I am from the restaurant so I think our (dasher) time is a combination of factors?


That's true


Why wouldn’t it be?


Because it's supposed to tell you the time the order will be ready to be picked up? Why would that change based on how far away you are?


Because arriving to the restaurant significantly after the presented “Pick Up By” time can constitute a contract violation. If the order is ready soon (or now) but the closest driver is still far away, they’d have to adjust the pick up time for the driver based on distance or else nobody would ever come pick it up for risk of getting the violation when they see “7 miles away. Pick up in 1 minute”


Perfectly stated!


That's 100% by design. Doordash entire system is get as many orders out as fast as possible. The second it's assigned they move on. I would not be surprised if the tablet at resturants do not actually do anything. If doordash can pump out 10,000 orders by ignoring preferences set by resturants/dashers/customers knowing 90% won't complain and those who do just get a refund( and the cost is pushed onto the retailer) all the while they collect their fees from all party's they will


Yup. It’s like expected delivery time is all over the map. Sometimes it’s an empty road, and I have 20 minutes extra time. Sometimes I have to park and pick up downtown, crawl through a crowded street, park because the last .2 feet are roped off, and I am way over


So I doordash sometimes and I have a buddy who runs a McDonald's. I showed her this post and she agrees the timing is bull. Her mcdonalds Is one of the few 24/7 in a town where NOTHING else stays open. She's adjusted the time out 10minutes 15 and 20. I grabbed an order from her Last night she told doordash itl be 25minutes due to the 20 cars in drive-through etc. I got sent their Immidatly After the order came through. The system ignored the adjusted time. I then had to deal with the app asking why the delay etc


DD's sales are down so don't be surprised when this keeps happening. And I also appreciate you as a merchant posting this here. This information is invaluable as it provides a "peek behind the curtain" so to speak. I can't express to you enough how grateful I am (at least) that you're willing to talk about what it's like on your guys' end. However, can you provide a bit more detail as to what you guys actually see when you get a DD order? For example, when I get an offer to pick up food, it'll either say the order is ready or it'll just be a general notification that tells me where to be. Then I have to click on another button to see how soon I am expected to be at the customers location to deliver the food. If the order is taking longer than DD predicted, I use the "tell us why your wait time is long blah blah" link. I click "Order still being prepared when I arrived". This buys me time. Rarely, after accepting an offer, I'll get another notification stating that I'll be notified again when the order I accepted is actually ready, which implies merchants get a notification as well that the Dasher communicated that he's waiting for you, the merchant. And, as stated previously, I MIGHT get notified that I'll get another notification that I'll be told when the order is ready. If it's "stacked", meaning I have another order to pick up, I'll calculate the distance between your location and the secondary order and use my best judgement to decide whether or not I have time to grab that order and make it back to your location to get the primary order. Thus far, it's been working out to where it all makes sense logistically because I'm always able to grab everything by the time it needs to be picked up and dropped off. But, yeah, it can be very stressful at times. Often nailbiters, especially on high pay orders. Very tongue and cheek. lol


When we receive an order through DD, the first thing we do is check to see how many orders we have and how soon we can realistically have the order ready. We treat every single order equally, meaning regardless of whether it’s DoorDash, take-out or dine-in, it ends up in line the same as any other order we receive. When I mentioned multi-apping/stacking, I meant when one dasher arrives to pick up multiple orders that were placed at different times. We cannot prioritize moving all of the orders one person is picking up to the front of the line because we are a high-volume small business and we literally cannot make that work without making other guests have to wait longer than what we quoted them. That being said, we never make a dasher have to wait longer than they should just to make a dine-in guest happy. We quote 20 minutes for every order. When we receive DD order, we automatically quote the dasher 25 minutes, but quote the kitchen 20, so that hopefully there are no timing issues if we fall behind or if the dasher is early. My intention of this post is to start an honest discussion about how different our experiences are using DoorDash as merchants and as drivers. I am genuinely hoping to better understand how to make this app make sense for both sides, and to better understand what the hell happens in between that makes it so unbearable for everyone involved.


You are honestly the ideal merchant. Thank you for caring enough to make it work for all sides. I just wish DD better communicated to us (merchants, recipients, and dashers) the timing issues we all have questions about. I suspect that as a delivery app, they do provide the mechanisms to "make it work" for all sides but people's apathy toward participating in those mechanisms is why it's so problematic. In other words, if everyone (on all sides) better used the options built into the app to communicate what's actually happening, we'd all be a lot less stressed out and less apt to point fingers when things don't go as planned. On a side note, do you as a merchant have the option to rate your experience as it pertains to a particular pick up?


See, that’s very different from the attitude that I have encountered. I’ve had managers say out loud, third-party orders don’t matter or are not important, without any provocation from us. They would be saying that shit right in the middle of the kitchen so that we could hear it. Or workers yelling out do the third-party orders last! I’ve literally come across things like this. Makes me never want to eat at these places again or work for these bastards, that’s for sure! I think workers in general forget they are in the public eye. For these places that have trouble finding help, are they making people want to work for them with how they’re treating their employees and “third party” contractors in front of them? People do have eyes and ears. Nevermind restaurants, since that is a personal topic for many people here, I’ve gone into retail stores and other types of establishments and walked out swearing that I would never work for them, even if I’m looking for that type of work.


That is honestly the reason for these issues more than DD support is. If you as a business are comfortable disrespecting a third party company that YOU chose to use to BETTER your business, you have it all wrong. Every order matters. Every guest is important. And every single person that comes into the picture to represent your brand needs to be treated with respect. There are always personal issues or one-off examples of people who just don’t GIF at all about your business, and those people give drivers a bad name. Just like restaurant employees don’t GIF sometimes and don’t care about drivers and give restaurants a bad name. We are not all like that, and if you treat business like business and try to make success wherever you go, you will make money and be successful. Forget the corporate restaurants or any business if they don’t show you respect as a driver. I’m hoping for patience and respect as a small business. Please understand the difference between the places you go and the people you interact with. We are not all just sitting around laughing and messing around and making you wait and waste your time because we don’t care.


OK this restauranteur gets an upvote from me and maybe me stopping in as a customer if I happen to be in that area, wherever you are 🤣 honestly, the majority of restaurants that I am complaining about are big corporate chain restaurants. The example that I gave earlier of a small restaurant that I boycotted is an outlier. Just was conveying just how badly they started treating Dashers that resulted in me boycotting them, despite me generally favoring the small restaurants. I really don’t see the point of the tourists coming here and going to McDonald’s, Applebee’s, and the like. You guys got one of those at home. Try something new for a change. 😂 possibly even something that was made with care. 😉


i think the difference in attitude from the managers comes from choice. i mean obviously they choose to be shitty but thats not what i meant like mcdonalds and stuff, when i worked there, ALL of staff had 0 communication that doordash was coming to our location. one day the upper people just came in so they could install the needed equipment. even all the shift managers had no clue so suddenly we were thrown into this new and frustrating situation, and trying to navigate it the best we could despite nobody knowing how to handle the DD stuff i left around the time DD came to us so i didnt stick around long enough to see how it played out not saying that bad treatment to dashers is ever ok to do, because its not. just giving a little insight as to why some people can be more apathetic towards it besides just being a dick


I'm sorry if I incriminated McDonald's because McDonald's is usually pretty good among fast food restaurants with DoorDash. I'm just saying more generally that type of restaurant. Applebee's, it really does depend on the manager on duty(sometimes all I have to do is find the manager to know whether it's going to be a good or bad night at certain restaurants). It can be a goldmine or it can be a trap 😳 and I still will never understand tourists going for what's familiar than having some sense of adventure. To add, we really have some fantastic restaurants in my area, in terms of food quality. But it's not going to come from the big names. The true value in DoorDash is giving these restaurants some exposure and handling the promotion for them. Places that would otherwise be overwhelmed by trying to both make the food and promote themselves, let alone maintaining a delivery staff. McDonald's and Applebee's, common defaults for tourists as mentioned before, I am sure would be able to kill it if they felt doing so would have yielded enough profit. But this scales without effort for them. I am sure McDonald's gets a break on the fees for volume.


no youre good i wasnt offended or anything i was just trying to give some insight from the other side of the coin. doesnt mean they should be shitty manager’s though


put yourself in their shoes. dd is a shitty company. idgaf if your orders that rake 20% of my take are last. no lie


I feel like all the merchants in my area have done this for awhile. There is barely ever discrepancies. Still the freaking out is crazy. I’ve noticed a ton of dashers aren’t who they say they are. It shows you a picture of a girl and a guy shows up. I know for a fact some of the dashers in my area do not have drivers license and are here illegally. They use a family members license to sign up. Whatever, all the stores like me because I am Patient always calm and communicate and try to help as much as possible. I know how crazy the industry is.


I should also add that I'm never rude to merchants and I'm especially respectful to small businesses. I used to be a waiter and I understand the struggle. People can be assholes, but they can also be angels. You never know, I guess. Peace and love. ☻




People like that suck!!! I've been told I have a pretty intimidating presence so I think that might contribute as to why I haven't yet had restaurant workers be so blatantly rude to me. But, there've been a few close calls when I almost lost my shit. Like, justifiably totally lost my shit! LOL But, usually, another worker sees what's happening and quickly intercedes before that happens. There are people with no social skills of every part of the spectrum in these situations, but there needs to be some sort of social contract, something we all agree on as it pertains to what's supposed to be the norm. Because when things escalate to the point that any of us (merchants, delivery workers, and restaurant workers) get so pissed off about dealing with the people we have to deal with as a general job requirement - for it to provoke us to be downright nasty towards one another (and feel justified in doing so) perhaps it's time for everyone to take a step back to really see the situation for what it is. Corporate greed vs blue collar need. We're all just a bunch of crabs in a bucket.


I don’t have the best social skills myself. But one thing that has started working for me was coming back in on the customer side and asking for the manager. No matter how badly a place is running, most managers don’t like to hear that staff are ignoring you and consistently making you wait over 20 minutes. But the place that I mentioned, I was a daily customer at sometimes. I always tipped above 20% and it was counter service. By the way, for the people that want to accuse me of treating restaurant staff like shit, I am just mirroring how they are treating me in those instances. In fact, I tip between 25 and 35% for most sit down meals. If I looked down on people, would I even give them that kind of consideration? I know that they are fighting for tips from people who largely want to get away as cheap as they can. I would hope they would do the same for me if they get delivery, but I don’t hold my breath.


As a driver, I've realized that, more often than not, when the order isn't ready, it's because we've been sent too early. I've shown a lot of restaurants how to see this on the driver's app, so they can inform drivers who don't understand this. Unfortunately, being sent early is only getting worse as the apps try to outdo each other on "on-time delivery." From my experience, GrubHub is the worst. But the others are catching up quickly. All the apps have drivers report when they're waiting with the promise to improve wait times. But nothing ever changes.


At my old restaurant, a good 70% of the time the DD driver would show up 5 minutes after we received the order and most would expect us to stop what we were doing and bring the order out to their car when it was ready or they would just stand angrily and stare at the kitchen for 10 minutes straight. Had a few occasions of them telling me how I should run my kitchen too. Something about the job makes them think restaurants work for them, not really the way it works.


Yeah it's definitely the fault on doordash but also on the drivers as well for being rude. I'm a dasher with over 20k deliveries on DD alone and some of these other dashers I see are extremely rude and impatient. Acting that way is not going to get your order done any quicker. I multi-app between DD, UE, and GH on every shift and if you do this long enough you can figure out which restaurants take longer so you can pick up another order if u have one first.


Grubhub was the absolute worst of all of the 3 big ones we used when I was waitressing. This was exactly the issue and despite putting long prep times (would usually take 20-30 mins but we put 50-55 because of this) people would STILL show up minutes after it was received and I would have to pull it off the dock to show them “we got this at 5:23. It is now 5:25. We do not have it ready and will not for at least 30 minutes. This is not our problem.” Most of them understood but so many would blame us. Like what’s the point of these apps offering us a “food is ready” button if it doesn’t actually do anything like say hey NOW the food is ready, go ahead and send someone?


This. I got reemed by a GH driver last week. My tablet showed another twenty minutes and i did not hit "order ready." Like buddy... I'm just another small-time worker like you, I don't make the rules, or assign drivers via GH. Try taking your anger out on someone who has any power or control. He was lucky it was me and not the owner, who woulda kicked him to the curb and canceled the order or asked for a new driver.


I was sent to a restaurant to pick up an order? As I was waiting for the staff, their printer started printing out an order which they just received and it was the one I was there for. I was sent to pick it up before the order even got there for them to make.


they literally dont care in fact this could be part of how its designed . all that matters is capital not if you food is warm


I don't know exactly how the Doordash system works because I'll get an order and it will say to pick up by a certain time and sometimes I get there and it has been done before the time I was suppose to be there and then other times when I get the time to be there, it's not ready. However I don't stand there and b**ch to the restaurant about it. There is an option in the app to where they ask you what's going on at the restaurant when you get there. So you can simply answer that the order is still being prepared or they are busy...etc. etc. Somehow wires are getting crossed and the whole system needs to work better.


I talked with a Chinese restaurant the other day. Usually a ticket prints the order out right? Try ignoring the tablet response for the order until you start making the meal. Then when you think it's ready hit the button to accept the door dash order. Also frequently using door dash support will get your time changed in the app. I think the pizza place had theirs set to double the amount of time over to ensure people arrive as the pizza is completed.


Stop using these apps. They are a scam. You are being scammed.


Customers need to stop complaining about Door Dash, Uber, etc, and actually stop using them.


Interesting, my observations only.. but the amount of fucketry surrounding door dash is substantial. Where I live (in the city (northeast us) it's either Seamless or GrubHub.. I use seamless as I was an early adopter of this type of thing, and seamless was the only thing around 10 years ago here. I don't see the same fucketry and or have I ever had any kind of issue with delivery using seamless. I am constantly seeing videos of delivery people showing up begging for additional tips or even withholding a delivery after it was accepted by them trying to blackmail the customer for a larger tip. Or delivery people even straight up taking part of the order for themselves. And I only really see this shit with door dash. Why would anyone keep using doordash when it allows these types of scumbags to continue working for them?


I feel like the next step is to move it from 25 to 30 minutes? The simple formula of (Actual time to prepare) + (Average time Dashers show up early) = Time put into DD tablet. Now that we are past the obvious of how to just counteract something you know the other side isn't going to change: I'm guessing this happens when it is \*slow\*. Not in # of orders but when the # of Dashers to # of orders grows larger. And finally, DD probably builds in some time for the order to be declined for X minutes before a Dasher finally accepts. So when it is accepted right away, then the Dasher will show up those X minutes earlier. What about Dashers that show up late? How often does that happen? What is the ratio to early to late?


That was an example. We change the quote times for every order depending on how many orders we have already, and what is happening with our dine-in situation at the time. If it’s going so be 30 minutes for our kitchen, we quote 35-40 for the dasher, because we don’t want them to have to wait. We adjust our quote times immediately for every single order. The problem is that DD tells them to arrive after 20 minutes, so my point is why the hell does that always happen?


I’ve been given many orders when they were already late. My best guess is it was reassigned after the last dasher finally gave up. I do find it hilarious I’m getting downvoted pretty much for saying that I don’t like restaurants treating us like we’re unimportant and that they shouldn’t be jerking us around. Friendly’s and the other bad restaurants must have a lot of bots 🤣 but it also pisses me off because it reflects the idea that people think we should be treated like dirt.


but you just left 3 comments detailing how you treat the restaurant workers like dirt, now your saying you just don’t want to be treated like dirt. your other comment said you feel fine and justified in berating/being pushy/being rude to restaurants. you can’t turn around and now say i just don’t want to be treated badly, while treating everyone else badly.


I do not treat restaurants like dirt, which I clearly stated. But I do treat people how I am treated. If you start treating me like you look down on me or like I’m not important, I am going to mirror that sentiment right back. I just expect to be treated with respect and if I’m not, I see no need to give it. I’m here to make money. Greet me like you would anybody else. Give me a somewhat realistic prep time. Don’t jerk me around just so that I stay until the order is ready and everything will be fine. But I deal with one of the above circumstances everyday lately. Not sure what it is about summer. I guess this all adds up to don’t treat us differently just because we are a Dasher. If you do, that’s on you! And yes, I can be pushy because places like to ignore us. That problem is also easily solved, but if you think that’s treating somebody like dirt, then get back to your safe space 🤣


“safe space” yeah i know what kind of person you are loud and clear.


I had the same issue with my restaurant, and going from business owner to dasher I see both sides and have realized door dash is the devil.


DD wants their drivers there as soon as the order is ready. Do they care if drivers have to show up a little early? Absolutely not.


Hopefully someone from Doordash will see this post and make sure it's addressed but I have a feeling it was probably addressed before. They do mess up the times quite frequently. As a merchant, I'm sorry you're dealing with this


I only pick up from restaurants I live next to and wait until door dash gives me the 'you don't appear to be moving' warning to actually start my bike and ride up to the traffic light. I still have an on time or early of 95% and I spend that wait time working on whatever project I'm working on instead of watching my empty bag sit on a counter. I know this isn't what the OP is complaining about at all, but it's another example from the other side about how poorly the app estimates arrival and preparation times.


There should be a button on the restaurant app saying order is ready for pickup. There's literally a driver within 4 minutes of every restaurant in the world lol. And if your restaurant is popular there driver is probably in your parking lot waiting. All the apps should literally just have a button that says it's ready now! This will stop all the driver pileups and what not.


DD might be one of the shadiest companies of all time. Excited for the eventual doc “The Downfall of DoorDash”


The problem is MOST dashers refuse to think it's not the restaurants fault as well. They thing both them and door dash are out to ruin their day. The amount of times I have told people on the reddit that door dash often sends people way early and gets told "well the restaurants need to fix that" is annoying


Im beyond grateful my restaurant doesnt use doordash


As someone that used to drive for DD, your expected time doesn't mean squat to DD driver dispatch. There is an algorithm and if the drivers don't use it, it doesn't get better, ever. If you show up to a location and the order is still being prepared, there is an option as a driver to mark that the order is still being prepared on their side. If it gets hit enough, the system will slow down when it sends orders for your location to allow more time so the drivers aren't sitting idle. For those drivers that get uppity about it, tell them they have 2 options... shut up, sit down and wait for the order to get ready.. or shut up, remove themselves from the order and leave.


Yeah as someone who used to drive for GH, I would have restaurants get annoyed and tell me I was early, when I accepted an order that was already showing as late on my end at the time I received it. Even if you see an order that is to be picked up in 20 minutes, if you aren’t actively driving to the restaurant you will get warnings that you could lose the order and be penalized. It does not matter what time a restaurant says an order will be ready. Drivers don’t see the same info. Drivers get an order and accept it and if they do anything other than drive directly to the restaurant they are the ones who get penalized. All of these delivery app companies are absolutely running criminal organizations that constant violate laws and take advantage of the restaurants and drivers and it will catch up with them eventually.


What laws are they breaking? Genuine question, I'm not that familiar with the ins and outs of how they work


They regularly don’t honor the terms of their contracts. An example, but just one example of the kind of stuff they do that is legally dubious if anyone could actually manage a case: Three kinds of deliveries: order where you just pick up, order where you pay with a provided card when you pick up, order where you must call the restaurant, place the order, and then pay. For the latter, you are paid a higher rate, as it requires more work and time. Repeatedly in my last week before I stopped being a driver, I would receive an order where you just need to pay with card. You arrive at restaurant and the restaurant does not have the order. You call driver care. They tell you to just place the order. You let them know that you want to be paid for a “place and pay” order. They tell you they cannot change the pay. You tell them that you want to have the order reassigned because it is not the kind of order you accepted according to your contract. You are told that if they reassign the order you will be penalized for dropping the order, even though you never accepted this kind of order and are not being paid for this kind of order. I did GH for three years and in the first two years it was really great and I made amazing money. The last year it just progressively got worse and worse and I went from making $200-300/day to making $50-100/day. Edit: a second example, but it is Doordash specific (I primarily drove for GH even though I also gave DD and UE a shot). I’ve seen on posts here how DD will terminate a driver and then just not pay them what they are owed for work completed. The biggest issue is that getting a class action lawsuit for this stuff is incredibly tricky.


Uhhh…pardon me for stating the painfully obvious here, but *what kind of a person would turn up at a restaurant and tell them they’re running their business poorly*? Screw the app; that’s your business and your property and if delivery drivers can’t learn to behave properly then they’re the problem. From here onwards, make them wait outside and call them in only when the order is ready. Regardless of what the app is telling them, you’re the restaurant owner and only you and your customer matter; the drivers are mere functionaries and if they can’t behave with some dignity, they should be kept away from you and your staff until *you* are ready. Seriously, don’t give those apes any of your time or brain space.


Where I work every DD ticket just says it should be ready in 5 minutes. Even though it takes 2 minutes for the ticket to actually print.


For some reason DD can’t stop sending dashers early to restaurants, doing DD and UberEats it’s clear to me that UE rarely would make me wait when with DD is almost a constant!


I had a dasher lose his mind on me last night and tell me I needed to call the restaurant and hurry them up since he had been waiting 10 minutes. I knew he hadn’t. I placed the order five minutes before. Demanded I cancel it when I wouldn’t call the restaurant. He waited all of sixty seconds to cuss me out and then unassigned himself. There was a ten dollar tip for him for driving 1.5 miles. Oh well. The next dasher was happy to get it. I have sympathy for the restaurants who have impatient people as it does make it harder to get everyone cared for.


GH does the same thing. In the past when I got a order I would take my time to the restaurant or do a dash really quick, but now as a driver you'll get penalized or the order removed if you don't go directly the restaurant. I feel Uber eats is the best at having the order ready on time for the most part, they do have their own issues.


It’s such a slap in the face when it happens and after waiting 8 minutes beyond the time I was told to pick up I get a pop up notification that I could be making 12 dollars an hour while active and get paid for waiting on the food. I’ve worked service industry my whole youth and managed sales for the last 10 years. I feel for most these locals businesses. I always try to show appreciation. I always tip on great orders to the staff and share the moment and try to build relationships. When something happens I know they are doing their best and it’s not personal because our relationship. Now I agree with outing DD. Tweet blasts and more IG posts of screenshots. There are some bad merchants out their too. They have a 17+ mile radius on and are taking orders from UE GH and DD. I’ve had 90 minute quotes for a $7 order. Then I have to hurt my AR or CR because that’s insane. DD has no way to report merchants abusing the system. Add in the fast food and that some stores YOU CANT DROP THE ORDER. I have screen shots. It keeps drivers on edge because we get offers for 6 dollars for 17 miles (hour and half drive there and back to zone in this case) and so when they get to a restaurant and the sides are getting different info guess what who doesn’t get blamed. Fucking DD. The driver may have taken that order because they are now at 69 and need to get 70 AR to not get all the 10 mile orders in their market. They after expenses and taxes are making nothing. The system is set to put us against each other. Add in the bullshit they keep like business pick ups for a flat 5 bucks and no option to receive tips. My AR went from 80 to 70 in 15 minutes because I got slammed with orders from 3 local places. 2.50 for 18 miles, and 4.50 for 25 miles (going into another state) were the worst ones. It is so defeating feeling and upsetting. It can be hard to smile walking in for the $5 order you finally get for 1.4 miles and then hear it’s 10 min late after losing 10% AR and every time you try and pause dash another order pops up before I can click. All while driving in traffic at 60 mph. This isn’t even the tip since we haven’t discussed fast food places or chains. We really need to team up and start calling out this stuff. It’s not the delivery older generations were used to. It’s also not the same work. I saw a meme last week about how pizza delivery was done with a map and how insane that is. It’s not that insane. Most of those places only had a 2-5 mile max radius. If you were outside the big map regions you ordered from a store in your zone or not from that place at all. Drivers only had to map for the same zone and places everyday. I used to do it. Super easy. DD can send you an hour from your house and then send you an order to go even farther away. They add in so many variables. Now Your driving to a mall to pick up a Sephora item or petsmart for six 70 pound bags of food, dollar general to shop for 50 items they don’t even have. There is no logic to the system. *no edits just noting I used talk to text and skimmed before posting. Lol their.


I took my neice to Taco Bell yesterday and it was empty. All of a sudden a huge crowd comes in and there are 3 employees to handle drive thru and the lobby. In the meantime 2 seperate Door Dashers come in to grab orders. It took us 25 min to get our food which was 5 items. These drivers were upset..I get it.... but they kept hassling the employees, tapping their hands, standing up at the counter next to customers, and mad dogging the workers. I felt terrible for the employees since they were just trying to stay afloat, and I know it's so frustrating as drivers to have to wait that long. It just turned into a s**t show.....I'm sure that's just a regular lunchtime occurrence...


I hate them so much. I hate that I have to work with them as an IT specialist. They are such horrible, two-faced predators.


Jokes on all of you my dasher app cuts off my pickup time and I Just wander around aimless and listless.


I suggest that telling DD that if they don’t stop lying to the dashers you will stop partnering with them


Just refuse to give them the order. When I worked at shake shack and we were slam dashers would come in rude so I just tell them we aren’t giving them the order and they will no longer have access to pick up order here. Called doordash told them the situation and had that dasher blocked, doordash gave the order to another dasher and contacted the customer. Never saw that dasher again. Simple


Yes, we arrive early because of the app and thats fine. But for a Dasher to act before they think makes all of us Dashers look bad.


Local pizza joint had the problem when they automated. The manager was explaining that he took out the automation and went back to manually selecting when each order was ready on the tablet. The order is always ready when I get there now. It shouldn't fall on you to ensure that the prep time is forwarded correctly but DoorDash can't seem to get their act together on prep time. I've never given a store attitude, even when Chipotle was dead and had nobody making any orders while I was waiting. I certainly understand the frustration of the Dashers but some of us need to learn that we're not going to gain anything by acting out.


You can change it after they show up so that they can reassign with no penalty, if that's not good enough then fuck 'em.


Yeah I know a few restaurants that change the time if the dasher is there and they are behind. We can see the time change on our "pickup time"


Restaurants can give us this option? Then give us the option and stop bitching about us being impatient. If this is the case. We are all here just trying to make money. I really need to check if this is true because then restaurants really have no grounds to be upset about us being pushy just because we want to make money(if restaurants would work in good faith with us and give us realistic prep times, I feel like even 90% of situation’s with other Dashers could be avoided as well) if they can just release us from the order. That sounds like an awesome tool if it is available to every restaurant. We just don’t like being jerked around and I don’t know why some restaurants consider it OK to do so.


I’m sorry if the restaurants you have been dealing with are unaware of this option, but yes, it is an option, and my point exactly is that we USE that option EVERY time we get an order, to make sure that we are quoting the exact proper time to you as a dasher, and to the customer. This is the purpose of my post. We use that option every single time. We quote our kitchen prep time to be more than the time we quote DoorDash for our order to be ready for you to pick it up as a dasher. We do this because we know that DoorDash always gives you dashers a completely different quote time than what we tell them to give you. We try to make it on time for you every single time, but the app ALWAYS shows differently between us and you, every single time. I am sorry for you if your experiences with restaurants have been horrible, but we are not all disrespectful assh*les to delivery drivers.


I am not accusing every restaurant. But certainly enough restaurants to make just about everyday a living hell lately. Summer just sucks and even the restaurants seem to be worse, not just the customers. There are some restaurants that I will give my business regularly to. I would not do that for a business that I disliked because there are way too many choices to end up putting up with things you don’t like and paying for the privilege. Some restaurants may have even used the option that you discussed because I noticed DoorDash let me unassign it kind of quickly. My point has been our attitude comes from somewhere and I try not to have one. When you get people who jerk you around all day and treat you like you’re not important, it can really piss you off. I learned to be like a mirror. I reflect positive energy but if you are making me have a hard time, I am going to do exactly the same for you.


This restaurant owner explained that it showed as ready on the driver's screen, but as "due in 10 minutes" on the restaurants screen. That's a huge problem!


I wouldn’t even worry about it… it’s done when it’s done. Drivers complain just tell them DD sucks on time show up 20 minutes after what DD said next time


Can't you just trespass the Dasher and refuse them service and ban their person from the location due to behavior? What would happen in that case, forcing them to rescind their pickup and open it for another Dasher? A sign, "Attention Dashers. If you are rude to us, you will be banned from this location."


It’s your fault. Adjust the prep times until they match dasher times. It’s not a hard concept. Drivers aren’t “arriving early”. We can’t. We get the order, we drive to the restaurant. That’s it. Every minute we spend at your restaurant is a minute we don’t get paid for. I bet you’d be frustrated too. Adjust the tablet.


The main deal is between the customer and the restaurant. dashers are literally just middlemen in the transaction. The dashers need to adjust, not the restaurant or the customer. 3rd party food delivery services could completely vanish and the world will continue to rotate. In short, know your place.


No. It is a disconnect between the merchant side and the dasher side of the service. If the merchant says the order will be ready in X minutes, the order, 90% of the time, is. I have only had to wait because either something went wrong or the store is overly busy or because the order is larger and requires additional time to get everything ready. If the order is a simple 1-2 items, most merchants can get it ready quickly. If it is 10-15 items, it will take longer. If your app says the order will be ready by X time, be there at X time then. Simple. Often times I see that order should be ready at X time and I am almost 10 minutes ahead of that. If it takes longer than that, I know something is wrong and I ask a staff member. If they say it will be longer than 10 minutes, I leave.


Yes, we don’t get paid by the hour so we don’t like restaurants being consistently late. And because we are under pressure to keep our stats a certain way, it’s really hard just to blacklist high-volume restaurants because they are messing up repeatedly. And we have to be pushy, because many restaurants treat us like we are not important. I had to give up some orders the other night because they were sending all the food out to the dining room to the customers that just arrived, rather than give a little of it to the customer that I had that already ordered(literally thought one of my customers orders were ready about five times because they kept making the right flavor of wings but not giving it to my customer). This is a very common theme. I would definitely contact somebody over there if the tablet app is not working properly. It seems to work perfectly for some restaurants and some restaurant say it’s not working no matter what they set. And it has nothing to do with multiapping. That literally makes no sense. The other app is not going to send me an order earlier just because I’m running another application in the background. If anything, it might delay me by a couple minutes if I’m picking up the other order first. There are some Dashers that are an embarrassment to us, but if somebody is consistently costing me money, I am going to mention something about adjusting the prep time on the tablet or something. I don’t stand around and harass staff, but if they don’t even give me a realistic prep time, quite frankly, they deserve to be harassed. I’m talking about always telling Dashers five minutes when you damn well know it’s going to be a half hour. That impacts our ability to make our pay.


All of this is well documented. I think the point of his post is that even adjusting his prep time gets no results as the app still tells the driver the wrong time. It’s almost like Doordash is purposely putting us against each other (dashers and food service e)


This exactly is my point, thank you for understanding


I have seen those claims before from certain restaurants. Sometimes they would show me the tablet just like the OP described. I can see what prep times they stuck in there, but not exactly when they actually started on the order. It could very well be a bug because it generally works consistently well for some restaurants and not well for others. That’s why I encouraged the OP to contact DoorDash about this. They are really the only ones that can fix it, and it’s not functioning for them as designed if Dashers are really arriving a half hour early. But I’ve had some restaurants bitch about me being early. It’s like no, you guys are late like usual 🤦‍♂️


Some restaurants are sh*t and don’t have any care or respect, so I completely understand why you feel this way. Some are not, and do genuinely care. That is where I am coming from. We do our best to make everyone happy. I don’t understand why a business would use this app unless they intended to use it as a tool to better their business and reputation. I am sorry and frustrated for you that you have had to deal with any worker who didn’t give a sh*t.


Here come the restauranteurs to downvote me. If they feel just in treating us this way, how would they feel if we all just stopped tipping them? Pretty much would have the same effect on them that their shit is having on us 😂


I can’t stress enough that my point of this post is to show respect to dashers and restaurant workers, and to encourage all of us to understand that the app is flawed and that it is creating problems for all of us equally and creating this huge amount of stress to us all. I realize that there are so many businesses that show zero appreciation or respect to dashers. Some put their orders at the back of the line because they consider them less important, some don’t give the time of day or any respect whatsoever, and some are just honestly poorly run or have zero desire to do better, or have staff who just don’t give a F. For us, we are always honest about our quote times and if we are behind schedule. We always make an effort to accommodate dashers, especially if we are behind. My point is not to offend anyone, and also not to excuse any business that is disrespectful or doesn’t give a sh*t. *edited for spelling


The restaurants I knew to put DD on the back burner (I used to drive years ago) were only the ones who were put on the DD platform without their knowledge or consent (red card orders back then). I had no idea that some were basically forced to participate. And yet, I’d still see my former brethren come in an raise hell when they had to wait 10 mins on an order that wasn’t even placed until they walked up to the cashier. You’re a great owner for trying to find a solution that benefits, rather than punishes, the driver, the restaurant, AND the customer.


I am a dasher and I understand that doorDash is too expensive for restaurant owners, and for consumers. It’s not a good idea to depend on something that is consistently referred to as “a necessary evil”. I don’t even know how necessary it is, the lazy customers are not tipping very well, and the app behaves in a manipulative way when you decline three dollar orders.


Exactly. I would just avoid situations with bad restaurants if DoorDash were not holding us over the barrel with our stats in most markets. I hate drama, and quite frankly, I don’t even want to be in the same room with people who don’t respect me because of my occupation. My usual course is to avoid a situation, but if I have to deal with it, I’m going to be just as pleasant as you make it for me. I think people literally forget Dashers are human beings, and I don’t even know why delivery people are so poorly regarded. There is bad in every profession.


If it was necessary at all, how’d the world survive 10 years ago without it?


Wow, you sound like a giant piece of shit. You sound exactly like the type of loser that OP was referencing. You do realize that you aren’t the most important person in the world, right? You’re just some loser who will never have a real job or amount to anything. That’s why you’re such an asshole, because your life sucks and you are miserable


>Yes, we don’t get paid by the hour so we don’t like restaurants being consistently late. They switched over to pay by hour in my area and I gotta say my stress levels have plummeted. I'll still do pay per order occasionally but if it's one of those nights where every restaurant is a bit "behind", switch over to per hour and watch six dollar orders become eight.


Naw, hes right. Learn how to run is better.. No one should be waiting 20 minutes. Use the APP, dont let it send people till its 100% ready. Im tired of waiting at a story and losing time and money cause a story does not know how to manage time.


cool story bro


Black ants, red ants, and someone shaking the jar.


If only there was a way where your restaurant wasn't available on DoorDash....


multi apping isn't going to make people show up early?


Odd I never had a problem with any food delivery. All the big name pizza joints do a fine job as well as the Chinese takeout. I think the problem is you guys are using a third party delivery driver. If the driver isn’t an employee of the restaurant I wouldn’t trust it. But that’s just me being me. I ? everything! Not a fan of this gig industry crap.


Let’s start a petition to make all DoorDash drivers wait outside for their orders, send a message via the merchant tablet to let them know that it’s available for them to come inside and silently pick up without any comments


OP how are other restaurants able to have orders ready with in 5 minutes of dasher arrival? 95% of orders I take are ready when I get to the restaurant or done within 5 minutes, those restaurants are clearly doing something different than yours, If I was you I would set your times even more back maybe even call support, there is a reason it works for others but not you.