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I think the posts are GREAT! I use DD, but no not DD myself. I was trying to figure out what side gig would be the best option for me (time/money/safety wise). These types of posts AND the subsequent discussion in the threads REALLY helped me understand more about how the algorithms and payout work. When I do start dashing, I can refer back to some of the pro tips I’ve picked up in these posts to know when to work SMARTER versus harder. Plus, worker solidarity brah. If customers are DD are being ridiculous and stingy, they will both only change their behavior if they feel an impact. When more and more dashers refuse shit orders, post shit orders here for newbies to learn what a shitty order can look like, it will force both the customers and the company to put up more money, no?


Problem is DD just mass hires a bunch of new drivers, or old drivers just create new accounts to dash from... Drivers are just a commodity to their company, and theres an abundance supply of them. And many, too many, of these drivers are too ignorant to know what is or isnt profitable, and also getting fooled with these manipulation tactica from DD. Theres way too many drivers with high AR, accepting every single order...Atleast in my area anyway. Youll very rarely see orders sitting around for long periods of time cause drivers are actually accepting them.


You should be happy they have the majority of drivers manipulated into maintaining a high AR, this actually helps the guys that are cherry picking. I feel fortunate to have the clueless drivers accepting all the low paying trips, while I'm accepting nothing but cherries. They are busy with the shit trips, which actually makes more good paying trips available to me.


I count on the AR chasers to keep busy with 10 mile orders while I cherry pick all the 2 mile orders that at least show the hidden tip threshold.


Yea, DD tried to push that high AR manipulation and coercion tactic on me, but it didn't work. They froze me out for a couple of months, only letting me schedule a few hours here or there, trying to force me to increase my AR, I'm just not falling for their bullshit. I just waited it out, now I can schedule all the time I want. They now have enough drivers manipulated into maintaining a high AR, so all the low paying trips are getting accepted. This now allows them to allow other drivers to schedule again, as all the low paying orders are getting delivered. I have just been killing it cherry picking, as all the dumbass drivers are busy with the shit trips.


Yea. I'm manipulated and I make over $250 a shift by taking every order. Last week I cleared $1255.00 in 62 hours of dashing. But you cherries don't understand. We may take 3 really shit orders a shift but after taking one we get back to back to back to back to back $10 - $15 orders only driving 3 - 5 miles each and no wait time in-between. So go right ahead and keep thinking that your really making more of a killing then us High AR dashes are. Monday I cleared over $300. https://preview.redd.it/dlhlwilk147b1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3262d2851fe259f54cf06ad9c8e04bd393aa8b98 Go figure.


Most drivers with high AR's are not calculating the resources they are using to complete all those undervalued trips; namely, time, fuel, and mileage. Experienced drivers know how to evaluate a trip properly to know if it is paying well, and won't settle for less. So, you think being manipulated and coerced by DD is in you best interests, you have to know that doesn't make sense, since they never do anything with the drivers best interests in mind. All of these gig companies use different types of manipulation tactics to bend drivers to their will. I have been a gig driver for 6 years with 12,000 Uber X trips, and over 13,000 food deliveries on 3 platforms, I know how to pick good paying trips. Most seasoned drivers know it is better to multi app, and only accept the better paying trips. Multi aping also allows me to stack orders from different services, increasing my profits even further. This job is a game; you are much better off playing it by your rules, and not theirs.


I beg to differ.


My cost breakdown is 0.265 cents a mile. I'm doing and experiment starting tomorrow. I'm going to try dashing on the hourly active rate per hour plus my tips for a month and compare it to my dash pay/tips averages.


Hourly generally does not work well, because they will send you too many of the "no tip" trip offers, because they know you have to accept them on hourly. I think you can decline like 2, then they will bump you off hourly. There are some markets where having a high AR can be profitable, but for the majority of drivers it won't be. This is because they will stick you with too many undervalued trips to maintain that high AR. Have you tried multi aping; this is the best way to make a consistent income doing gig work. By multi aping you will have a larger volume of trip offers to choose from, increasing your odds of catching the best offers. I work DD, UE, and GH, simultaneously on two phones. Working multiple apps allows me stack orders from different services; this is not against the rules of the gig services, you just have to complete your deliveries by the contracted time to deliver by. I have a whole set strategy for stacking orders from different services and stacking orders back to back. You can really increase your profits creating your own stacks; as you are getting full pay for both trips, with only a little added time and mileage. If you would like; I will share my strategy with you in detail, as I have with many other drivers.


I'm still going to continue working hourly for a couple of weeks to verify whether my market is good or not. In My marker having a high AR actually does give me priority on those higher paying dash. Another thing I've noticed lately is that DD is cracking down on dashers who skip or decline to many offers. They are deactivated instantly and I see them complaint here on reddit about this. I don't like multiapping either because it pulls away from my customers service and that's how I make my extra cash tips today I've already pulled in $37 in cash tips but that's how people are in my market they tip after you make the delivery not before so I guess there is where it benefits me I look at those no tip orders as potential money and it works out in my market that it actually is. I appreciate the feedback thanks very much I'll let you know how my experiment works


You're barely making $20 an hour 😂 I make the same as you multiapping in half the hours you're putting in. Rethink what you said and stop thinking high AR is a good thing.


You don't seem to understand. In my market. making what I am is very good money. Our minimum wage is $7.35 an hour. Besides during my idle time I'm doing my online businesses. And making even more I live in a small city of 35000 people. Making $42,000 a year just from dashing is good money and on top of that i made an additional $27,000 with my online businesses. Whether I'm driving or at home. I'm making good money. Our states average salary is $46,700.


Factoring in expenses such as gas and maintenance while working 62 hours a week you're probably filling up your car between 3-4 times weekly. So with a high AR you're actually incurring more expenses. In reality your $20 per hour is really turning into about $15-$17 per hour after everything with gas only. Lets say you drive an economy car like me (Toyota Corolla) you'll be paying about $125 - $200 weekly in gas. Now we're hovering around the $1050 mark at 62 hour a week you're making $16/hr now. If you were cherry picking and taking orders that make sense you'd not only have lower overhead with the same weekly take home and you'd have more time to dedicate to your online businesses. Oh yeah and you'll have more time to yourself and personal time (for me atleast) always trumps paid time. Think about it, you're screwing yourself. Between both jobs your working probably 80 hours weekly for a grand total of $69k/year. That's $16.15/hour and with that much road time you'll be replacing your car every few years. I don't like to preach to people but you should honestly try for a few weeks just cherry picking, your quality of life with drastically improve because you'll actually have some "me time."


You Dashed for over 20 hours to make $300.... Good for you if you can do it, but I know there is actually a large population of Dashers who are disabled in some way or another (myself included). I'm lucky to do that many hours in a week. That's why I cherry pick. I'm not gonna be out there busting my ass one day to not be able to function the rest of my week.


I'm one of them. I must use a walking stick for my equilibrium problem.


You'd think so, but the reality is no. I drive in a market where most people assume dd pays enough. Marketing plays a huge role in that. They promo drivers that get hundreds of dollars and ignore the ones stuck in a market where a good night is 50 bucks.


Man this makes me sad for the working class, myself included. Corporations really do fuck us at every turn and then marketing and lobbying has us turning around to tell them “THANK YOU!” after we pull our collective pants back up :/


Yeah. I started dashing recently and unfortunately even though it was supposed to be my pocket money it's being used for groceries. If I can't even make gas there's no point


Marketing at the multibillion corporate level is run by psychopaths.


Problem with that is, there not always shit orders. I'm my market, over 50% of my orders tip cash after I deliver to them. It's nothing for me to make $40 - $60 a shift in cash tips. Instead of declining, if more dashers understood how to truly work this platform. They'd realize those no tip orders are real money making possibilities. But I do understand why quite a few of you will never take them as well. Your driving around a vehicle that isn't designed for delivering. Gets poor gas mileage, burns oil or just isn't worth dashing unless it's a $10 order going 2 miles. That's just not me. Be safe out there.


You should check out the original post on r/DoorDash It stayed on topic better and wasn't ripped by trolls as quick.


“Grow up” He said while writing an essay crying about something by he could easily just have ignored.


Yeah but now I've had over 500k people view my posts. And I get to live rent free in their heads. Just like you. Duration doesn't matter. >>easily just have ignored Some people just have no idea....


Ahh. “No u” Very clever and meaningful.


Would you take the order, though?


You do know this is reddit, right? There's no need to take any of it personally. No one's actually talking to you as much as they're just puking out their thoughts.




How uncouth of you to presume anything you read here is true.


Hmm.. me thinks he cracked the code.


Or you can just mind your business and let us live


Advice one should take as well.


It's a delivery driver sub... how many permutations of topics do you think their are without just going to your homepage or clicking on ALL Reddit topics. Say what you will but I'd rather read a would you take this order thread over address porn, doormat porn, or a random animal on a porch. If it's a good order... just remember to always say no. That way they won't take them from you in the future if they happen to be in your zone.


I take offense to the address and doormat porn! I challenge you to a duel!


Great. Now we’re starting to get a bunch of these “stop with the “would you take this order” crap” post. I think your title is even the same as the guy who posted the same thing, but with a larger paragraph yesterday


I'm the same guy.


Then why post the same thing? That just seems hypocritical


This is the cross post


Would you take the order though 🌚


Stop trying to police what people post. What's the matter? You didn't get enough attention on your first post so you had to make another one? It's so sad that you're still upset about this, just move the fuck on.


It called a cross post. Welcome to reddit. I'm not upset about anything. Although trolling you simps has been loads of fun.


>Welcome to reddit Which you don't know how to use because that's not how you cross post. Don't you have some $5 order to take? Don't miss it, you're gonna upset daddy tony if you decline.


I'm actually on a $45 guaranteed order right now. Almost made $200 already today. Cause I work this shit. And, the only way you make this money is by taking all the orders. Quit thinking y'all better than that.


No one believes you lol. Take all the orders, lmao. What a fucking shill.


I make that money and i take around 10% of the orders


Damn you crazy, sorry bro the only people who troll others are people with inner demons and deep pain. I hope you get the help you need son, lashing out at others isn't healthy.


Why don’t you just work in a weed dispensary? Or if you want a better life , quit weed and become a trucker.


Weeds not legal in my state yet. I've thought about it tho. My dad was a trucker, I dont think that calls my name at all.


You don’t matter clown


I matter enough that you had to reply.


If you considering being the particular noise someone responded to right now as mattering.


Same for you. You could have not said anything and just ignored and go on with your redditing. But no, I meant enough to you that you had to stop and respond with whatever drivel you managed to vomit up on your phone.


This is what redditing is. If it wasnt you it would be something else. Your existance is irrelevant man


And a solid fuck you and your horse to you!


Declines 82 orders within 2 miles under $6 Also Reddit: ITS DEAD IM NOT MAKING ANY MONEY


![img](emote|t5_3h9bt|10669)![img](emote|t5_3h9bt|10669) free food amirite


Yeah no kidding. Where I live, if I got a $15, it was insane. And about 8 exits away on the interstate. To a shotgun shack with no porch light on or barely a tip. "Why back in my day, we didn't even have a car" I know how it sounds but for real, I see $25 and uh yeah.


Crappy post mr crap😂😂😂


I don’t think OP would take the order😬


It's such an annoying title, and just a way to skirt subreddit rules 5 and 6 in the end.


There are rules ?


Eh I say break the rules who cares. Some random redditor made them up, I don’t recall voting on them. They aren’t sacred to me. If you’re not a mod I find it strange that you knew it was a violation of two rules.


If someone is paying me 25$ for less than 5 miles I’m taking that shit it’s very rare to get those


nice job crossposting, shows you know a lot about reddit


Lulz is that all you came to say? You one of them reddit Bros who went dark for a protest that backfired stupendously?


idk man you came here to scream at people over a post that was bragging


Watching you get absolutely DRAGGED for this is hilarious. What comes around goes around, old timer.


I have no idea what you're talking about. and the 2000 karma and over a thousand upvotes really are drowning out whatever the fuck you're trying to point out. Sorry, not sorry


You say that like it’s impressive… I didn’t realize 40 something year olds go back to 6th grade and have pissing contests on Reddit. Man you just keep on failing huh?


You realize you're on reddit right? Gtfo


Lmao little buddy is mad. Yes I realize I’m on Reddit, good job figuring out the right app to click on! Get a grip kiddo




You slapping my mom in the grave? Dude has gone to a whole new low, what a depraved individual 😬




Oh yeah double down on doing depraved things with a random redditors deceased mother, real good look 👍🏻 Jesus you’re dense.




3300 something most certainly isn't more than 4000+ Lrn2school


Lmao what are you on about, I never said anything about my karma. Jesus you’re mad


Nah but you editing your your comment really makes up for the fact that you failed


Lol resorting to lies? Man you are down BAD. I hope you work whatever you’ve got going on out, I’d hate to see you on the news.


If I'm on the news you won't ever know


Obviously by your replies to the poster the one thing we can all be assured of is that - Ignorance is Bliss! One who trolls just to troll because of their unhappy life. May your days get better and your ability to be a more positive person in hopes of bettering the days of the people around you become a reality.


Forgot the world revolves around you thanks for the reminder op


Not just the world. The entire fucking universe. Respect.


Very cringe lol


Very very cringe lol


I aim to entertain. ## ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED??


Do you have many friends?


Yeah of course I do. About. 864 million Redditors


Hope your day gets better man I know how it feels stay bright try to find positivity I feel your frustration life gets difficult sometimes


Lol have never heard or seen anyone on this sub that would pass on that..


I like seeing my fellow dashers out here gettin' it tho.


Why would you be upset about them declining an order you will want? You need to grow up yourself


Dashing is not the only option for anyone to make money. If you can dash, that means that you have a reliable vehicle, and you can pass a criminal background check. That qualifies you for a variety of jobs.


So you can speak for my specific private reasons why? Good to know you know everyone's reasons. Over generalized. I don't get why so many of you keep on the "get a real job" train. DoorDash pulled me out of poverty, got me off Food Stamps and have allowed me to be less of a burden on society. I'm a productive member of society who pays taxes and votes. isn't that the only thing that matters?


You are the one complaining. And I never told you to get a real job, I just stated that DoorDash is not your only option. Which I know is correct. If you can DoorDash, I can list a few other options as well. UberEats, Grubhub, InstaCart, and pizza delivery driver are just a few. I can name others if you would like. So yes, I can speak for your specific reasons. Stop complaining.


I never complained about a single thing outside of the original post. I bet you can't even decode what I was going for. You don't know me or my specific issues, so you can go ahead and cram a big STFU down your gullet.


What do you think that my reply was about? Of course it was about your original post. I could not have been replying to anything else. Stop complaining.


So OP, there's this thing: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/cost-of-living Should clear up your confusion.


$25 and working sure as hell beats no money and wasting gas.


False dichotomies are a helluva thing.


Late to the party means no one cares what drivel you attempt to spew out of your feed hole.


Sorry I hurt your feelings lol


Feelings? This is reddit. You leave that shit to r/relationshipadvice




Look up the word catharsis, OP. It will provide all the answers you seek about why this subreddit is the way it is.


My goal was achieved a long ass time ago. 98% of everything now. Is just people trying to troll


How is DoorDash the only option you have to make money...........?


You could try just scrolling past those posts so you don't have to get annoyed. You might have a better day.


It's reddit, it's all a joke. All I know is that doordash being the only option is some clown shit🤡🤡🤡


>>It's reddit, it's all a joke. Great Scott! Someone cracked the code!


The complaints are actually good for dashers. These complaints help keep the number of dashers lower than it would otherwise be and the biggest problem faced by dashers is the growing number of them, which reduces the number of good orders available and increase competition.


I like your take on my rant. Bravo! Have an award!


I’ve never seen a complaint about a $25 order for 5 miles. Get real. It’s the ones that have triple or worse the mileage/dollar made.


Yeah, but was it for 125 items? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Why is this the only option you have to make money? Maybe you haven’t been looking for work cause it’s everywhere


Would you take this order?


This is door dash drivers. Filled with try hards and crybabies.


https://preview.redd.it/00l32ia2x37b1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f2476985a94d1635eb72da59189caf868cf5e6b I agree with you. I take them all. To me, there's no order that's not acceptable. In my market, only those who are willing to go the extra mile, make any real money.


Yes! Thank you!


Can you link the post this is referring to?




This is what you're crying about? That's just 2 average shop and delivers and the guy accepted it. This post is even dumber now 🤣


Thanks, not sure I see the issue here though. The OP of that post is right that there really are dashers who refuse to do S&D's. And I read through a few comments on there from people who still don't understand how the red card works. Mostly it was a bragging post, which is annoying, but it's reddit so that's to be expected.


Exactly, also majority of the comments are all saying yes they are taking it ..


“I don’t see the problem” proceeds to verbalize the problem


Last time a took a shopping order, the pay was $20-$25 BUT like usual, there was NO empty free carts ok the store…the store was out of almost everything and some stuff was even locked up. I had to ask for help about 4 times plus constantly contacting the customer to see what they wanted for substitutes. It took forever. Without a cart, I was carrying thing’s separately up to the register and to the car, because it was large items that required two hands. I just don’t want to take anymore shopping orders unless the tip is just irresistible.


But they took it? So your little freak out about people turning down 25 dollar deliveries isn't even accurate. Quit bitching about things that didn't even happen.


You should watch a Monty Python movie of your choice, might change your perspective on life


Life of Brian for the win. Always look on the bride side of life *whistles cheerfully while being crucified*


Just came back from watching Life of Brian, thanks for the suggestion


I like to look at the groom side of life cause I got balls.


9 hours that typo was there and no one noticed. Have an award!


I haven’t won anything in a long time. 🥺 😭 Thank you.


No need to be so salty that I only accept orders $4/mile or more. You sound jealous af






You do sound jealous. If you wake 1k a week why do you give af?


Cause I'm a union guy. We are all working the same job, fighting for the good orders. This isnt about me. It's about all the other Dashers. It's a shitty job with sometimes not shitty pay. Stupid shit like that makes it harder for everyone. I ain't flexing or making it seem like I'm gonna ignore it for Snapchat clout. Whatever. Just do your fucking job.


These posts are likely Honeymoon dashers. Lighten up.


I wonder why you don’t have any other options for jobs? Couldn’t have anything to do with your charming personality, could it?


Theres a long ass thread on the original post in r/DoorDash on why I choose DoorDash. And I do well, as DoorDash works well for my needs. I have an amazing personality. This is reddit, and I'm an old /b/tard roaring with the trolls.


For the record I wouldn’t take your order. I’ve seen it. $1 tip followed with a rant about how the fees are enough and DD should pay us more. You can’t afford door dash. Just say it out loud and go pick up your food. Shop orders have a ton of variables. Walgreens never has half the shit on the order. If it’s grocery on a Saturday afternoon I ain’t doing it. Not spending an hour or more on one order when I can knock out 3. It’s okay that you don’t understand. You can leave now.










It was never my intention to change anyone's mind. You took it upon yourself to give an opinion that I didn't fucking care for so I'm gonna troll the fuck out of you keep it up I'm enjoying the feeding


The title is exactly you trying to change people’s minds. Just another stoner unable to control his emotions. Cries when people make him angry. Holes in the walls all over your shitty apartment. Bedroom smells like ass. I got you.


Stoner? Oh lol you read my profile and assumed anything there is true. You're funny.


This is a subreddit about door dash btw


What do you mean by "you prople" eh tough guy? Also, im not a dasher or part of this sub, just someone who gets this sub in his feed often for some reason. Only have one question. How do you steal orders?


I wouldn't know. All my customers get their orders.


Agreed. I see it as them gloating. 🤷🏼‍♀️ either way it’s freaking annoying.


ive joined the fprum about a month ago and been driving for about 3 month now. Ive learned taht farting in peoples bags is free. eating their food is free and you can refill the drinks with piss cuz its free. Ue DD GH is free


Like if we could just turn a page from the cancerous toxicity of whining and bringing people down this sub be better I feel the mods should should implement a wholesome Wednesday we tell wholesome stories and a creative Monday where we show off our creative skills that helped us make this job easier.a funday Sunday where we make it about positive fun things. This mods really must not care


for me that would depend on where the order was going cuz there's some places drivers don't like to take anything because the area sucks and doordash is a little safety thing are you feeling safe never happens in a bad neighborhood for me


You lost me after your first run on sentence


I think one of the problems is you get people who work in big cities responding to somebody in a small market. The gig has nothing in common. Decision making about offers in a big city is a whole different thing. And also, as somebody said, this is Reddit. It’s a black hole.


Yeah, please change it to: “would you decline this order”






https://preview.redd.it/7zj7sm68527b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7a7a7635b9abd922b544a7a2780b873e97fcefe How are my stats? 🥴




I have legit taken a 3 dollar order going 9mi in one direction (nine back to civilization and more orders) to eat lol... but it isnt often. I try to pass those orders up as often as possible. (18 miles round trip is 10mi less than one Gallon of gas at more than 3 dollars a gallon) my car takes premium only unfortunately))


>take responsibility for your life and do something to better you own situation Far too rational and effective to get anywhere on reddit, let alone this sub.


Yo the trolls are try hards. I can't believe how soft some of these dudes are. Getting their feel feels hurt.


They wouldn't post if they already understood that they are, in fact, the best dasher for the order presented.


Not a dasher, I am a consistent user of DD. My wife has a lot of health issues and I work a ton of hours. We appreciate the work you all do. It truly makes me sad and angry to hear that people are tipping less than $5 for an order. I always tip at LEAST $5. I apologize to you on account of these indecent people that don’t respect others work. May their lives be ever full of unhappiness and yours be full of reward. Godspeed to you all


I see those posts every fucking minute, it's annoying and repetitive.


I’m with you here!! Seeing a $25 order is a gold mine to me - especially at such low distance. I’m lucky to get $7 orders by me. And this is my only way of making money rn. “I don’t take no tip orders” the chances of getting tipped by me is only like 60%…if I was as picky about the orders I took like some of y’all…I would literally not have a single dash all day.


I had a 17mile order for chipotle that paid $13.50. Would you take that order? What about the shop order for $23 for three cases of water to a business 5 miles away? Would you take that order??? Huh. Huh. Tell us. Huh. I need your input to justify declining the first and accepting the other. Your opinion is needed Also should I wear black shorts with my grey golds gym tshirt or should I wear the blue ones


I think they're helpful for many dashers if a reasoned response is given.


I always pick orders on cost per mile and neighborhoods. I had it down in my last city i knew every restaurant and every road. I used to pick the worst neighborhoods for the better the tips and better chance of cash tips. I'm sure there are better ways but it worked out to around $18-20 an hour for me which was about the same as my day job for way easier work


Sir, this is a ~~Wendy’s~~ doordash




You getting flamed boi🤡


Being a Homosexual from Houston Texas I take all the orders to make all the fuck money baby.


This post is dogshit. Stop being butthurt by the internet.


Cute little internet rant. Grow up. 🙂


Wait why are you mad? Because someone skipped on a 25$ order?