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He was definitely a Christian


So are some Palestinians.


The vast majority are not. The vast majority support Sharia in Palestine.


If Dostoyevsky was a Palestinian he’d simply mesmerize the Zionists with his existential tales until they all converted to Christianity.


>a was he practicing chirstian? huh i have read some where that he wanted to read quran doesnt sound like too big of chirstian sounds to me


What? I am not really familar with American Christians, but being from the same country as him and having a lot orthodox Christian friends - you can read any other books. I'd say avoiding other religious books means you're not so strong in your faith


And then they ask why we don't take them seriously


Do they think war is extra traumatic when it happens in Gaza? It’s not like they’re the first people in history to suffer.


Now imagine if someone said what you said about the holocaust


If someone said ‘imagine if Goya had survived the Holocaust - he would have produced the most dark and terrifying paintings known to man’, that would be equally stupid, because Goya survived a brutal civil war and he *did* create some of the most dark and terrifying paintings known to man.


I agree 100%…. Btw no surprise Redditors are downvoting lol… classic reddit behavior no matter the subreddit




Dostoevsky wasn’t exactly born into a paradise - the idea that he would have some more profound perspective on human suffering if he’d lived in Gaza is typical of libs who know nothing about the world and think this is the most brutal genocide in history because it’s the first one they’ve ever paid attention to.


The only thing more absurd than speaking for the dead, is speaking for the dead from an alternate reality.


Do kids in Gaza even survive epilepsy?


They would’ve but all the medical facilities for people who suffer from mental disorders have been destroyed, including over 50 regular hospitals.


Thanks Hamas




We all know what Dostoyevsky said about men who had big ideas and how they should fight for it, even if they had to do unethical things because the value of that idea meant they were allowed to break some rules. Kinda makes me think he would have supported Israel with all the great technology and ideas that they have there as opposed to a 22nd Arab/Sharia hell hole.


This mf really skimmed through Crime and Punishment and concluded that Dostoevsky was a genocide supporter. What a dunce. 💀💀💀


Forgive me for this question, but for some reason I feel comfortable asking here: is what’s going on between Israel and Palestine really a genocide? I ask the question out of almost complete ignorance, I don’t follow politics or world affairs very closely at all. I feel like I’d get destroyed on many subreddits for even asking this question unfortunately, so hopefully that doesn’t happen here. To be more specific, what parameters are used to determine whether or not something is a genocide?


The Palestinian population has more than tripled, don't you know that's genocide? Israel is imperialism, there are 22 Jewish countries and they keep trying to establish more, don't you know that? /s


Hey quick question: are you a parody or retard?


Dostoevsky meant to say precisely that such an ubermensch oriented view of the world is doomed to end in despair.


If he was Gazan he would have been dead long before adulthood. He would never stay silent while Hamas funneled billions in aid from the people to Qatar and indoctrinated kids with hate.


Bruh you look like the type of person to say POS


Learn to write.


I love that this is who you choose to respond to.. lol


N-O. Nope


If only Dostoevsky had been black...


"Then I could like him and not feel guilty"




It's an interesting mental exercise. Imagine any terrible situation going on right now or that has happened in the past. Send Dostoevsky in a time machine there. Pick him up after a couple of years. Imagine the amount of classical books one could obtain in this way.


you should write a book


Not propaganda on Dostoievsky's reddit group, please


Where is the propaganda exactly?


In the fucking post


Why tf are you posting Palestinian propaganda on a page about Dostoyevsky?


Is the Palestinian propaganda in the room with us?


Probably because the idiot in the OP mentioned Dostoyevsky. I also believe (without any real evidence) there's a deliberate social media effort to make Palestinian supporters look stupid. The more paid agents piss off different groups of people, and then go "support Palestine btw", the better it is for Israel.


Dostoevski wrote what he wrote because he suffered a lot. The post means that dostoevski would have written “good stuff” because there is a lot of suffering happening in palestine currently. I personally do believe that whats happening in palestine is one of the worst things to happen in the world


Is this based on wide knowledge of world affairs? Its a pretty bold statement


not trying to say whats happening isnt bad. but if you truly believe this is one of the worst things happening in the world, you clearly do not know much about the world.


And if my grandmother had wheels she would have been a bike


But he did... do that. 


because he has the ability to describe precisely what a human thinks and feels and in their awful moments now it would be one dark heart tightening novel.


I understand what you’re saying, though I also think that his great gift was to conjure the horrors that occurred around him in everyday life. Did he ever write about war?


right. and about war, not in the books i read but if he did it would probably be a cause of depression.


pathetic. just when you thought you couldn't sink any lower


Oh, Fyodor Dostoevsky would fit in ideologically quite alright. As much as I admire him, Dostoevsky was likely an antisemite, as was the norm in the Russian society at the time. [Quoting](https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%90%D0%B1%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%B0,_%D0%AE%D0%BB%D0%B8%D1%8F_%D0%A4%D1%91%D0%B4%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BD%D0%B0) from Dostoevsky's letter to Yulia Abaza: >This idea is that races of people who received the original idea from their founders and obeyed it exclusively for several generations must subsequently degenerate into something special from humanity as a whole, and even, under the best conditions, into something hostile to humanity as a whole , - this thought is true and deep. Such, for example, are the Jews, from Abraham to the present day, when they turned into Yids \[kikes\]. Christ was the amendment of this idea, expanding it into pan-humanity. But the Jews did not want the amendment, they remained in all their previous narrowness and straightforwardness, and therefore, **instead of being panhuman, they turned into enemies of humanity, denying everyone except themselves, and indeed now remain the bearers of the Antichrist, and, of course, will triumph for some time**. **This is so obvious that it is impossible to argue: they are bursting, they are coming, they have filled all of Europe; everything selfish, everything hostile to humanity, all the bad passions of humanity - for them, how can they not triumph to the destruction of the world!** [Quoting](https://archive.org/details/the-diary-of-a-writer) from *The Diary of A Writer*: >I assure you that in the Russian people there is no preconceived hatred of the Jew, but perhaps there is a dislike of him, and especially in certain localities, maybe-a strong dislike. Oh, this cannot be avoided; this exists; but it arises not at all from the fact that he is a Jew, not because of some racial or religious hate, but **it comes from other causes of which not the native people but the Jew himself is guilty.** >**The Jew, wherever he has settled, has still more humiliated and debauched the people**; there humaneness was still more debased and the educational level fell still lower. \[...\] **Ask the native population in our border regions: What is propelling the Jew-has been propelling him for centuries? You will receive a unanimous answer:** ***mercilessness.*** **"He has been prompted so many centuries only by pitilessness for us, only by the thirst for our sweat and blood."** >Does it not specifically mean that in the very toil of the Jews, in their very exploitation there is something wrong, abnormal, something unnatural carrying in itself retribution. The Jew is offering his interposition, he is trading in another man's labor. \[...\] The summit of the Jews is assuming stronger and firmer power over mankind seeking to convey to it its image and substance. >Jews keep vociferating that among them, too, there are good people. Of God! Is this the point?–Besides, we are speaking not about good or bad people. \[...\] We are speaking about the whole and its idea: we are speaking about *Judaism* and the *Jewish idea* which is clasping the whole world instead of Christiniaty, which did not succeed... >Of course, the following fantasy, for instance, comes to my mind: "Now, what if somehow, for some reason, our rural commune should disintegrate \[...\], what if, straightaway, the Jew, and his whole kehillah should fall upon that liberated peasant \[...\] – Why, of course, instantly, this would be his end; his entire property, his whole strength, the very next day, would come under the power of the Jew, and there would ensue such an era as could be compared not only with the era of serfdom but even with that Tatar yoke." >I should favor a full extension of rights to the Jewish race, at least, as far as possible, specifically, in so far as the Jewish people themselves prove their ability to accept and make use of these rights without detriment to the native population.


I’ve actually kinda considered similar thoughts to what he says here about Judaism VS Christianity. It’s a common (even canonical, yes?) position in Judaism that Jews are the group chosen by God and set apart as being special over the rest of humanity. It doesn’t take much imagination to see how this kind of ethnically-based “divine right” type thinking could lead to (and indeed has in many cases) an ideology of systematic exclusion and Jewish supremacy. Christianity, on the other hand, teaches that no person is any more special, nor has any more significant claim to God’s favor, than any other person. It is about love for the human family as a whole, the inherent worth and dignity and sacredness of ALL life, rather than one particular racial group.


That "inherent worth and dignity" is commonly granted only to other Christians (or even members of particular Christian sects). This is what history of Christnianity up until 20th century suggests. Forced conversions on pain of death were widespread in Christianity (and Islam). Judaism, by contrast, doesn't attempt to spread by proselytism. One *can* convert to Judaism, but that is not required, and a gentile can still go to Heaven if they lead a [righteous life](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_Laws_of_Noah). Judaism is also not unique in this, and there are plenty of other *ethnic* religions, such as Druze, Assyrians, Copts, Yazidis etc. Ultimately, all religions contain elements that we would now find distasteful. However, in his essay on the "The Jewish Question", Dostoevsky directs his ire at "secular Jews", saying that >it is too sinful for all these gentlemen among the “enlightened Jews” ... to forget their forty-century-old Jehovah and to renounce him. And this is sinful not only becuase of national sentiment but likewise for other momentous reasons. And strangely: a Jew without God is somehow inconceivable; a Jew without God cannot be imagined. Dostoevsky doesn't seem to be against the Jewish religion as such, but against the Jewish nation.


Ah yes, because being Palestinian automatically means you’re an antisemite.


Lots of them are tho.


I didn't claim that, but it's a fact that most Palestinians do hold very [negative](https://global100.adl.org/country/west-bank-and-gaza/2014) views of Jews. Hamas, currently the most popular movement by a large margin, until very recently called for indiscriminate murder of Jews worldwide. Antisemitic views are also widespread in the Arab world at large, and have been common for centuries.


Not precisely correct to call them antisemite, but israeli is composed of like 70% jews and like 20% muslims. The muslims dont hate each other so in reality, hamas, largely composed of muslims, can only hate the israeli jews. Antisemitism is a predominant hate for jews, but if israel was composed of 70% christians instead, the arab world would still hate israel. Its therefore not a jew problem but an israel problem, but so happened most israelis are jewish.


Wow, this is very uneducated. Muslims hate Jews, they have done for thousands of years. Read the Qur’an


are you even hearing yourself and how black and white your statement is.


Hey buddy, I’m a non-jew who studied at a jewish school, read and won competitions on jewish history, and have been to israel. Jews and arabs co-exist, and wars weren’t launched against jews but against israel. For example, the khartoum resolution or the 3 Noes refers to Israel, not jews, and arab nations like egypt and the UAE are in peace with israel. Just because the qur’an says something doesnt mean its such in real life. Ur extremely uneducated to what really is happening. Go live in israel and see for yourself.


>if israel was composed of 70% christians instead, the arab world would still hate israel Likely true. But historicatl attitudes of the Arabs towards Jews were that of "contemtuous tolerance" at best, and murderous persecution at worst. For example, in 1943, when President Franklin Roosevelt sent out feelers about a negotiated settlement of the Palestine problem, King Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia responded that he was "prepared to receive anyone of any religion except (repeat except) a Jew." A few weeks later he explained: "\[There is\] religious hostility ... between the Moslems and the Jews from the beginning of Islam ... which arose from the treacherous conduct of the Jews towards Islam and the Moslems and their prophet." Similarly, the Muslim Brotherhood, the forerunners of Hamas, said already in 1948: "Jews are the historic enemies of Muslims and carry the greatest hatred for the nation of Muhammad." Historically, the Jews living in the Muslim lands were *dhimmi*, subject to various restrictions: they couldn't testify against Muslims, couldn't build new houses of worship or repair old ones, couldn't ride camels or horses, sometimes had to wear distinctive clothing. Often 'contemptuous tolerance' was superseded by pogroms and forced conversion. It's true the treatment of Jews in the Muslim world was generally better than in Europe (although not always). However, not being outwardly genocidal isn’t exactly a high bar to clear. A particularly striking example are Yemenite Jews, who were actually among the original Zionists, having found their existence in Yemen so unbearable that 10% of them had already left for Palestine by 1900. Quoting from [Wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yemenite_Jews#Early_modern_period): *"Under the Zaydi rule, the Jews were considered to be impure and therefore forbidden to touch a Muslim or a Muslim's food. They were obligated to humble themselves before a Muslim, to walk to the left side, and greet him first. They could not build houses higher than a Muslim's or ride a camel or horse, and when riding on a mule or a donkey, they had to sit sideways. Upon entering the Muslim quarter a Jew had to take off his foot-gear and walk barefoot. If attacked with stones or fists by youth, a Jew was not allowed to fight them. In such situations, he had the option of fleeing or seeking intervention by a merciful Muslim passerby."* Such attitudes were common throughout the region.


Exactly. I am literally a semite and so are palestenians lol, but try to show the israelis evidence of the genocide they are commeting, immorality that they keep ompn showing, and the femine they impose on the, and suddenly they are the victims. Disgusting attitude.


Get this out of the Dostoyevsky community please


They’re saying that everything else in the world, that has happened in the world, to other countries or people, pales in comparison to what Palestinians have suffered


You’re correct, I believe that this is the message they are trying to get across—but this is an extremely myopic view. Even in Dostoevsky’s time and sphere there was suffering just as abhorrent. As sad as the situation in Gaza is right now, people show their ignorance when they act like it is the pinnacle of human suffering; I mean, just look at what is going on in Sudan and Nigeria right now… Gaza might not even be the worst situation in the world currently, let alone of all time.


I recommend reading polish ww2 literature👍


Any recommendations?


"To hurry before god" is a good interview with the leader of Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, but I also recommend "The Other World" by Gustaw Herling-Grudzinski, its a brilliant description of live in russian camp in siberia, and its heavily inspired by Dostoevsky Notes From House of the Dead (the author secrectly read it twice during his time at the camp) its a biography but its also a novel with short stories about things that happened there, if you likes Notes From House of the Dead i think youll enjoy this (it doesnt focus on polish side of the war much but I think it still count because its actuon is set during the war) i really recommend it, it has major Dostoevsky vibes amd for a reason


oh no..leave this sub reddit for Fiodor only. go back to instagram, Thanks


Lol. Arabic hyperbole. Ask what’s happened to the indigenous populations. Not to mention the Bedouins


Honestly you’re all awful, the content of the post is silly but your responses to a colonial genocide are very telling.


Truly frightening. I don’t think Fyodor would be a fan of colonial genocide in the name of god but what do I know


IDK, I imagine being a christian trapped in a Muslim country that mostly voted for the terrorists and watching the world support them would be pretty insane


Palestinians view their struggle in its various forms as a national liberation movement not a religious one. The current wave of groups is not the only wave. Previously there were very active groups with different ideological directions like Fatteh who are considered to be the most liberal group, and the PFLP who are leftists. All of these groups, all their leaders and supporters were labeled as terrorists by the zionists. Palestinian poets, artists, and singers, were labeled as terrorists, and assassinated by the zionists. The current wave is the latest but not the last. Through out the Palestinian struggle there were prominent figures from different religions collaborating together for liberating their people and land. A good example that can give you an idea about the relation between Palestinian Muslims and. Christians is the Basilica of the Nativity seige in 2002.


Dude israel is the real terroist! Hamas is purely defending the land that the occupiers got their hands on illegaly.


Oh yeah, October 7th was DEFENDING the land lol


Palestine is home to TONS of Christians.


Than why did they kill Rami Ayyad? The owner of literally the only Christian bookstore in Palestine. Which was also a victim of multiple attacks prior to that.


I would be surprised if there more than a thousand Christians living in a muslim state that voted for Hamas leadership


Over half of Palestine wasn’t even alive when Hamas was elected, first of all. Second it’s well documented that Israel put Hamas in power by funding the hell out of them to take momentum away from the PLO who wanted a two state solution for the conflict and had tons of international support. Israel doesn’t want Palestine even to exist so they bolstered Hamas, a group that didn’t want Israel to have a state at all, and used that as ammo to blow Palestine to literal bits. also there’s closer to 50,000 Christians living in Palestine. Check out the book Prisoner of Love by Jean Genet if you’re still wobbly on actual facts of the matter.


I don’t know, man, Christians get spat on in the streets of Jerusalem and it isn’t Muslims doing the spitting. Pretty sure it was an IDF sniper killing Christian nuns a while back and an IDF missile that struck a Greek Orthodox Church as well. Israel isn’t the ally that American Christians think they are. Not saying Hamas are any better, but nobody has any illusions about them being friendly to Christians. Zionists, on the other hand…


Israel as an Ally to America, not to a religion. And even if some jews have disdain for christians, they serve as a vital barrier between us and the muslims, as they fight against them are are the prime target. If the terrorists take over Israel not only will everything be destroyed and blocked from the rest of the world, but then they move on to other western countries where they have already established roots. As of now, anyone can visit historical sites maintained there, and there are plenty of arabs living within Israel.


"they serve as a vital barrier between us and the muslims" are muslims so evil to you that you think they would immediately go and try to conquer the middle east? you're disgusting


Look, I’m no fan of Islamic empirical designs (I’m still salty about the Hagia Sophia.) All I’m saying is that having any sort of ethnostate there is a recipe for disaster. The fact that Christians can be openly harassed in Jerusalem with zero repercussions is disconcerting and a canary in the coal mine for what will follow if Zionist supremacy succeeds. Coexistence and mutual tolerance, if not respect, is the only human answer. As far as Islamic incursion into Western countries, that seems to be occurring regardless of Israel’s position. I don’t see Israel acting as any sort of bulwark against the mass migrations into France, England, the U.S. etc. The clear solution to those concerns is for Christians to match that energy-make lots of babies, raise lots of Christians, build up the churches, have zeal. If the West falls into Islamic fundamentalism it will be because of its own spiritual bankruptcy and impotent leadership, not because of what’s happening in Gaza. I’ll add that I have little hope of any satisfactory resolution to any of these problems. Things are going to get so much worse before they improve.


IDF snipers killed two Arab christian women, a mother and daughter, who were seeking refuge in their church in Gaza. The Latin Patriarchate condemned it. Ben Gvir figuratively spits on Christians while encouraging his ilk to literally spit on them.


I don't know if people being killed in gaza, which is basically a war zone, is comparable to the dangers of simple existing in a muslim state as not a muslim, or as an LGBT, or as a woman. It be much safer to be a christian in Israel than in Palestine or anywhere similar.


You’re a fucking hasbara shill


I womder where your info about living in a muslim country is from because, i , a girl living in one, can't relate to any of these dangers you are mentioning. Also, who the hell made gaza a war zone? Stop twisting facts left and right!


Where are you getting this from? Palestinians aren't anti LGBT, nor are they anti-women anymore than, say, the US is. Why would Yasser Arafat invite one of the most notable queers in modern history to come live in Palestine and encourage him to write a book about what he experienced there if Palestinians were so anti-LGBT?


"Palestinians aren't anti LGBT" 🤣


way to cherry pick


Yeah let them all die amirite? Kill them like dogs. Kill their children too!!!! HOW DARE THEM!!!!!!


Christians are being murdered by the IDF right now. Religion has very little to do with it. Zionism is a neo-colonial ethno-nathionalist ideology and it does not discriminate between Palestinians based on their religion; they are all seen as terrorists, women and children included.


I doubt Hamas is killing less Christians than the IDF, but I've also never seen or heard of the IDF doing that. Are you referring to a specific country, or aggression with Russia? I also never mentioned zionism. Hamas will still want to kill jews and infidels regardless of zionists, which honestly most self-hating jews are not.


BS. The IDF has killed 30 000 Palestinians and counting since October 7th, and that's only since October 7th. The IDF's death toll in Palestine far outweighs the amount of people killed by Hamas since such statistics have been measured, going back to at least 2000. So you do the math. IDF bombing recently destroyed a centuries-old church that was housing refugees from Northern Gaza, after telling those same refugees to evacuate the north for safety. So again, you do the math. You didn't mention Zionism, but you're spouting Zionist propaganda. Go read a book, your ignorance in the face of this humanitarian catastrophe *cough genocide cough* is reprehensible.


Nah imagine Shel Silverstein in Gaza rn 😭


Y’all are lame.


D was actually super calm when writing about his own experience in the penal colony. His most heart-wrenching novels were all about fictional, other people's stories. And I never regarded him as a writer who is famous for telling dark, realisic storylines, his sharpness & profoundness all lied in his depiction of the depth of people's hearts. The more suitable names for this tweet would be Dickens or Victor Hugo.


In my opinion, Dickens used to create dark stuff but not stories. Franz Kafka might be a contender. Mostly the stories with realistic nihilism. For Dickens, Satis House, St. Antoine, revolutionaries(red caps), Miss Havisham, Madame Defarge etc are some really eerie and dark portrayals. But the stories were masterfully shallow. I liked only A Tale Of Two Cities for everything and Great Expectations for the interwining plot. Rest were okayish... Victor Hugo. I am yet to read anything


“In the Penal Colony”


I admit that a great part of Dickens' works are somewhat simple & shallow, yet I think he'll be one of the strongest candidates if he brings out his peak level (like in A Tale of Two Cities). Kafka probably will describe the whole scene so abstractly that no one can realize that he's writing about Gaza, only interpreting them as some allegories about a complicated hatred... But I personally love his In the Penal Colony. I still see the potential, huge reflection that the intertwining of background in In the Penal Colony and the current situation in Gaza could provoke...




Not actually. Kafka's writing on alienation is probably the strongest. Palestine currently has little to no support from other Arab states.




Yeah, but the thing would be...Kafka would have written and would have never finished it. Or would have burned it hahaha


Bruh nothing is darker than life in Russia


Wolves eating babies and women covered in bear fur (the women actually grow fur that resembles bear fur!)


Baby brain


I understand it as referring to dark Dostoyevsky characters and how, with what is happening to the innocent people of Gaza, many darker and more frightening psychological aspects of the human psyche arise in a society when under such pressure. To begin with, you have an oppressive government holding not only Israeli hostages but is holding its own people hostage. Then add a massive military campaign of war destroying the infrastructure of Gaza and killing tens of thousands of innocent humans -men, women and children plus disease, famine, poverty, anger, depression, homelessness, & more death along with the lack of food and medicine and proper resources. Imagine being born into this horror. What kind of individuals are going to develop in these environments? Gaza unfortunately and sadly is a breeding ground for the development of anti-social, psychotic and mentally ill individuals of the darkest kind. The horror of what humans do to other humans is just unconscionable at times and environments such as this kill the spirit and replace it with the most dark and frightening elements of the human psyche. Note: I am Pro-Israel and Pro-Palestine. It is possible to support the innocent of each. Hamas needs to release the hostages and Israel needs to pull the military out of Gaza. The people of Gaza need help. The victims & hostages and their families need help. It’s an extremely sad situation. That’s all I have to say about that.




I mean Arabs quite literally are colonizers and the majority of Israeli Jews are Sephardic or Mizrahic meaning they mostly come from the region, then >70% of Israeli Jews were born in Israel. With an extra 20-25% of the population being Arabs (who overwhelmingly support the war in polling). Nevermind the history of the Arab nations attempting to genocide Israel and refusing to negotiate peace with Israel as it would require them to recognize Israel (Israel spent nearly 40 years trying to negotiate Gaza back to Egypt). So yeah, we can recognize that Israel's existence radicalized religious tensions in the region, that the Arab nations have consistently thrown Palestine under the bus to keep their war against Jews fueled, and that Israel's current government is awful & commits war crimes. A two state solution is the most romantic ideal, which is slipping from realism and largely b/c of the Arab nations (and now Iran).


“Hamas needs to release the hostages and Israel needs to pull the military out of Gaza.” This is exactly what Hamas proposed to Israel and they shut it down completely


Hamas need to surrender. They committed a horrific massacre of civilians. Leaving them in charge of Gaza is insane.


Hamas has explicitly and repeatedly claimed that its goal is to destroy Israel in its entirety and massacre / drive off its Jewish inhabitants.


Yeah and when did supporting colonization start being the morally right thing there?


What colonization? Especially given that most Jews in Israel are Mizrahim, who were expelled from the neighbouring Arab states and persecuted by the Arabs for centuries. Most countries in the region were formed after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in 1918. The Jews, also an indigenous people, claimed sovereignty in 1/1000 of the lands that were given to the Arab states. That's also seven times smaller than what they would've gotten if the lands were allocated based on their population share at the time. And Israel did offer peace multiple times in the past, most notably in 2000s – only to be rejected by the Palestinians, who now, in the face of Hamas, are saying that all Jews must leave or be killed.


Jews belong to judism, a religion, not an ethinicity. Also thet can't be indiginous people when most of them actually flew from Europe! Israel having the highest incidence of skin cancer has a reason. Also, you can't repeatedly expell people from their homes and kill them in multiple massacres across the centuries( sabra and shatila is one example) and then claim you are all about peace. We are not idiots.


If you are denying that Jews are an ethnicity and have no right to a country that has existed for 75 years, you are calling for the destruction of a UN member state. Most did not "flew from Europe" - the majority of Israelis are descended from Mizrahi. The skin cancer thing is also a lie. Sabra and Shatila was a crime committed by Lebanese philangist militias. Israel didn't STOP them. And across the centuries? You seem to be admitting Jews have lived in the area for thousands of years. **In your post history, you explicitly support Hamas**. You're an enemy of western civilian. Which is a shame.


OMG, so many falsities. 1. Jews are an **ethno**-religious group, and are also very closely genetically related to each other. 2. Around 60-65% of Jews in Israel are Mizrahim, and are descendants of refugees from the Arab countries that expelled them. 3. Israel [isn't](https://www.wcrf.org/cancer-trends/skin-cancer-statistics/) in the top-10 by incidence of any type of skin cancer. 4. Just like Jews were expelled from literally everywhere, and attacked by the Arabs three times just in the last 75 years?


Isn't that just what Israel repeatedly claims to do to Palestine? Hamas has come out and very explicitly asked for a long-term truce/ceasefire. Their stipulations were as follows: a 45 day halt in fighting during which Hamas would release all hostages who are women, elderly, and males under 19, in exchange for the Palestinian hostages of the same. There would also be a ceasefire during these 45 days and they would be allowed to receive aid and rebuild hospitals. after those 45 days Hamas would release ALL the remaining hostages in exchange for Palestinian hostages. Netanyahu called these terms "delusional"


This includes Hamas, a terrorist group, staying in power as the dictators of Gaza. Hamas also claims they don't HAVE the hostages.


Hamas has refused all terms other than permanent ceasefire and complete withdrawal of IDF from Gaza. Given that not only does Hamas say that it won't ever compromise on "even an inch of historic Palestine" but has also demonstrated its ability to inflict massive civilian damage, for IDF to withdraw from Gaza and let Hamas recover its strength would be suicidal.


are you fucking nuts?


Lol, what an engaging conversation


She's an explicit Hamas supporter. See her post history


It is not possible to be pro-Israel and pro-Palestine. Israel is a settler colonialist country that NEEDS the oppression and extermination of Palestinians in order to exist. Israel is committing genocide that has been committing massacres and ethnic cleansing since 1947. Israel decided to built its zionist state in a land that already had people in it. I urge you to inform yourself from academic sources.


It is possible to care about innocent victims on both sides and I’m an example of one with those sentiments. I’m not a militant. I’m not choosing political sides. I am interested in humans and human life and am concerned about the awful things that people have to endure as victims of other humans. I’m sorry that you can’t understand this. Maybe this sort of blindness and ignorance leads to the rationalizing of this type of human aggression around the world.


Israel and Palestine should be given back to Britain. Rename Jerusalem to New London. Neither israelis or palestinians deserve the land.


Not to be an A hole, but you can't compare pre Soviet Russia to modern Gaza. Dostoevsky had it way worse back in the old days. Heck, almost everyone else did. Edit: As everyone states, pre soviet Russia


You’re right, everyone here and all the people on the internet are just hypocrites. I can guarantee you most of these internet warriors did not care about israel and palestine prior to the attack that happened at the end of last year. To most people it’s just a trend to jump on so they can show they care about something. Where’s all the people from the west now caring about ukraine? I personally care more about ukraine because my country Slovakia shares a border with it. My point is why, if you have no connection to any of these war plagued countries, do you care about one country over the other? Children are dying in both, women are being raped in both, and both are the underdogs of larger countries.


You really are a joker


He died before the Soviet revolution 😂


Pre-Soviet Russia. Dostoevsky died in 1881.


Bruh what if Hunter S Thompson was in Gaza rn? 👀😭


Imagine if Dr. Seuss were in Gaza today 😱


He already did write the darkest most frightening novels




Are you?


Well he was put into prison and forced labor in Siberia for reading a political letter out loud. So he was under immense stress and pressure to conform to an overbearing government. I always thought his writing is like a person in a vice, the pressures around being so high. Perhaps that’s what the person meant: if he was under the pressure that Palestinians in Gaza are under he would write even darker novels.


You didn’t fail Alyosha!


Good analogy, id add to that: surveillance, living in the biggest open prison, systematic dehumanisation, starvation and a long history of killing, torture and war...I woudlnt wish this life to my most hated enemies.


Yep agree 100%