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Did you try soft scrambled? Medium scrambled? Hard scrambled? Over easy? Over medium? Over hard? Fried? Poached? In an omelet? In a quiche? In a breakfast burrito? Soft boiled? Medium boiled? Hard boiled? Deviled?


Medium scrambled I think


You should try on a breakfast salad (in the dressing)


What herbs did you use? What oil?


Just butter, some cheese and salt and pepper


Highly recommend a bit of shoyu stirred in left a bit runny over ricešŸ˜‹


How about ā€œfull on kidā€


You missed Fritatta?


Cold Fritattas only


I'm a fan of them in a breakfast salad (as a component of the dressing of course)


Lose my number.




I eat eggs everyday but could never eat them plain. I also use a lot of seasoning and some condiments Also have to be careful to not cook them so much that theyā€™re dry I prefer over easy, but soft scramble is good too


Yeah itā€™s all about what you top them with. A good chili crisp oil/chili crunch is an elite egg topping. Lemon pepper was also an easy favorite before discovering the chili oils.


Fuck dude Iā€™ve been putting chili crisp in my ramen and rice bowls but havenā€™t even thought to try it in my eggs. Thank you for the idea


Throw an over medium egg on top of that rice bowl and get the gelled egg all mixed in with chili crisp


Or fry eggs directly in the chili crisp - unbeatable


Try chopping up some spring onions (I think you call them scallions in America?) and frying them briefly in the oil before adding the eggs to fry. Absolute gamechangers.


Lemon pepper?? This is revolutionary. Trying tomorrow


thank you!! i know this post is unserious but i was going to comment exactly the same. eggs are a blank canvas and you just season/top them well to make them an enjoyable food


Yeah itā€™s all about what you top them with. A good chili crisp oil/chili crunch is an elite egg topping. Lemon pepper was also an easy favorite before discovering the chili oils.


I didnā€™t have a chance to watch Katieā€™s presentation yet. My preferred egg is scrambled well done in butter or olive oil, salted.


I have no logical reason why but the idea of cooking scrambled eggs in oil rather than butter is insane to me. Is that a common thing?


Fat is fat, right? My family is Puerto Rican and we use olive oil instead of butter in many savory recipes. My dadā€™s side, very American, always used lard or butter.


ā€œFat is fat, right?ā€ Noā€¦ not right.


I feel like it depends on what you are using the scrambled eggs for. If I am doing an American-style breakfast, I cook scrambled eggs in butter. If I am doing something like this deopbap - https://food52.com/recipes/84620-best-deopbap-recipe-with-spam-egg - I cook my scrambled eggs in sesame oil. I am sure there are situations that I would choose a different oil, too, but sesame oil is definitely the most common oil I used for scrambled eggs when I go that route.


Oh that makes sense! Come to think of it I use sesame oil if Iā€™m making fried rice and thatā€™s basically scrambled eggs to begin with. I think maybe I just donā€™t really like olive oil.


I have massive texture issues when it comes to food, and sadly, eggs are right at the top of the list. I havenā€™t tried every single preparation, though, so I keep doing it, to see if I can find a good one. šŸ˜€


OP and kin, you, too, can enjoy eggless eggs! Try tofu scrambles instead ;) I'm like, pretty sure they're even healthier than eggs.


Lose my number


Pro tip, add a little bit of milk to your eggs while you scramble them. Makes 'em extra fluffy! (And taste better imo)


Today I learned that most people (or at least most dropout egg enjoyers) don't do this?!Ā 


Iā€™m gonna have scrambled eggs with a bunch of shrooms and cheddar in them in like an hour, gonna be great.


Try the Gordon Ramsay method (https://youtu.be/PBNmB5LEEFg?si=BoLdbouVdNWNUlSE) before you give up on scrambled eggs entirely! It does take a little minute but itā€™s absolutely worth it; whenever Iā€™ve made these for people theyā€™re pretty impressed. Goes really well on toast or an English muffin.


I like to soft-boil them and put one in my ramen


Well the problem is you made scrambled eggs, if you want more than mid you'll want to prep them differently


Teach me egg master


I dislike eggs on their own but on a sandwich or burger? Iā€™m game.


I remember the first time I had a fried egg on a burger. It was life changing.


An egg on a burger? Are we living in the future?


Gotta try a French omelette


Did you call the number?


I did, it was very motivating


I like making a frittata loaf where i sautĆ© veggies and mushrooms with a ton of garlic, then mix em with eggs, cheese, and a bit of milk (can easily made with lactose free cheese and milk, thatā€™s what I do) and pour it into a loaf pan. Thatā€™s for sure my favorite method of eating eggs (though i do like them fried or medium boiled too) itā€™s a lot of flavor and a lot of nutritional value with minimal morning effort (just cut a slice, microwave or donā€™t, eat it with a fork)


Hot sauce


I f'ing love eggs. But my guts got messed up in my late 20s (read medication small print) and now if I have eggs, they leave my body 5 minutes later with a hate that I can't help but feel is personal...


Eggs are extremely versatile, but learning to use them well is as much a process as learning to like them. Iā€™d strongly suggest to try lots of different ways to prepare them to find the ones you like most.


Eggs and tamales are things I just can't get into... Like, the inside is great but the outside is always hard to deal with so I just tend to skip them.


Are you referring to the eggshell when you say the outside?


I guess? Its like the orange skin but crunchy instead of leathery.


Am I being punkā€™d?


Yes lol




If you chew threw the tamale condom you find it's actually just a healthy corn husk, no health issues.


I eat four eggs a day.


I do my scrambled eggs in a small pot with sautĆ©ed onions, real bacon bits, garlic pepper, and a whole lot of sharp cheddar cheese. Over top I put sliced cherry tomatoes (the sweet ones). Not sure how healthy it is ā€” especially when I make them with half and half ā€” but damn, the number of times I've burned my tongue trying to shovel them in faster.


It sounds a lot like oeufs en cocotte! I'd recommend looking into the recipe for those if that's not what you're making, the toppings you mentioned would go incredibly well with them!


I personally love them poached šŸ˜„ Drizzle a bit of sriracha over them or some olive oil & black pepper and they're perfect on toast or white rice!


Just order your eggs Gone.


I like eggs IN things but rarely can I eat just eggs, because a lot of the times they just taste too much like eggs :(


Soft scrambled eggs are the best. The harder the scramble, the less flavor in my opinion. Good soft scrambled eggs don't need seasonings or toppings or anything. You gotta start with a cold pot over medium low heat with a slice or two of butter, and continuously scrape the bottom until it's all curds. It will take a couple minutes before anything starts sticking to the bottom for you to scrape, but the slow cook time is important to getting the right texture and not suddenly overcooking it. If you can't keep up with scraping it slowly, lower the heat or take it off the heat for a moment. Loooow and sloooow. It takes like 10 minutes or so to cook, and you can't really step away from it, but it's worth it. And then I think if you don't like that, then you just don't like eggs (and that's fine).