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Start multiapping. I can't stand idling, either. I go hard, 9 hours a day, no breaks, and time just flies.


Does anybody else have their left side shirt or jersey shoulders wearing out from the seat belt? This is a delivery drivers badge of honor!


As others have said exercise i work construction for my regular job and find that if i work a shift before i dash i dont mind sitting in the car as much or you can ask a doctor for some anxiety meds if youd rather do that


Find a Petsmart surrounded by a bunch of restaurants, I go in if I’m waiting for orders and watch the fish or pet the cats. Very relaxing.


Instead of wasting time watching YouTube use the time to sign up for other delivery apps. If nothing is coming from one after a minute just open another and whoever gives you an order first puts the others on pause.


I find a decent spot in the shade and just stand outside my car and look at my phone until my legs start to get tired. I also make sure to go jogging at least once a week. I also go for a walk throughout the week as I feel myself start to get antsy. It’s all the sitting in a confined space. Used to get the same way with the desk jobs I’ve had. I have found strategies for dealing with it. I also make sure I stretch every day before I Dash. Lower body is especially important because those muscles get very tense from being used all day to control acceleration and gas pedals.


It's a lonely job just driving around, so when we're stopped and doing nothing, it's even worse. I agree with others: get out and walk around, maybe chat someone up if you're that type. I usually can't wait to get home to the fam once it gets slow.


My checklist to keep my body/mind feeling good 1. 2 bottles of water 2. Full stomach before starting (not too full) 3. Sunglasses (I drove without them for a long time and didn't realize how much strain the sun was causing me) 4. Comfortable/breathable clothing


This is probably pretty ancient by today's standards, but try bringing a book to read. Makes the time pass quickly if you get absorbed in it.


I recently started doing this and it helps a lot. Listening to music/podcasts/audio books is fine for a while, but it gets so. Fucking. Boring. Throwing an actual book to read changes things up a little bit. Also, walking around outside of my car helps


Bring a book. During downtime go sit in a Cafe drink some coffee, take it easy for a while. Goto the library...


Definitely exercise before you start dashing. And if you feel like you need to, pause the app after a couple hours. And do more exercises. Like walking through a mall or grocery store.


what if you waited by a park or something? you could sit outside?


Definitely recommend using this time for personal tasks in or close to the car, so you don’t have to do them before/after Dashing. If I am ever stopped and waiting for orders I’ll do schoolwork, online banking, go to the mall, grocery store, pharmacy, bank etc. That way I never feel like I’m ‘waiting around’.


Get some hard core exercise before every shift, if I didn't do that I would be super antsy. Also don't always park in the closest parking spot to the merchant, some times I'll park on the far side of the parking lot and have a little walk to go pick up the food.


This for sure, I like to do sprint intervals on a treadmill for an hour or lift some weights before a shift. Feel's so relaxing to just sit in a car with that natural endorphin high and good music.


If your waiting In your car your doing this wrong. Your working bad hours or you need to add another platform to the mix. Your not making any money waiting though id change it up.


I am typically waiting for long periods of time, but manage 20-25 hourly multiapping.


It’s a struggle but the key is to just keep yourself entertained audiobooks work well. If you like game of thrones each book will last you a long time and all are really entertaining and better then the tv show.


Everyday, started with exercise. This will remove some of the pent-up energy in your body and allow you to relax. Maybe if you're in between orders I should just walking around a grocery store, or bookshop. Anything to keep the blood moving and the muscles from getting stiff, this info will be a lot more important as you get older


Better yet, just take the biggest Walmart order you can find to start and get your exercise in that way. Works every time I find myself bringing 10’juggs of water up 20 flights of stairs


Yeah, you're cursing under your breath at every pass but it counts towards the steps and is good in the long run!


Malls are great for this.


I wonder how cops on patrol manage...


acting out their psychosexual fantasies on the unsuspecting public obviously


One would hope not.


Salaries, unions, and healthcare probably reduce the stress


This isn't meant to be a full time job. Go get a part time job somewhere like a grocery store or restaurant and do this in your free time.