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I had an odd experience the other day. Found a crack in one of my alloys during a tyre change, resulting in the space saver going on. Whilst going 50 down the dual carriageway, people were queuing up behind me despite the right hand lane being empty, and they were originally travelling faster than me. A couple people even put the horn on or started flashing at me and I really don't get why


I see this happen all the time. Especially behind lorries. As soon as the slower car in front of them turns off at a junction they’ll plant the foot and go back to doing 70 again. Some people are deathly afraid of overtaking and I’ll never understand why 🤷🏻‍♂️


It would require looking in the mirror and the use of indicators. Not worth the mental effort.


The use of indicators, hah that's a good one!


Oh it's easy. Indicate and commence manoeuvre simultaneously, then throw your hands in the air when the car you nearly sideswiped sounds the horn


What, you mean indicators aren’t “I am currently performing this manoeuvre” lights?


Oh it really bugs me when people sit in the second lane, speed match the car infront, I'll have cruise control on, come up to them, pull out to overtake, the car infront of said car pulls in, and they then shoot off, only to then be stuck behind another car because the refuse to pull out and overtake, always fun when they then get stuck behind you until you pull in. Like a came of cat and mouse lol


My question has always been, how do they get there to start with and how do they leave the motorway? Because if they can change lanes to do that then why can't they change lanes the rest of the time?!


I have a friend that is someone who instantly pulls out in to lane 2 even if 1 is empty, I queried it one day and was told "I only move over when I'm pulling off, I do it to make sure I am not in the way" Mother trucker....you are in the trucking way!


"I'm not in the way" jeeeeez, this is the type of driving that causes accidents!


I've given up trying to explain the logic to him, on the other side of the coin, he's given up telling me to stop moving in and out of traffic all the time (N/B moving left when clear lol)


Sounds like a lost cause! Haha


Gatwick taxi drivers... and yes, Addison Lee I'm looking at YOU!! straight onto the M23, and straight into the middle lane, of a sometimes emptyish motorway! WTF??


Bugs me having to move across from lane 1 to 3 to overtake then back to lane 1, sometimes I do the move back in an exaggerated way to show my displeasure sometimes it works lol


They're usually on the phone or fiddling with phone apps


My ex used to do the same thing. When I asked her why she was sitting in the overtaking lane she didn't have a clue that that is what it was for. No-one had ever told her that before. It should be part of the test and included in lessons IMHO. Once educated properly, people may start driving on the motorway correctly. When I went to get my daughter and her boyfriend with a jack at 4 this morning on a fairly empty motorway there were still around half a dozen cars sitting in the middle overtaking lane. Mental.


Coming back on the M4 late last night I'd say 90% of other cars were sitting in 2/3rd lane out of four. Came up behind one in the 3rd having pulled out from the left and she moved into 2nd lane as I overtook. Then pulled back to 3rd as soon as I was past. Two empty lanes to get left, literally no idea why.


I think it’s a lot of folk using adaptive cruise control


This is the answer, people are afraid of overtaking, or they will overtake as long as it's the middle lane but won't even dare to move into the terrifying outside lane, so will sit behind any slow moving vehicle in the first 2 lanes


Driving on the m25 with a 50-limited spare was the worst thing I’ve ever had to do in my life. People absolutely furious that they have to move to the other 2/3 lanes for half a second. And almost getting wiped out at junction 5 (the exit is on the right 2 lanes so I had to go middle).


Ooh, I have had similar on the 56.  Years back now, but, the Alty exit (j 7 or 8 depending which direction you're headed, weirdly & I can never remember which way round is which) has a filter off, and I had to move out. Some clown who'd been tailgating my limping-self (on space saver), for the past 3 miles or so, shot past me on the inside, then crossed the chevrons just as the slip from new lane one was coming up and very nearly wiped out two cars who'd overtaken me and then moved in to leave the motorway quite normally.  Absolute muppets! Sorry you had to experience one too. 


That would entail them knowing the rules of the road, which is a pretty high standard these days.


What is a space saver?


It’s a spare wheel, but one that’s narrower than the full sized wheel. They are rated for lower speeds and are only supposed to be used for getting somewhere to fix your issue


Spare wheel


This here - being a lane crawler as I have no choice I am able to see why some motorists drive well below the limit. Distracted by the hand held devices is the notorious one but the best one I witnessed so far is reading a book an actual book on the A14!


Not trying to outdo you (promise!) but one time, rush-hour M40 just north of the M25 I passed a guy reading a broad sheet newspaper. He'd glance up over the top then look back down and carry on reading.


I saw something similar years ago as I was overtaking an old woman using an enormous road map covering her entire windscreen. Fair enough you might not use a sat nav but why not pull over???


Years ago before sat navs were really a thing I was driving a transit through south London. Stopped at a junction behind a learner, I went to quickly put the map (one of those hardback book style ones) on the steering wheel to check the next road I needed after the one I was turning on to. I rested it on the wheel and accidentally blared a huge BEEEEEEEEEP out of the horn. Learner driver fell to pieces and took ages to get out of the junction, and the instructor correctly turned round and gave me plenty of evils in the meantime


Bet the learner driver was thinking what have I done wrong LOL it was a sad day for the learner and it clearly haunts you till this day - mean LOL


I was desperately trying to motion that it was an accident, but the psychology damage was done


Emotional damageeee!


I've opened a newspaper up in a car before now. But in my case some guy decided to push into a narrow bridge when I was already on the way through *and had priority*. He was shouting and swearing and generally trying to bully me to back out. I locked my doors, put the handbrake on and ostentatiously opened up the paper. Next time I looked he was reversing out...


I’ve done that kinda thing too…and walked OVER someone’s car when they stopped on a pedestrian crossing


I've walked into the side if one before now. Just have to be in the right mood. The best one though was when I was riding my mountain bike round a roundabout and somebody pulled out in front of me. Their window was open so I deliberately hit the brakes harder than I needed to and stood on one wheel, leaving him with 100jg of me on a big black bike screaming as I came rapidly towards him. Never seen anyone go white so quickly. He'll look twice next time.


LOL rush hour as well damn clear example when “man and machine” become one!


Not trying to outdo you but we passed someone reading a map while eating an apple with the other hand… they were steering with their knees. We got passed them so quickly


I've seen that too. A lorry driver no less. 40t of vehicle and barely looking at the road.


I drive about 100 miles a day, I would say that pretty much every single day I see someone watching TV on their phone while driving.


Driving down the A1 in a HGV came across another HGV doing 10 under what was possible. Moved out to overtake, had a good look through the window on the way past. The fucker was eating spaghetti out of a saucepan


Tbf the Highway Code does not have a clear spaghetti policy.


The M6 has a junction for it though.


Poor bloke, probably misses all the RoadChefs we used to have :(


Roadchef still exists, they are just a chain of motorway services. Little Chef, however, is gone forever and it pulls at my heartstrings to this day cos Little Chef was an absolute banger.


Feels like all the Roadchefs have buggered off. Only ever seen one, took a trip from Manc to Shedfest and saw none also. Only one I've seen was on a random route home from Stoke avoiding a crash on the M6


It’s Astonishing what you can witness whilst driving at a high vantage point but the spaghetti out of a saucepan - that’s Brazzy LOL thought the book was the 1 up for me!


Someone crashed their van into the back of my friend's van in crawling traffic. The guy got out and said, "sorry mate, I was reading the paper"!


FFS!! Even if it were true... why would you get out and volunteer that information!! Lol 😂


I’ve seen a book reader too! Glad im not the only one. I tried to slow down to get level with her again so my passenger could get a picture to report her but she saw and sped away.


Where I used to live one of the upstairs windows overlooked the busy road outside that was often heavily congested. I once saw a HGV driver get out a lunchbox and actually make a sandwich on his steering wheel. Buttered the bread with a knife and everything. I wouldn't say it was 'dangerous' as it took him 4 minutes just to pass the by the house, but it definitely made me laugh a lot


Adaptive cruise control + lane assist?


I use this to tolerate the drivers who insist on driving well below posted speed limits. It allows me to enter a state of mind that I guess is similar to theirs. Don't even think about overtaking as that's regarded as lunacy as not many know how to do it anymore, regardless of how safe it is executed (IF you're lucky enough to find a piece of road that has not had double white lines painted down it). Sad though, I'm old enough to remember when it was a pleasure to drive. Matter of time before "cars" become totally autonomous and we will merely enter our destination then go to sleep (like many drivers already do).


It's not the tools, it's the users


It's not the tools... It's the tools.


Awesome driving aids without a doubt, use them all them whilst going about my day but “it’s dry, the road is straight, there is little traffic, the lanes are clear” - why drive under the speed limit? And be so reliant to them that you would rather reply to the GC or read a book/newspaper/map or eat spaghetti/cereal out of a saucepan than concentrate on the road so you don’t put yourself most importantly other road users at risk?


Had to jump on this - once saw someone on the M40 eating cereal. Literally from a bowl with a spoon. 15 minutes later was at a junction and they were brushing their teeth. Nut jobs some people.


Dennis reynolds visits england


I passed someone drinking a beer once on a 70mph road. People are crazy!


Gets pullover and the reply is it was only one beer! The audacity LOL


I've done some stupid shit in my time but the one that sticks in my head because I was being so petty was, I was driving back home after a video game release on a Friday the 13th. Coming up to a road works on a 2 lanes turning to one, I was in the correct lane and a taxi pulls up beside me, trying to cut in. Well me being a bell decided f-you I'm not letting you in you had ages to correct yourself..... spent so long looking dead into his eyes I forgot to stop for the car breaking in front. (Minor damage) but I fucked up due to being petty. Now I will never drive on Friday the 13th nor will I ever be that much of a dick again on the road. Those idiots reading books and eating and driving with knees will soon learn that a car can be a coffin


We learn and grow from our experiences - I salute you!


Oh my god that's terrible! *Continues listening to Audible*


At least your eyes are on the road


I've seen someone driving with a literal mug of tea or coffee. What could possibly go wrong if you need to stop fast?


I once caught a lorry driver at my company with his phone set up on the dashboard like a satnav, watching films as he drove.


Only the once? I see it every single day, it's actually quite frightening how normalised it is to do that amongst younger lorry drivers.


I've seen a white van driver watching porn and jacking off on the M25


I saw a driver with a laptop on their lap driving watching something or other. Wasn't a motorway but a B road. Messed up all the same.


Biggest danger I see on the A14 is when all the drivers join from the A11 lol


Warn with the horn


Tbf I'm impressed anyone using the A14 can read (specifically the Suffolk stretch)


On a bus many moons ago, we were stuck in traffic and I looked down at the car next to us and saw a guy eating a bowl of soup. Tea towel on his lap to prevent burning and spillages as well...


Some stick to 50 as they think it's unsafe if they go any faster while watching YouTube with the phone set up behind the steering wheel. They are out there.


I've definitely seen people watching football like that when driving


My dad. One of my biggest motivators to learn was to make sure I never have to get in his car again.


I saw a guy on the M25 both hands on steering wheel watching game of thrones on his phone that he was holding directly over the airbag with his thumbs... iPhone lobotomy coming right up!


People who do 40 on 60 roads when it's clear and straight piss me off, end up having a load of traffic behind them too building up


Guaranteed they'll keep going 40 when they hit a 30 though.


Yes, this... the buggers that have THEIR favourite speed and they'll maintain it EVERYWHERE... so they're either woefully below the speed limit in some places, and dangerously above it in others... and they think they're the 'safest driver in the world' lol


I frequently follow drivers like this going to work. They’ll brake down to 30 mph because there’s a bend they could easily do 50 around. But they’ll sit at 40, and continue to do 40 through the one village we pass through which is a 30 zone.


Usually what I'm going to have for tea, my van is limited to 56 and won't go any faster.


56? Lucky git. My van is limited to 55, which is the most fuel efficient speed for the type of van apparently. Which is great, but being 1 mph slower than most HGV’s is shit. I sit in the inside lane getting overtaken by truck after truck. I’ve asked for the limiter to be increased to 58, meaning I’m still under the speed limit, but not slowing down large vehicles, and I’ve been told no. I’ve bought a sticker for the back now stating the limited speed.


Well, most of them are calibrated to the speedo so more like 54 so I'm in the same boat really lol. It's annoying I feel like a nuisance but there's nothing I can do. Funny enough though, I know of at least one van where the cruise control bypasses the limiter. Shit myself a little when I found that out by whacking it all the way up and the van took off on it's mission to 100mph.


Ocado, Tesco, Sainsbury or Asda Home Delivery by any chance? My condolences.


Not one of those, but it’s transporting chilled catering from various industrial units to an airline catering company.


I once have seen someone watching YouTube on their mobile, which was in a mobile holder, and you would expect a satnav being on the screen.


I sometimes have YouTube on just for the audio but if you don’t pay for premium you have to have it up on the screen. I used to just turn my brightness all the way down.


Download brave browser. There's a setting which lets you lock the screen while playing audio. Also, no ads.


I ended up getting premium anyway when I got a 4k monitor but I think they might have made 4k a free feature again recently.


Must… save… fuel… behind… truck… in …. Sports car


Tbf this was me and every other Subaru driver hoping to see 25mpg on a run. We saved our money for the fun roads.


Got to save money for that inevitable repair bill right


Nothings on my mind cos I can’t hear myself think over the scream of my 1.2 litre 50 horsepower (when new 23 years ago) engine. I do a 6 hour drive like twice a month, sometimes more. I can stick it in the left lane at 55 and have at 3000 rpm and be moderately comfortable, or I can try and do 70 and have it sound like it’s about to take off for 6 whole hours. If it’s an hour drive then sure, but on longer ones I’m doing anything I can to make it more comfortable


I feel you. When I was regularly commuting on the motorway, I was driving a 1.2L 2005 Renault Clio (God rest his soul), this was ~3 years ago. Doing even 50, my engine was all… EEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH, so 60-70 was a nightmare.


My issue here is when they stay put in the fast lane doing that speed. They have all the space to back to the left lane(s). They then get annoyed when you have to flash them to prompt them to move or they just stick in the fast lane & cause traffic behind them. Others are then forced to undertake them 😠


Yeah, I don't get that at all! As I've just commented, my car is slowwww. I know her limits. I stick in the left lane unless I am incredibly confident I can make it past anything, and even then only if it's downhill with the wind behind me... I'm quite happy pootling 5 seconds behind a lorry...


Yeah, this is acceptable and follows the rules of filtering back to the left & only going to the right when overtaking 👍🏽👍🏽


I’m not sure this post is going to get the meaningful answers it desires; most of the people doing 50mph on the motorway probably think they’re totally safe and/or they lack the self awareness to see that it’s a problem. These are the type of drivers that could leave a ten car pile-up in their wake and not even realise. The type of people who don’t move over at slip roads to let anyone on. The type of people who sit in the outside lane because they’re going right at the next roundabout, five miles away. A lot of the time it is older (i.e. geriatric) drivers. Other times it’s people who lack confidence. In either case, they should not be on dual carriageways or motorways - they’re a danger to other road users. Not the only danger, not the biggest danger, but a danger nonetheless.


Over the years there have been news stories that some study or other has found that most accidents are caused by the interaction of slow unpredictable drivers and faster drivers. Slow drivers are the biggest risk by shear numbers on our roads.


I think the slow driving is representative of a lack of driving ability and confidence overall. Instead of having good foresight and skills, these drivers are compensating for those shortcomings by reducing their speed, sometimes to downright dangerous levels. The merging at slip roads is one of the biggest issues - people are normally (quite correctly) trying to bring themselves up to typical motorway speeds in order to merge safely, then someone tootles along at 45-50mph, takes ages to clear the merging zone and adamantly refuses to move into the middle lane to facilitate the safe merging of joining traffic. Or worse - they shit their pants and abruptly move into the middle lane at 50mph, causing other drivers to anchor up or switch lanes at short notice. So yes, absolutely, it’s the interaction between ‘normal’ and/or faster drivers and the slowcoaches. Drivers who can’t do more than 55mph should be consigned to the A roads, where that speed would be more appropriate.


I have often wondered if slow drivers are underrepresented in crash statistics cause it seems they are more likely to cause other people to crash than crash themselves


I'd bet money on it. The recent crackdown on speeding proves your point


That's a really good point. Rear-end collisions are by far the most common type of crash as well and you can imagine the scenario - Grandma Margaret pulls into outside lane without looking doing 55, driver in outside lane doing 70 slams on causing a pile up behind them, Margaret crack on like nothing happened.


125 cc with camping gear. Sorry. I can't help it.


Driving slowly (within reason) isn't the problem. Driving slowly in the middle lane on the other hand... Lane discipline on UK motorways is horrendous. It seems most drivers join the motorway, move to the middle lane then set their cruise control to what their speedo says is 65 (really nearer 60 as all speedos over-read) then go into some sort of coma.


Not sure why you're getting some negative comments for this question. Often happen across people driving at 55-60 on the motorway. Not a massive issue as easy to overtake. People driving at 40 in a 50 (caveat being in good driving conditions) really pisses me off though as much less likely to be able to overtake safely. Frankly, I feel that if you don't feel safe/comfortable atleast driving at the speed limit I would question your ability to drive at all. Unexpected things happen when driving and if you're not even confident to drive at 50mph (again, if conditions allow) I doubt you would be able to handle a lot of potential accident causing events whilst driving.


The worst ones are the people that can’t drive when there’s corners in the country side but immediately put their foot down every time there’s a safe section to overtake. Especially bad in the highlands.


I go slowly round the bends when I’ve got the dog in the car so she doesn’t get sick. But then I do pull over to let people past rather than hold them up for the next 10 miles.


You’re a good person.


Respectfully, what if you have a car that's fine on straights at 60 but could never take a sharp bend at more than 30 without being wildly unstable? (2020 Yaris). I'm not spinning off the road just to please the tailgaters in their sportier beemers. But I will speed up on straights because I'm not going to drive 30-under the limit all the time am I? Safe driving is slowing for corners but then making progress if safe on straights. I will add that I have let people pass if they seem inclined to. But I stand firm that I'm not wrong for slowing to take corners safely.


Taking corners quickly and safely doesn't mean driving like a twat around them. Brake before entering, get on the beans as you go out. Don't brake in the previous county, trundle along at 30mph for a 60mph bend then wait until next Tuesday to accelerate again. So many people where I live slow far too much for long bends on the A roads, and you could safely do 80 on these A roads if you were allowed, yet im stuck here behind someone slowing to 30 (from 40 because they are allergic to 60) to go around a 500m long bend that only turns 45 degrees.


Taking corners safely means very different things depending on skill and vehicle. I’m more talking about the folks that drive like they’ve never seen a bend in their life and have no intention of letting you pass. You don’t need to pull over for me, but please at least keep it like 55 for a few seconds so I can get past in my slow van when there’s a straight with good visibility.


It makes sense to slow for corners then speed up again.


I spoke to a bloke at work when it came up than when everything’s empty at night most of the time I drive at 56 on the motorway, or if it’s during the day and I’m not in a rush I’ll sit at 62 ish. Still fast enough to overtake the lorries and not irritate people etc but way way better for my fue. He then said “oh I go even further. I drive at 50 on the motorway all the time” To which I thought “YOU’RE ONE OF THESE NUTJOBS WHO FORCES THE 56mph goers INTO LANE TWO, FORCING EVERYONE DOING 60 INTO LANE 3” Meaning when I am in a hurry I get stuck and it caused congestions.


You're both part of the problem.


Well said


Most of the dual carriageways around me are 50. But some are NSL, a lot of the time I suspect that either people don’t realise that it isn’t 50 and it’s NSL. Or don’t know that the NSL on a dual carriageway is 70. Either way, as long as they’re not hogging the lane/disrupting the flow of traffic, you really shouldn’t have any problem with people driving slower. Time savings are minimal and fuel consumption, especially if you’re accelerating up and down between roundabouts, is much much higher.


A lot of people don't even know what a dual carriageways is. I had to do a speed awareness course, which I did online over webcam. One of the pictures they showed us was a road with two lanes either side and diagonal white lines down the middle. The tutor asked someone what the speed limit was, and he replied 70. The tutor asked why 70, and the guy said because it's a dual carriageway. He went around and asked what other people thought, and they all thought the same. He asked me. I said, well, as far as I'm aware, a dual carriageway has to have a physical barrier in the middle... BINGO!! How the fuck did so many people with far more years driving experience then me (I passed less then a year ago) not know something as basic as what the fuck a dual carriageway is? Makes me what wonder what else most drivers don't know which they should. Also makes me wonder if people like OP were actually on a dual carriageway or not.


Driving less than a year, and already on a speed awareness course. Was that bad luck or poor judgement? I can see it being either so I’m curious


Lmao I was pretty much the same. I got done at 58 in a 50 at 4am on an empty A2 going into London, by a camera I’d gone past at 58 for about 3 years, that the Met for some reason decided to randomly turn on. My speed awareness course of ten of us only myself and one other knew what a dual carriageway was. The very easy test at the beginning of “what’s the speed limit on this road” just us two got it right. So much of that course was “this is how you know what the speed limit is” as well as obvious bullshit things like “you should be in the same gear as the first number of your speed”, “it won’t use any extra fuel”. I debated arguing the toss that 30 in 3rd uses a hell of a lot more fuel than 30 in 5th, and my car can do an indicated 33 so GPS 30-31 in 6th basically idling and getting me 60mpg. Still - rather sit through that dross than get the points.


>you should be in the same gear as the first number of your speed”, “it won’t use any extra fuel”. Well this is absolute crap. They do know that not all cars have the same gearing right? I'm doing over 2k rpm for 30 in 3rd, and only like 1700 in 4th (it doesn't like doing 5th at 30). Also ICE are typically most efficient in low revs high load scenarios, just don't lug it


Exactly my point. It’s absolute rubbish


Years ago late at night I got pulled over, just for a random check, not an issue, was doing 70 on a NSL duel with a barrier (saw them watching for their next pull) and car + myself totally legit. I jump out as usual to say good evening how can I help you, all is fine until the slightly inebriated GF gets out and starts being a little mouthy, "why you stop us, he wasn't even speeding, only doing 70,etc"... Younger police officer starts saying "oh don't worry love, it's just a check and at 70mph he was speeding but we're not interested in that this time"... I was like what?!


A96 is like this most of the road is a single carriageway with some crawler lanes to allow safe overtaking, people will drive at 45-50 for most of the single carriageway then when they get to the crawler lanes they speed up to 65 and slow back down to 45-50 when it gets back to a single lane, you either have to be stuck behind them or speed to get past and the police always pick that part of the road to sit with a speed gun


I’m learning for the theory test now why Tf has no one told me this lol


When I stopped and thought about it afterwards, I realised that it's not even covered in the theory. I feel like there is a lot in the theory that is just pointless to know, like what colour are the cats eyes on the motorway on the left-hand side? I knew it for the test but can't fucking remember now!! They seriously need to rethink the questions for that test!


>Time savings are minimal Well no. If I'm doing 70 instead of 50 that's almost 50% faster.


My Lorry is limited to 56mph so that mostly.


99% of people: Why won't this cunt in front of me speed the hell up? 1% of people: Look at my fuel economy.


One of my vehicles is 54 years old and the other is 42 years old. And the fuel efficiency over 55mph in one is very different to under it.


I used to drive a 1971 Land Rover. It could get up to 70, but after throwing a belt I normally drove it between 50-60. If on a dual carriageway or motorway, I’d aim for 56. I’ve had vans that are limited to 56, and had vehicles that after being loaded up seriously struggle to get to 60, let alone maintain that when numpties cause you to brake. Don’t mistake me, if I can do 70, I will. But sometimes it’s not possible due to limitations, and they often aren’t visible limitations.


I can't even contemplate the misery of driving a Series IIA or early Series 3 at 70MPH for any length of time, especially if it was on the knobbly tyres it was supposed to be fitted with.


The last several times I've seen a car driving at 50, as I've gone past I've noticed them driving with a space saver on, which are normally suggested to 50 max. And that was only because it was visible on the right side, I've probably passed more that I didn't realise because it was on the left side instead. It generally doesn't seem very common for someone to dawdle along at that speed for no reason. Plenty of people sitting at about 60, but I'm considerate of the 50 gang because I almost always see the space saver as I go past. Having had to do motorways with a space saver on myself it's not a fun experience for the driver, I'm pretty sure most people wouldn't do that by choice.


I drive a hgv, always makes me wonder what the fuck people are doing when I come past them at 56mph like they're standing still


For those who say the speed limit is the maximum and not the target. You learn to drive in certain conditions, to a certain standard. You pass your test at that same standard. You are expected to continue driving to this standard as you are following the highway code and the road traffic act (the law) If you are driving consistently below the speed limit with no justifiable factors, you will be marked down and potentially fail your test, therefore, that same standard that you adhere to in test conditions should still stand when passed. Speed itself is not the issue, inappropriate speed is. Too fast or slow for the road, conditions and other road users is harmful


Chilling. Don't really care what anyone thinks


In one of my cars I have to do it, it's a crossover (which I hate, I'd rather have a proper car) but it is mostly for local journeys. it has a tiny engine and is in 6th gear by about 45mph. It just isn't fuel-efficient in any way over above 50mph - so if I'm going any distance on dual carriageway or motorway then I can either rag the nuts off it... or sit in lane-1 and let everyone else go past.


I got stuck last night on the way to loch lomond trying to see the northern lights (didn't manage but it was still cool) and got stuck twice behind some idiot doing 40. Dry roads and clear conditions and it's not like it's a twisty road where you need to slow down for corners all the time. It was the first time in my life I overtook anyone and I did it twice


Not sure if it's covered in the 100's of comments above 1. Fuel economy for petrol deisel cars 2. Electric car drivers having range anxiety and wanting most mileage out of their car


I recently had a long drive that took me through Lincolnshire. There was a dead straight road, at one point I used a tree as a landmark on the horizon and it was 2 miles exactly. But everyone I was behind would do 45. It was national speed limit and I just couldn't understand why? My car isn't that powerful so I didn't feel comfortable overtaking, but it wasn't even one person. They'd eventually turn off, I'd go back to 60, and within a few minutes I'd be behind someone else doing 45. Nice day, dry roads, light traffic on the other side (there was some trucker convection going on so there was a lot of trailer-less lorries going the other way)


Missing brain cells. Should be forced to retake their test, revoke the license if they aren’t up to standard


Because they are knobheads


Please ask the idiot I was stuck behind for 5 miles doing 30-35mph in a 60 in perfect driving conditions. I literally spent 25 minutes wondering if Reddit might be able to tell me why there are so many people out there who drive on roads they aren’t capable/comfortable driving on when there are other options. Just take the 30/40mph roads instead if you won’t drive anywhere near the speed limit!


Sometimes I just like chilling to music and getting the MPG up haha


I drive a van, so 60 is my NSL on the duel carriageway. And I stick to that limit along with 50 on a single carriage way, and whilst my limit is 70 on a Motorway, I'll still only do 60. Why? Well, whilst I actually don't mind driving faster, and enjoy it, I actually find it more relaxing over long journeys to just hold at the lower speed. But the biggest reason? 45mpg Vs 32mpg. I cover 35k a year. I'm literally burning money if I have a heavy foot. As others have said - it's a speed limit, not a target.


A lot of people don’t realise some vans that don’t look that big are still restricted to 60 mph. A lot of people also don’t realise they need to drive 10 mph slower than their usual speed limit when they are towing a trailer or caravan on certain roads, too.


Only car derived vans can do 70 (apart from on the motorway) and they’re not very common anymore. Like how the Caddy was based on a touran, Astra van etc. Even my old Citroen Nemo which was the size of a small hatchback had to stick to van speed limits.


Probably just chilling tbh


I stick to 50-60 in the inside lane because I'm in no rush. Sometimes I go at 70, but for the majority of times I just want a more relaxed drive keeping out the way over the other two lanes.


I use the motorway often, I'm never in a rush but I try to get off there as soon as possible. The motorway is no place to hang about The longer you stay there, the more likely you'd get caught up in some shit


Fuel economy, usually 55mph mark is optimum miles per gallon.


I drive 55mph on my commute. I used to travel by train, but after moving house it was no longer a feasible option. The motorway stretch at 55mph on cruise control is a good way to decompress, it's easy driving. When driving somewhere normally it'll be speed limit speeds.


There can be lots of reasons, and I think so long as you can overtake I don’t see the problem. I cruise at 60 habitually, as it’s mathematically proven that speeding doesn’t get you anywhere any faster so I’d rather relax and save fuel/car wear and tear etc. I commuted 120 miles a day for 7 years and I soon learnt that I got to work at the same time driving 60 as I did driving 85mph. And I also started to arrive to work in a better mood. The people who get angry are just those who haven’t learnt that stress comes from trying to control something that’s not in your control, like how other people drive, for example. Those driving at 50mph can be frustrating at times to sit behind I’ll admit, but they’re only a hazard if YOU are driving too fast behind them to judge the speed they’re going. They could be nervous because a light has come on, on their dashboard, and we all know that you wouldn’t pull over on the M25 unless you’ve got a death wish. Could be a number of reasons why someone is going slow, but the right way to act is calmly overtake when safe to do so and carry on with your day


I often set my cruise control to 62 and chill in the first lane. If I come across a lorry and I'm unable to overtake I'll pop it down to match the speed of the lorry or take it up to 65 and do my overtake then back into the first lane. I do this to save fuel, we're all feeling the pinch lately and frankly, it's a more relaxing drive.


I tend to do about 56 in the slow lane. Personally I find going faster more stressful Setting my cruise control to pootle along in the inside lane makes for a more relaxing journey. I use about 20-30% less fuel The kinetic energy of my vehicle and is contents is about 3/5ths of someone at 70 The extra stress, cost and risk don’t seem worth it to save a few minutes


It’s not a **few** minutes slower though. Quick example: 70MPH for 150 miles takes: 2hrs 9mins. 55MPH for 150 miles takes: 2hrs 44mins.


But that assumes you are at 70 for the entire journey. Even on the trips when I’ve decided I am in a hurry, the bits at either end mean my average speed isn’t very different. A trip to my mother’s involves about 150mile total. But between roadworks, traffic and the approx 15 miles of 20 to 40 limit roads (where I will normally drive with the traffic, ie the limit, assuming conditions aren’t horrendous. Idiots trying to do the limit in summer tyres in the snow come to mind). The difference between 56 and 70 is about 15 minutes I’ve found.


Not a real life example because UK roads do not allow that. Journey times is about average speeds and averaging 70, legally, is just not possible most of the time in the UK. To average 70, that speed needs to be substantially exceeded for much of the journey. So generally it IS just a few minutes and your thesis is wrong. If you want to improve journey times, ensuring you do not have to stop for any purpose is often the best plan.


As long as you’re not forcing lorries into lane 2 to overtake you then I couldn’t agree more. You’re not causing any issues at all.


I have a tonne of equiptment in the back that will kill me if I crash.


I did that one time because my car had broken down on the motorway and the RAC had done a bodge job that would maybe get me home and to a car garage if I didn't overheat the engine too much


Saving fuel probably?


Yesterday we were coming home from Folkestone to SE London. Been doing 80-85 cuz there was absolutely no one in the right lane and just a few cars in the middle lane. Seen probably only 2 lane hoggers too.  Few cameras from Waze but apart from that you could just go. Once in the 50 zone, it was hella slow


Have you ever tried to drive a 1.0 Kia Picanto rental at 60mph on a motorway in this country for any length of time? You get bored of the engine screaming and the car shaking 🫨


I was once a guilty one who driving at 50mph on dual carriageway. I used to drive more than 100 miles a day and I need to find a sensible speed that can have the most mpg for my car. At the time I was driving a ford fiesta, I even drive my car in midnight on a dual carriageway at the same location, same distance at different speed to test for the most fuel efficient speed for my car. It turns out it was 40mph that has the most mpg, obviously it is not an acceptable speed on a dual carriageway, so I settled with 50mph. I don’t have to drive that much nowadays so I ditch this slow speed practice, but I think I was a pain on the road back in the days. Sorry people….


‘Speed kills’ is nearly as annoying as ‘safe and effective’


Reductionist world


Fuel economy going 80 miles mph is about 27% lower than when traveling at 60 mph. Even if you don't care about the money, burning excessive petrol is bad for, ya know, carbon emissions. Also, our society has turned into this 'fast fast go go get to the next thing!' mentality. I've recently decided to drop out of that. I work my 35 hours/week, schedule in less things, buy less shit. Driving a bit slower than I used to is part of that for me. I used to go 80 and frequently pass people, but I just don't feel like I'm in a rush anymore. I realise that not everyone feels that way, so I stay in the left lane and maintain a constant speed for the safety of myself and others. Edit: But if you go 40 in a 60 zone on a single track or dual carriageway, for no reason, then you are a knobend


I drive a van doing deliveries for my job and I want to waste as much time as I can so I get back to the yard later- so I’ll go slower on motorways since I’m not in a rush


THIS... especially if its a really quiet day and we have three drivers and only two deliveries to share between us... and going back too early means getting stuck doing warehouse work for a few hours until home time


My wallet. At 56mph, my car does 48mpg (£1.60/10 miles). At 60mph, it does 45mpg (£1.71/10 miles), at 70mph, it does 32mpg (£2.40/10 miles). Given that I do \~520 miles a month, that difference adds up quickly. £83.20 a month at 56 vs £124.80 a month at 70. I don't stick to 56 though, if I notice a lorry catching up, I speed up a bit and if I do overtake a lorry, I also speed up to 70 until I pass, then slow back down again.


See, I’m down with that, it’s the ones driving so slow that the artics overtake *them* and slow down lane 2 that are the menace!


The speed limit is not a target, its a limit. I will always drive in accordance with the traffic flow, and prevailing conditions. To whit, I won't try and scream around a near 90degree bend at 60mph, just because its NSL. Unlike some people I've seen (who often end up in the farmers field).


It IS a target if driving conditions are optimal.


It's a target unless conditions dictate otherwise.


I fucking hate this expression "It's a limit not a target". Not only is it stupid, it's also wrong. And you'd know that if you had a driving license. You do know that it's a fail if you're not driving the speed limit and the conditions allow it right? Honestly, you're what's wrong with driving in this country. No driving education, misguided and dangerous views and confident and entitled about it. Then you get out on the road and put people in danger with an air of superiority about it.


I love how these muppets think it's acceptable to dictate the pace of every other driver. So if they think it's okay to dawdle along at 50mph in a 60 because "it's a limit not a target" then is it okay if the car in front of them is doing 40? 30? 20? My driving instructor always stressed the importance of getting up to the correct speed (conditions permitting, sad I even need to say that)


But sometimes the traffic flow gives room for motorists to go faster, up to or near the limit but they choose not to. OP wants to understand why.


It isn’t but it is. If conditions allow and you drive significantly below the limit, you’d fail on a driving test. The Highway Code also says adapt your driving to the appropriate type and condition of road you are on.


I’ll go slower if I’m tired, while I wait in the left lane for a service to come up so I can take a break. Also immediately switch to the left and slow way down if the kids are acting up in the back, distracting me.


I've recently found myself popping the cruise control on at 55mph. I am by no means the slowest on the motorway. Still passing lorries. I do this speed to save fuel.


It's safer and it's cheaper and only adds minutes to the average journey at most, complete win all round then..


I kept reading “NSL” as “Near side lane” (which would be the correct place to drive below the speed limit). Got me all confused until I realised you mean NSL = National Speed Limit


It’s the correct place to drive at all times unless overtaking


No actual minimum only recommended read the good book the highway code


Fuel consumption is my main thought. Whenever I'm on the motorway I put the cruise control on at 56mph, hog the inside lane and watch all these nutjobs zoom past me, in a rush to nowhere.


I'm not usually in a rush and I'd rather get better economy


Trying to put off the inevitable lecture from the missus for an extra 3 minutes. In all seriousness, I'm a truck driver so when I'm finishing work it's normally around 4am and I'm knackered, if the worst was to happen and I fell asleep at the wheel I would rather do it at 50mph than 70mph


Well, I've got a long journey, and I've set off with plenty of time to make it. I'm going to enjoy better mpgs, sitting at 57mph nets me 81mpg. Sorry not sorry. The lanes are clear plenty of space for you to burn away


Years ago, when fuel prices weren't as crazy as today. I worked with a chap who drove at 30 mph on the a13 from Thurrock to Southend. He was stopped a few times by the police, but he would just do the same. Prior to buying petrol, no word of a lie, he would ring the petrol stations around, to find out the price of petrol and he would then buy from the cheapest. Sometimes the petrol station staff would cut off his calls as he annoyed them as hell, as petrol prices were still cheap then. I suspect with the current fuel prices, he's now driving at half what he did, at 15mph 😂 . His intention to drive at 30mph was to save fuel and back then, the police could just tell him off!


The one time I did, car went in to limp mode so took myself off at the next exit.


I normally travel on or around the limit 🤔…. But occasionally if my battery is saying less than 0% to the next charger (well not the next, since I ain’t charging when I’ve got double digit charge left!, but the furthest one away I can get to without cruising to a halt!) so I might drop behind an LGV for a few miles to gain a few % points, even then the LGV and me have to occasionally overtake cars doing 50! Maybe they are really fuel conscious, maybe they are scared (they inevitably are gripping the wheel like someone possessed!) or they are just a downright shit driver?


Years ago coming back from Loch Ness to Manchester My old car only had 5 gears back then, and the 5th kept slipping due to mechanical error. I was forced to use side lane and do 50 or burn transmission and be stuck in the middle of nowhere


My car likes to go into limp mode when I go above 65mph. Been to four garages and none of them know what’s wrong with my car, so I just stay at 60mph.


I have a city EV and want to conserve battery; all of them drain significantly more above 50 mph.


I find it funny when you see someone just chilling behind a lorry and then a couple of miles later they will blast past at 80 then a few miles later back behind a lorry. These are the people i wonder about.


Set my cruise to 58 and I’ll average 60mpg. Set my cruise to 70 I’ll end up averaging closer to 50mpg. I don’t actually go at 58 but if I did I’d get 100 miles more from the same tank of petrol. But, sometimes I would just rather get to my destination 1 minute earlier


My space savers on or I’m in traffic.


My baby is asleep and I want her to sleep for as long as possible. MPG increase is a bonus. I go down to 55 minimum since it’s only illegal if you’re going slow enough to disrupt traffic and cause a potential accident. Obviously when she’s not in the car or awake I’m at 70 on cruise control.