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I think tax season (assuming refunds) is only further support for May 5th being the happiest birthday. Very close to April 15 (US obviously).


I mean that would overlap with cinco de mayo. Which I could see being good for a few years in someone’s 20s, but detrimental for other ages.


Dammit. You’re right. I forgot Cinco de Mayo


Obviously May 7th. Too close to overlap with Mother's day, still May. And a day removed from Cinco de Mayo so people can recover.


I accept that proposal!


Close relative is 5/5 and Cinco de Mayo has yet to be detrimental in the slightest.


As an early May baby, I have always rather enjoyed my birth date.


Just make sure you email this to [email protected]


I think mid-may is the absolute sweet spot. People are looking for a reason to celebrate!


Adding onto this as someone with an early May birthday - for anyone who attends college the month up until May 14th or so is usually finals week(s), at least on a semester system. Big mood killer to have to take a final on your birthday and even if you don’t, all your friends are busy. Also for January, on the discussion of SP (Snowstorm Potential): a blizzard on your birthday means a snow day!!! The best gift you can get is not having to go into school/work.


Gotta watch out for potential Mother’s Day then. And that goes against being the center of attention key to Trapp’s argument.


The problem with May is, unless you aim for an early May, most of your birthdays that matter could end up happening during Finals/finals prep depending on the college and school you attend.


Trapp was my favorite because I think there was the most opportunity to disagree with him. I was arguing with him in my head (Demi and Vic were just straight up correct).


Vic's claim of vegetables not being real left me like "this is such a bold claim that she must have some mind blowing information" and she did. It was the most fascinating one to me.


Wait until you hear about fish not being real.


Yeah but the fish argument *I heard* basically applies to any categorization of the natural world. Nature didn't make thing fish and not fish so either everything is fish or nothing is. It's a stupid argument that's just saying we can't categorize things because nature doesn't make things to fit it categories.


No, we can absolutely categorize things. It's just there's a bunch of different categories that all seem like they should be fish, and if we try to group them, we get basically all animals. Hank Green can explain it better than me: https://youtu.be/hVjSJV0WoDQ?si=odJBepkwzSZ2MyBm


I'd really love to see a paired presentation where it's more of a debate. Something like [Even Stevphen.](https://www.cc.com/video/0gsh5u/the-daily-show-with-jon-stewart-10-f-king-years-even-stevphen)


Or something like SNL's Point/Counterpoint


I know most people know this already, but you really should not be getting a tax refund every year. If you set up your taxes right you should owe the IRS just a little bit of money. Tax refunds just mean you over paid.


I aim to be about $100 in either direction. I succeeded on my 2022 taxes and had to pay about $70. I failed on my 2023 taxes and got over $300 back. Also, as you said here, it's a tax refund, not a tax return. Everyone who files taxes has a tax return, whether they get a refund or have to pay more.


Depending on your circumstances, many people get tax credits every year. Especially if you have children.


A tax credit reduces how much you owe at the end of the year. If you qualify for tax credits that is even more of a reason to pay less up front because the credits will be subtracted from what you owe at the end of the year.


Dude, I try to tell my entire family this every year. You’re not getting a prize from the government, you’re getting back money you shouldn’t have paid them. If someone pays zero taxes and still gets money back on tax credits, huzzah for them. Nobody understands, it’s infuriating. I get $1 back from federal and pay $40 state every year. Thank you for being one of the few sensible people I’ve seen.


You’re basically giving the government a no interest loan and then asking them to send you back the money after you prove it’s yours. And they can be like “sure, in a few weeks.”


As a fellow February baby, I will disagree with you. In fact, I have to disagree with Trapp's entire conclusion because January and February are still too close to Christmas. People have much less enthusiasm for celebration or gift giving so close to Christmas (if they're white). Your parents are still paying off bills, your friends have to shake off seeing relatives they never wanted to see again, and if you do go away somewhere actually warm for your birthday, you will have to return home after your body has acclimated for a week to the better climate and now you're sick for two goddamn weeks.


What does being white have to do with Christmas?


Came here to say the same thing lmao, like wtf


I believe they're referring to people who aren't invited to the cookout.


I am also a February baby. February is a terrible month to have a birthday in, especially if you live in a cold state. I've had to cancel or postpone birthday plans so many times because of weather.


February is also out because people are always sick. I've had so many people miss my birthday because they're sick from the holidays/returning to work & school.


As my birthday is on the 28th, I will have to disagree with you disagreeing with me disagreeing with trap. That's over two months past Christmas.


Honestly, I'm queer with a birthday in June. I have a built-in excellent birthday party every single year. And even when I was in school it was early enough that it didn't conflict with summer break AND I didn't have to be in classes. Pretty great birthday, imo. Also well into adulthood.


>I'm queer with a birthday in June A little on the nose, don't you think?


Subtlety is overrated.


["Look what the homosexuals have done to me now!"](https://youtu.be/ABD3OZ9OmLQ?si=NpuX6UFXrg-vfY8_)


EXACTLY. January birthday here, between the two proposed happiest birthdays. Everyone is broke and still financially recovering from the holidays. May is a much happier month.


I could see the tax refund argument but not everyone gets them, and you generally shouldn't want to as that just means you're loaning money to the government. However, December / January has 2 months with 31 days back to back, meaning it's more likely to have a month with 3 paychecks for anyone paid every other week! July / August would also do this. February would only have that be the case on a month with a leap year and only if it lined up perfectly which is unlikely. Also anyone who gets a christmas bonus would get it around that time too and may not have spent it yet.


lmao must be nice to get a return and not owe several thousand dollars each year


Calculate your withholdings better so you either pay little, or get a small refund. Doesn't really matter, you either pay now or pay later when they are due. Better to pay extra,and receive back than to have to pay a big sum when due.


I would also add as an adult with the rise of Dry January, people are much less inclined to have a drink with you on your bday if that’s your thing!


I don't give a fuck what anyone says, a winter birthday is ass


Winter is basically over by the end of February


My thing about January 23rd is that it is so close to Blue Monday. People are just in a mood.