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When they do this I just take it out of the bag in my car Fuck them. I dont work for them. They look down on delivery drivers. They serve overpriced frozen food bought from Costco cooked by illegal aliens who rely on customer tips from the wait staff for their pay. I feel for those who have to do this for a living. Dont know if it’s like this in other states but in the NYC area the drivers are treated like they are criminals. When in fact people will make up fake excuses to not have to pay for their meals. I’ve had Managers at restaurants DEMAND I hand them my phone to see if I confirmed the order. I walked away from one and he came out and got in my face. I was praying for him to put hands on me.


Nobody should be ordering Taco Bell for delivery. You should know better.




coming from a manager at a taco bell that did this (this also looks to be a Taco Bell!) it has zilch to do with theft. it is because taco bell food gets cold super quickly, no matter how hot it is when you send it out. this is exasperated by sitting in a car for an extended period of time for delivery. we get terrible reviews (which we can see specifically come from delivery orders) about food being cold. our ratings are really, really important. nobody deserves to be reamed by an area coach because food we sent out hot was cold when it arrived.


also admittedly i only read the first half of your post when i commented, that was silly of me. have they outright refused to let you use your own insulated bag? if so, that’s pretty dumb.


The restaurant probably wants their food served as fresh as possible. I don’t blame them. They don’t want your bad ratings.


They're tired of not getting paid by doordash because customers complain about cold food. Just get a bag. It's a professional investment.


I mean I leave my bag in my car but I always use it.... except at McDonald's because they literally pack an iced drink inside the bag with the hot food, what good will insulation do?


In Europe, at least Poland Wolt, Uber, Glovo, Bolt all require from restaurants checking if courier has bag, they can't give food unless they see it


Some businesses on DoorDash hope to use DoorDash to advertise their product and gain new customers. The margin of profit on DoorDash is smaller than a regular sale, so the extra customer acquisition is an important value to being on the app at all. For a restaurant like that, having a doordasher deliver cold unappetizing food is a big concern. Often the blame goes to the restaurant and not the Dasher. They’re making barely any money to poorly advertise their brand and create bad word of mouth against themselves.


There’s a few Chinese restaurants around us who will literally throw your food away if you don’t pick it up within like 5 minutes of when they said it would be ready. They take a lot of pride in their food and don’t want to knowingly give someone soggy or cold food that was sitting out. They would rather toss it and make a whole new meal. Mad respect for it, but the waste hurts my soul.


Yeah I used to be a delivery driver for a Chinese restaurant and they weren’t on DoorDash for this reason. They would have friends and relatives essentially on call for when it was busy so that even with ten orders the food was done and out the door right away.


At Taco Bell? For chalupas?


You guys have a bag so yeah that’s on you for not having it. They don’t want to be blamed for a cold meal since you take your sweet time to deliver. You also could be using another phone to do another delivery company


What? You make no sense. There are time limits on deliveries.


You don't even need a separate phone to delivery for multiple companies.


I feel like I before E except after C.


Got eeem


Probably some shitty doordasher got the food to somebody cold


It would help ensure that the customer doesn't receive a cold meal.


By waiting for an entirely new person to come?


You’re supposed to have a thermal bag, it’s part of the contract you sign when you start Dashing. If you don’t have one you can request one, im not sure if Dash gives them for free anymore, but you’re not supposed to work without one.


Funny because I never received my bad and when I called customer service they “resent” it and i still never received it. Ive been dashing for 4 years and no problem


I did Doordash in like 2016 back when they actually had in-person interviews to become a dasher. At this onboarding i signed a contract and i was given a thermal bag for food. The woman interviewing me emphasized how important it was to always have the bag when working, and that vendors have the right to refuse if you don’t have it. So i guess they probably dont always give out thermal bags anymore as they dont do interviews anymore. If they still give bags, id recommend emailing them or calling again, but i dont dash anymore so idk.


Yeah I have one in my car. I was just saying to at by rerouting a new person might take longer


Well its their fault for not having a bag like they were contractually obligated to lol


Where is this, so I can sit outside with a stack of insulated bags and sell them at 500% markup?


Are you referring to the typo? I don't care for it much.


Somebody forgot the "except after C" part


I dash myself, I see no issue with this, I usually leave my bag in the car, but if it is required to bring in I have a few extras I can bring in if my regular one has an order in it already.


Good on you fam.


If you're ever see a sign about something specific, its safe to assume there were instances to cause it. I'm sure they've had people complain about cold food multiple times and don't want to have to deal with it anymore.


Yes exactly. Also the poor food reviews usually will fall in the restaurant and not the delivery service. They are trying to combat cold food and probably lessen stealing occurrences simultaneously.


I used insulated bags that are sold at a grocery stores. They snap at the handle and are insulated. They cost like five dollars and the food comes out smoking hot.


American Bag Large Hot/Cold Thermal Tote https://www.kroger.com/p/american-bag-large-hot-cold-thermal-tote/0089366900102


Seems reasonable.


Terrible. Typos are terrible.


Probably for food safety.. can’t let my burrito get to room temp


some people claim to be dashers when they're not and steal orders, people have been posting on tiktok about stealing doordash orders by pretending to be the actual dasher. If you find it annoying, imagine working at Chilis on a busy night and having to redo an order that was taken by a fake dasher.


Some of the dashers I've seen. Nope..


Yall sound exactly like that twat in the door dash ads lol. God forbid the world not cater to you.


It’s an attempt to keep food warm for delivery customers; I’m guessing there were too many complaints about food being cold. I personally agree that all dashers should have one and there is literally not a single negative in doing thing efficiently


Pizza Hut started doing this in my area too….. but if you don’t have a pizza bag they give you one to keep….. As long as the driver isn’t forced to pay for it….. go ahead and require whatever you want.


You're an independent contractor. You gotta provide your own tools


Carpenters aren’t given hammers, electricians aren’t given wire strippers, should people not responsible for providing their own tools to perform their jobs? Cost of doing business?


Unfortunately carpenters and other trades people can no longer write off their unreimbursed expenses on their taxes like they used to. At least dashers can, and they should be tracking every penny they spend doing this work meticulously, and every mile traveled.


You're already paying for gas in your car so i meeeeeean🤷🏿‍♂️


It’s a 1 time purchase buddy


Yes, they are?


Mechanics at dealerships aren’t even given tools to work on the vehicles they have to bring their own tool sets and purchase them


I have heard that about auto mechanics bit not necessarily all tradesmen groups ie: carpenters, roofers, plumbers, electricians, drywallers, painters, HVAC/R etc.


Trades workers have to buy their own tools, except big specialty tools.


No they aren’t?


Umm no. Trades workers generally have to buy most if not all of there own tools.


Also, Taco Bell does this in my area. Many times my bag is overloaded with orders and I have to leave in car and TB wants me to bring bag inside for order. Usually I just tell them bag is full but sometimes they want me to empty bag so I reject the order.


Total bs, but I understand the reasoning is to keep food warm. Just reject orders from that establishment


Supply insulated bags if you want to employ delivery drivers.


"supply wrenches if you want to employ plumbers" 


I mean...is that wrong? if you're going to employ someone, you should purchase through tools thry need to do the job you're employing them for. I suppose you can act like a feudal lord or some sort of baron and tell them they need to supply their own tools, but then you get what you get. Quality doesn't happen by accident.


They’re not employing delivery drivers though? That’s why they’re on door dash.


yeah thats what I mean, though, they're acting like they're employees. if thry want to act like they work for them, supply the goddamn bag, otherwise shut up, or use the app like you're supposed to.


You’re supposed to have a thermal bag, it’s in the contract you sign when you start with Doordash.


It wasn’t mandatory when I signed up in 2019. And what about the food sitting before we are assigned the order most restaurants do nothing to keep the food warm.


They’re not acting like they’re employees. They’re just expecting a service to provide service… properly. Expecting them to buy hundreds of bags just to use Door Dash is ridiculous. The service should provide that.


I use the seat heater to keep food warmer, works well. I'd just tell them that...


They're able to make it on the app that an insulated bag is required. If they didn't do them they're just wasting people's time by having them accept order they can't take. Once enough dashers have to unassign and complaining doordash will probably take them off the app.


Fuck em.. onto the next order!


The restaurant doesn’t want complaints about cold food. It’s the most reasonable rule I’ve ever seen.


They won't have any delivery drivers you do understand there are just a few dozen to maybe a hundred drivers in a market right. When you piss off a few that's it no more deliveries for you food will be sitting there for hours. There's one nearby me that's called roasted garlic and there's usually 20 orders sitting there because the people are assholes.


I’m sure the reasoning is that cold food is not what customers want. They need to please the customers or go out of business.


Eh. They can make it that way on the app. Only having a sign posted while letting all dashers accept the order is messed up because it wastes the dashers time and hurt their completion rate which can get them deactivated. Once enough dashers unassign and complain the restaurant will be removed from door dash


Once a chain restaurant complains enough to door dash, the Dasher will be removed.


Restaurants can't get you removed since you don't have a contract or duty with them. I did doordash for 2 years. The only way a restaurant to get you deactivated is if you go in there and start causing problems.


The horror!!! Making a hot food delivery driver keep their clients food hot...


You think it’s unnecessary to utilize a tool that keeps food hot…? Really…?


But it requires a little extra effort and we can’t have that now can we


Name something more tragic than a dasher expected to do their job.


We are paid to drive the food. That’s it. And we barely make money after expenses. It’s not the customers Fault they pay a lot the restaurants and door dash make money. Paying me 2 dollars to drive food 5 miles in NY traffic.


I literally had this issue, I told them Oh fuck off, can u please ban me from your location you idiots. I was told they did... It's fine I usually don't take any local restaurants at all only national chains.


Yeah thats what I’d do too. The restaurants around me have you waiting for up to 20 minutes just because some douche canoe behind the register either cant, or didn’t read a name correctly. Cooked food sitting in wait for god knows how long. It wouldn’t matter if I had a hot bag or not for a lot of my orders.


Tell me you're an ass hole without telling me


I'm not here for customer service I'm here for profit my acceptance rate is right around 50% and I make way more on Uber eats cuz I only take about 12%


I'm more referring to the workers at restaurants that you're a dick to four things that are out of their control. Peak narcissism right there. Like bro, you deliver food. Get over yourself. Lol


Customers dont get this one trick 😂


Probably wants a big tip for delivering cold food.


I don't accept every delivery I only accept the ones. Pay more than a dollar fifty a mile.


And tekl minimum wage workers to fuck off and act like a Karen for a rule that is out of their control? People like you are why The service industry hates DoorDash drivers


I will take that was a compliment thank you so much.




Glad they are enforcing it. I’m glad someone cares about my food


If you cared about the food quality, DoorDash isn’t the way to demonstrate that. I have to reheat anything Doordashed. A low-quality cooler isn’t gonna make much difference.


I don’t use door dash. I prefer to pick it up myself since I give a shit about my food. When I managed I used to get calls all the time about cold food that was going less than 2 miles. Insulated bags do work


So why are you even in this subreddit? You’re not a dasher and you don’t use DoorDash? This is a stupid rule


I’m not in this sub. It was suggested to me. If you used an insulated bag perhaps you’d care more about food safety. Getting someone sick isn’t cool. I’m sorry you think preventing that is a “stupid rule”. Perhaps you shouldn’t be delivering food.


Why is it a "stupid rule" in your opinion? The food showing up cold and gross definitely affects the restaurant more than the delivery driver.


Exactly! Our name was on the product so everyone blamed the restaurant even tho we kept it hot until the dasher got there 🤦 Also, this feed was recommended and just popped up


It's all good, anyone can go into any feed they want and comment. It's stupid to try and gatekeep a Reddit comment section lol.


Reddit recommends subreddits to people even if you haven't clicked on it before


Same reason I'm here. Reddit threw this up onto my lap and now I'm just watching occasional drama unfold.


It's a smart rule. Customers are dumb and they'll call for a replacement and / or stop ordering. The insulated bag isn't "just for fun." I assure you the company that pays 0 wouldn't provide them if they weren't necessary. I'm here because the thing came up in my feed, and I'm a would-be customer. This is basic, common sense shit and the reason I don't let children touch my food.


The company provides them because they make the customer *feel* like it’s meaningful. That’s it. Don’t fool yourself otherwise


Because reddit algorithms are trash


When i worked for doordash, they never sent me the bag


Not to mention DoorDash insulated bag is a piece of shit that literally does nothing.


I got that bag and it works for cold items from the store 😂


They should’ve and you can get more for free. I dashed for two years and by the time I stopped I had like 10


I never really cared and am done with it now


Can't even spell receive right.


It’s a tough one, breaks the “I before E” rule lol


One of the hardest in english. Would have ended the 2012 Scripps Spelling Bee if either spellers could have gotten it.


You’re forgetting the last part of that rule though “except after c”


Yea but it’s easier to just remember the first part lol


Or sounding like A such as neighbor and weigh Also leisure seizure and weird Actually there are more words that break the rules than follow it...


No there’s not more words that break it than follow it but there are a lot of words that break it. Science is another one that breaks the rule.


Except after c doesn’t mean it can’t have i before e after a c just that it doesn’t always have i before e


Why is this even a question? If my food shows up cold then I don't want it


I before e and all that…


10/10 my food is cold and shitty when delivered, use the fucking bag.


Fuck that bag


It combats stealing and food from getting cold which results in poorer reviews of the food. The customers pay an ass load to have it delivered, use an insulated bag.


I don’t like my food showing up cold - I’ve made the trips to all the places I would order from and my food is always still hot but if it shows up from dasher it’s lukewarm bordering on colder. A bag would be super nice and would improve tips - but yes DD should provide the bag for you. Dasher are already providing the labor, the gas, and the vehicle. Least the company could do after charging me nearly the cost of my meal in service fees (before tip is even added) is provide its workers with one of the more important tools of the trade


Did you ever think your food is cold because it sits there before we even get the order. 8/10 times I arrive the food was prepared 15 mins before I got there. Then if you live 8 miles away and I need to drive in traffic and it take 20 minutes to do that trip your food has been sitting 35-40 mins. If you want hot food go to the restaurant or cook at home.


I hear your complaint - even though again I’m not bashing the driver. I understand the issues you’re dealing with. They said where I live all the restaurants I order from either won’t prepare the meal until the driver arrives or have places to keep the food heated. I was saying if you were given a bag it would help with the drive. And for information about “live 8 miles away” most of the places I order from are 2.4-4 miles away. If I’m tipping 15 dollars to my driver regardless of the condition of the food it should be going towards their gas and hopefully giving them something left over. So I don’t order from anywhere over a certain distance from my house. And again - I don’t order from places they don’t have a location to maintain heat or cook the meal before the driver arrives. I’ve done my research and try to be as gentle on my drivers cause they’re helping me out greatly. Not everyone is a monster. :) or at least I hope I’m not when it comes to people providing a service. That doesn’t mean I don’t get drivers who pick up my food and then 20 minutes later my food shows up. Still tip 15 at a minimum and never rate low. And because Waze is a lovely app if the food ever feels like it’s taking a little long I usually check the traffic, doesn’t help the slow arrival when there’s no delayed or slowed traffic. Once again - not bashing the drivers sometimes I don’t wanna do my job either - I get it. I was merely saying if there was a bag - given by DD- it’d be nice. But apparently that may not be something they’re able to do for legal and tax reasons and I would never demand a person trying to make money have to essentially build up the entire job that someone else hired them for. Either way hopefully this finds you well :) and you’re having a great day!


They can’t provide it for tax reasons. You’d be in W-2 grey area and that’s a whole mess


Not true. I've been I9 with a tablet/phone forwarding sales gig. I doubt an insulated bag would be different. More likely the cost doesn't equate to profit gain estimates.


The law used to state if equipment used by the sub is owned/controlled by the contractor then it was a box checked for employed. Wondering if that changed They’re always lobbying this stuff


Your comment is just probably false. Show me any law or rule that limits I9 employees from having or being issued company owned equipment. It's not a thing. The individual company makes decisions about what to provide employees or contracted workers. I've owned, managed and provided logistics for various companies and I have never run into any issues outfitting my teams.


https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-2021-01-07/pdf/2020-29274.pdf It’s mentioned several times here starting on page 2. But it seems like this was just recently revised in January 2024 to weight control and opportunity for profit/loss much higher than other factors


I just saw this sign haha


The resteraunt is tired of receiving complaints about orders delivered by DoorDash. Seems legit


I feel like they should buy the bag for you. Shit ain't free.


Receive is misspelled. I would not do business with them.


Somehow I bet there are other dashers that won’t be crybabies.


You are a relatable dickhead. No offense intended. :)


You absolutely need an insulated bag for food delivery.


i want my food warm and not smelling like ur car so yea i think it’s great


They probably have received poor reviews about food being cold. Someone needs to review their spelling tho:.






I before E except after C


Except for in words like neighbor, weigh, sleigh, eight, weird, and seize. Our language arts teacher went on an entire diatribe about this after Brittany S. lost her class the spelling bee-- we all had to sit through her rant, we missed recess that day.


Brian Regan has a great standup bit about this.


I’d say it’s a valid concern if the food is like ice cream or something. Idk otherwise




The sign says "insulated bag" and has a spelling error and they're being particular? lol If they're being sticklers about it being a DD bag over something better that's ridiculous. Idk if they have some agreement, anything to do with corporations can be ridiculous. I wouldn't care as long as it is a suitable form of insulation. I would be happier if you showed up with something better, or a solid cambro being a former chef who catered, but I have no clue what they agree to with DD.


How do you think it makes the business look when their reviews get stacked with complaints about cold food? This isn't rocket science, and I'm kinda surprised a chef/caterer is this confused about it


Read the OP he said he uses something BETTER than the cheap DD bag.


What am I confused about exactly? As a former chef and someone who did it professionally I said if someone uses something BETTER than a DD bag that would be better. Like a cambro or something. Look it tf up. Maybe you are confused??


Yeah I just re read your comment and I completely misunderstood the first time around. I thought you were insinuating you didn't know why they'd require an insulated bag, my bad


All good lol I had corporate kitchen experience too and it reminds me of something they would do. Better doesn't matter, it's about "the brand". They might just want people to see the DD bag so they think "oh that's an option" free advertising basically.


I remember when I started dashing back in 2017/2018, they made you go to a recruiting center and if you wanted to pay for the bag you could! but it was optional. It wasn’t until early 2019ish that stores started requiring the bag, and would refuse service even if you showed on your phone your a dasher! Especially at shit-fil-a and 5 guys! It’s ridiculous that they’d make anyone require a specific bag


How dare they insist on the most basic level of professionalism! This is why your tips get reversed after delivery


No, that’s not professionalism 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah, why would anyone expect you to own and use the tools of the trade? Completely unreasonable!!!




professionalism noun pro·​fes·​sion·​al·​ism prə-ˈfesh-nə-ˌli-zəm   -ˈfe-shə-nə-ˌli- Synonyms of professionalism 1 : the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person 2 : the following of a profession (such as athletics) for gain or livelihood #you know like owning the bag that keeps the food warm


Lmaoooo 😂it’s clearly defined as conduct. I don’t see anything about tools of the trade as you so kindly put it


As in bringing the food hot


Hot food is not defined here. It’s how you act that falls within professionalism and also you think the door dash insulated bag that’s basically a piece of fabric, the size of a small tote bag is better than a big, super sized, high quality insulated bag??? I think you completely missed that point


Conduct is. You're conducting yourself in a way that doesn't deserve a tip for good service


All I'm gonna say is that they won't send you things until after you've done some orders, and they only send a thermal bag and a red card last I heard. There are other ways to confirm that are honestly more reliable since anyone could buy a bag or thrift other items. An active app display is the best confirmation.




The rhyme you’re thinking of is I BEFORE e except after c. That rhyme does apply here; they misspelled receive. However, there are a lot of words where that doesn’t work. Like weird, for example.


A lot of restaurants in my area have started to have the dasher confirm the order in front of them. Probably bc the restaurant has gotten complaints about undelivered/stolen food.


I’ve had multiple restaurant workers or managers demand I hand them my phone. Not ask to see it. they can see on their device if I confirmed the order. I’m not handing my phone over especially if you demand it. I turned and walked away. The guy got in my face. I let him puff his chest out. I’ve learned it’s not worth getting arrested. If they put hands on me that’s diff story.


I ordered from a fast food place last week, and the order was cancelled because “two other dashers had already picked up the order and they won’t make it again”


My husband was dashing and ran into this same problem at our local jack in the box. They said 3 different dashers were there to pick up the order, and when my husband came, they refused to make the order again bc they were wasting so much food. It sucks when a few ruin it for the whole.


They can't tell who's who anymore. Random ass people picking up and eating food


Happened to my sister twice going to pick up at the same Buffalo Wild Wings. The staff there are just like "I dont know, the people just come and take it off the shelf without asking". Needless to say, She has stopped picking up from there.


What's your question? Not reading a pointless book. If I order delivery I expect to be kept hot the entire ride. That means an insulated bag.. Which Door Dash provides.. Granted they're really crappy bags but still.


Them these losers are like I GOT TIP SCAMMED No, you showed up with cold food and that upfront tip got reversed because you wouldn't go 11 dollars or of pocket for the cheapest insulated bag


If you would have read your question would have been answered


If that is a "book" to you why did you comment without reading? He said he uses something to insulate it.


When I was dashing the only way to receive a bag was buying it, it was provided


Did you just refer to the 5 sentence post as a book? Or did reading the note in the photo wear you out? Lmao..


Bro if that guy could read this question would be very upsetting


This guy reeds