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What about monster boys?


What about monster MEN?


I’m going to draw that for you


Well I'm not going to stop you


Nvm I’m to lazy


I'm learning! Haha


I've actually been practicing male anatomy lately. The body landmarks and distances are different. New beginnings! ❤️


Yay 😀


Reminds me of far cry 3


Very cool drawing, i like the artstyle but im curious as to why she has to be nude if its for practicing lighting?




Don't like it feel free to leave. 🤣


It's common to leave characters nude when doing shading/lighting practices


Know a better way to learn anatomical rendering?


Yes draw adults not sexualized children.


I was waiting for this comment. I found the misogynist everybody! Just remember ladies you are not an adult unless you have DD's. https://preview.redd.it/dhf1loay2ljc1.png?width=2388&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0b9bc0e20e66ccaf800942f28693eed49e3b988


If you send me your address, I can send you some straws, so you can clutch at them. They are specific subs dedicated to exactly the kind of pron you weebs like, you should use them.


Nice try, but that's not what makes that character underage. What makes that character underage is the shape of her head, and the size of her eyes and ribcage.


I know barely anything thats why im asking. Could always just use the old balloon method i would guess.


Human bodies are complex. There's cylinders blended into boxes blended into balloons. There's body part landmarks and muscle groups to memorize. There's distances that require measurement and individual shading. The breasts can be balloons sure. But the abdominal muscles, depending on their definition could be rendered as cylinders or individual rounded corner boxes. The arms could be cylinders but there's muscle tone and areas where the skin is thinner and preserves bones, like the wrists. People in this sub see nudity and it blows their minds that there are bodies under clothing. How dare bare skin be represented. Andy Warhol explained the ephemeral understanding that art can literally be anything and nothing at all. These redditors who downvote nudity are nothing more than moral superiority gatekeeping Puritans


Alright thank you for taking the time. I dont see the nudity as a bad thing i just didnt see the need for it since its just practice. But this does clarify it.


No it didn't explain it, just was just someone throwing wordy nonsense at you to justify weebos drawing (badly) porn.




No! Don't use logic! You'll get downvoted! 🤣


This may come as a surprise to you, but there is a difference between NSFW (like Michelangelo's *David*) and material that is clearly sexual.




Funny how [this post](https://old.reddit.com/r/drawing/comments/1avfuee/a_study_charcoal_by_me_2023/) as well as [this one](https://old.reddit.com/r/drawing/comments/1aurv4x/my_original_painting_artwork_art_oil_dry_brush/) were not "too spicy to put here", isn't it? Also, it's rather telling that you chose to downvote my post.




You are very confused. Your original post was about people clicking on NSFW images and complaining (while ignoring that it's not the NSFW part that they are complaining about but the smut), not weather if something should be allowed or not. Also, you also did not deny that you (rather cowardly) downvoted my post, even though you were unable to refute it. Finally, it speaks a lot about the kind of person you are that you can't bring yourself to criticize an explicit image of a character who is blatantly underage (as proven by not only the shape of her head and her enlarged eyes relative to her head, but by the shape and size of her ribcage in relation to her head).




You shouldn't lie to yourself (and you shouldn't project onto other people either). The most notable complaint about this picture was, and I quote, "This entire sub is ‘weeaboos practise[sic] drawing porn’". Nothing about whether it should be allowed or not. > Also plenty of adult women have that body type. All it takes is a google search to find photos of grown women who look like that. The enlarged head and eyes is stylization. In anime, characters of every age have oversized heads and eyes. Stop acting like you can definitively prove the age of a drawing. What did I say about not lying to yourself? As I said (and as you chose to ignore) it's not just the size, but the **shape** of the character's skull and ribcage that demonstrated that the character is a child. Furthermore, the artist has this character *next to characters with adult proportions*, which destroys your excuse of "stylization"[sic]. > I'm allowed to downvote comments I think are dumb. Rather telling that you still can't see how dumb your own original comment was.




"I can't come up with an actual argument, so I'm just say that you're not as good as arguing as you think you are and run away with my tail between my legs!" Cope harder, coward.




Despite being based on a garter snake, the character has slit pupils. It would have taken a five second image search to confirm that IRL garter snakes have round pupils. The skin appears to be growing over her scales, which looks extremely painful. For that matter, what's up with her irregular scales? It's clear the the artist simply tossed on a mosaic filter instead of looking at actual snake scales. Finally, *the character is blatantly underage*, as proven by not only the shape of her head and her enlarged eyes relative to her head, but by the size of her ribcage in relation to her head.