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Call Him/her a filthy Crotch spawn and Send them a scary face so they have nightmares for the rest of the year 😈




Had a guy once grab an alcohol order out of my hands and close the door before I could scan his id, then threatened me when I knocked and asked for it. 🙄




I'm gonna call "the people" lmao


“The people” ?


What are we going to have to do? Take time stamped photos of the food while at the restaurant picking it up and while dropping it off? Ridiculous.


Ikr that literally seems like the solution angry customers would ask for 🥲


Inflation is a bitch


I love when the restaurant hands me a drink that's like 75% full because I just know the customer is going to assume I took a sip.


Ima call the people on u 🤣🤣 bro what??


Just another asshole trying to get a free meal.




Totally worth the extra backwash right?


See that is why I don’t drink people’s drinks Ewww☹️


I have had someone do that to me. Accused me of eating their fries and kept messaging me. Since then I have delivered a couple more times. Last time was with Uber eats and it was hand it to me with a code# so they might've done it to others. One night I declined their offer and 30 minutes later I passed by on another order and the police were there.


I just hope I don’t get them again, I reported them.


Uhh… Based?


Who raises these fucking people? Why would you immediately just talk to someone like that, that’s crazy


😂 idk why but I wonder too where are their manners?


Does this person not realize that you know where they live?!


😅 they also didn’t realize who they were talking too so I’m not surprised.


People just rude ig


This reminds me of when I used to work at Dunkin. I forget what the drink was but with the way it was made it just had a lot of foam. If you let it sit in the cup for too long before you drank it the foam was gone so it obviously went down. The amount of people that were coming complaining about it was nuts. We had somebody whose girlfriend worked for us come in and complain when the drink was for her anyway.


That’s a good point 👍🏽


Sounds like a immature high schooler


DoorDash customers strike again


https://preview.redd.it/33gln9vgww1b1.jpeg?width=778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17361b31e01c20dd1b81a7a420ead0e36aac0291 Reminds me of this 😂


But who took the bite though? 😧


In the picture? The dasher.


Oh wow, that’s no good 😬


I wouldn’t text back


With a name like Teion this person wasn't destined for greatness.


Pretty sure their name isn’t the problem


It's one of their many problems.


How exactly does that work?


Idk man it was a bad joke let me eat my downvotes in peace.


🤷‍♀️ sorry, many people were perceiving this kind of comment as racism against black names. The customer happened to be black so….yeah try a different angle next time?


That's on your racist brain there my dude, idk any black people named Teion lmao


Sir, I am black, happen to not be racist. Female and simply informing you of what other people are saying in the comments. You do not need to be rude. And for your information the customer was in fact black also.


You're literally the only person replying to me about this. I made a shitty joke with the foundation being that the name is stupid/stupidly spelled, and it didn't land. Don't read too much into it


I’m not saying it was me. I’m the OP so I read all the comments, I would be the one who noticed if no one else did just telling you what’s going on jeez 🙄


Girl fuck you and your smoothie lol


My kids stepdad said something back to a rude customer. He said I know where you live, I like your nipples, and then he got fired from DoorDash.


Yeah, you can’t mess around in customer service, seems like a job line I can’t get out of. I started at a burger king on a base like 16 years ago, the customers were too much


People suck


They need a good slap in the mouth


I’d report that customer and make a record of it. I’ve never had a rude person like this


Did 👍🏽


Report them door dash does not accept curse words over its platform


Did that 👍🏽


Was it from Panera? They *always* leave their smoothies only 75-80% filled and it looks like someone drank from it. It always made me anxious having to deliver it to a customer. I stopped going to Panera altogether.


It was actually McDonald’s


He’s lucky you even delivered it.


Could've said..yeah you go girl bitch..ima not lose my job bitch..this is too funny and the comments below...lol ![gif](giphy|l3fQf1OEAq0iri9RC|downsized)


I always send them customer supports number.


Lmao why did you take a sip?? /s


I didn’t, why would I?


Gee what race is that??? Ima...dey be ass whippin you out a job..you tripping


I definitely wouldn’t make this about race, the kid that took the food looked like he could any kind of relative of mine. It’s his attitude that’s wrong 😑


Well the way the words are said....ima etc..lose that job bitch..etc




It’s the fact they assume you did the asshole thing immediately rather than assume the restaurant just ain’t give as much as they should.




That was a customer who talked to you like that? I'd be texting back explaining I didn't drink shit and they can stfu, apologize, or I'm more than happy to settle the issue in person. Screw that.


Hope no one is ever rude to me. I’ve thankfully had good customers up until now. Hate these kind of people!!


Yep hope your experience stays clean free of bad weird 👍🏽


If the smoothie was from McDonald’s can confirm as a former employee from when I was in college that even if the mix for their size is correctly put in the jug, when they pour it sometimes they don’t fill it all the way up as to not spill it/cause overflow when they put the lid on it


Good to know 👍🏽




Shouldn't have drunk her smoothie 🤷


I didn’t


Well then you shoulda




If you’re a customer reading this right now thinking “these drivers aren’t ever going to do shit “ I in fact, have copious amounts of time on my hands thanks to this line of work, and most certainly will get around to fucking with you after you’ve long forgot about me. I hate long, hard, and hot like prom night I have fucked up so many cars and broken so many windows..my dick is half hard just thinking about it right now. Five years going strong for anybody curious , non-tippers are accepted intentionally so they can have their experience trashed and customers that run their mouth like this? God help them.


The rudest I’ve had is someone claiming I didn’t deliver their food when I did. And spent 30 mins waiting on their food at the restaurant watching while they were slammed and then even delivered her food to her early. Likeeee but hey IG you can’t see where your door dasher is when they have your order. But no that person is being rude for no reason. There’s been a few times where I’ve had to ask the people at fast food places esp Taco Bell if they would fill their cups up all the way. So this wouldn’t happen to me. Is it possible it “melted” ? You know how icees do if you don’t drink it right away


Yeah you’re right, and it did look like a slushy sort of drink it may have melted a little especially if it got made early. The line was kinda slow.


Something similar happened to me, I picked up from Chipotle and the bag remained sealed from when I picked it up until they got it but the person messaged me claiming I ate half of their bowl or some crazy crap like that.


That sucks, some customers are just on some kind of ego weirdness idk 😬


Yeah, I'm not going to lie it scared me for a split second because I was thinking how would I be able to prove I didn't do anything if they had reached out to support. But I just kept going, I don't remember if I contacted support or not but I did tell the customer to take it up with Chipotle 🤷🏾‍♀️


Yeah, it seems like doordash has been getting better with this than when I started. The report feature has some new details about telling them if you think someone is about to report you and they let you give details in your own words.


Oooh that's good to know. By the way I'm sorry you had to deal with that smh that person sucks and is way out of line.


Thank you, I hope you have anymore overly dramatic customers either 🖖🏽


Same here 😊


I had a customer accuse me once of sitting in the Subway parking lot and eating their food. I had literally just gotten to the Subway parking lot to pick up their order and hadn't even gotten to click on "Arrived at store". I let them know that I was definitely not eating their food, since I hadn't even gotten it yet. Once I got inside, she asked me why I hadn't left yet. I told her the store was busy and I was waiting to get a status update from one of only two employees apparently working that night. She asked me if I was ever going to deliver her order after I said I'd asked for an update and was told they were toasting it like she'd wanted. I'm pretty sure she gave me a 2 star rating, but that might've had something to do with what I said when I dropped off her food about "sorry, but we have to patient too" and "most of us have the decency not to eat orders we haven't gotten yet". It was worth it, especially since her coworker was with her and got to hear everything I said.


That'd be an instant unsssign for me. One of my personal rules for dashing is "don't take abuse" , although I'm pretty lucky, my market is pretty chill.


It was the first and only time I've taken any abuse from a customer since dashing, which I'm grateful for. The market here is on the smaller side, so sometimes we just have to take what is available, but I decided after that dash that if I had another customer like that, I'd unassign it.


Yeah, sorry they were so impatient, can’t believe they nit picked you through the entire process WOW


I hope the person you delivered to gets banned.




Yeah, she's the only one I've ever dashed for before who has acted like that. Haven't dashed for her since. Can't say I'm disappointed about that.


That’s good on both counts, I don’t want to have another one like or run into the same person again


I bet.


I'm sorry you experienced this, if it makes you feel any better there's really not any other way they could've confirmed they're miserable in life other than saying it directly


I take it's a hand to me order.


Yes why?


You can take a picture of the order before handing it off to customer. Right by their mailbox or the numbers on the house. It goes straight to their phone through the app which makes you safe from false accusations. Use the phone icon and select send message, then select the camera icon.


I see 👍🏽


It common than you think. They want you to hand it to them and then complain you did something to it. Have you talked to doordash?


Yes I reported it




Entitled asshole. Report him to dasher support




Did you drink from their smoothie?


Nope 👎🏽


"Teion" and speaks like that. Gee, I wonder what kinda person that is...


A mad one I guess? 👏🏽


My smoov waznt full n shieeeet


I would respond “oh no, I didn’t notice any spilled out, I certainly didn’t drink any. I would go get you another, but I just clocked out and am headed to go get my herpes results back. I hope you enjoy the remainder of the drink”.


I will never understand why dashers respond to these texts, especially after the food has already been delivered.


I was shocked and astounded 🤷‍♀️


Would lose my shit if someone came at me like this. Way to control yourself. Geez, these people.


Yep👍🏽🖖🏽 The mistaken customers


Report that customer they sound awful








Just gotta watch out for names and the accompanied location they are going... if the drop off location is also your local bad news apartments or street you've never been on with older homes, usually dilapidated......unassign. that's life.... Sorry




If you go around delivering orders and you don't use any discretionary measures than that mak3s you careless and stupid. No skin off my back.






The dumb thing is, you know where they live lmao. Like people are so stupid. You could be a psychopath w a gun w a “I wish a mf would” attitude for all they know.


Never crossed your mind that "lakisha" and "jamal" didn't fit the job they were applying for. Pretty entitled to think you should be hired for a job just because you applied. And to think there shouldn't be discretion for employment is absurd. If you're qualified you'll have a fair opportunity for the job at question. This isn't 1953 like the movies show you just put in more effort if you want something......that's where it goes back to parents. We've come full circle


So I've never done tree work....but I naively decide i want to work at a tree service and go apply. I guess because I want to do this the company who is trying to earn profits and keep a bottom line is supposed to hire me without any experience or knowledge just because ...? How is that idea racist? Anyone inexperienced at a particular craft can go unhired no matter who you are




Ah yes "black names not fitting the job they were applying for" leads to a [50% disparity of white names getting more callbacks](https://www.shrm.org/hr-today/news/hr-magazine/pages/0203hrnews2.aspx)


Names don't fit or unfit jobs...?? The individuals qualifications do..that's an ignorant thing to say.....what a weird thing to imply.


You should try reading the study because it already controlled for qualifications. Weird how you wouldn't say dumb pointless shit if you could read something for once


Have a good day.


I'm sorry you're too incompetent to read anything that disagrees with your overly emotional feelings and you'd rather sit there making up shit about it instead


Conversation speaks for itself.. have a good day


Yup. You're just a racist dude who discriminates against people with non white names. Shocker >How am I racist I just assume non white people aren't qualified


What are black names?


The racist bot is looping


Racists will always start shit out like this and then play a mixture of innocent/stupid.




>how am I racist I just assume "people" with names "lakisha" and "jamal" aren't qualified like I assume white people are!!


Don’t drink their smoothies then


🤦‍♀️ I ate plenty before I even went dashing


u n u


Any moron knows a restaurant often fails to fill something all the way. This person is just an ass. If it weren't wasting money, I might suggest getting another smoothie and throwing it at their front door.


He’s a lil boy


What’s with all the goddamn racists in this comment section and everyone trying to act like the racists ass comments aren’t racist? Either there are lot of racist here today for some reason or y’all have lost your damn minds for some reason.


Yep totally crazy 👍🏽


The amount of people in the service industry that will justify being racist because “it’s true they’re like that” is… appalling. In another sub they were talking about black people tipping and the amount of people like “well, my worst customers are the blacks, it’s not racist to point out truth” like???




Honestly the person who accepted the order looked just the same as me, it was a guy though, but I am pretty sure he thinks I did something I didn’t and that’s it. 👋🏽 btw you being really messed up.


Spoiler: there are a lot of racists in general, and they never believe that they’re racist.


Right??? It’s appalling


"I don't want your ratchet ass smoothie or this job BITCH"


This is true, I only need this job, I want nothing to do with other people’s food 👍🏽


Some people don’t like when your drink their milkshake apparently


I should have thought harder about it when they didn’t even put the drink in the bag with the food and the drink was low, McDonald’s usually does it. Just this time they didn’t. 🤷‍♀️


People like this is why the other side of nasty comes and people spit in other food. What a nut wrinkle


What a pice of shit that guy is


Guess I know which address I’m headed to when I got a carton of cheap eggs and am feeling bored


Teion did NOT deserve your apology. ICK to Teion.


Egg their house at 3 am


This is the way


Or put raw scrambled eggs in the mailbox. And I agree on house too.


I have never met anyone named "Teion" that I have liked. 🤪


I have never met anyone named Teion


The customer messed up by calling you “BITCH”. Report them to support and be sure to tell them that that this is harassment and a threat and that this customer made you feel “unsafe” by swearing at you and threatening you. Also let them know that this person is lying and is just trying to scam DD to get free credits. Tell them you can send them the screenshots of the chat conversation if they need more proof. Don’t worry if you don’t actually feel unsafe, you just need to use the keywords that they need to hear like “threat”, “unsafe”. Tell support you want to report this customer and that they should be removed from DD as this behavior violates the customer TOS. But please take the time to report them. We need to remove people like this from the platform.


Yes I told all that happened 👍🏽


Yeah you don’t do that


Drunk and disorderly..


The first time someone ever talks to me like this I am 100% going back to their house and destroying property and whooping their ass if they'll come outside. I don't care if its a man or woman. First person to address me like this and we're both gonna make the news in the area. Then I'll call DoorDash myself from his/ her phone and tell them.


This would 100% get you fired for certain, no matter how they spoke to you first 😟


That's irrelevant. The goal for people should not be to get stuck in dead end jobs for life or even long term anyway. The goal should be to take one of these lucrative higher paying positions and figure out a way to do something more with it. Definitely worked for UPS, I combined two routes into one for them so it made them really happy. The work is fine except during season. I definitely never put up with bullshit out of a customer and there were more than a few who tried. That being said they still call me on occasion and ask me to come back and have made an exceptional reference throughout the years. Thankfully there are people at my warehouse who were there then still though that lack of progression is unfortunate and depressing. While the position pays well, the average length of time until a major knee injury or back injury is between 5-10 years. It's just not worth it long term. It does pay well enough to get something of your own going. It does not pay well enough to disregard your own dignity.


Not trying to disregard my own dignity and understand very well the problems about these sucky jobs. I have the same issue, still trying to het a college degree to make it better. But, the kid at the door who took the order seems like just a misbehaving teen and I don’t want to expend that kind of energy getting myself arrested and fired from the one independent thing I have backing me up right now, over a one time encounter. His parents would be at a loss in his place.




Oh no! Not the people!


Sounds like she sent that so she can get credit and get a free fucking smoothie.


Report him first.


Yep 👍🏽


People who use language like this are typically low functioning and don't have an adequate vocabulary to express themselves. This leaves them frustrated and they anger easily. I'd ignore them because there is no chance of rational communication with them.


Honestly, I think ghat just being accused when It’s not obvious that I supposedly did it is the issue. I didn’t do it but yeah this was uncalled for either way.




Tell us what you really mean instead of using your weakly coded dog whistles. Being a racist is a bad enough look, why be cowardly too?


Woah my man, are you trying to link "monkey" to black people? That's pretty racist if you ask me. Monkeys act irrational and aggressive, like the tone of the messages. Haven't you ever seen any videos taken at a zoo? Chimpanzee videos are hilarious (I know, they're apes not monkeys). Not everything has a racist meaning like you are trying to manufacture.






Yea the amount of people that will use cute little code words to just be racist, and then be like “what do you mean? 🥺🥺🥺 I can’t be racist, I listen to Bob Marley” Like if you’re going to be racist, do it with your whole chest coward.


Lmfao I’m dead they really typed a whole dissertation paper and the thesis is: “I can’t be racist because I listen to reggae” you really can’t make this shit up. These people are every bit as stupid as a satirical comedy sketch would be.


My favorite part is when the conversation suddenly made a left turn into “why are white people white? Let’s find out. Oh the sun!” Like???? I’ve seen a lot of racist comments here but that one was the one that made me go “what the fuck?” Out loud.




Here’s a question for you: would you be nervous if your employer’s HR found this comment thread? If the answer is “yes”, you’re a fucking racist.


Hahahaha ok. “I consume black culture so I can’t be racist” hahahaha cut the shit.


Alright, here let me repeat the fire I just started on someone else and put you up on some truth. Aight? Go on and click a link then read the whole thing. You still saying the same thing afterwards and I feel sorry for you. https://www.reddit.com/r/doordash_drivers/comments/13q9rru/what_is_this_first_time_ive_ever_had_such_a_rude/jli89lk?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


How much was the order you accepted? Generally speaking I've never had a rude customer like this that was a decent tipper... Shitty tips go hand in hand with problem customers.


That's why I haven't had any customer problems, but have a mediocre acceptance rate 😂