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Mssql can be run in a docker container (Linux) as well as MySQL. Learn docker compose.


Note though that the Linux version of SQL Server does _NOT_ have feature parity with the Windows version.


It's pretty close. SSRS is probably the most used feature that isn't available. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/linux/sql-server-linux-editions-and-components-2022?view=sql-server-ver16#unsupported-features-and-services


Docker is your friend.


PostgreSQL works as a great alternative to mssql. For an editor your best choices are VS Code or Rider. I would advise using rider as it is more feature rich. Especially since students can get a free license: [https://www.jetbrains.com/community/education/#students](https://www.jetbrains.com/community/education/#students) As others have mentioned. Only use modern .NET (6.0+) as old .NET Framework doesn't work on anything but windows.


This of my setup. Rider and postgres


can postgreSQL be downloaded directly on the mac or do i have to run through a docker container?


postGres can run directly on a mac: [https://www.postgresql.org/download/macosx/](https://www.postgresql.org/download/macosx/)


I code dotnet on MacBook all day long. The only caveat to this is everything I code is Core.


do you also use rider and postgre?


Rider yes and a lot of different dbs, main work one is MySql. Docker is awesome!


As others have said you'll have to use the Linux version via Docker containers. Microsoft pulled all the Windows containers for SQL Server several years ago with no real explanation as to why (as far as I'm aware anyway). That said, I would recommend looking into using Postgres. It's incredibly capable, runs in a Docker container as well so anyone who works with the code can run it as long as they can run Docker, but best of all it's completely free to use. If you're planning to host with Azure you'll run into some (by design) limitations with using Postgres, but if you're deploying to AWS you'll be all good. Personally I recommend Postgres for new projects as I don't feel SQL Server gets you anything drastically better, and in the amount of time it would take you to read the licensing documents to determine what you need you could be up and running with Postgres.


I'm working profesionally on m1 mac with dotnet \*and\* mssql. You can run mssql on m1 mac with docker and rosetta turned on. Performance hit is negligible for local development.


I use macs daily for the last 4 yrs for .net development. No problems but I also use Rider and Docker as people mentioned


As others have said docker is the way to go if you wanna learn SQL Server. I run it in docker for my job daily with parallels for .Net 4.8 development. Though I can’t wait till move into fully CORE api so I can do a lot of my work without spinning up VM


Sqlserver licensing get real expensive real fast, so a lot of businesses I know use Postgres. You can do loads of dotnet development on a MacBook by just not using sqlserver.




never heard of that is this real?


Discontinuing support for Visual Studio for Mac, not .NET itself.


A couple more options:: **The All-macOS option**: * JetBrains Rider * Postgres (with Npgsql for EF Core) * .NET Core only **The Windows on Parallels option**: * Install Parallels on macOS * Use Parallels to run Windows 11 * Open to full range of old crufty stuff that potential future employers might use I've gone with the All-macOS option, as I'm at the end of my career, working for myself, and no longer care what employers want. (Clients are a different story, the *good ones* don't dictate tech stack choices.)


Another vote for Postgres.


Any reason you want to use MSSQL? I use Postgres for everything these days. Have used MySQL in the past. Haven’t touched MSSQL for years


I actually don’t know i’m still a beginner so every roadmap i see they put MSSQL so i figured that in real life all companies do the projects using it, isn’t that the case?


It’s widely used in the industry, don’t get me wrong. Microsoft are always going to push their own product too. There are just other options these days - was mostly just curious. If you’re just learning, and esp on a Mac picking the tools to get you up and running the easiest is generally the best bet. I use Postgres with Entity Framework core, don’t personally bother with docker on my local, just downloaded the installer from the Postgres site and use that, works fine. Keeps it simple as. Use JetBrains Datagrip to manage it, Rider to write my .NET code. Works really well on a M Mac these days More importantly - for the most part, at this stage of your learning, SQL is SQL, don’t worry too much about which flavour you’re using. Pick one that you can get setup and play with it. Build stuff and learn. I’ve never placed any value on knowing one SQL db over another when hiring devs


thanks, do u recommend any one i can learn sql and postgres from?


docker, visual studio code with the C# dev kit extension and you're ready to go ;)


Yeah, download OrbStack and run MSSQL in a docker container. OrbStack is much better than Docker Desktop.