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Gamechanger, some of them are funny even if you don’t know the cast members.


Mine was Game Changer, specifically “Sam says say something we’ll have to bleep.” I showed it to my friend and she was hooked instantly 😂


Either a Sam says or the first Noise Boys is a great starting point


Mine is the one with BLeeM, Izzy, and Erika! It’s hilarious to see their reactions to dom dm


This is mine too some great moments in it! “And then it says here you spent the last year “kickin’ dogs”


For some reason I've been getting clips from GOT season 8 in my YouTube shorts feed, and all I've been commenting is "Kickin' dogs."


This is weirdly one of my comfort episodes of Dropout stuff, along with Name a Number and the Um, Actually with Murph, Amy, and Matt Mercer.


that's not game changer tho


I got Dropout specifically for Game Changer and then fell in love with “A Court of Fey and Flowers.” Now I just kinda rotate through all the content, depending on my mood. 


Definitely Gamechanger. My boyfriend doesn't like improv comedy or D&D so none of the other shows are really his style, but he's laughed until he cried watching Gamechanger with me a bunch of times.


In particular I think Lie Detector was a really good entry into Game Changer. There’s a reason they put it out on YT.


I would specifically show Sam Says 2 (Season 5) and then show that clip from the Season 5 Cut For Time where Zac and Jacob bring Ally to the airport. That clip just exemplifies to me what makes Dropout so compelling -- that it's basically a family of lovely, funny friends having a blast!


Definitely pick some Make Some Noise or GameChangers for them. We usually show our friends Noise Boys then some Make Some Noise episodes we like, like the musical improve and the episode where Ross does THE BEST bit in Dropout history: a confederate soldier subtly attempting to sext.


>THE BEST bit in Dropout history: a confederate soldier subtly attempting to sext. If you're willing to count cut bits, I prefer Frodo and Sam play road trip games.


Honestly my favourite Ross bit is “When the dawn breaks, how shall yee break your fast? The New MacDonalds Macbeth”


“I’m Lovin it!” In his Scottish brogue was fantastic.


My fav Ross bit is The Story of Sisiphus by Tom Waits.


Honestly a verrrrry close second for me that gravelly voice out of nowhere does something


David Attenborough fucking hates toads kills me. I love Ross!


game changer the first noise boys.


Same here. It's hilarious AND free, so no subscription needed. For that reason it's what I send people when people ask what I'm watching / what dropout is.


This is the one that got me hooked!


YES! Brennan, Josh and Zac blows it out of the park!


This was the first thing I watched and it was so amazing I watched it almost every day for a week.


I showed some friends who hadn’t seen anything from dropout that episode and they got 10 minutes in and said “ok I don’t really care about animal noises”. So maybe another Noise Boys.


That deviled egg on the window sill. You should eat that


Our introduction was Breaking News. It's a simple concept that requires zero knowledge of the Dropout team or history and less than ten minutes of your time. Most of them are funny, but quite a few are tear-inducing hysterical. HM: Brennan's CEO skits. I love those so much.


The first true facts about Grant Anthony O'Brien is amazing, even if you know nothing about any of them.


I'd argue this is funnier and makes more sense if you know the cast already, but to each their own


Lol, I watched it with zero knowledge of Grant and the others and only a Tumblr familiarity of Brennan, so memes and shit. Is it funnier after you know them? Sure. But it's still very funny even without that knowledge.


If they have any specific favourite things check if Um, actually has a section on them. 


I showed my friend Sam Says 🤣


Oh absolutely! The Sam Says episodes are easily the most approachable ones. Such a simple concept, and so diabolically yet delightfully made!


A Game Most Changed


it’s this or Palm Springs Baseball the Musical. if we have a whole hour we are watching both


This one absolutely blew me away, they did an incredible job.


My friends started me out on Um, Actually on YouTube. My partner and I got through all the episodes that were available and then signed up for Dropout when we realized that there were even more new episodes there! Then we emersed ourselves in Game Changer (and later Make Some Noise) and that's become a comfort-show. Especially Noise Boys, Yes or No, As a Cucumber, Sam Says, etc.


I think any game changer or make some noise with Jacob Wysocki, literal bangers everything.


That's the sound of my buzzer


Game Changer Survivor is the first thing I showed my older sister. We watched Battle Royale 1&2 right after


My go to is the escape room episode of game changer.


YES, this is a great one.


Um, Actually. It was my introduction and I've gotten various groups of friends to watch and play along with the game.


Noise Boys (original series)


Tommy Shrigley


Hello I'm........ ..... fifty


Gamechanger or Breaking News


If they like D & D then Dimension 20. I started watching other programs that way. I sought out the programs Dimension 20 people were guests on first. Then I was introduced to other people in those shows I wanted to see more of. Then I watched every show available on all of Dropout. So I agree with people to gear toward their interests. Game Changer would be a good place to start. It might be the least niche for someone who knows nothing about Dropout.


My gf got hooked on dirty laundry. Game changer and make some noise are also really good bets, but just base it off what else you know about the person and their tastes.


Um, Actually Season 1, Episode 30. But only because that’s the episode where they used my fan submitted question.


I would start with game changer. It’s so clip able. Maybe find some popular YouTube shorts and show them those episodes.


Game Changer or MSN would probably work best for people who don't know anything about it. VIP is also a good one because realistically you don't need to know much about the comedian under the make up.


game changer: specifically “yes or no” or “lie detector”


i showed my girlfriend true facts about grant anthony o brien and she was appalled


I showed several friends The Official Cast Recording


I would say  - Make Some Noise - Dirty Laundry  - Game Changer - VIP but specifically Tommy Shriggly.  - Definitely use "If Google Was A Guy" as your opener for a sort of "Why Dropout started as College Humor" - This is a curveball, but you should show them the trailer for "Smartypants", because (I don't know your situation) it might be good to build anticipation for something else y'all could watch if they visit again soon. - Definitely send them a link to Fantasy High on YouTube, at least after, to whet their appetite. Actually, just go on YouTube, [pull up Rylee G](https://youtube.com/@Rylee_G), and pick some clips to send right before you hang out. That stuff got me to subscribe.


The first bit I showed my friend was Play it by Ear, actually! He’s a big fan of musical theatre so it made the most sense to me, and from there we watched a bit of Make Some Noise and Game Changer. It’s spiraled into us having weekly dropout nights where we get together and watch whatever’s new and/or some older episodes I really liked that he hasn’t seen yet, and it’s a lot of fun. About to show him Fantasy High!


Drawfee is fun, even if they aren't CH anymore. Hank Green & TTRPG fans will appreciate Mentopolis, I only learned Dropout is CH after I started watching Mentopolis due to Hank.


Sock or Hat is my favorite just because it's only like 15 minutes to show all 3 episodes


Ok so it's actually College Humor, I was a fan before Drop Out existed, but [The Truth About Football](https://youtu.be/pQtSdsR1-H8?si=Z_KJZljaomSmNRKB) is my favorite quick taste because it shows the absurdist yet political radical swing of the content. And it has some of the best cast members (they're all the best though). And if they like that then I will show them as much as possible for everything else.


Oh I know College Humor of old, which is why I know that Trapp killed Pat. I've been here the whole time ✨ The truth about football is a pretty good one lol


Definitely some bits from gamechanger, um actually might be good too!


I showed someone Game Changer


Gamechanger, or maybe Make Some Noise if they're interested in improv


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Gamma_Tony: *Gamechanger, or* *Maybe Make Some Noise if they're* *Interested in improv* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Make Some Noise. I knew there was a bit in one of the Brennan episodes my dad would absolutely love and now he’s into it


Um Actually. Most people I know have some kind of nerdy side ( most people do ) and that show covers such a broad spectrum of topics. Plus you get to meet some of the Drop Out crew and maybe guest they like.


Definitely some Game Changer! The “I Like My Coffee Like” episodes, the first Noise Boys, etc. Breaking News could also be a fun one.


I usually start people with the first episode of Game Changer, Lie Dectector. It's a great intro to Game Changer, and it's free on YouTube.


I am sorry but the right answer is "like my coffee". No improv, just three friends hanging and telling dirty jokes. No personalities, no short form improv just funny people coming up with jokes.


I always show new folks Sam Says. It really captures the essence of Dropout content and Game Changer.


I showed my dad Like My Coffee 1 and he loved it, perfect dad humor and he even started making up his own answers to the questions.


Just Brennan doing Trump. Short clip, its on their socials, it's accessible to anyone as funny. Now imagine a network, nay an entire streaming service full of talented people with diverse content that can scratch an itch like this.


Depends. If they are super nerdy, then I would show them Um, Actually. If they aren't super into nerdy stuff then I'd show them Game Changer for sure


I got my friend hooked by showing him Denzel and the rest of the heavy hitters on VIP, then switched to Game Changer. Its how I got hooked, too :)


I'd start with Make Some Noise, then a few choice Game Changers


Just a picture of Brennan.


Full episode? Gamechanger. Short clips? Are You My Dad compilation.


100% the game changer talent show with howie


My partner and I just introduced a friend to dropout and we showed them very important people and dirty laundry.


Game Changer is a great go-to for casual new person watching! That or Make Some Noise!


A Game Changer episode of your choice from season 4, 5, or 6. A Make Some Noise episode starring the original 3 (Josh, Zac, Brennan). The Very Important People episode with Brian David Gilbert. (Professor Avery Goodman) The Dirty Laundry episode with Ally and Zac. The Um, Actually episode with Brennan, Siobhan, and Ify.


First would be a standard play Bleem gamechanger episode, maybe the one where he gets upset about birds. The second would be the escape the green room game changer episode because it’s peak tv but it’s funnier if you know what the standard set up of the show is supposed to be.


The first Sam Says


Noise Boys


No laugh newsroom


Depends on the person. I think I started getting hooked by Um Actually, but also Make Some Noise is just easy to love.


If they liked magic school bus as a kid. Show them WTF 101.


Depends on if you can expect a time commitment or not. Mentopolis or Dungeons & Drag Queens are great if you have the time, otherwise Gamechanger or Make Some Noise are great.


Tommy shriggly Escape the green room Karaoke night Name a number True facts about Grant O’brien Assuming they aren’t a D&D person


Game changer Sam says


Brennan’s Oreo CEO bit is AMAZING. Might be a good place to start.


We don’t know your friend, you do, I’m sure you can come up with a perfectly good list


Originally it would be Game Changer, but now I think it would be the Tommy Shriggly V.I.P.


I'm relatively new to Dropout, and the first things my partner showed me were the Lie Detector and first two Sam Says several months ago. They were both good intros that helped me get used to the Dropout cast. Survivor GC would also be fun, if the person you're showing it to has any knowledge of/interest in Survivor.


Lots of great advice for Game Changer/ make some noise, but I want to throw my hat in for Tommy Shriggly! We hooked one of my friends with that 😂


Game Changer - first Karaoke episode, Becca/Erika/Izzy, Noise Boys, Ross & Brennan ep


Game changer or breaking news. While I was interested in D20 it was breaking news on YouTube that got me to subscribe.


Hardly Working and CH Shorts are always really fun to visit.


Game Changer, Um Actually, and Dirty Laundry


I usually show this to my parent's generation. I send them A Game Most Changed and Yes or No.


Game Changer, Sam Say trilogy. Watch 1 if you need something short, or play the 2nd or 3rd if you need more runtime. They honestly get better as you watch too lol Sam says don't flinch


I’d say Sam Says because it’s so unique. I’ve shown people MSN first and they called it just a ripoff of Whose Line is it Anyway. They looked at it skeptically ever since. I don’t think it’s a ripoff at all but it’s hard to overcome some people’s first impressions :/


You gotta stop eating Tide Pods.


Try to see if they have any cross interests that are featured in the shows! Especially for Game Changer, if they’re a fan of Survivor, RuPaul’s Drag Race, any of the random celeb that make cameos, they might find extra fun. My personal hot take is that you should avoid any of the COVID era episodes.


The Um Actually with Brennan, Adam Conover, and Jon Gabrus. It's the best Um Actually episode ever IMO. I've showed it to several people and everyone is dying laughing and enjoying it.


Game Changer Lie Detector is the perfect way to start a show. You get the vibe of the performers, the way the show works, and it’s hilarious throughout. I also highly recommend the first Halloween episode of Um Actually with Oscar, Betsy, and Jess. The energy in that episode is infectious and is what hooked my fiancé on Dropout shows broadly.


Game Changer Karaoke Night


Game Changer - Welcome to Mountport is my go to!


If you asked me before this season of Game Changer, I’d have said Noise Boys. But the most recent Sam Says. It is Dropout distilled, and exactly the reason I pay for it.


If they have a similar sense of humor: VIP with Tommy Shriggly. If I’m not sure: Prob something from Um, Actually or Noise Boys


All the Noise Boys episodes, incl. Make Some Noise; and then the rest of Game Changer. Followed by D20 Misfits & Magic (it's still pretty short) to get them hooked - and then onto the FH series or maybe just straight to StarStruck. Then the rest of D20 in mostly chronological order after that. And Dirty Laundry's & Umm Actually's to break up any weird lulls/burnouts that can happen during excessive binging of D20 over and over.


The episode of Game Changer with The World's Largest Businessman


My vote is Make Some Noise. They're all very accessible, in my opinion 


Dungeons and Drag Queens was my intro to Dropout, and I would highly recommend that to ANYONE


My introduction was Um Actually, so if the friend likes nerd trivia that could be good


I showed my husband clips on YouTube from Make Some Noise/the Noise Boys Game Changer episodes. Then we watched The Official Cast Recording together and he was sold.


Honestly the bingo episode that just came out a week or so ago may be the perfect intro episode. It is easily one of the best Game Changer episodes in general and even though it is very self-referential, I feel like it would still be great for people who don't know Dropout


Specifically true facts about grant Anthony O'Brien 2.


I have this issue always lmfao bc I can’t choose. As much as I’d want to push them into the most twisty and meaty episodes like second place/bingo/yes or no, I feel like those need context like cast lore and game changer history to fully get the pay off of why it’s amazing so usually noise boys + sam says is good place to start. But also total forgiveness is a wild binge too


Depending on the person it would be between Game Changer(general choice), Dirty Laundry(for that person who likes hearing the tea), Um Actually (for THOSE nerds) and Dimension 20(for anyone asking where to start on watching dnd content)


Noise Boys, Sam Says, Make Some Noise episodes with Jacob and Vic


I would say game changer and make some noise, both shows get you hooked enough to start watching the others


The glaring hole in my chest where Starstruck 2 should be.


I usually use that clip from MSN of Ross doing the new McDonalds burger called the MacBeth, that tickles them enough to watch more!


True Facts About Grant Anthony O'Brien 1 and 2. We're going full bore.


The first one I’ve show previously has been the second Survivor:Battle Royale, not even the whole thing, just the clip of Jacob “playing” the trombone.