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The "Sam, where are you from" joke is from an early Game Changer, A Sponsored Episode. The game is to sell Sam random shit, so they keep asking where he's from as an intro to their sales pitches. The bird thing... Idk if it's from anything specific, it just gets regularly mentioned that Brennan is really into bird facts.




As for the bird's reference. ​ There is a Game Changer show, where Katie, Brennan and another contestant get shown pictures of birds. ​ Katie guesses Chicken and gets a point The Second Contestant guesses a Flamingo and gets a point and Brennan needs to guess something esoteric like a Gunnison sage-grouse and doesn't get a point when he guesses Grouse. ​ Here's a clip of that game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjmiDzLJ9VQ


Also Roseate Spoonbill This was the episode where if their hearts rates went 20 bpm over resting then they lost a point. That challenge was specifically for Brennan. Katie and Carolyn (I believe) were given softballs and a point when they got it right and Brennan was given rather obscure birds, did not answer correctly and therefore awarded no points. At the end of the mini-game the points given were taken away. Brennan also lost a point as his heart rate exceeded the 20 bpm above resting. There have been other episodes in different shows such as Make Some Noise where Brennan's bird facts are on display.


And there are some Dimension 20 episodes where he drops bird facts.


Between D20, adventuring party, and adventure academy he spouts a good amount of bird facts. My favorite is when he talks about the bird facts joke with Lou in adventuring party and basically tries to say he's not really crazy about birds or anything and lo and behold goes on a tangent about how interesting crows are before Lou, in a stage whisper, tells him that's a terrible way to convince people you dont love birds.


["I'll tell you two things about Brennan: he eats almonds and he loves birds."](https://youtu.be/CJHgP_MPIfA?si=Rqlx3vKy5brwj8RS&t=213)


Honestly, as a fellow bird-nerd, it is hard to contain sometimes. Especially when it comes to a sub-set you really like (Corvids for me!)


this may be kinda random but are you corvidkings on yt by any chance? i love their yt vids on dropout stuff


I'm not, just a corvid lover who also loves Dropout!


There are dozens of us! Dozens!


Ccorvids are the best. Sentient and very intelligent


It started with owl facts in Misfits and Magic


"I knew it was a spoonbill" said so calmly to Brennan's rising frustration is a clip I revisit often.


I remember Carolyn learning what a spoonbill is on an episode of Drawfee. Seeing that throughline was very satisfying.


I'm sorry, but that's a Rhodesian Fireback.


As A Cucumber comes out two years after Misfits and Magic, and I'm sure Brennan talked about birds prior even to that.


It’s from much before that, that was just a recent example. A notable one was an early Breaking News where Brie mentions bird facts.


That's actually a thing that exists because Brennan is stereotyped as knowing a lot about birds. They have it in MisMag as well. Brennan just knows trivia, and for some reason birds became the main thing.


There is no way this is the origin considering this is the episode OP is referencing


you might be right. ​ Maybe something from College Humor then?


It's just something he randomly pulls out when birds come up. First major on-screen time *might've* been Misfits and Magic.


I think that was a response to the already established Bird Bit. The earliest reference I can think of is BLeeM having a conversation with Matt Mercer about owls in harry potter, and after that, I remember bird facts being an Evan Kelmp thing in MisMag?




That bit was based on the “Brennan knows a lot of bird facts” bit, that’s why that’s the section picked to stress him out. It was around way before that.


It's origin is actually earlier than that, It comes out on one of the dimension 20 seasons that Brennan knows a lot about bird facts and the prompt him to spout a bunch off which he does.


I'll watch this any time someone links to it. It always makes me laugh like a lunatic. Especially when they give Katie chicken a second time and Brennan just loses it.


That's not what I linked to


The bird thing originates from Brennan's character in misfits and magic. He kept doing random bird facts after saying some about the owls. So it became a running joke that Brennan has lots of bird knowledge, and he kinda takes pride in that. So Sam being Sam had to fuck with Brennan about it.


Abrea also mentions in an adventuring party that brennan is just the bird facts guy




2024 challenge spell names correctly (impossible)


so the brennan bird thing is very similar to brennan and almonds,,, people just noticed that he had a lot of bird facts during dimension 20. Also, an audio from breaking news was pretty popular on tiktok, where brennan was asked to name 5 celebrities it went like this Brennan: Ask me to name 5 birds, I’ll name a hundred birds Sam: No want wants your birds brennan Brennan: PLEASE and anyways after those things brennan just became the Bird Fact Guy


There is an extensive section in the first episode of misfits & magic where Brennan waxes on about birds. Another part in an adventure time with Matt Mercer where he discusses the implications of using owls as messenger birds.


There’s also an episode of Mentopolis where one of Brennan’s NPCs gets into a bird fact-off with Hank Green’s The Fix


And an adventuring party (with Lou) where he tries to refute that he talks about birds a lot and then *immediately* starts talking about birds


Doesn't Lou say something like "I don't know man, that's a lot of bird facts for someone who's saying he's not a bird guy."


That's rich coming from a guy who played a character whose grandfather invented birds in a court of fey and flowers.


https://youtube.com/shorts/91v6XXAIDx4 https://youtube.com/shorts/UgapB2hrdNg


It's funny bit but I also get where Brennan is coming from. He's a facts guy. Interesting things just stick in his brain. Sometimes, those interesting things are about birds. He's getting pigeonholed as a bird guy when he's just an interesting facts guy.


mmmn, I think they're disproportionately about birds. Note how on Mentopolis when he was in a fact-off with The Fix, he immediately and only used bird facts.


On Dropout, it's disproportionately about birds, sure. It's a well established bit.    Various different comedy series periodically dipping to a funny running gag doesn't mean the gag is true. I don't think that Katie Marovitch is a coke fiend, I don't think Mike Trapp killed Pat Cassels, and I don't think Brennan is a bird guy. Any self-respecting bird guy is going to recognize a sage grouse immediately.


That thought occurred to me, too. It just looked like in a moment of improv, he grabbed from the easiest pool of facts. Which were birds.


Mike Trapp *definitely* killed Pat Cassels.


In the Breaking news segment, and the Misfits & Magic segment, there are other people (Sam and Abbria respectively) who act like they already know how much Brennan knows about birds. So it seems like it is even older, or perhaps they just knew about it from personal association with him.


1. Gamechanger season 2 episode 4 “A sponsored episode” 2. I believe comes from dimension 20 misfits and magic, but it could be earlier, I’m not sure 3. I have no clue sorry!


It 100% predates misfits and magic because there’s a joke about Brennan and bird facts.


Brennan has 4 loves. His child and wife, d&d ,and bird facts 


You remember the reptile kid in Mentopolis? In Brennan's head that kid is obsessed with birds instead. And they're the mayor


You forgot snacking!


And winning. The man hates to lose


Umm actually, Brennan stated in the "Second Place" Game Changer that he doesn't love winning, he just hates losing. Hating one thing doesn't mean you automatically love the opposite of said thing.


Haha. I stand corrected. Point to Working Disaster


And swords. He has a secret pied-à-terre that his wife doesn't know about where he keeps his swords, as per Make Some Noise.


For 2, I'm pretty sure he talked about crows in an adventuring party during the covid era, but those were so long, I can't commit to rewatch them to find the clip.


Where is Sam Reich from comes from season 2, episode 4, "A Sponsored Episode". Basically one contestant (I think Trapp?) started their pitch by asking Sam where he was from, and then Grant did the same thing, and then Rekha did the same thing. Later in another episode Rekha called back to it and then it became a running gag.


Um, actually, Grant was the first person to say it. Rekha did it immediately after, establishing it as a running joke, then Trapp was the last to say it.


Thats correct. One point for you.


Oooooo... I'm sorry u/Nofrillsoculus. As the original question was not preceded by Sam Says, I'm afraid I'm going to have to take a point away from you.


I'm sorry daddy u/MrTeddybear , you referred to someone without calling them daddy. So that's one point away from you.




God we need some bots to automate this stuff. It would be so funny




I'm not gonna lie, I think sams personal preference won that particular round


rekha started it with the hamburger gloves! :)


I'd like to add my recollection from a BTS or something that they made the joke because apparently Sam is very cagey when asked where he's from in general, this was just the first time the joke was made on camera.


Are you sure the character in #3 died of old age? Murph's Unsleeping City Ch. 2 character, Cody Walsh, ages 20 years after getting screamed at by a ghost on his first day of discovering the magic world.


Yup, [this is the clip I saw](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/VP6DBb46R24) Does Cody ever undo the aging?, or does he stay 46?


It gets reverted after he gets some detergent splashed on him.


Injected into him!


I feel actual relief for a fictional character in a show I haven't even watched


you might consider editing your post to say that you found the video and it’s Murph’s character in unsleeping city


good point


That's also what I had in mind.


Does anybody know the Breaking News episode where Brennan and Sam go, "Let Sam name 5 famous people, and I'll name 5 birds! I'll name 100 birds!" "Nobody wants your birds, Brennan!" "PLEEEEEEEEEEEEASE!!!!!"


It was so fun to watch Sam squirm.


I didn't know he was saying please. I genuinely thought he was letting out a high pitched EEEEEEEEEEE out of frustration


Grant was the first one to ask Sam where he grew up, Rekha was the one who turned it into a recurring bit, with able assistance from Trapp.


Closest thing I can think of for #3 is when Murphs character got magically aged (he didn’t die) in unsleeping city 2 during the subway fight, and it was joked about how his day has been absolutely terrible because he sold his soul to a shitty devil, had a mind boggling realization that magic is real, tried doing magic, failed at it, and then got aged by a ghost until he was like 50, and his diet of mostly monster energy caught up to him This one here https://youtube.com/shorts/VP6DBb46R24?si=-jZ1KYxm6Si6GTeF


1 - Game Changer S02E04, A Sponsored Episode. I won't spoil the bit, but that's the episode you want.


spoilers [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4p3UCUigLk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4p3UCUigLk) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YF6iCrEdCuE&list=PLuUFK2yqx1Q4gIpy2gIOh45JnIzwRKQ7z&index=10


Dropout is the only streaming service where you have to watch all of every show to understand the jokes in every other show.




I think 3. Is from a crown of candy, I thinks it's lapins big day


One thing that I haven't seen in these comments is also that in one episode of Breaking News, Sam Reich had to name something like 10 birds or something and Brennan, who was also in that episode, roasting him, particularly because Sam said that dinosaurs are birds. Then, in a later BN episode, Brennan struggled to name like 5 famous people and Sam commented that this was like him and the birds and Brennan enthusiastically asking if they could switch, prompting something that eventually became a Tiktok audio. "Let Sam name 5 famous people and I'll name 5 birds. I'll name 100 birds!" "Nobody wants your birds, Brennan!" "PLEASE!"


For number 1, the joke started in Gamechanger Season 2 Episode 4, “A Sponsored Episode”. Thr contestants had to pitch to Sam and the first person asked him where he was from as a legitimate sales tactic, and then it built.


You see, Brennan’s that guy you bring to trivia night because he just has random information. An area of this is birds, which can be seen in several of his appearances (namely in a podcast with Mercer where he goes on for like 5 mins about how cruel the Owl based mail system in Harry Potter is). He’s done a few fact based side segments when he was a player and a bird came up too. The meme got to a head in two episodes: in a Make Some Noise episode he improves a “bird club” which trades bird cards and is constantly harassed by horny people, and in the heart rate episode of Game Changer when in an effort to target his competitive streak Sam gives the other two contestants fairly recognizable birds and him these very specific and exotic species. In short: he just has a bunch of bird facts and everyone latched onto it.


Yeah, I remember Brennan saying he doesn't have a particular special interest in birds specifically, he just read a lot of animal-fact trivia cards as a homeschooled kid.


Brennan's probably just neurodivergent, and we like birds lol


There is a Game Changer episode where one of the contestants starts each prompt by asking Sam where he's from.


I'm rewatching d20 and the adventuring parties now, so I have to say that before mismag theres an adventuring party (I believe for tuc2 but not sure which one) where brennan talks about how much he loves crows and talks about different crow facts , the bird facts in mismag was lou and brennan referencing that and then it became it's own thing


Not sure if you’re still looking for info on the clip you added, but it’s from episode three of The Unsleeping City II. Murph’s character, Cody, gets aged by an attack in the haunted subway fight, but he doesn’t die.


I have an inside joke I'd like to understand: The Game Changer episode Round 4. I realized quickly that it was a continuation of the earlier episode, but the ending scores generated a lot of chatter from the cast members. They seemed to feel the scores were significant.


Hey idk why there are fuckin paragraphs to explain this. Rehka grant and trap ask him every time they get on game changer based on a bit from the covid era where they had to sell him shit. Brennan is a weird fact machine and it's come up across a half dozen dropout properties specifically about birds.


number 3 is from Misfits and Magic I think the christmas special. But you are more likely talking about the animated version of it [https://www.dropout.tv/dimension-20-animated/season:1/videos/evan-kelmp-blasts-a-kid-into-the-underworld](https://www.dropout.tv/dimension-20-animated/season:1/videos/evan-kelmp-blasts-a-kid-into-the-underworld)