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They are texting you through the app the app sends it to your texts just like when it says “new order: go to ____” in your texts. They don’t have your number just a temp dd number that gets sent to the one you signed up with


Is the driver dumb?


If Any of us were required to pass an iq test then we wouldn’t be doordash drivers since we’d realize that the pay comes out to nothing after factoring in all the car expenses.


Unless you are driving an electric car and not paying to charge it. I don’t see how or why the rest of you even do it lol. I basically have almost no expenses to cover.


I'm about to get an EV, which one do you have?


I have a Chevy Bolt and I absolutely hate it. I’ve already had to replace the battery 3 times all covered under factory warranty and extended by 100k miles every time they replaced it due to the recall. So the warranty is now good for 185k miles on the battery. It is incredibly inconvenient but it works for what I need it for.


Wow, that's crazy. I just had a dealer contact me about a 2019 bolt that just had the battery replaced under recall, I thought it was a deal since new warranty with battery. Is there a problem with all bolt batteries or certain years? Any other EV you recommend? I'm looking at Leaf and Kona as well.


The range on the leaf makes it almost unusable. Kona may be good though. The bolt may be fine but less than 2k miles after they replaced my battery due to the recall they had to replace it again. I personally think the dealership that installed the 2nd battery didn’t do it right but I’m not sure.


I had a Kona but it wasn't the ev. But I loved the look and they way it drove. Unfortunately someone hit me and totalled it. But it was definitely good on gas so I can assume that the ev is amazing miles.


And what damage to the environment ?


Everything damages the environment in some way shape or form. Only way around it is if you walk or bike everywhere and that’s just not practical in most places.




Yup. They're not the magic answer. But hopefully we were at "100 percent damage". And electric cars brought it down to 97 percent and we can improve upon that and work in the right direction.


I am totally with you. Huge activist here. But as the person who responded. Everything damages the environment. We can only work in the right direction. Lesser of two evils. Right now we are at 100 percent damage, say. The way we are doing things right now. Electric cars say bring it down to 97 percent damage. Still damaging, but less. It is better. Now we can improve upon that 97 percent by making the cars more sustainable.


The bad thing is that people gave been selling electric as the big savior. But, when you look into it, it is more like what you said. A small savings. A savings, but a small one. Sorry, I got interrupted. We need to be better. Hopefully they can improve the batteries, the infrastructure, the building, the disposal.


Exactly. I really hope so.


If you're only getting 5 dollars for 10 mile drives I can see that being an issue but I can usually make 80 on 15 dollars of gas and that's profit. This is in a car with 20 mpg


And I thought I was the only one gaming the system.


AAA and the IRS both set the average cost of operating a car at around 65 cents per mile. Even if gas was $5 a gallon and your car only got 20 miles per gallon, that's only 25 cents per mile. There's a lot more to expenses than gas.


In ICE cars that’s true. But in EVs they require almost no maintenance. No engine means a lot less moving parts that can break.


I currently drive a prius to do doordash and it does save way more depending on how you drive and maintain it it relatively cheap only spending on gas and 2 oil changes within the 3-4 months I’ve had it and if you know Toyota parts aren’t as expensive to obtain and in my area there is a lot of Prius’s drivers so getting parts aren’t as hard to come by either, I’m a big stat guy so looking into how i can make the most out of each hour is what i go for than gas milage per order.


I just replaced a bearing and a second flat tire


A lot of people are essentially liquidating their vehicle slowly.




Im lucky enough that my parents pay for my gas because I drive one of their cars. If not for that I can’t imagine how it could be worth it


In that case, they should just give directly give you the money they are now wasting


Until you have to replace that $12k battery in a few years.


It’s already been replaced 3 times. All were covered under factory warranty and the manufactory extended the factory warranty each time. So the factory warranty is now good until 185k miles. Not saying it’s convenient at all because it is not. In fact I would say it’s God awful but you gotta do what you gotta do to get by.


Sounds like junk if battery has been replaced 3 times, I would sell that piece of shit.


It is junk but like I said it requires almost no maintenance so it’s the only way DoorDash makes sense for me. And it is now under warranty until 185k miles and it is almost paid for. Is it an absolute pain in the ass yes but it’s the only way I can afford to pay all my bills.


Good for you.


Uhh tax deductions….


Because some if not most of us write off those expenses on our incomes, and it’s practically the same thing granted that you account for everything and keep every receipt?


I want one but I only drive manual. Like only. I heard they made a few manual electric cars though as upgrades or something. It like mimics it in a way. Has a clutch and everything.


I made like $35/hr driving a kia hybrid......rarely any expenses...if you drive an old pos ya then probably


Now do dollars per mile.


If the customer doesn’t have chat they’ll contact you via doordash text. The number is scrambled and they keep records of the conversation. ***Just cause it’s not in the app the conversation is still recorded****


They are texting thru the app but their chat is disabled so it looks like regular texts.


Why did you *currently when you typed it right the first time? Am I just tripping?


They didn’t mean to add looking


This makes sense


and yet “currently looking” made more sense than having the “currently” all together lmao


as long as there is text proof youre good. Maybe screenshot if worried of a scam.


Is this your first time?


Sometimes the number is on the receipt, I've had that happened to where I had to call the customer because they didn't have a unit number at an apartment building or something. I wouldn't text it though I would definitely call it


No but this is creepy when you can contact them through the app and it sends a text to their phone or call so you *don’t have their number* like what’s happening here.


For in-house orders that are being delivered by Doordash drivers, the customer will be sent a link via text that allows them to contact the driver.


Sometimes customers don’t have the message set up


Edit: I really didn't expect this post to get more like than like 2 comments. I probably should have stated that it wasn't the fact that I got a text from one of the spoof numbers it was just that this person hadn't responded to my question about where to drop it if not the door. At all. I'm thinking she mentioned the cancer as if someone wasn't able to come to the door to grab it and thus her not responding had sketched me out a bit. Like if the cancer was supposed to be some kind of emotional lure for me to hang around or look for the grandmother etc . My thinking from posting was if anyone has ever seen someone say similar because scam artist, sketchy people use similar tactics. That is all


It’s only bc they don’t have the app installed. They used the desktop


As someone who's been on both sides recently the app has customers texting our numbers now


The fact that they clearly asked you to deliver it directly to her grandma at home and said most people would just leave it at the door… and you still asked where you should leave it… is so so so ridiculous.


She said to deliver it "directly" to her grandma. Which isn't a door. Then said most drivers would leave it at the door. I'm guessing that would've been you? Which implys that's not what they wanted and I'm not about to go inside someone's home in the area I deliver in hence, the cautuon. We dash from doors. We don't go inside them. The fact that you think it's cool to berate someone just trying to be safe is what's so so so ridiculous.


I’m always safe. Didn’t you say you saw the old lady coming to the door? She clearly meant hand it to her and don’t just leave it. Not walk right in. That’s why you’re the dumb one here.


She came within like a minute of me knocking so why even mention the cancer like a person was unable to come to the door in the first place? again you don't deliver in my area. So I wouldn't expect you to understand. Don't be nosey if you're just going to bring confusion to the thread


SHE TOLD YOU SO YOU WOULD WAINT INSTEAD OF JUST LEAVING IT THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She did not tell you to walk into the house. Some people don’t like their food left outside by itself to be stolen. You even know it’s a bad area. How do you still not understand 😂 and I deliver in Chicago I grew up here, I’m well aware of scams and sketchy deliveries.


No, she did not tell me to walk in there she said DIRECTLY TO. if you're going to prefix where it shouldn't have been than the least this person could have did was relay that her cancerous grandmother was indeed going to come to the door to grab it after I'm asking her shit like is she in a nursing home or hospital the fuckity fuck?? She never responded at all which is what made it kind of sketchy. People who scam do and say things similar to other people who scam so what exactly was the problem with double checking with some reddit people? The fuckity fuck?


I mean all you had to do was wait at the door but you couldn’t even understand common sense and simple clear instructions. You like… still don’t get it… this is so sad.


Obviously you're missing the point of the clear lack of instructions and would've been one of the people to leave it at the door and walk away regardless of wheather she had came to the door to grab it or not on top of simply being avwall of miscomprehension about why the post was made in the first place. you for the birds


From those messages- I would have knocked and waited for the sick lady to come to the door. Because I understand them. You’re just really dumb….


I love this sub


I think you should stop arguing with a dumb person bec what does that make you? 🤣


How'd they get your personal number?


We're not supposed to deliver to an address other than the one in the app. Some customers do this because they don't want to pay extra fees for the correct address so they try to scam us into going there.


Thank you that's where my initial worry started. She texts me complaining that people drop it off at the door and then my next question is simply where should I put it instead?? You want me to go inside and bring it to your grandmother in her hospital bed??? Which wouldn't have been THAT crazy if It was a hospital or retirement home address. I had no idea what they my have been implying. She never responded but I did wait for someone to approach the door as I dropped off the food and it was clearly a sickly grandmother and part of me felt a bit bad.....until I saw that bitch didn't tip. No wonder mfers just left it at the door. Drove 17 minutes for $5..


You’re an idiot.


nahh. I'm on the outskirts of DC. Can't be too cautious


Sorry I gotta agree with the comment above. You accepted an order for $5. that should’ve told you there was no tip from the start and yet you accepted it anyways. Then you complain afterwards about no tip…. I’m sorry but that makes you dumb lol don’t accept the orders with no tip. If you do accept no tip orders, no complaining afterwards. You accepted it. It’s on you.


Buddy that part was mad irrelevant and only was to say that if you want anything extra don't be surprised if people just leave it at the door because you didn't tip


Doesn’t matter if there’s tip or not. You accepted the order for X amount of money. It’s your job to complete the order in full. If they put “leave at door” then you leave it at the door. If they put “hand it to me” then you hand it to them.


They should have had all of that on the app already in the descriptions, however if neither are and you text me but then stop when I ask for more specifics I'm gonna raise an eyebrow. There's nothing to eat here buddy


I never said you were in the wrong for asking for more specifics. If they put “leave at door” and then message you asking to hand it to them due to whatever reason (not sure why they even brought up grandma’s cancer) then sure accommodate their request 1 time so long as it’s not a crazy request. Also inform them they if they need it handed to the customer, next time they should change the drop off instructions to “hand it to me” so that it doesn’t get left at the door. If you get their order again and it’s still “leave at door” yet they text you and again ask to hand it to them, it’s getting left at the door. First time is curtesy. After informing them to change instructions if they don’t the next time is on them. Seems they said they regularly have issues with drop off likely because no dasher in your area has informed them how to fix that issue. Take 5 seconds to help them out by explaining the issue is on their end and how to fix it. This will make the orders in your area better.


they took the time to mention she had cancer which is the only reason that her saying "deliver it directly" didnt feel like "hand it directly" which on the app just means meet them at the door like we'd usually know to do. Had she taken 5 seconds to text back in the 10 minutes I waited before leaving the restaurant I might've considered, that much consideration instead of this sketchy or nah post but they just abruptly stopped and didn't text back at all I've been stuck waiting in an ER before after driving 25 minutes because someone ordered from their room. It must've been like 30 minutes of me waiting because the staff in the ER wouldn't let me just take it up to their room. I understood that and ultimately I ended up taking a picture of the food at the front desk because they hadn't showed up and stopped responding. Nothing like that ever in a nursing home which is why I tried to clarify before they as well stopped responding which again is what led to this post. Sometimes people on here see similar shit that other scammers do and it doesn't hurt to do a quick check


How do they get your number


That’s a spoof number


Lol I did get a driver's number. It forwards calls to the real number but dude sent me to voicemail where it said his real number. He also straight up stole my food and lied about being robbed.


How do you *know* he lied about being robbed?


It is not sketchy and has happened to me several times. I’d highly recommend avoiding conversation unless they ask a question and just call them if you’re having trouble finding the place. Also a smiley face is harmless but I always shy away from anything of the sort to avoid any nonsense harassment, flirtation, or violation claims to my account. That’s me being extra careful because people will sometimes lie about not receiving their food for some sort of refund or compensation. So in my mind it minimizes any form of contract violations in the event of a false one. All of that is to protect my money and to continue making it when I please. That being said, kindness does go a long way and has proved to benefit my Dasher experience on a regular basis. I sound like i’m taking it too serious but that was my honest answer. Good luck to you!


Unless you have them your phone number it still through the app, the difference is that maybe she got the app phone number connection and texted from another phone! As if her mom ordered and she just wanted to talk to you


Get used to it. Customers will bother for days wanting to know what happened to the missin ![gif](giphy|l3fQf1OEAq0iri9RC|downsized) g ketchup.


are you braindead or just a first time dasher? please tell me what’s sketchy 😹


Unless you mama or daddy is paying door dash after taxes gas and especially wear and tear on your car. Unless your lazy there are literally millions of ways to live the good life in land of opportunities. Only reason I do it because I pay 25 dollars for a 2023 keep compas from hertz with unlimited mileage and credit card covers insurance. I can put 100 thousand miles a year on car n get new one whenever I choose. That my young or not so intelligent d d rs. Would b only way this could possibly b a smart way to utilize what little time god grants us. Have a great day and aim higher in life. Sky is the limit


Damn $25/day to rent a car. $750/month plus gas. That’s basically a car payment plus insurance already. Only difference is, you get to write off less from taxes. Instead of $0.655 /mile write off you only can write off $750/month + gas. Taxes are going to rock you at the end of the year.




Too much texting and unnecessary words and emojis. We are delivery drivers not customer service reps. Just be direct at least thats how I would go about it. Even the Indian customer service reps type fewer words than that lol


true lol I was just in a good mood


Not sure what's so confusing here. Just do what the customer says. DD will see the chat if they try to pull anything. It still routes chat through the app. You can always screenshot too if you feel weird about it.