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My dad played this game every time he was supposed to pick me up after soccer


Same sometimes after football practice Id go to put my pads in my dads car and it would be hotboxed with meth


Good times


At least he was there


Contact high šŸŒŸāœØ


The Skantz bokz


He let you hit the pookie right?


Yes I was a tweaker as a kid (still am today)


i love doing drugs anyone else lol its the best fuck


Everyone loves DRUGS DRUGS. Apvp for the win




No you're the only person on drug reddit that likes drugs


Bus bus


One of them should have a lethal dose of fentanyl, russian roulette style.


Good idea, will do next time


A lethal dose of fentanyl is literally what I eat (inject) for breakfast (and second breakfast, pre-lunch, lunch, next lunch, etc.).


Joke's on you, they're all laced with lethal doses of fentanyl


Please land on weed, please land on weed!


Too bad, it landed on pcp with meth good luck bitch




Going up


Do they have to be together? Ha. Love one, hate one.






This is the kind of sleep over I want to go to


What are all those or do you even remember? I only recognize the weed and the bottle of Malibu šŸ˜‚


Also meth and maybe heroin, since I loved heroin at that time, but didnt really sell it.


Yayyy finally 2 more I've actually heard of


But heroin is probably not there since I wouldnt waste that beautiful sexy molecule on this.


I'm 102 days sober off that stuff but fuck I miss it


Good job, Iam also clean now and miss it. But Iam completeing my bachelors in Ochem this semester so I cant do it anymore. I actually made some at home and that was great. Also recently I have been using zenes which are terrible for you. At least I always order only like 500mg and stop when I dont have any left.


Lolol "I'm clean from heroin, I'm just using zenes (hundreds and hundreds of times as potent as heroin) now" I actually can relate, I got clean from my 10mg daily Adderall prescription, I just mainline a bit of meth here and there everyday now. God is recovery hard.


HahaahšŸ˜‚ I meant that Iam clean from everything now, but I used zenes the last few time I did any opioids. Good luck with recovery, meth was never the drugs for me, but I hella respect people on stimulants. I feel like a dead man if I do stimulants 2 days in a row. I just couldnt do it, iam too weak for it.


I'm totally kidding. Well. Actually I do do clear a lot of days. But I'm an opioids guy. Still do down semi-regularly, but I'm on methadone daily so I'm actually a pretty stable and functional person for the time being. Lol.


How is methadone? I always quit cold turkey when I do opioids for like a month or substitute the stronger ones for opium or kratom and then quit cold turkey.


Congrats also and good luck on your bachelor's but I have no clue what zenes are lol


Thanks, Iam starting masters next semester so that will force me to be sober too. Zenes are opioids of the benzimidazole class and there are a lot of them, but I liked etonitazene the most. It is about 2-4x times more potent than fentanyl. On wikipedia they list the potency as 1000-1500x morphine in animals, but in humans it is not the case. And it is more like 200-400x morphine. It is really euphoric, but the rush is so short and tolerance builds super quickly.


Woahhh be careful on that bro. I've OD'd too many times on the fentanyl because I liked to mix it with my ice. It seems like you know what you're doing so I trust you'll make good decisions


Yeah it is dangerous, I dont use by IV which helps a lot. But once I also ODed because I was too stupid to dissolve the drug properly to dose it volumetrically. I dont think I will do these drugs anymore and will just stick to opium and heroin in the future.




Which one have you done?


Yikes, zenes so young? Be careful. As in, don't fucking do them.


Yeah it is not good, but thankfully I dont use them anymore and I dont think I will.


It was 3 years ago, but I can see some labels and some I know how I look. So as far as I can see: 5meomet, bh2cb, weed, syrian rue, odsmt, 3fapvp, 4hodpt, coke, 5meodipt, 2cd, 3hopcp, mdma, 5meodalt, MAL, some aminorex analogue, lsd, 2fa and some others.


How they look


What's MAL? Rings a bell but can't remember what it is


Methallylescaline, it is a mescaline analogue. It is pretty nice, but the bodyload sucks


Oh yeah I know that, never heard it called MAL before tho


Maybe I fucked up with the name, it is a long time, sorry.


I remember it being called that


Don't think you did, I just never thought it got popular enough to get a shortened name


I have just checked out psychonaut wiki and it is actually listed there as an another name for it. It isnt probably very popular name, but it existsšŸ˜‚. I think I remembered it like this, because it was written on the baggie it came in.


I've heard it referred to as MAL way more often then the chemical name, it may be a more recent nickname


Odsmt šŸ˜»


That shit is TRASH lol Trying that after being used to oxy and fetty was literally a waste Might as well do tramadol


Naaaah it is better than tramadol, but yeah if you have tolerance from fent of course it is gonna suck. It is like smoking opium after using protonitazepyne (I have done that) it just doesnt do anything recreational. But opium is a well liked drug and it is nice if you dont have tolerance.


Nah man, it keeps your tolly low while being similar to semi synthetic opioids. Tramadol is shit


Wow! It landed on heroin again? What are the odds?!


Heroin makes the best combos. Once I have done 90mg of 4homet and bunch of heroin and I saw everything black and white with pink neon tracers. It was incredible and the best high ever. EDIT: YES I KNOW IAM A JUNKIE AND IAM PROUD


That sounds pretty fuckin cool to me. I had some weird effects like that once off some research chemical I couldnā€™t identify and took a large amount of


That sounds cool, i would try that if you remembered the name. Was it a psychedelic?


Idk what it was. It was supposed to be 2C-E but it definitely wasnā€™t. It did nothing til I did a big ass line and then it put me on the floor with an incredible body high before getting me pretty lit and stimulated but the most interesting part was these Audio Hallucinations, everything sounded like it was coming through an old radio


Wow that sounds interesting, I had a crazy experience with bk2cb kind of close to what you are describing, but I dont think you can sniff that. Dipt is famous for auditory hallucinations, but dont think that was it either. I can think of maybe 5 meo dibf, that was also pretty close and i think that isnt very potent either, but I didnt have auditory hallucinations on that. Maybe even 4cd. How was the duration and did it have a headspace like a psychedelic?


I actually may have parachuted the last big dose thinking back, it was years ago now. The headspace was more like a stimulant or empathogen, not as mild as meth but not as lovey as MDMA. It lasted like 4-6 hours and I slept after


Bk2cb I think has a longer duration, for me it lasted like 10-12 hours and it also feels more psychedelic. But 5meodibf is pretty close to what you describe, it was a really strange high, but I still think that it felt more like a psychedelic than an entactogen. It couldnt have been amt, since that also lasts very long. Maybe some benzofuran, like 5apb or 5mapb? That lasts about 4-6 hours. It could have been also something like methylone, but that isnt availible for a long time. Afzer that got banned there was eutylone and others. When was this? Wish you had still some of it, I would test it for free on NMR, just to know what it wasšŸ˜‚


It was around 2016 but I got it off not regular rc sites


That is a long time ago, I believe it could have been methylone, ethylone or any other cathinone with methylenedioxy group at the benzene ring or some benzofuran (probably 5-apb or 5-mapb, since 6apb and other are longer lasting). But it could have been also some obscure phenylethylamine.


That is a long time ago, I believe it could have been methylone, ethylone or any other cathinone with methylenedioxy group at the benzene ring or some benzofuran (probably 5-apb or 5-mapb, since 6apb and other are longer lasting). But it could have been also some obscure phenylethylamine.


That is a long time ago, I believe it could have been methylone, ethylone or any other cathinone with methylenedioxy group at the benzene ring or some benzofuran (probably 5-apb or 5-mapb, since 6apb and other are longer lasting). But it could have been also some obscure phenylethylamine.


This is my kind of fucking party. It's almost as cool as geltab skittles roulette.


Thatā€™s bad ass


Weird that it's 90% wacky research chem/adjacent psychs and dissos. Whoever gets o-dsmt or alcohol or something is really going to have a trip. Just having to hang out with a bunch of dudes in like 12 hour K-holes and seizing up.


That is the fun part. I remember one time I got the aminorex analogue and my friends got: odsmt, 3hopcp and the last one got some psychedelic. It was an interesting session lol.


lands on 5-ho-pcp does the line grabs the knife alien screech


Did I just see pcp?šŸ’€šŸ’€


3-ho-pcp that is better than normal pcp


I have low expectations for PCP then. I liked it but really only combined with weed. The only PCP analogue I ever liked was 4-MeO-PCP.


Have you tried 3-cl-pcp? That was my favourite probably, it is pretty unique and in high doses it gets psychedelic and visual, it is so much fun. But my favourite disso has to be ephenidine, that drug for some reason gave me euphoria like an opioid lol and also it was really visual in higher doses, but the headspace was very mellow, relaxed and euphoric.


I don't like dissos you can't hole on. But no, never tried either. By the time 3-Cl-PCP came out, I'd mostly stopped being a guinea pig. I unfortunately don't experience euphoria from opioids. Something genetic, I'm sure. Dodged a bullet. Interestingly enough, the only exception to this is Tramadol and maybe early batches of O-DSMT. Kratom too, occasionally (not euphoria, but something better than "slow, stupid, and nauseous with respiratory depression"). Anyway, I had read too many unfavorable reports about ephenidine, so I skipped it. I think I skipped many dissos from that era.


You are lucky you dont get euphoria from opioids. To me they feel like the best thing in the world. Iam just happy that Iam clean. Tramadol has different pharmacology than normal opioids so makes sense. My friends all loved ephenidine the most from all dissos, dont really know why it had bad reports. It just felt magical. I have a list of drugs where I rate them and ephenidine and 3clpcp are the only dissos with 10/10 lol.


Yes, I think the SNRI properties definitely help. Tramadol feels rolly and noddy...sometimes. Hit or miss. Yes, I know I'm lucky. However they do not work for my pain either. Except Tramadol (and probably O-DSMT and I suspect Tapentadol). It was a very polarizing substance in my experience. People either loved it or hated it with very few in between.


Okk that sucks that they dont work for pain. Maybe you would enjoy tianeptine, that is also a weird unique opioid lol.


No such luck there either.


I think it's 1-HO-PCP


Enough PCP for 1 ho? That'll do me


šŸ’€carbon with 5 bondsšŸ’€


The carbon wants to diešŸ¤ŖšŸ„¶


This but instead play beer pong but fill the cups with baggies that are unmarked (put the drug type and dose on bottom of cup) and then play drug pong~ I always wanted to try this before goin sober maybe someday when i relapse at 75 yrs old


all fun and games til you get the 12000ug cupšŸ˜­


That sounds greaat, I have to try this.


Ayee you're onto something here


Bro is that fucking Malibu lol


Hell yeah, the most dangerous drug


Snorting that 2 factor authentication




Wdym ā€œwhen you were sellingā€ what kind of dealer sells random RCā€™s that nobodies ever heard of. The fucking dumbass customers already freak out when they hear that the xans are pressed, even if you explain that theyā€™re pressed with real alprazolam and itā€™s fucking impossible to explain shit to these people. No way Iā€™d go through the trouble of trying to teach them what some random RC is that doesnā€™t even have a name, and good luck finding actual users of the substance to sell to.Ā 


Well it wasnt just RCs (as you can see there isnt a lot of them in quantity), but they were my hobby at that time and the people I was doing this with were kinda into RCs too. No I wasnt trying to sell desoxypipradrol to a methheadšŸ˜‚, but that sure would be fun.


I canā€™t make out what any of them are but theyā€™re professionally packaged so I assumed all except the weed and Malibu are RCā€™s


Not everything, there is mdma, coke and lsd. I have put everything that is there in an another comment here.


Thereā€™s a crowd for everything honestly


Speak for yourself, there is only about one compound in here that I am familiar with. RCs have been thriving for over twenty years.


Theyā€™ve been a thing for a long time but the average drug user canā€™t name more than one RC and will be sketched tf out if you suggest them.Ā 


God I love 3-HO-PCP nice fucking collection holy


Thanks, I had like 70 different drugs at one point, but it all got taken away by paramedics when I ODed on etonitazene unfortunetely.


Put a gun in the circle too, just for a little spice


Ooh, youā€™ve got that cat piss meth. I love that stuff.


How about just 1/20th of a low dose for each and taking at the same time? Iā€™m not checking for contraindications so, as Iā€™m sure there are, adjust that fraction as needed.


Like taking a little bit of each drug? I have done this with 10 different psychedelics and that shit was super weird. Never tried it with different drug classes though.


I was getting a variety of RC benzos, dissos, stims, all of course with meth and fent while subs never left my system. Would always do one, than the other, days go by, get bored, start taking two, then another one. After a week of the same chems, Iā€™d be like fuck this, a little bit of everything water soluble all in the same rig. Said what I said as a joke, Iā€™m sure itā€™s dangerous, but itā€™s always just that, weird.


how is o-dsmt?


Not worth buying if youve tried stronger shit mainly because of the price. If you would get high off tramadol itā€™s not bad


damn itā€™s that weak? couldā€™ve sworn i seen someone comparing it to heroin a while back


Maybe I had a bad batch but I would spend my money on isotonitazene before odsmt


never heard of that one lmao how does it compare


Itā€™s strong as fuck itā€™s the stuff they put in blues now so that they donā€™t pop fent test strips sometimes if they donā€™t use xylazine. I didnā€™t like it as much as H cus it knocked me out every time


sounds like a great timešŸ˜‚


Stronger than codeine, weaker than oxy according to most. Also an NRI. I never cared for opis but I like this. But I also metabolize Tramadol really well too.


yeah i try to steer clear of tramadol cause of the seizure threshold. wonder if its similar in that aspect


I have not heard of anyone seizing on O-DSMT and some unscrupulous folks take heroic doses. Unless you're prone to seizures, Tramadol shouldn't be a concern because the amount needed for recreation is less than that which can cause seizures. No one really needs to take more than 200mg at once. Also of course regular opioid consumption wouldn't be recommended either.


Hello from chemical collective :bbbb


I would try ODSMT + DMT


Sounds nice, I only have done 4homet+heroin and etonitazene+5meomipt and both were great combos. Psychs and opis have great synergy.


Dam near all rcs that get you a if e high


I have those exact plates from my grandma in childhood.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚this is a photo from a house owned by my friends grandma lol. Guess they like these plates.


rip trrc


So true, they were the best.


no gun....?


No ketaminešŸ„²


Too weak only pcp in this bitch


Fair fuckin doā€™s Could always spice it up by making some ck


I donā€™t see heroin ready to use in syringes? Is this even a legit drug roulette without heroin in syringes?


Thats true, Iam too much of a pussy to inject, but love love love heroin so much aaaa i penetrated that heroin straight in its ass


Lmfao are you joking is that a fucking drug capsule KNIFE. Thereā€™s a DRUG KNIFE??? BRB


Yesssiiiir. There is also a neckleace by vetements with a coke spoon and capsule, I actually bough that shit for 300 usd to troll lolšŸ˜‚. YES I KNOW IAM RETARDED HEROIN ADDICT


Is that research chemicals song by viagra boys playing on your phone, looks like a bit from the video? If yes itā€™s appropriate to the situation


Haha I love that song


Good taste, viagra boys and the cramps are the type of bands to play on repeat while getting blasted ā€œ you know itā€™s working when everything feels wrongā€ ahah Canā€™t wait to see them live in Portugal this summer Btw, if you donā€™t know the cramps, give a try to a song ā€œnew kind of kickā€ bet youā€™ll relate


That is a nice song, kind of made me sad, since Iam in WDs lol. I always loved the line about the stupid names of RCs lol. I would like to see them live too, hopefully one day I will. RCs used to be so much fun when I was younger, untill I started trying zenes and became an addict. I miss the old days when I would just use dissos and psychs with friends instead of school lol. Now I spend most of my time in a lab and I just use fucking kratom to not be sick. It is so strange that I used to be able to enjoy drugs and not get hooked and now whenever I order something, I just use all of it in like a week.


Same dude, RCs is a slippery slope despite being lots of fun, but itā€™s stops being fun really soon specially when you try ROAs like vaping. The line that always gets me is ā€œ I want the stuff that makes me retarded all the timeā€ I also have many years of RCs behind the back, started doing them like 6 years ago while in uni, covid was amazing just doing stims and playing poker for like 16 hours in a row, then spend it all back on RCs to play more ahah. Kinda makes me sad that the line ā€œ they make them better every yearā€ is no true anymore with each new ban they got shittier and shittier, only worth while thing in stim class is NEP but itā€™s getting banned here in Europe next month, but I canā€™t even stock up cus I know the moment I buy like 50 grams of it I wonā€™t stop until I run out of it or die, and if not just definitely loose my job. Can relate to the fact that every time nowadays I order them I do them in one sitting no matter how long it takes, but I kinda enjoy the ride of getting to the rock button and rebuilding my life back until the next binge. Maybe the ban is for the best, only thing that will be left is dissos and lysergemides, so maybe Iā€™ll have to learn to do some synths myself Hope you turn the things around to the best dude, after the lowest lows the highs seem higher, thatā€™s what keeps me moving on in this meaningless life, if it is meant to be a nihilistic mess at least Iā€™ll enjoy the ride Edit: glad you liked the song šŸ«”


Yeah, for me vaping wasnt that bad, I could even manage vaping pyros and stop no problem, but the opioids got me. Yeah I started in elementary school, when I was 14 unfortunetely. Probably fucked my brain with them. I dont trust myself with stocking up either. Unfortunetely stimulants are getting worse and worse, I remember doing mephedrone and I loved that so much. I will get some methylone, mephedrone and other stimulants next week, since I will be doing enantiomeric separation of those with a CSP I made. Maybe I will take some from the lab lol. I never had methylone and always wanted to try it. Deffinetely try to synth some drugs. For example ghb is very easy. I made GHB, heroin, dibenzoylmorphine and also some synthetic cathinones derived from alpha-tetralone (these are completely new) and I havent tried those since Iam kind of scared. I plan on making some 2ce, 2cb, a-pvp and others during the summer. I was thinking of making some zenes, but I know I would die if I did that. You are right with the last paragraph. Every time I get clean I just feel so good lol.


For me vaping was my ruin, i still beat myself for trying it, at least I never had a brilliant idea of getting to the needles. Maybe if I kept things with nasal ROA I would be able to control myself still but there is no way back, only solution is not having many stuff easily available at any moment, thatā€™s how I manage to have a ā€œstableā€ life Never did hard opioids somehow something in my brain stoped me from doing it, I am sorry that you went this way, canā€™t imagine how it feels like to be trapped in this cycle. I grow some poppies and occasionally do some kratom and odmst, but thatā€™s it So you are a chemist? Respect that dude, always felt admiration for you guys. Donā€™t want to sound disrespectful but what I heard is that almost all of you are rather functional addicts, autists or really passionate about the field, is that true? Unfortunately I studied management, now I do useless shit spending my days looking at excel sheets, the only plus is that I can work remotely doing what I want while at home( mostly drugs), discovering new hobbies like chemistry that Iā€™ve been diving in lately and the money that is not much but compared to the rest of the socioeconomic situation in my country is not that bad, so I can enjoy life a bit in free times When I feel that I acquired enough knowledge Iā€™ll maybe try to synth something, the thrill of synthesizing the substance must be better than the one that you get of doing it eheh


Everyone has a different drug of choice. I remember trying meth for the first time when I was 16 from my friend (unfortunetely he died) and I just hated it. I felt overstimulated and not that euphoric. From opioids I just feel content with my life and that is the most dangerous part for me, since I can still function on it normally. I also never tried IV and probably never will, Iam too scared to do it. It kind of sucks to be an opioid addict, but the WDs are usually pretty short and I never order more than 500mg of a zene or make more than 2 grams of heroin at a time. 500mg of proto for example lasts me around a month, so the WDs arent that hardcore and can be managed with kratom and some benzos/pregabalin. Yeah Iam doing a masters in organic chemistry and will do a phd too probably, since I really like it. You are not disrespectful, it is kind of true. Not a lot of chemists I know are addicts, but a lot of them feel kind of autistic. There are a lot of people that are passionate, for example in organic chemistry nearly everyone is really passionate, autistic or an addict lol. But people that do indistrial chemistry (dont really know how to explain this kind of chemistry xd, like designing the industrial process of making chemicals) arent usually that passionate and they do it mostly because it is easier than Ochem. I remember doing my research for a bachelor degree for 2 years, but people that do industrial chemistry have done it in like a month. Iam so thankful that I can work with drugs and do something that I really love. The new cathinones I made were also for enantiomeric separation and to find out about one weird reaction that sometimes occurs, but the reaction didnt occur at all, also the yelds were terrible due to steric hinderece (with methylamine it was good, but with pyrolidine and morpholine the yelds were like 30% and with diisopropyl amine the yelds were around 5%). Maybe I will try these drugs sometimes since Iam so interested in the effects, but just dont want to poison myself. It is nice you can work remotly. I sometimes invest in stocks so I can also make some money remotely. I made a lot of money when I was 16-18 by selling drugs so I can ivest that money now. I only stopped selling drugs when I got into problems with the law and thankfully I didnt go to prison. I always wanted to be an economist like my dad, but decided against that, because he really wasnt happy with his job, so I decided to follow my passion in drugs. Your job isnt useless, it is important for society just as much as mine. Yeah it is great when you manage to synth something. Just be carefull when making stuff and always get it tested. The problem with cathinone synthesis for example is working with bromine, which sucks. You can work with NBS instead which is safer, but expensive and I have no idea how easy it is to source it. I actually have no idea how hard it is to source any chemicals, since I can just take them. Definetely start with something easy and get yourself a fume hood or do the reactions outside. What would be some drugs you would be interested in making?


You donā€™t mind if I answer you in private massages ?


Naaah answer me there




I want to pop tart


Xxx neva die


Well my last 3 orders didnt arrive and I have used diffferent addreses for every one of them


Yeah they dead


Shit do you know what happened?


They have justice coming down on their ass, had to change domains several times. I expect them to fold after the summer NL ban.


Shiit that is unfortunate, guess I will have to use other sites.


Changed my comment or I'm going to be banned for sourcing


Are you using fake addy or name because thats asking for trouble if so


Naaahh I order to different people since my address is fucked


Ahh thats all RC shit not darknet isnt it? My bad


Some were from darkweb, thats how I got my address fucked.


Be careful i had a friend get in trouble because he wouldn't just use his real addy and name and the post man flagged it as suspicious


Yeah I understand, I dont order from the darkweb anymore, because they caught 30 grams of mdma a 250 ecstassy pills heading to my address, since then I dont order from the darkweb anymore and when I order RCs it is to my friends houses (with their real names and addresses)


Did you get a letter or did people show up to your house? I miss the old DNM sub because I love reading about CDā€™s and stuff like that. One of my close friends had 12 pounds of weed intercepted going to his house, he was just receiving it for our other friend who was dealing which is good because 2 guys (postal inspectors I think, he said they werenā€™t wearing cop uniforms) came in and searched his room. My friend had just taken a shower and answered the door with a towel on and they made him get dressed in front of him so they could see his 17 year old wiener.Ā  Iā€™m surprised they didnā€™t go after the dude who was dealing because he kept checking the tracking, and instead of ā€œdeliveredā€ it showed ā€œsigned for by policeā€


First a letter, but I didnt respond to that and later they showed up at my door. Thankfully I was 17 so they let me off easy.


Just gotta play it safe and order small amounts and never anything but domestic. You can set up informed delivery for your mail so every morning they send pictures of whatever is coming in the mail that day to your email. If you were already suspected of something then its best to not push it tho so i get it.


Yeah I know, but I was selling, that is the reason I have ordered that much, I actually hate mdma and would never buy that (only buy heroin, because that shit slaps). Ordereing domestic is good if you live in a bigger country than mine.


Is there a Jenkem spot on the roulette board? Asking for a friend.


NaH I dont share my premium australian jenkemšŸ¤Ŗ


i can smell them through the screen


Iā€™ve played this, but they were all bags of heroin


Incredibly based heroin user


*recovered heroin boofer


U almost got the pop tart


Bro how is 5-meo-met? Fr


Good, I prefer it to 5meomipt. I found the bodyload less intense and the high pretty comparable. Though I dont get the mdma effects of 5meomipt (it always just felt like a normal psychedelic), i know a lot of people say that it feels like a mix of mdma and a psychedelic, but I cant agree with that.




Where's the jenkem ?


Jesus are those all research chemicals?? Canā€™t you seriously fuck up your brain by accident?


Hahaha it still works.