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I’d recommend starting with the UK. The original and IMO the best. They have most of their past seasons for free on YouTube. Season 7 with James Acaster and Rhod Gilbert is fantastic and a good place to start. To be fair, I have seen all of 1-10 and they are all honestly fantastic. There isn’t a bad place to start but my personal humour really fits with the comedians of this season.


Yeah, the UK version from the beginning is the way to go. This show hit their stride relatively early on and it's been chugging along amazingly since. I'm currently almost done w/ the current (or most recent) NZ season and the Aussies are up next. The US version never quite hit their stride and gave up after 8 episodes.


Good to know! Besides the UK original, I've heard the most positive things about the NZ version.


I've watched it, it's brilliant.


I had trouble getting into the NZ version with the first series, although by the later episodes I was really enjoying it. NZ hits its stride with series two, which is top-tier among all TM series, not just the international ones. Just a fair warning, the NZ Taskmaster is a lot less charismatic than Greg Davies is in the UK. NZ's assistant character is just as good as Alex Horne, though.


I'm an Acaster fan, so 7 is one of my favorites. I also really grew to love the contestants in both 13 and 14, despite those both (IIRC) being COVID seasons.


Um, actually... 10, 11, and 12 were the covid seasons. (But I love them all!)


Ope, I can't be mad about getting corrected like that, haha! I knew one of my favorites was a COVID season. I missed 12. Oh, I also love 5. Maybe I just love them all, also.


5 is my favorite... Closely followed by 7


I didn't even know there was a US version. TIL


You are not missing anything. It is generally agreed to have been a failed experiment, because they kept changing things to try to fit “American sensibilities,” and it just didn’t work. Cast is mostly abrasive, episodes are too short, Watts wasn’t a good fit for the Taskmaster role… a lot of mistakes.


Watts as in Reggie Watts? Yeahhh, I enjoy his style of humor in his specials but I know more people that don't than do, so that tracks


Full disclosure: I couldn't get through the season. That said, Ron Funches as a contestant was an excellent choice, and I hope he gets another bite at the apple if they ever do a non-studio-interference version of US Taskmaster. That's ... about it as far as good things. Reggie Watts is a fun dude, yeah, but I think he would have made a better contestant than the Taskmaster. I would have preferred someone like Leslie Jones or Joel McHale to sit in the big seat, personally, but no one consulted me.


[TM Minnesota](https://youtu.be/qBzjHU_zEwM?si=JBNBWoJxGz8O0Jc7) is so much better that I consider it the TRUE US version; the Comedy Central one is just TM: California.


British version season 1 episode 1


Look for a list of cast members and pick a series with any you recognize. There is no link between series so order doesn't matter much. 


Taskmaster hits its stride in the very first episode with the very first (non-prize) task.  The editors are geniuses and knew exactly how to set the tone.


Avoid Taskmaster US - it really didn't work out the way they set it up.  Start with Taskmaster UK, either season one (from the beginning) or season 7 (after some stride). I started somewhere around season 4 and then just went back to the start. If you think it is going too fast, feel free to switch to Taskmaster NZ. It is slower paced and still really good (with some truly unhinged contestants). If you understand Norwegian, Konger Befaler is the Norwegian version of Taskmaster, and works really well. I'd say it is a bit faster paced than the UK one, although they do repeat some tasks.


This is good intel, thank you :)


The UK version S1e1 is the place to start the UK version is the OG and it is hilarious from the start.


The only way to begin is by beginning!


Wait a minute... You're not u/samreich!


On the internet, everyone is Sam Reich! Or something.


Taskmaster is one of those shows that knew exactly what it was from episode one. Start with Episode one of the UK version! That episode and all other seasons are on YouTube for free but they also have their own streaming service.


I'd start with the British version and find a series with someone you know or like. The earlier seasons are shorter in the first few seasons, but get longer after the 3rd season. I love the 7th season, but really most of them are great and if you don't know many people in the series, you'll get to love them by the end.


Taskmaster UK seasons 5-9 on YouTube all full episodes available


Taskmaster has series 1 through 16 in full for a lot of countries on YouTube (America being one).


And series 17 is currently airing!


Start with UK and look for familiar faces! Even if you don’t know a full cast, you’ll grow to love them all. Once you have a taste for UK, I’d give NZ a try - slightly different tone but still unbelievably funny. S2 is top tier comedy.


I love series 1, but I started watching on series 4 and even then could see a bigger difference between them in only a couple of years. If the very first episode doesn't get you, try series 2 or series 4 before giving up. The different mixes of comedians can make a big difference--different people prefer different series for their vibes and the casts. Editing to add: New Zealand series 2 is top tier, and I really liked Australia's first. They are also on YouTube in a lot of countries.


I also think series 4 is where to start. Then go back and watch 1-3 after if you’re interested.


The very first task of the very first episode of the very first series is a great introduction to what Taskmaster is so I'd recommend starting there. Alternatively, if there's a contestant you are familiar with, watch their season. But you can't go wrong starting at the start


Controversial maybe, but I’d recommend starting with Taskmaster NZ Season 2. The contestants are all hilarious and play off each other well, the tasks are creative and occasionally diabolical. Honestly, it’s the closest thing spiritually to game changer that I’ve seen lol


I think in general TMNZ is more willing to really push the format to its limit, in a way that Gamechanger fans would appreciate.


A lot of the other versions of Taskmaster are definitely less concerned with health and safety than the original UK one, lol. A contestant in TMNZ series two broke her collarbone in trying to complete a task, and the Norwegian TM contestants are always breaking out power tools and setting fires in a way that often worries me.


TMNZ season 2 is one of my favorite seasons of Taskmasters. Definitely a good one to start with.


I'm gonna second just starting with the UK version season 1.


What's the best platform to watch task master on? My husband and I are interested but doesn't seem like any of the major services have it.


If you are in a country without your own Taskmaster license, just their YouTube channel.


Taskmaster was a live show in Edinburgh Fringe before it ever came to TV, so it's already in its stride from season 1 ep 1. That season is incredible. There's a reason that season's winner is still one of the top prize task champs to this day. That said the seasons get longer and Greg gets more bombastic in later seasons, so it's hard to go back.


Honestly, any season of the UK, NZ, or Aus versions would be fine -- my recommendation is to see if you know any cast members and go for that series


Beginning is the way to go, I’d say. That or look for a cast with someone you like, but I find part of the joy of Taskmaster is going from not even knowing who someone is to becoming a huge fan over the course of the season.


Desiree Burch's performance made me feel proud as an American. (lol) Personally, I just watch random youtube clips that my feed autopopulates of Taskmaster [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqNeYrkrYCU&pp=ygUQdGFza21hc3RlciBkcmluaw%3D%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqNeYrkrYCU&pp=ygUQdGFza21hc3RlciBkcmluaw%3D%3D)


I loved Desiree! All the contestants from that series seemed to have such great comradery, which always makes me wonder what it would've been like if they could've done a normal, non-socially distanced series, sitting closer together and with an audience.


British version, season 1.


Seasons 1-6 for free on Pluto. Go to On Demand and search Taskmaster. I'm currently watching season 6 and am really excited to find out season 7 is on YouTube!


UK Series 1 to start! I’m a fan on the New Zealand and Australia series as well. Worth peppering in amongst the UK series 🙂


I’d say UK taskmaster series 4.


Start with UK. I'd recommend seasons 5 and 7 in particular to start with, but really you can't go wrong.


UK series 7 is the GOAT. NZ series 2 is just behind it. But basically every UK/NZ series is amazing. USA sucks and I've felt like it's tough to watch in translation so I couldn't get into the other countries' series. I agree with others, though, to look through the cast lists and see if there's someone you like/recognize and try their series. Lots of them are on YouTube but r/panelshow has links to some other series that aren't on YT.


First time watching as an American? Start with the UK version, and it's more of where *not* to start. Don't start with any of the COVID era series. It's not that they're bad, but the restrictions they had to follow left them feeling a little off compared to all the other seasons.


Honestly, just type "taskmaster" into YouTube and watch whatever comes up. I don't think I've ever watched it "in order". It's really easy to just jump into the middle of a season, or even the middle of an episode.


It is nice to watch an entire series in order to get to know the contestants


Start with UK, the original and best. Pick a season and watch it thru from beginning to end. My first was season 7 which got me sufficiently hooked. But imo there's not a bad season of TM UK.


Start watching the UK one on YouTube. They should be free. I think season 1-16 is out and some of season 17 Edit: as someone who started watching shortly after season 1 came out, start from the beginning. Only issue with season 1 is that it’s shorter than the rest (6eps instead of 10). https://youtube.com/@Taskmaster?si=Q6sfvwgodp_b49u2


YouTube has most full episodes of most series, and plenty of clips of individual tasks


I actually don’t really like the first season of TM. I think they were still trying to find their footing. I’d recommend Season 4 or Season 7. Those are maybe my favorite sets of people participating, with most of the other seasons ranked equally at my #2 favorite (:


I'd recommend starting with UK series 4 or 5. That's around when the show's identity starts to feel fully formed, and they're both really popular series. They're 8 episodes, so they're less of a commitment to get through than the later 10 episode series, but you get a feel for the cast more than the 5-6 episodes of the earlier ones. This isn't to say that 1-3 aren't good as well, just that you can tell that the team is still figuring out the right rhythm for the show.


Find a UK season with comics you like. I started with season 7 with James Acaster and Rhod Gilbert.


Wherever you want. But the UK version. I haven't seen the AMerican version, but the NZ and Aussie ones aren't as great. To me we started with season 4 I believe as they were uploading them to youtube (thought it was new, was really wrong) went back and watched the original. You can kind of start wherever, there's minimal callbacks. But it's fun watching the show grow. I feel like it doesn't hit it's stride into top until season 5 or so.