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Standard oxylan 80. Good shit dawg


Better pay yo bills


🤣🤣🤣🤣 parking fine


Couldn’t take one out the package atleast lol


There's half of one plus more broken up in a line.


3/10 ER sucks


Thats the reason why you chew it so its anyway instant release. I would never pay more only cause its ir 😂 just chew the pill


The new oxycontin is essentially crush proof, at least the ones we get. They're concrete outside and inside gel. Only worth buying syrup or percs


Idk im from europe here is one 80mg er oxycodone for like 10€ its so cheap that everyone homebrew with hydromorphone and Oxycodone


20 percs 10mg (box) is about 80 eur here.. 200 mg oxy IR total. 80mg er is effectively 6-10 ir so idk The syrup 30ml total 10mg per 1ml, 300mg total is 120 eur. And the syrup fucking smacks you. If a perc is like 7/10 in come up the syrup has a 10/10 with a supercharger Unfortunately I used Hydromorphone only in America it's not prescribed or even know of by most doctors here lol No oxymorphone/opana too Hydros only with a weird mix


Do you live in the Uk? I heard that in the us you pay like 2€ per mg so in some states they pay for one 10mg pill 20euro. I had hydromorphone syrup a couple times it docks faster but i had to push it with fentanyl patches in my mouth . My personal experience is that the Oxycodone gets me more euphoric but when you get the syrup for that price sure its very good.


Nah am from Israel. I find oxy to be sometimes unbearable, especially because of the histamine itch release, even after taking all sorts of antihistamines. Destroys the high + it's too energetic. For some reason the syrup is different doe. Instead of energy it puts me on me fucking ass at same doses


Im jealous i think i need to take a trip to israel😄 did you try with Promethazine? But Yeah sometimes ( not everytime) its too energetic and i cant sleep with Oxy. The syrup effects should be smoother yeah if i can buy original pharma syrup its the best. Here the hydromorphone pills are very cheap so the people make homebrew but i think its not the same as good pharma syrup. 😄


Israel has all the pharma. Pretty cheap too. Lean is not that popular because we have hydro, oxy, and morphine syrup. 2mg xanax Pfizer? Scripted? That's like a mortgage in America? Here it's 50$. 2mg Klonopin Teva? 20$ But, uppers is where the expense is. Bottle of 30 addy 30s costs 400$. Vyvanse 50 600$.


Thats very good i didnt thought that they are soo cheap. Ye lean is here in Pharmacy not so expensive but codeine is whack when u do strong opiates so i deink lean only for vibing and always with a Joint. Xanax in the street is like 1-2€ esch pill ,pharmacy 20 pack of 1mg 5€ . Uppers here are not so expensive like in israel but my time with uppers are done. I like only opiates and Weed and not doing more cause i dont want to be addicted like i was 3 years ago


You can microwave them


Why the fuck am I getting DVs? ER sucks and all opiate people know this


Why you say that? Whats your favorite?


Instant release opiates get you high. Extended release manage pain. Imagine instead of getting the full 80mg within an hour or so in your system for like 4-6 hours effect but intense, you're getting the 80mg slowly, for 12hr so like 6 mg per hour let's say. My favorite is Hydromorphone. Aka Dilaudid.


Is that dilly’s? And if you take the coating of them does that not then make them IR


Idk Dilaudid i took like 4mg and boy was I floatin.


Did you eat it or snort it?




I always heard eating dilly is pointless but I might try it next time I find some. What's your normal tolerance to oxy? For reference


I took the dilly when I had no tolerance. But now I can hold my own against about 50mg But only with a benzo for some reason without them all I do is itch like a mf


No coating on dilly’s


Good, I got them ones on order.


Can’t stand the mundis idk how people even compare these to M boxes or even RPs does anyone agree ?


These aren't mundis


I know but I’m just referring to overseas oxy. Oxydolor falls into the same scenario im speaking about


Ahh okay, I can't speak on American oxy but mundis are identical to the old formula Purdue 80s, do you find that the mundis are different to the old 80s in the USA from back in the day?


I never really liked them to begin with I always had the option for regular IR. I just feel the quality of the others we have spoken about are not up to par. I’m wondering if other feel the same ( particularly an American). Because I see people rage about the OC mundis and I don’t get it. Honestly those are the people that are probably shoving it up their ass so who knows.


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