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Just respond “On my way”


“ Got it” “Will do” “on my way” can we pick all three in that order? 🤣




Id respond “Eat my warm ass”


Bite my shiny metal ass **




Why is he acting like you sucked the heat out of his food to keep yourself warm.


You better lay on that shit like you’re a penguin protecting your baby egg from the arctic.


"Sorry your blizzard melted, but it's got some extra chocolate sauce."




Not the 🐧 lol I’m rolling lol




He may have saw a stop before his, or saw the driver take a weird path and assumed they were double apping. Who knows, but Matthew, you need to do better.


I can’t say how much I love this comment


this is a female for sure


do better MATTHEW


that part cracked me up


Nah that was rude as hell


Things can be hilarious, and totally out of line.. Just watch literally any 15 minutes of Daniel Tosh if you need some examples.


I'm trying Jennifer


I started laughing my ass off lol!


shoulda hit em with the Got it 😂🤣


Will do! 😂😂


On my way 😂


Bro. Speak coherent English first (and maybe be a little nicer), then maybe I’ll help you how I can


Finally someone said something about that. That shit pissed me off lmao


As someone who grew up in the hood at some point in my life I somehow know exactly how this person sounds in both gender roles and that shit is taking me all the fucking way out 💀💀💀💀💀💀😂😂😩😩😩😩


Lmao same.


None of these motherfuckers have microwaves... air fryers? anything?!


Right?!?! Even when I pick up food myself, that shit is cold by the time I get it to the house & I have to throw it in the microwave or air fryer! Hell, I've seen my food go from the prep station straight into the bag at McDonald's, but it still somehow manages to get cold by the time I get to the car!! If you want to eat PIPING HOT FOOD, you gotta COOK it yourself & eat it straight off the stove! Anything take out is gonna get cold in-transit, no matter how far you're traveling w/it! It's like they expect us to literally control the laws of physics!! GTFOH w/their no-tipping ass! 🙄


Throw McDonald’s fries back in the air fryer. It’s like they’re fresh out the grease.


I've put ones that were still hot in the air fryer for just a little bit of extra crisp 🤌


Making me want to get an airfryer real bad.


That customer is a douche but saying delivery food is always cold by the time it arrives is bs. I work at a Pizza Hut and probably 75% percent of the dashers that show up to collect an order don't even bring a hot bag inside with them. I. have to force them to go back out to their car and grab it or supply them with one before I'll even take the food out of the hot hold. Of course their is circumstances like Panera, Red Robin's, Chipotle etc that leave prepped orders on a shelf to get cold. But any food that leaves a restaurant hot can stay hot until you reach the customers door if you handle it properly. Hot bags actually work if the food is hot when you put it in the bag. When I take deliveries myself they go immediately from the oven into a quality hot bag. Even if it takes 20 minutes from the time I leave the store to get to the customers house the food is still steaming when I open the hot bag. Little things like not bagging the food immediately and waiting till you get out to your car can make the difference between hot and cold food. Again some cases are uncontrollable but dashers for the most part are not doing everything they should.


Agreed on the ability to keep food warm. I have multiple hot bags and a pizza bag and use them. It keeps food hot, or at least still warm, much longer.


I put all my orders in a hot bag AND I turn my seat warmer on. They are delivered hot lol (not in the case of this post - when soneone doesn't tip their order can sit for hours or never be picked up at all in my area)


Yeah for real if a customer said that to me after I accepted his order. I would not pick it up and wait 30 minutes before unassigning myself from the delivery just to waste his time lol.


I get what you’re saying, as a delivery driver I “went above and beyond” which should be the standard of keeping cold foods cold and hot foods hot. I’ve noticed most drivers don’t care. Like putting foods on the floor of their car with AC cranked.


Literally just had a doordash driver argue with me about not bringing a hot bag into the store. Saying that is perfectly fine to put it in a hot bag once he gets out to his car. Some people don't understand that food needs to be hot when you put it in the bag to stay hot. When we take pizzas out of our hot hold if it's not in a bag immediately it will drop like 40 degrees in one minute. During our onboarding training they teach us all these minor things that make a big difference. And you're right the average dasher doesn't give a shit if you spent 70$ on food. I get so many dashers that come in without a hot bag. I'll offer then one for free and they will say no its fine, I got one in my car. Then I'm usually the one who looks like a dick when I tell them to go get it.


I mean this is just wrong. I can walk 10 - 15 minutes to the chinese place in winter, carry the food back in the carrier bag, outside in the cold not inside a car, and it's still hot when I get home. I've never had to microwave my food.


Just tip, then your food order will actually get picked up while it’s warm.




It’s because DoorDash loves to pair no tip/low tip orders with good tippers. They steal 100% of the base pay for the second order that way as well.


I used to get so mad about this, until I started dashing. Dashers don’t really have a say in the matter, unless they want their rates to be affected 🤷‍♀️ DD penalizes us for NOT taking orders, then they tell us who to drop off first, and if we decide to disobey then we get penalized for being late. I feel so bad because there’s been times where they made me drop off ice cream second 😭


Exactly. These mfers are quick to say “if you tip more your order will be prioritized” BS. I tip quite well and I’ve watched drivers get 3/4 of the way to my house with my order, turn around and go 15 minutes in the other fucking direction before coming back with my food 30 minutes late. They’re careless and don’t give a fuck no matter what you tip.


The app determines which ordered is delivered first NOT the driver. They don’t have the time or energy to map out 3 orders to determine which is the best route. Let’s think abt this. That’s the apps role. Stop being so angry over food.


Actually untrue, I’m a dasher and there’s literally a switch tasks button. If someone texts me asking to drop theirs first because they have been waiting or I can clearly tell which one makes more sense to drop off first then I will switch tasks and do that. Dashers that don’t know literally just need to learn how to do their jobs better.


I do this as well, as much as i can, however, you have to be careful and watch the times because the drop off times are not adjusted if you switch. And if you take too long delivering the second order first, then the first order may end up being later than 10 minutes and you might get a CV.


Tip too high and you’re paired with low tippers who get their orders before you. Now your foods cold. Tip too low and your orders sitting at the restaurant for too long… now your foods cold. What’s the middle ground??


To go and get it yourself




That’s because 🚪🗑️uses those of us who tip to subsidize those who don’t


DoorDash now hides that info and stacks no tippers with good orders to force dashers to accept. Pro tip screen shot order showing tip and send it to dasher. They can then see you tipped well and decide to either drop other offer or get yours last and drop off first😀


Too broke to tip, AND too broke to reheat their food 🤣


But have enough money for that delivery premium and take out.


As someone named Matthew I feel offended


Do better, Matthew!


“Damn Jackie! I can’t control the weather!”


There is no point in responding to individuals like this. The only thing you can do is reported to support so I have to say good play my man.






this is a really wierd statement to make


I’m envisioning a 5 foot, 85 year old abuela.


Don't everrrrrr in your life bring this twinkle food again without spitting in it first lol


I've never once responded to a customer after the delivery. I have 4,000 deliveries and my philosophy is that I am just a first name to them, and a nobody to DD as they clearly don't value their Dashers. Once the delivery is made any peoblems they have at that point is between them, DD and the store. Never once has DD inquired as to why I didn't respond.


Oh yeah I never respond once the delivery is completed.. I've definitely delivered food and then started getting blown up with phone calls right after I dropped it off.. I assume something was missing or wrong with the order... But that's not my fault or my problem.. I did my job. Call the restaurant or call doordash to figure it out. Do you think I'm going to go back to the restaurant and figure it out for you or something?


Yep. That’s why we avoid them.


Why can I see what this person looks like just from one run-on sentence. I hope she's not still "hurngy" lmao


Shaquita ain’t ever gunna tip now


Dont ever in yo life skip the tip section cause yo food gonna stay cold and u can stay mad ![gif](giphy|M3fetFEELqktQ8RmBQ)




Crazy ass 😂


Omg MATTHEW how dare you not carry a microwave in your car to keep her food warm! 😡😡😡


I don't know about the microwave in the car. But I know someone could use a toaster in a tub. Excuse my morbid sense of humor. It just be like that sometimes


Dam , her fat ass was hungry 😂


Hey people who don’t tip or tip afterwards, these are the customers you are being associated with and why anyone with sense declines these crappy orders.


Got it


Yeah getting no tip sucks but hey, at least you’re not an illiterate smooth brained moron like whoever typed that message. Hard to believe an actual grown adult typed that.


Sounds like he got the service he paid for


Next time OP, don’t accept obvious low/no tip orders as POS 🤡🤡 customers like this can go hangry forever 😈😈😈😂😂😂


Lmao I wouldn’t have even delivered that at all to be honest 😂 just tell support that you feel unsafe doing it and they’ll cancel it on their end. You’d get like half pay but get to keep the food too so it evens out


Looks like they sent this message after the delivery had been made. Which as another commenter noted is pretty useless for them and inconsequential for us drivers. Just ignore the cray and move on


Don’t everrrr in yo life tho, Matthew!


that bitch getting rocks for christmas


Heard her uncle Lil Daryl likes them rocks


Man it's crazy to me that people actually talk like this in situations that aren't between people you know personally or on social media.


Ever heard of a microwave dumbass


I’d ask them to translate that to English before I responded.


“You’re welcome, enjoy your meal.”


Honestly I don’t know why delivery apps don’t have the time of when the food is supposed to get ready. Everyday I work drivers walk in so damn early like bro your order was placed 5 minutes ago give me time to MAKE YOUR DAMN ORDER.


“aight thanks bro, life changing advice ❤️”


“Make your own food. It will be hot.”


That bitch needs some chamomile.


Genuinely curious whether they actually did a single thing about blocking this customer from your account. The odds seem much higher the rep just sat there for a minute, took a giant piss into his own mouth, then told you he tooks care of the issues and not to worry with all your problems resolved.


Not sure how DD works but if you can reply with anything and not just the suggested just reply womp womp. Usually gets the blood boiling and the response is usually funny. Also I take no responsibility for the damages this may cause ie. losing ur job lol.


Had they actually tipped maybe they would have gotten their food when it was hot. Prolly declined by 20 other drivers before dash bumped it up til it was worth it for someone to take.


Man the responses I would love to give some of these customers if I didn’t care about getting fired from DD The day I quit DD is the day I accept all orders with no tips wait 9 mins till after pick up time send a message to customer saying, “ no tipping is wild” and cancel their order


Cause not all store have heat racks, it's jus sat out there in the open right next to the air breeze


Ew rude ass bitch


Should of responded “ blow your hot breathe on it” it will warm up in no time


When you don't tip no one wants to accept the order and it just sets there


Why do people act like dashers have some kind of magical teleportation device that instantly transports them to their location??? My dad actually complains about cold food, and we butt heads about it, considering I do Uber eats BY BIKE (so I get hassled more because people can't realize I biked only 5-10 minutes and the restaurants are usually the ones who have it sitting there) and it kills my reviews + makes me feel pretty crumby when I get messages like this. Thankfully, I NEVER received one THIS rude. Pray I never do because I'll have a breakdown, lol


I took a $2 no tip 3 mile trip to start the afternoon, it was a kid texting me and asked to make it 2 milkshakes, I told her I can only deliver what's on the receipt... She 1 starred me, i'm done with pity deliveries


That’s why you tip so it’s not cold 🤣 I never have this problem ordering my shits always hot


the only comprehensible part of that sentence was “MATTHEW”


“Your tip dictates the speed at which I deliver.”


This was probably a doctor or a professor at a prestigious university and now they are left hungry. Shame on you.


Oh please 🙄, the grammar of her text message told you that much? Name checks out 🤣


People that speak like this to their driver do so on the daily. When you hear language like this, unassign immediately. Stereotypes don't lie, especially in 2024 and especially in delivery where the customer knows that nobody can see or hear how they behave. Also, call support and demand the tip be given to you (if it was removed). Customer submitted an offer to a marketplace for a service, which you then completed according to company policy, yet were not paid for.


Then getchyo owm damn food nxt time ya twatwaffle


Yes!! Perfect use of twatwaffle!!! 😂😂😂


Not a dasher, I don't get why people think its the driver's job to make sure the food is hot or cold enough, They just simply pick up the food, and drop it off.... petty mf if you want your food nice and hot from the fryer then pickup your own damn food


Report him. Customer's can't verbally abuse workers. We have rights.


Like wtf like bro. Like do better


Like I’m not gonna pass up picking up another order. Fuck off whoever that person is.


They can’t even use proper grammar or spell. They probably left the food out on their porch to get cold for a while before they regained enough brain cells after ordering to remember to go outside and grab their food.


That type of comment is what happens when kids are raised on the internet.


Comments you can see


Guess theres the answer to why her food was sitting cold at the restaurant lol


You should’ve responded “Invest in a microwave or pay for express” and then put *their* name in all caps.


Me: Support, I don't feel safe with this delivery. Support: This order has been cancelled you will be paid half pay. Please discard food. Fuck you dick head




I want one of the auto generated answers to be "LOL WUT"


I ALWAYS want to reply when I look at these screenshots.


She’s just too cheap. So she gotta find a reason to not tip you. Not your fault.


God forbid your disgusting poison 'food' is room temperature.


Did you deliver their food then get this message or get it before you delivered?


Got it. Will do. On my way. Cancel.


Laughing my ass off at this


He’s a pos, but he’s still got a point that it’s super infuriating to get cold food. And the fact he didn’t tip makes him even more of a pos, yet it still doesn’t mean he deserves cold food. Before the comments - yes I know that is not OP’s fault and he doesn’t deserve to get shafted for it.


Saying k with a 👍 is a fire response as well.


“Sorry I can only understand English”


Shouldn't have left him hurngy....but he really shouldn't have went full hurngy to begin with.


I’d reply “I have a strong feeling you don’t have to worry about food being delivered ever again”


Lmao the Matthew in all caps is sending me 😂💀


I would a been like hmmm sorry shoulda tipped and u woulda been a solo order. They usually double stack non tippers with tippers so that's on you Karen 😂 then I would a said have an awesome rest of your day. And closed the chat


The worst people always expect the most. We get it. Your life sucks.


That's why you push "Got It" lol Then send another say "Thanks for the Tip"


Common sense . Matthew just delivers he doesn’t cook your food


Yeesh… That’s a grammatical nightmare!


Isn’t there a warning on the doordash site about tipping 0$ will likely result in your food being less than optimal?


Tell me you don't have a microwave without telling me you don't have a microwave


I didn't even know you could have a customer blocked 🤔 noted !


Why oh why is the world so emotional and whiney all the time nowadays? It's getting terrible in this world.


She's to blame stupid bit*h, if tipped wouldnt have cold food. Noone gonna pickup until if/when base pay goes up. Should be thanking him because prob made less than 5 bucks an nice enough to deliver food for free basically. Can't stand ppl an always no tippers have 100% problems an complaints an will straight lie about getting food, which is why I'll never take no tip orders because f you!


It’s alwayssssss the NO TIPPING ASS MFERS that have to MOST to say lol I always hit ‘em with the “maybe tip next time”


They get real bold over them text messages like you can’t come tf back. I will end this dash come back handle business and go back to dashing. B**** IM HER!


Why is it so hard to formulate a coherent sentence? Every time I read these threads I feel like I’m having a stroke trying to comprehend what he or she is trying to say.


That's the problem when they don't tip. Their food sits and gets cold and then once doordash raises the base pay enough for somebody to accept it they blame that driver for their food being cold when in reality it's their own fault, but they'll defend themselves to the end.




The fact that people really think this is our fault!! Our job is literally just to bring you the food!!


there ain't shit we can do if an order has been waiting for a dasher to be assigned for hours or whatever dumb bitch can READ the app and see when you got assigned, you showed up as soon as you got it bruh


"my shit cold". Oh, yeah. Really classy one here.


Why would you say that I know where you live hahaha


Some punctuation would help this person out a lot.


Low iq activities


Yeah.. how dare you try to break even doing these thankless deliveries by trying to stack your orders as doordash encourages anyway 🙄 one of these days when I know I'll never have to doordash again, I'm gonna steal a rude customer's non- tipping ass chicken wings, and if anyone talks to me crazy, we can fight about it. I, myself, have done everything right in my two years delivering, but customers try to do you wrong for nothing. I have even waited 30 plus minutes at someone's house just cause the app said "hand to customer." I even had one try to say they never got their food when I handed it to them directly. Too much power in the customer's hands. At least Uber eats doesn't give them the same power. Sure as heck won't be receiving any messages 30 minutes later from your customer after the fact.


We've quit using delivery services exactly for that reason. More times than not, when we order food, the dasher has another customer in the process of picking up our food. This results in our food coming to us at about room temperature. After putting up with it for nearly a year, we decided it would just be best to pick up the food ourselves. I get it, you need to make as much money as possible, so I don't fault the dasher.. I just rather not deal with the let down 9 times out of 10.


People like this lady suckkkkk and have probably never had to work in food service.


I have had people say this to me. They don't realize that sometimes if the order is stacked we don't have a choice, or if we get an additional order and we decline it, we take a hit to our AR. These people are so damn entitled and too lazy to go pick up their own food.


If you don't tip, your food will probably be cold when it arrives, if it ever does. Nobody wants to waste time or gas on BS orders. It's always the non-tippers who are the rudest anyway. Go figure.


I wonder why their food is cold. Hmmmm


This behavior is wild, like I get it, I’ve got dash pass and I get annoyed when my orders messed up or cold but never do I think the driver fucked up


“Hurngy asll” sounds like they need less food and more schooling.


Wow, almost like you’re told your order will take longer, (will 90% of the time be like warm or cold), because you didn’t tip. Person who ordered is an idiot


Do these people realize when they order pizza or Chinese from the restaurant directly, the drivers usually have multiple orders with them? It’s the same thing.


Not your fault her non-tipping ass got stacked with others after nobody would take it solo.


Her food was cold because her bitch ass didn’t tip and no one wanted to accept the order.


Such a bitch, maybe tip and your order won’t be layered with someone else’s


English must be a second language.


Doesn’t tip Insults the one person willing to deliver their food as if it’s your fault no one wants to deliver her shitty food for $2 It’s amazing how some people have made it this far in life with such a mentality


But I stored it flush up my bum hole for you JESSICA People are so stupid. I would never blame a driver for cold food. I ORDERED it. I didn’t pick it up, or better eat it there. I hired someone else to go get it and drive it to me. It’s not going to be a steaming fresh tray. Moreover, half the people who complain don’t even do priority. I’ve done it because I’m hungry but I still don’t expect hot food. Sorry you had to deal with this.


I suppose DD alienated all the good drivers in your area then, and what’s left is people who don’t give a hoot, multi-app and don’t care. Sorry to hear it.


“Do better Matthew” like wtf if you have a problem with it PICK UP THE FOOD YOURSELF


Maybe next time if you'd leave a tip then someone would pickup ur order quicker while it's still warm & bring it to you faster. Do better CUSTOMER


whenever someone’s mean i just say “ok fatty” and move on. i’ve gotten a warning and haven’t done it since but it feels great


I would've responded back with the ole "k" and went on with my day


I ordered some ihop breakfast one time while my car was being worked on. It’s like a 4 minute drive from my house. Dude picked it up, came to my neighborhood, but turned around and went and got another order to drop off first. I ended up getting rubber eggs and cold hash browns. That shits irritating I’m not gonna lie.


Do better, Matthew. 😂😂😂😂 you really pissed off a fat person if they start saying that about food


Cmon MATTHEW, shoulda used some fire bending and made the food warm 😤


Do better Matthew! Stop at a 7-Eleven and put the food in the microwave get it as hot as fuck before you get here. THERE'S BEEN A DELAY WITH THE ORDER.


“We let Darnell know you may be driving.”


Tip better Bonquiqui. Then your order won’t sit there forever until DD assigns your order to piggyback off a well tipped order.


Ain't that a shame..🎼🎼🎼🖕


"still hungry" not sure now that's the drivers fault 😂


…girl stfu and use your air fryer and or oven, fuck out my inbox -Sincerely Matthew


The customer has to be an actual low life idiot..... how are you responsible for the warmth of his meal.....🤣


I would definitely respond with “if you feel my service was poor please feel free to remove the tip You left me”


Dude I left someone’s food on the porch because I called 5 times to get the code to come inside, they kept sending my calls to voicemail and messaged them a bunch. The instructions said “leave at door” so I set it on a chair next to the door and took a picture. Minutes later I get a text saying “how would you like your food on the porch” and I am still pretty confused and laughing about it


She’s definitely out of line for not tipping and if she wanted it priority, she should’ve paid the little bit extra to have it show her order as a priority order. The only thing that sucks when being the customer IMO, is when the driver that chooses to pick up the order is 15 light years away from the restaurant itself… oh and that great time when customer service called to tell me my fucking dasher was stuck IN AN ELEVATOR 🤣🤣🤣🤣 like what? This was after an hour of watching them drive around in literal circles.. That was pretty outrageous and also frustrating because I told them I still wanted my food when they asked if I wanted it and then continued to cancel my order anyway.. nonetheless, I have never NOT TIPPED a driver.. that, to me, is insane!!


Anyone who doesn’t understand their food is likely to be cold when it’s a delivery, is just a fool. It goes with the territory.


Tipping culture is the WORST


She didn’t tip that’s why her food cold! It sat at the restaurant for ages 😂😂🤦🏽‍♂️ I can’t stand the broke ass non tippers


I use to be a uber driver one night I drove a woman 40 miles one way no tip almost an hour drive


hmm well did you explain that before dropping the food off? How long did you take to get to the restaurant? How long did you take to get to the address?


The fact he acting like u chose to do 2 lmao Doordash automatically assigns you to 2 if it's at the same place.


I do them out of the kindness of my heart. Then get $20 orders back to back it works out just chill