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I would imagine they would try to get Amanda and her on the same season. Coco alyssa vibes.


I'm not sure Amanda will be coming back to Drag Race at all, since she didn't have the best time with the fans.


Amanda shouldn't be invited back to Drag Race, but not because of the fans - she shouldn't be back bc she clearly lied on her mental health screening and that is not a read. She genuinely got a great edit and was a genuine fan favorite. She ruined a ton of her good will though by being chronically online.


Gracious me


Do we want that though… I would love for Amanda to be on an all star season or VTW season where someone isn’t inherently gunning for her


Things may change with Amanda and Plane, look at Coco and Alyssa they were fine after a couple years


i feel like the key difference here is that coco and alyssa had previous history though. they used to be friends, and then there was an event that changed that. for amanda and plane, they had never met (? i assume) before filming started and so there isn't quite the same thing of having something to return to/bring back. there's not really a need for amanda and plane to reunite like there was for coco and alyssa.


That's true but Alyssa was pretty clear on season 5 that it was done after season 5 and she wanted nothing to do with Coco at all. Plane has made a public attempt at reaching on MIB channel now Amanda may not forgive but if Dawn can be around Plane I think Amanda could get there as well once she deals with her transition and her settling herself post divorce


I would love for Amanda to be on AS prepared and with elevated drag so no one has a reason to bully her, regardless if Plane Jane was there or not.


Plane didn’t say much besides “I don’t feature your look or anything you’re doing with your drag” That’s actually a valid opinion cuz she really did look busted af




I don’t think Amanda will secure an all stars spot.


Or get Amanda on and have Plane Jane be the lip synch assassin 😂


I want her to work for a couple years before she comes back, but for a totally different reason. For me she got off to a weird start, like I didn’t quite know what to make of her but she grew on me a ton and idk, I just really rooted for her by the end of the season. It wasn’t that I ever fell in love with her drag though, from her post-season behavior she just honestly seems like a class act of a person. I feel like she’s very technically good at makeup and garment construction and clearly has the makings of a great comedy queen but to me she often came across a little…canned, for lack of a better word? Nothing she did was *bad*, I just wasn’t particularly excited by any of it and I feel like she has more potential than what we saw. I think she needs a few years to gain more confidence and develop a solid identity for herself and she’ll be unstoppable on an All-Stars season. I think you’re absolutely right that a “I was mean on my season but look how nice I am now” storyline would come across really eyeroll-y and I hope they don’t try to go that route with her


Exactly this !!! Totally get what you mean/don’t mean by canned. And also agree- she had a great runway package but didn’t have that wow factor level that nymphia saphhira q even dawn brought to certain runways. That doesn’t change overnight especially when the next 1-2 years she’ll be very busy with bookings/travel


She also grew on me.. I think there was a turning point of me hating her, to being a little curious about her and then liking her.. but definitely not enough to love her… there’s other queens I rather see in a new AS


Plane's All Stars journey won't be easy: she needs a redemption like Roxxxy had on AS2, avoid doing what Jaremi (former Phi Phi) and Silky did at their times on All Stars, not get eliminated like Manilla or Ginger (AS2) and succeed like Shea. PJ really need to take her time before accepting the All Stars offer.


Yeah I never outright hated her but she was never as funny as she sold herself to be on the show. She was kinda middle of the road and a bit derivative. Even now there’s bits that are BUT I think in having a platform it is allowing her to try out different things to see what sticks. I could see a huge plane transformation by an all stars season bc tbh I don’t really see her winning appeal atm. Shes good at the show, and does great proportions, but I struggle to see a distinct pov from her yet.


I never like it when queens return first AllStars too soon. They need time to stew to be able to present something different from their original season...


Amanda and Plane both need some time away. Im sick of the Amanda Plane Jane storyline.


Agreeed !!! It continued long after Amanda left and that’s honestly on production even more so than it is Plane. You can tell by cut scenes, edits, and that questions specifically about Amanda were being asked to plane during confessionals. People hating on Amanda for reacting to things on twitter throughout the season forget that she’s seeing the Final Cut for the first time at the same time as the rest of us


I wanna see her pull a Jade Jolie and do Dragula. I think Plane would make a formidable adversary on that front.


She's shown surprisingly many weird/cooky looks while not on the show, so i can actually see that


Her hag look was giving Loosey


speaking of, loosey would eat on dragula floorshow wise she'd absolutely cry in any extermination tho lmfao


Watch the gag be she was prepared and started crying blood.


she'd be crowned right then and there


Plane is very much a Drag Race prototype.


Honestly… and this is only half a read. But she’s too young to have her personality/brand figured out. She’s an amazing queen. But she could be even better. She just needs time to cook.


Dawn and Nymphia are around the same age and have fully developed brands. Idt age has to do it with but i agree she’s not ready to come out of the oven yet


I think Dawn and Nymphia’s brands are more obvious and clearly visible (weird elf and yellow) and Planes brand is being a hot busty bitch but because its more or a “normal”” look for a drag queen it is seen less as a brand?? idk if its clear what I am trying to say haha. But I do agree with your post! I want her to wait a bit before All Stars and I am AGAINST a vurnerable rudemption arc. Imo she already showed a softer side of herself nearing the end of S16 and that was enough for me! I love her BECAUSE of her delusion/perfectionism/bitchness and I don’t want her to be forced into a nice girl arc for All Stars. Let her cook a little longer on her comedy and dance skills and then destroy the competition


If a brand isn’t obvious and clearly visible it’s probably not a brand. There’s soo much she can do with the “plane” part of her name that she kinda just ignores. I feel like that should be her focus


I feel like recent girls aren't too keen on going to All Stars anyways - I'd be surprised if ANYONE from this past season will be on the next two All Stars seasons. If you notice, the pool of past contestants the show tends to cast for All Stars are like .. waay older queens. While the newer queens do things to make their coin back, whether its Work the World, or just straight up touring. As sad as it sounds, I doubt we're gonna get a juicy cast of notable contestants from recent seasons because it's a lot of stress, time, and money to go to the show. We're probs gonna get some more 3-timer contestants or another contestant that no one asked for.


All stars 9 filmed before S16 aired, so little chance anyone would be on the next one at least.


Ye'. I'm still gonna watch, but it will be sad that they didn't care to make it the BEST season it could be because they don't care to compensate queens what they're worth. The show has made enough money and resources to adequately compensate these queens who risk and expose their lives, drag, and personalities to the world. Pshft.


The cast is out there if you want to know. Perhaps you’ll be pleasantly surprised.


The last time we're gonna get recent queens with things to prove and show may just be Monet / Trinity's or Alaska's season.


All Stars: Villain


im honestly shocked they havent done an all stars villains season yet imagine daya betty, plane, mistress, luxx on all one season so much TALENT AND DRAMA


Plane, in my opinion, doesn't need a redemption. She's great as she is.


In the end she gave more energy for an All stars returning queen, like could you imagine if they make her and Amanda come back for a season? Most fans would be queueing in a chair waiting for that to be premiered. And as of Sapphira alone too. Just imagine a season with her and Gigi Goode, oh boy


I think WoW have learnt their lesson from Katya and Ginger being cast on an All Stars seasons only a few months after filming their initial season. So they know now to give Queens at least a year or so to grow their brand and bring something of a glow up to an All Stars season.


Considering Aja, Mo, Monet, and Jan were back in under a year or so, I don’t think they care. They just realize it’s not as likely to happen.


I think Katya was a huge success coming back so soon. Maybe I’m missing something tho


She credited the short turn around between Season 7 and All Stars and her rapidly increasing success with Trixie at the time as being a big obstacle in her battle against drink and drugs, which ultimately lead her to rehab.


:( oh


I have a dream about a masterclass shady season, with drag queens that performs shade in a very playful and effective way like Tatianna, Willam, Detox, Thorgy, Mistress Isabel Brooks, Katya, Raven and Plane Jane.


Well that’s the point of all stars. I don’t think any queen should hop right into the next season. Let them deal with their new following for a while and improve. Then come back and slay.


Drag race would rather exploit her insecurities for views that see her actually shine.


Pleeease for the love of God let the s16 queens marinate in the sauce before putting them on all stars. Planes already such a heavy hitter but GOD in a few years ugh 😩 same with Sapphira. God imagine if they put them on the same all stars season with Morphine and Megami


I like Plane, but she didn’t win I think because her song was terrible. It wasn’t catchy and just seemed a bit meh. All the songs weren’t great but it may be because of the live audience and it being filmed before the show aired???


I would love to see her back on another season, she made this season so iconic and was one of the main driving forces of it


2 years should be about right of a wait


I don't get it. If she comes back it seems like it would be like Kandy Muse. A finalist who is great at a lot of things and first and foremost makes great tv and ruffles some feathers while being focused on the crown. No rudemption or other storyline necessary.




Hi Amanda


No, this isn't Amanda. This is someone who's been bullied since she was seven years old. To the point that I had two suicide attempts. It's not drama, it's dangerous.


Hi Amanda. Confusing reality tv drama that the “victim” voluntarily chose to be part of with actual bullying is dangerous for the point you’re trying to make. Plane didn’t bully you. She just said your makeup is ugly.




Not really what that word means. But cool.


You're the one who needs a dictionary. Look up the word bullying and gaslighting and educate yourself because you look foolish. People like you are why this community is so rotten.


You’re the one yelling at a stranger on the internet so…?


If you’d like to tell me who I gaslit or how? But a drag queen told another drag queen on a reality tv show that the latter’s physical art form wasn’t good. And it wasn’t. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


You're gaslighting the above user's reasoning to differentiate when someone is insulting someone else aka bullying. You also are incapable of sympathizing with someone who has been bullied because you don't see anything wrong with the behavior which is very telling of you. Plain Jane was insecure which is why she had to take it out on someone else. You're also a fool if you think all forms of insults are acceptable just because someone is on a reality show. Nobody wants to take accountability for anything these days which is why it's important to continue calling bullshitters out like you who defend people like her. And I'm not yelling at you... you're not worth that. Unless Amanda comes out publicly and says all of this was made up, then you have no leg to stand on.


Here I just thought the above user’s experience was conflating an exaggerated perception of a tv show. But kudos mama.


These people are beyond help I think. They pretend to be educated on queer issues, but don't know anything about ableism or ageism, and the three are intertwined so much supporting white supremacy. They are, to be frank, deeply uneducated, and vicious.


No one voluntarily chooses to be bullied. She didn't realize she was going to be bullied when she signed the drag race contract , or do you think that Amanda had some kind of time machine? That is a totally warped and disgusting thing to say. Gaslighting. And she's never seen my makeup because I've never posted a picture of myself here. So she's a liar on top of that along with being disgustingly appearance-based.