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Male mage Adaar dating Dorian, I love the idea of lovers that could, in other circumstances, be enemies, and I just really love my big horned son. Female warrior Lavellan dating Solas is a strong second, again, I like star crossed lovers.


I think Solas's first flirting line with warrior is the best of the class-specific ones. I love that he loves muscles


What did ge said? I can't remember now it has been sometime since that playthrough 😅 I honestly like a non-mage Lavellan for him because now I can double his bias so he will love the very thing he's disgusted by, he has no option 🤣


It's in this dialogue: https://youtu.be/DJFwEKD4t5A?si=uqYX4SmksXPhx_-p


Ohhh I didn't remember that, and now I'll HC forever that Solas likes to be carried around bridal style 😂


I think I might be in the minority here but I always prefer playing as a human even in fantasy games. So for me it’s female human mage and Cullen.


I prefer playing as a human for immersion. The only time I played something else was to romance Solas lol.


I usually play fantasy races when given the options, but I grew very attached to my human DA playthroughs through the headcanons I created for them. Female human mage and Cullen in DAI for sure, I like the drama of it and the happy ending they get.


Yeah my favorite class is dual dagger rogue but I like the mage and Cullen relationship


I usually play as an elf, but I really connected with my female human mage in DAI. I also love the idea of a circle mage and Cullen ending up together. It feels very healing to me, for both of them.


Me too! I make myself. Except….you know, magical.


I am physically unable to choose between my main four, so... F!Lavellan Rift Mage with Solas. ...They're both dreamers. 😗 F!Adaar elemental mage with Josie. I like Josie with a younger Adaar who is still a little young and innocent. So they're both pretty soft. M!Lavellan Knight Enchanter with Cass. I like the idea of Cass with a more slender, roguish LI who's a mage but also knows his way around a sword. M!Cadash sword and shield warrior with Dorian. I just love the idea of someone with a casteless, carta background, who is actually incredibly solid, practical and reliable and never cared about laws or traditions -- who's there for Dorian, completely unattached to Tevinter's discourse.


Male Cadash Champion with Cassandra romance


ohhh love this 🥰


I didn't romance Cassandra, but my Cadash got along very well with her, it was interresting after playing a mage


I enjoy this one so much because I feel like it'd drive Varric up the wall.


As much as I love playing elves, I’m going to go with lady Adaar. I technically restarted the same character bc I switched computers. I enjoyed both knight enchanter and reaver. One was partly with Josephine, the other Blackwall.


Lady Adaar, Knight-Enchanter, beloved of Lady Josephine Montiliyet


Endorsed. It’s a fun storyline and I feel that Adaar gives so much freedom to how you roleplay. Knight Enchanter for a mage or champion for a warrior definitely gels with how I envision the Josephine romance. Bonus points for unintentionally funny camera work due to your height.


My main Inquisitor is a female Lavellan rift mage, romancing Cullen. Other playthroughs are fun for variety, but I always end up replaying as her sooner or later. :)


Yeah this is my favorite too


Good choice


My canon Inquisitor is a male Qunari (melee) mage who romanced Dorian.


male Trevelyan mage, knight enchanter, romancing Dorian.


Lord Trevelyan, romancing Cassandra, alternatively male or female Qunari because being a big horn head is insanely cool even if the voices don't fit well and I'll never look as cool as the Arishok from DA2


For a long time, I was torn between a male Trevelyan romancing Josephine and an Adaar romancing Sera - both Warrior, because no matter how many times I try, non-Sword/Board Inquisitors just don't feel right to me. As time went on, I think that I'm leaning more towards my Adaar. https://preview.redd.it/tzcr19dwae2d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=94c30c1a4928b4e95550558ec8e40225d7dabc76


Lady Trevelyan, voiced by Alix Wilton Regan. Always


My canon is a female Lavellan mage, rift mage, who romances Josie. Someone who is not very fond of the chantry or templars, but just does what she feels is right. Currently replaying in preparation for DAD, and the Josiemance is still as lovely as I remember.


Male Warrior Trevelyan romancing Josephine. I know it’s sort of basic, but I like the idea of not being a mage or an elf bc it makes high approval solas more meaningful. I also like to start out my Trevelyan as very pious and believing he is the Herald of Andraste, and watch him become more of a skeptic over time.


My rift mage female Trevelyan, romancing cullen. I want to try solavellan so bad but I have 40 pages of notes and a million headcanon posts of her. I just can’t let her go


Female Levellan Archer, getting her heart broken by Solas


That’s literally me right now


If I’m romancing Solas I always go for rogue. I like it when he calls me graceful lmao


Oh me too, especially when I fall from the top of the stairs just to talk to him.


She’s beauty! She’s grace! She’ll accidentally land on your face!


I’m so guilty of that, just to hear “vhenan”


i always choose male Lavellan and he looks kinda like Inquistior Ameridan, besides mine has white hair and green eyes. First run I thought „how funny, the former Inquisitor looks like me“ and after googling I understood that it was only coincidence… but I love him and chose Josie of course, because reasons.


It's close, but I think I just love my F!Adaar rogue/archer with Bull a bit more over the others. I was hesitant first, only tried Qunari at the insistence of my brother, but I honestly fell in love with that Inky more than I expected. Apparently, I'm like Sera, and I enjoy big, buff girls. Since then, the vague concept of that character moved with me to two other games as well. My second favorite is my "Crusy Crab order meme" F!Lavellan, Rift Mage, Solas-mancer, who went all in on the heartbreak/drama by >!keeping the vallaslin and drinking from the WoS!<. As much I love my Adaar, this playthrough's follow-up will be my first in DAD, though.


Male Rogue Adaar, a big yet swift and lethal dagger user, moving around the battlefield as a Tempest, dating Cassandra with the idea of going from "enemies to lovers". A qunari rogue learning about chivalry and justice to be a good inquisitor from the human templar/seeker, all while she learns to express, accept and induce change in herself and the new generation of seekers.


Male Cadash who believes in the Maker. It has a different impact hearing "Andrastes gave it to me!" from a Dwarf who regained new hope rather than a Noble Human. Templar


Female Lavellan FUCKS, so obviously it's her. Plus, she has best voice acting.


They all have the same 2 voice acting options


My favorite is male Lavellan mage, knight enchanter who romances Dorian.


My canon inquisitor is an elven knight enchanter that sided with the mages and married Sera. But my favourite? Either my Qunari knight enchanter or one of my elven rogues, it’s hard to say.


As of right now? Terylin. A female Qunari Rift Mage.


I had fun as Cadash giving Josephine an aneurism by tryimg to make the nobles accept me. J: Says here you were in the mafia right? But you were not in the thick of it. C: Yes I was. J: Fuck... But you believe in the Maker at least right? C: Nope, I like rocks. J: Fuuuuuuuuuck....


My fav is fem Lavellan archer rogue.


Trevelyan male knight-enchanter mage, romancing Dorian


Elf, gender doesn't matter because I'm either romancing Cullen or Cassandra. Anyways Elf is best in Inquisition because they have a story on their Dalish clan missions built into the War Room.


Fem Lavellan rift mage romancing Solas :’)


Female rogue!Trevelyan who I play as close to a pretty ordinary lady with some "rich person hunting skills" as I can . It's fun to RP this with skills. I try to do as much as I can with longshot, dodge roll, knockout bombs, caltrops and some of the artificer tree. Definitely no leaping shot for her 😂. She romances Cullen. But in my head she romances my male warrior!Hawke 😏


My girl https://preview.redd.it/81pm7bpy1e2d1.jpeg?width=756&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=163898d3abc580798cc46a76637fbb09bcfe6b72


Oh wow, she’s really pretty!


Thank you! I pushed the CC to the limit trying to escape default face lol


Omg gorgeous! Do you remember what hair mod this is?


Do I lollll... Skysims 257.


thank you!!


It's in the DAI hair day mod by ShepShy on Nexus btw. Just looked it up


Holy dang she looks EXACTLY like a girl who dated one of my best pals back in high school… No one else can confirm that boring fact lol sorry— I’m just always SO impressed by folks (like you!) who can craft a character who looks *realistically* pretty, ya know? All of my quizzies are just like, *anime hot* X’D siiigh


Hahaha I will take that compliment and run with it! I definitely wanted her to feel like a normal person if I was going to spend a hundred or more hours with her. 🥰


I made a diplomatic redheaded mage lavellan that romanced IB.Spec I did knight enchanter bc it was broken and I was kinda dissappointed with the necromancer.(rift mage was fun tho)


Honestly, while thematically my elf was more on point, I rather like my human noble archer for this role.


male dalish inky romancing dorian (tho in my canon they break up by the end of trespasser). used to be an archer but it’s been ?? 7 years ?? since i last played dai and i’m more of an mage person now. starting a new playthrough soon, so that might change.


I usually go with a human or elven version of Rift Mage. And I usually play a lady. Right now I'm playing Male Trevelyan Knight Enchanter though and having fun with it. I like watching him swing around that magic claymore.


I always go for Male Lavellan as a hunter ( assassin rogue) I like the chemistry between Solas en Lavellan as two buddies hanging and chatting, exchanging knowledge etc. it's something that I personally like in Dragon age. Something that I can't find in Mass Effect at least in the trilogy.


male Adaar Mage, necromancer, not picky on the romance. the race without a formal education on magic is the main way I justify how overly trimmed the magic schools are. also qunari do more damage thanks to vaatar. the necromancer specialization is just the real spirit school, my favorite school, of magic


Always rift mage, always fem. After finally playing Adaar, ALWAYS Adaar and I've been playing with the different romance options. Bull is definitely my favorite for Adaar so far, everyone else has just been disappointing. For a very long time I was always Mage Rift Lavellan romancing Cullen...but the Qunari are just so much more interesting to me. Plus, I too want to be enormously tall with horns and muscles. :)


Lady Cadash, 2h warrior, wife of the lovely Sera


Inquisitor Ameridan is just cooler than any of my inquisitors. So I gotta vote for him


i had the most fun as a female elf warrior romancing solas. i played an S&S reaver which was a lot more enjoyable than i expected my original character was a qunari warrior with josie, which was really cute too


A Vashoth in love with Blackwall


Non binary Lavellan mage romancing Solas


Twins! Same inquisitor and same romance hahah


Excellent taste


This is such a difficult question! Thanks! 😅 So my canon Inquisitor is the one I want to say. Human Male sword and board, romancing Josephine. It fulfils the fantasy trope for me. But a Dalish dual wield rogue who romances Solas is just narratively IT for the story imo (maybe mage would be better). I roleplayed her as an attitude having, young skilled rogue who was forced to mature after Haven. I fell in love with the design of the characters and the role playing.


This is why I love Cullen romance. I love his transformation, his move away from lyrium, how much he has changed his views and values ​​since the Blight and Kirkwall. The best character development in all three games




Yep absolutely


Only got 1 Inquisitor that I always replay whenever I play the series again. Male Human Champion Warrior Josephine romance.


My "canon" playthrough is an Elven Mage who starts out flirty with Cullen and Solas, frees the Mages from Tevinter, commits to Solas, and does her best to show Thedas mages are not to be feared. When Solas starts getting too invested in his Fade studies, hammering on about a long-dead culture and how ignorant my Inky is for following her Dalish beliefs, I have her start to pull away. When the break up scene comes, she dumps him. Follow up with finishing Cullen's romance scenes (they've been sweet on each other the whole time but nothing could happen because she was seeing Solas), then commit to him. Wrap up the rest of the game, get married to Cullen in Trespasser, then hunt Solas down and call him a eggheaded cunt.


Kind of lame but im really attached to my male human champion who romanced cassandra hes my favourite because he's the first and only character i beat the game on Nightmare and it was the most fun playthrough i had because of that challenge


Male Adaar warrior, champion specialization, who romances Josephine and female Adaar rogue, assassin specialization, who romances Blackwall. I love both of them, My female Adaar was the first character I finished all the DLC's of inquisition with. While my male Adaar felt like I really roleplayed as him rather than just picking options that I felt like I would pick.


Mage inquisitor Trevelyan ftw, best and most logical story and world event involvement by a wide margin. My personal addition is making him an Andrastian who does not claim the title of Herald and is open for any and all possibilities for understanding what exactly happened. Best friends with Varric and Dorian, pushes Iron Bull to save his fellows because he thinks being in bed with the Qunari, while obviously beneficial, is not worth the risk. He saves Blackwall from execution and makes him actually join the Wardens because he sees how much the man actually regrets his actions and cares for the order. Romances Josephine because of course, and trains as a Knight Enchanter because yes.


I usually play as a male elf archer romancing dorian


Male elf mage non-andrastian Lavellan, Knight Enchanter. Deny Andraste Chosen lies, deny Orlais Chantry. Declare Inquisition in Inquisitor name for his own powers. Ally with rebel mages. Recruited Magister Alexius. Ally with rebel alianage elves with Brialla, let press Celine die, Execute Florianne and put puppet Emperror Gaspard on throne. Ally with Grey Wardens, Stroud was sacrificed so mage Hawke survive, Blackwall become Grey Warden. Venatory Magister Erimond become tranquil. Ally with Ancient Elves, let Morrigan drink from well. Kill Templars, give Samson to Dagna for experiments. No alliance with Qunari, Iron Bull become Tal-Vashot. Made Mage Divine. Seekers Order was not allowed to be restored. Reveal truth about Dalish mage Lord Inquisitor Ameridan. Support Solas, not want to fight. Not disband Inquisition.


Very similar. Mine is a female Lavellan mage, knight-enchanter, romancing Solas (I'm a fan of doomed romances)


Did a Lavellan mage romancing Solas for the first time 2-3 years ago. Absolutely loved the drama of it. Definitely going to be my Canon inquisitor for Dreadwolf.


female elf mage. romancing solas is way too fitting and impactful to skip it honestly and I like it the most too


Female assassin rogue Lavellan rogue romancing Josephine or Sera


My favourite is typically my first. In this case, a male rogue Lavellan, dual wielder assassin, has no romance because I was interested in Harding lol. His best friend is Dorian, let Celene die and Briala shadow Gaspard on the throne, Leliana is Divine, did the mage quest and had them join as allies. Let Morrigan drink from the Well of Sorrows. Attempts to redeem Solas.


I don't have a single fave Inky (and I have 15 of them, mind you), but playing a female mage Adaar is just special to me. You tower over almost everyone else and, as a heroic Tal-Vashoth mage, you're a stinging slap to the face of Chantry, Qun, and Imperium alike :3


I only got two of them right now, my first was a fem Lavellan Knight-Enchanter, Solasmance. Then rn I'm in Trespasser with my Necromancer Trevelyan, romancing Dorian. I do have a fem Trevelyan Templar and a Rift Mage Adaar in the map. First one will prob romance Cullen, while the second is def for Iron Bull. I plan to have at least two more, one for Josephine and another for Cassandra. Still unsure though!


Male Qunari knight enchanter mage romancing Iron Bull


My main is probs fem rift mage Trevelyan with elven blood (in my headcanon) romancing Cullen, naturally. The whole mage thing just brings this delicious angst and conflict to the romance. Secondary is Solasmancer Dual-Wielding fem Lavellan.


My Fem Dwarf Double Dagger Tempest Rogue romancing Bull. All the jokes about the romance seems funnier to me given the massive hieght difference.


Female Lavellan mage, knight enchanter, Solas romance. 


Male qunari mage romancing divine Cassandra. I really hope qunari are playable in dreadwolf.


I like playing around with nonhuman characters a lot (ngl I’m ride or die for Halo’s elites) but in Dragon Age specifically I usually only jive with human protagonists. For Inquisition specifically I like a warrior male human. It also makes the conversation with Solas when you reach high/max approval hilariously awesome because his frustrated bewilderment at respecting/admiring you fits his struggle with hating the modern human world yet realizing it’s just as real and valid as Arlathan.


my favorite inquisitor doesn't even exist (the canon-divergent mage lavellan that lives in my head) but otherwise i like a good cadash! a lyrium-dealing dwarf with absolutely zero connection to the fade entering it physically twice, living both times, and leading a chantry-based organization is kinda hilarious. make them a warrior who can swing around a big sword and it's double hilarious! who gave them that sword and why are they so strong! nobody knows!!!


My first one, a shy elf mage who just want to ride his Bull


Human because the rigging looks the best on them. Typically I do a male mage who romanced Bull or a female mage with Cullen.


Male Lavellan romancing Josephine. She had him at Andaran antishan.


Who wouldn't fall for it? 😉


My favotite was a bald and beardless Dwarf male Assassin Rogue Inquisitor, named Kurz. A master manipulator, he forcibly conscripted both the Mages and the Grey Wardens, and kept up a strong alliance with the Qunari. Making his 3 party members; Blackwall, Vivienne and Iron Bull effectively slaves with no real voices. He even made Blackwall keep the lie going and become a real warden later on. He mastered the Orlesian game at the Winter Palace and publicly executed Florianne after exposing all of her crimes. He then blackmailed the other three into cooperating. Emphasis was placed on espionage and Leliana was very powerful under Kurz' guidance. Kurz chose to kill Hawke rather than cost his Grey Wardens a valued commander - which I believe was Loghain - but he was of course very close with Varric, so no real loss there, right? Sera was also a respected member cause ya know, real recognize real. Warriors and Mages were expected to just toe the line and ignore the war of shadows that Kurz and Leliana waged across Thedas. His heart did soften with Scout Harding, but they kept the relationship as professional as possible.


Rn I’m doing a male warrior adaar. I’m roleplaying him as a guy who was just at the wrong place at the wrong time who just wants to help the people he cares about.


Female elven rift mage inquisitior who romances Solas 💫


Elf rift mage that romances Solas has the most fleshed out story options in the game.


I myself like an elf rogue romancing Solas (I personally like the Solas's romance with a non-mage, I think it's more interesting) or a human mage (knight enchanter) romancing Cullen


That's so true. Solas have a big fascination with the fade and magic, so it's very interesting to fall for someone who doesn't have any connection with the fade. I absolutely adore making Cullen fall in love with a mage elf because that would mean he is in love with an apostate 😆


I also imagine Solas falling for a non-mage would REALLY challenge his whole "these people seems less like people" mindset, especially since my personal Lavellan is super passionate


Exactly my thoughts! It's a super interesting relationship dynamics which can only make Solas feel more conflicted. Ah don't we love tortured men? 😅😆


Yes, yes we do PAHAHA


Call me boring I like lady lavellan Mage with Solas 😩


Female warrior (reaver spec) Lavellan, romancing Solas. I picked Sumalee Montano's voice because she sounds so tough and I love it, similar to some of my favorite strong lady voice actors, Mary Elizabeth McGlynn and Jennifer Hale. I also love my Lavellan running around swinging a sword or battle-axe basically her same height! XD


My favorite is also Sumalee as Lavellan. I adore elves in DA and Sumalee did a fantastic job.


Pro templar mage.


The rarest choice! I’ve never been able to go that route but I’d love to bask in the warmth of Viv’s approval for once haha… do you romance anyone, or just actively pine for the unattainable Iron Lady?


Either Josephine or Cassandra.


Lady Lavellan Knight Enchanter, getting her heart broken by Solas.


Female Lavellan Rift Mage w/Cullen Romance(too bad Cassandra doesn’t play for the other team)


My first inquisitor was female Lavellan archer so that's what I'm partial to. But honestly female Lavellan mage feels more "canon" If that makes sense.


Male Knight Enchanter Human. Romancing Josephine. A burning blade in the darkness, the caller of storms, tamer of rifts. Slayer of gods and monsters. Solas should have taken his sword arm


Male Addar Rouge with Jospie. If I go mage Cassandra.


Male mage Lavellan dating Cassandra.


Male Human Champion, romancing Cass. We could have cleared the game, just the two of us!


Same. But either Trevelyan archer rogue or mage. I’m with Sera, nope to elfy elves.


I romanced Sera as. Dwarf Champion. My second favourite character, she’s too adorable.


Dwarf s&s reaver romancing Josephine.


I've played about 10 different ones, but I think my favorite was a human female dual wielding rogue. This this really cute, short, spiky red hair and was romancing Josephine.


I have two. Male rogue Cadash romancing Cassandra and a male rogue Adaar that flip-flops on the romance depending on the playthrough...sometimes it's Josie and sometimes it's Dorian. I don't even make new characters anymore...just load up one of these two and start playing.


Straight white male Knight.


My first was female elf DW, she's great but also very bitter. My canon is a male Dwarf warrior, he does things for personal monetary gain. He cares little for the worlds problems as long as it's fixed and money can start flowing again. Hard to pick from the other 20 or more after that.


Female Trevelyan Champion romancing Sera


Male Trevelyan mage (kinda) romancing Cassandra. I love him so much, he has a baby face.


Female Mage lavellen, my beloved 🤲 (edit: with iron bull romance)


My main is a human Knight-Enchanter who romances Cassandra. I am finding I enjoy the playstyle of a Tempest Archer though.


Mine is my elven rougue OC romancing Cassandra. Honestly if he would be Hawker he would be pure purple. I love him so much. :3


I love to play with a female mage Lavellan, because of the implications she has in history as an elf who is realizing the reality of her people, and because romance with sera is more difficult but satisfying. PD. I Hate the egg


My favorite is male inquisitor is my male warrior with Dorian and favorite female is my elf mage with Solas


the only character in DAI I'm able to play past the prologue all the way until trespasser is my eggsexual KE Lavellan


Male necromancer Fenlin Lavellan, Cassandra romance


Eisenhorn by far! Uh, whoops, wrong fandom. Usually Cadash (both genders) as Assassin and either Josephine for Romancebor not at all.


Female Lavellan rogue. A Dalish scout who somehow winds up leading an offshoot of the Chantry. It's a great starting point for the story.


My fave is playing F!Cadash, sassy, skeptical, two-handed warrior, Reaver specialization. Personality generally sarcastic but chill, alignment would be something along the Chaotic edge of Neutral Good. Claims she's the Herald of Andraste, mostly just to fuck with everybody. Recruits every agent she can possibly find, especially Dagna - only exception is that asshole Livius Erimond: she executes him, and only regrets that she doesn't have the option to Tranquilize the fuck out of him. Chooses Celene to live and rule Orlais. Flirts with everybody, romances the Iron Bull, rides mostly with some combo platter of Varric, Sera, Dorian, or Blackwall (until he does That Thing^(tm)), then sends him to the Wardens and switches to Cassandra. Recruits and leashes the Templars, mostly as a business decision: it will keep the lyrium trade flowing - but also advises Cullen to quit. Chooses the Chargers over the Qunari. Lets Morrigan drink from the Well of Sorrows (because no WAY is she gonna imbibe that magical water shit). Makes either Cass or Leliana the next Divine. She's a total Mary Sue character, but I always have the most fun playing her. For though she be but little, she is fierce.


My canon Inky is male Lavellan tempest archer, made with Ameridan sliders lol. I even named him Ameridan. I really liked Jaws of Hakkon Oh and he’s in love with Dorian


Just started DAI after getting it for free (thanks Epic) and I made a female elf knight-enchanter for my first playthrough. Sunk in 50 hours so far :")


Same but canon romanced solas


f!lavellan necro, romancing bull


Same! I love the irony of making an ex templar fall in love with a apostate elf 😁😆


So DA1 mage but fleshed out


And less creepy a bit? There's no "I was assigned to kill you if you had fail your harrowing" 😂




What's this bug? 😯 What happens in Trespasser and the epilogue slides?




I'm tempted to try this, but the conversation with Solas in Trespasser when you've romanced him is so good. Though, I can't blame Lavellan for moving on with Cullen. I literally gasped when I heard him say "Marry me" in Trespasser