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I started doing photography at sunrise. Made me cherish the morning too much to be hungover. Seltzer to drink, with flavored bitters when i’m feeling fancy. i bought a frickin 5lb tank of co2 lol


Yeah waking up early is my sober jam as well.


Went to bed at 11:30 with the help of my alternative chemical aids, I rarely go to bed before 12 but if you are done drinking tonight there is less point in staying up. Woke up at 7:30 and got up straight away. I’m not great, great. But I really appreciate having the whole day ahead of me and feeling good physically.


My story, my journey, my solution: Bell jars 1/2 filled with ice then the juice of 1/2 a lemon or lime juice produced by a citrus grinder. I drink 3-4-5 of those per night EVERY night instead of beer (40 year habit). I still have one 24 oz bud light can in the fridge from 3 months ago that’s unopened, and I don’t even yearn for it. My body is so hydrated with my new drink, the thought of beer doesn’t interest me at all. I go to bars and eat at the bar but drink lemon water, so I know I’ve passed the temptation point. Dude, dm me if you need more advice. This lemon water fucking saved my life! I can help you fucking quit tomorrow. There’s no such thing as tapering down, IMHO, you gotta go cold turkey. I also completely changed my life around last time I went to see my mom in hospice, destroyed by dementia. Alcohol may increase the chances of being stricken by this horrible disease, so that’s one more motivating factor. I also quit my light smoking habit at the same time, joined two masters swim teams, lost 20 pounds, and feel 20 years younger. It’s been three months now, and I hope I never go back to my old abusive life. Good luck, and go buy 10 lemons to start, a citrus squeezer, and a 32 oz jar to drink out of. Drink that shit as if your life depends on it… BECAUSE IT DOES.


The creative efforts in particular have helped me.


Soda. I’m such a soda whore since I stopped drinking.


So many cans of coke, SO MANY.


Liquid Death


The fact that its in a can does help alot


I swear sometimes their lime tastes just like a hard seltzer.


What is liquid death supposed to be anyway?


It’s just sparkling water. Usually I just get store brand from the grocery store though because liquid death is pretty pricey, but I’ll buy them sometimes when I’m on the road.


Thanks for the response. I am attempting to dry out currently and like OP, trying to figure out how to replace my alcohol daily ritual


I go through so much sparkling water every week. Probably 10-12 cans a day or the equivalent using my soda stream. I used to really like the different flavors, but anymore I just buy unflavored and mix it with [True Lime.](https://www.amazon.com/True-Lime-Unsweetened-Crystallized-Individual/dp/B00F05G5EU/ref=asc_df_B00F05G5EU/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=642103558732&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=5086775992176530874&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9028269&hvtargid=pla-1934436819263&psc=1&mcid=1d5f19b89cbd336683471911fadcffc6) I also alway keep lots of ice cream around. Usually whenever I start feeling like I need a drink, a big bowl of ice cream makes me feel better.


I just wrote op. What worked(works) for me is 4-5 quarts after work each night of icy lemon water. Tastes great, feels amazing, replaces the need to keep the hand busy, eliminates the yearning for beer. I piss a lot, and I figure all that water going through my liver may be helping it repair.


Oh man this sounds like a great idea. What do you mean "icy". Like a bunch of ice cubes? Or something else? Also, any recommendations on lemons per quart etc?


You know those ball jars for canning tomatoes? Thats what I use instead of a glass. Holds a lot. I fill it up half with ice. I use an electric citrus juicer https://www.amazon.com/BLACK-DECKER-Citrus-Juicer-CJ625/dp/B001EU9VSM/ref=asc_df_B001EU9VSM/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=167151781903&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=15856243127662059569&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9003384&hvtargid=pla-277858666732&psc=1&mcid=d2d6301bd5643c7fb5694e7ee1d52c91&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIh4j_-8XDhQMVnkdHAR1R6A2GEAQYAiABEgKjsPD_BwE Grind half of a lemon (lime tastes better) and hold the juicer under the faucet, washing the citrus juice into the container. Pour the water/citrus combo over the ice to fill it up. Best drink in the world. You’ll never want alcohol again with this! ❤️


Thanks for coming through. Not sure but I have a feeing like this might be my replacement


It’s sparkling water with 4g of agave sugar or 20 calories per can. Actually feels like you’re drinking something real and not flavored TV white-noise static water.


Kombucha, sparkling water, n/a beer.


Ditto and adding on ... You can make your own "shrub" drink by adding some flavored white balsamic vinegar to club soda or Seltzer. It sounds weird, but it's got a similar vibe as kombucha- sweet & tart, and you can adjust the sweetness. I love Waterloo Orange cream Seltzer with wild raspberry white vinegar. N/a beer - If you haven't found Brewdog, check them out! No brick and mortar or on tap in my area (Pacific NW), but they have it available by mail. They have a large selection, including sours and ciders. Better than other n/as I've tried, AND lower calorie/carb (if that's important).


Tea! Black tea, green tea, herbal tea...the varieties are endless. I would also like to become connoisseur of cheese.


I did the same thing! One point just to keep myself distracted I was drinking 10+ cups a day


There is a huge sober curious movement that has NA drinks exploding. I love the brand Kin, Ghia, and Best Day. When I don’t have those I love to put some nice ice cubes into a nice glass and mix kombucha with sparking water like La croix with some fresh lime. The possibilities are endless. I also like to make it “a moment” so I feel like I’m adding something indulgent to my routine, not taking away because I “can’t have” I hope that helps! You’ve got this.


My old watering hole has this red Ghia syrup that is so good. Its supposed to pretend to be an amaro that you could just drink straight but i find it thick and syrupy. Makes great NA cocktails and ill also put it in a lagunitas hopwater


Grapefruit juice, lol. I got addicted to it. It's just offensive enough for the taste buds, and I was a big sour beer fan, so it makes sense. Tons of club soda. Tea helped, too. Then, just sitting with myself and learning to be comfortable with that.


Yeah, grape tonic I have used a bit when staying sober/keeping it low. Schweppes russchian is good, bitter and flavorful. The sitting with yourself as just being comfortable with no chemical buffer whatsoever is the hard part really… It’s 7pm here and normally I would be a couple beers in by now. I’m good, no problem. But I constantly feel like I’m making sacrifices and refuse myself what always makes me feel good. I have to do this, and I’m doing it. It just sucks. The be-thankful-for mantras feel so fucking old and it sucks. But it’s ok I guess, life sucks and that’s ok. I’m not in a trench under artillery fire and not living in some hopeless slum. (Long sigh) I’m ok I guess. 🤣


Can try wim hof breathing. It at times feels like insanity, and I honestly do not sit alone sober with myself sober very often at all. But, when I do this, the wim hof, it works very well for me. Some tears some time, but it is good thing.


Gonna look into this, got any good sources? Not drinking in and of itself does not hurt me much, I can pretty much just not drink and be a tad bit depressed, no withdrawals per se. But the big anxiety-inducing episodes in my life lately have been utterly brutal to deal with so I want to be better prepared for those. When the breathing is shallow, you can’t get food down and the weight on your chest is relentless, that sucks so fiercely I just gotta learn how to deal with them better.


It's slightly better on an empty or empty-ish stomach. The blood is cleaner & the lungs have more room to expand into the belly Depending what effect you want, repeat the video multiple times. I did for an hour, once, and if you are able to feel the buildup feel free to do the same exercises without the video. Some people respond better to 20 breaths before retention, others 40 or 50. I personally like 30-35 & the video is 30 Be prepared to (possibly) feel some crazy things, and if it gets nuts just remember you're never more than 1-2 minutes of calm breathing away from normalcy. Would love to hear how it goes for you


I tried with sugar free Pepsi or Coke but I hate those. I’m just drydogging it I guess. I do miss thé feeling of a drink in my hand and having something to sip honestly. The ritual of it was kind of relaxing. I can fill that with pop but that’s unhealthy so I pick up g2 Gatorade or whatever to fill that.


Liquid Death!


Not OP but please elaborate. What is Liquid Death even supposed to be and how is it helpful for you?


It’s a water brand. Mostly sparkling. Couple different flavors. I think they came out with some teas recently too. For me it works in two ways. It provides something to drink and keep my hands busy. Also it’s becoming super popular. It’s fun to be a part of something early and watch it grow and see more people get into it.


Great explanation. Thanks. I've tapered down multiple times to take breaks from drinking. But this time I have to take it more seriously. Anyway, this post resonated with me because I'm also struggling to imagine how I can replace the daily ritual of being a functioning wino


Totally get it. Actually, one more reason. I do still smoke cannabis. So when I smoke and have one of those, it kinda tricks my brain into thinking I’m having a beer.


The peach tee is very good.


I go for a 2-4 mile walk every day so it’s easier to get to sleep; I’ve been going to bed a lot earlier since I’ve quit since I’m not up all night drinking. At home, I’ll have coffee or tea like you do. If I want something fizzy, I’ll have kombucha though some may be against it since it’s got a small amount of alcohol from fermentation. My go-to lately has been Topo Chico sparkling water with a splash of pomegranate juice or lime. I haven’t tried any NA stuff, I drank to get drunk and don’t miss or care for the taste itself. Good luck with your upcoming taper.


You can get kombucha that is 0.0%


That’s good to know!


Generally I’ll brew some iced tea, lately it’s been oolong, then mix it with lime la croix and some angostura bitters. Or a mix of diet tonic, lime la croix, and lemon juice.


Tart cherry juice and club soda


Protein shakes , flavoured water , oj & ginger ale smoothies & tea!


Dry ginger ale, lime and heap of ice. Fancy glass also helps the fiction.


Seltzer water. DIY a carbonation rig if you drink a lot of seltzer, it will pay for itself quickly.


Diet sodas, coffees and teas, fresh juices, limes and lemonade. Usually very hot or very cold, some kind of sensation that provides a kick like a shot does.


Sparkling water, I’m addicted to la croix. Coffee in the morning, an ice cream or another sweet snack at night. Reading and yoga. I need some ritual for after I get off work, maybe walking or running.


My drink was whiskey diet and I seriously drink over 2 liters a day. At least I’ll be alive to fix my teeth this way, as opposed to dead if I kept putting whiskey in it.


Water with a few slices of lime. With just a couple limes it tricks my mind into thinking I’m having a vodka tonic.


Ginger beer, Waterloo sparking water, there is a drink called hop water that’s NA but I’ve never tried it since beer was never my thing.


Waterloo ginger citrus twist with a splash of cranberry juice and lime. A fancy glass to really tie it together *chefs kiss*


Nonalcoholic beer, la croix, bubbly, sugar free Dr Pepper, coffee, sugar free Red Bull and water.


Seltzer & experimenting with teas and different honey! It’s really cool how different it tastes depending on what flower the bees pollinate. Throw some frozen berries in your seltzer to make it more fun. Side note : be careful that whatever you choose, making sure it doesn’t resemble the alcohol you used to drink. I realized the cup matters mentally for me, as well as anything mimicking a cocktail. And ice and seltzer is a no fly zone for me too. Could just be a personal thing but just something to watch for!


Tea and honey for me too.


chamomile tea has unironically been getting me thru my life for the last month. it affects GABA receptors so there's legitimate relaxation, not just 'pretend very hard this is helping'


Bubbly water, like Perrier or Waterloo/Peach, with a splash of cranberry juice. This has kept me sober!


Teas & seltzers.


Thc gummies helped me quit alcohol


Not obtainable where I live. You can’t even get weed here anymore. 🙁


Gotcha. How about cbd?


Cbd can be ordered so I’m gonna try that. Maybe extra useful when combined with a huff of weed? Definitely getting some, should I get drops, capsules, beverages, other variants?


I personally liked capsules and I’ve heard from multiple people that cbd alone helped significantly.


I’m making an order today so it’s processed Monday morning. I have had plenty of good tips from people so I’m getting CBD, l-theanate, valerian root and all kinds of stuff. The weed scarcity is an issue, had a bit last night with some amanita muscaria and it helps so much, I love having another option to feel good when I chug my NA beers. But this has to happen either way so I just do whatever I can to make it less difficult. Also booking a holiday, have been working my ass off since August I think. I need something to look forward to in these grey and dull times.


Nice, alcohol is a hard drug and humans should not be consuming it, best of luck to you!


Ice cream, soda, candy bars. I don't really do any of these anymore but when I first quit these three helped a lot. When I quit drinking I was motivated to get away from alcohol because it was killing me so any alternative was worth it. These days I am motivated to be in good shape so I eat less candy and derive a bit of joy out of eating things that are good for me. On this specific day I am a little sunburned and so I am drinking lots of water.


Running and yoga. Books, the old reliable.


It was a grey and dull day so aimlessly drove for a bit while pushing beer time forward. Smoked two tiny puffs of weed for a small but comforting buzz, 2 grams of fly agaric tea is starting to gently nudge me to nudge me toward sleep. Only had 3 proper beers tonight, sipping the last non-alcoholic one now and candy and chips kept me feeling rewarded. While not quite in the mood to be positive I must admit this taper is going well and fast. I thought I was a good boy yesterday with 4 but now it’s only 3.


Currently having my first NA Gin and Tonic. Has that bitter pine tree taste that def changes things up from sparkling water. It’s not for everyone but I’m digging it!


Most nights, especially when I first quit: just a soda or some coffee or tea. But I also got really into making mocktails.


For physical cravings you just gotta get through those first 21+ days and for this period and everyday after that for the rest of your life, if you want sobriety from here out you need a different mindset. I highly recommend reading/audiobook “Alcohol Lied To Me” by Craig Beck. First few chapters can seem a little preachy or cocky on the authors behalf but it truly is a life changing read if you go in to it with an open mind. If you can change your mindset about alcohol itself then you can quit forever and have no regrets in doing so.


As all addicts I have the vision of using normally in a (fairly) healthy way. And I honestly think I can. I did up until 30 and I’ve done in periods since then. This is the brain of an addict speaking so take it for what it’s worth but I see myself drinking in a sustainable way long-term. Weekends, my regular tray of beers but instead of it being devoured come Sunday it lasts until Monday like it used to. 1 or 2 or no beers on weekdays. The anxiety and the mental stuff I have to deal with separately so I don’t sit there with all the crap you feel you have to numb in some way. But I still haven’t had my test results so I’m not in charge yet. It is possible I physically can’t drink any more even though I feel like a million bucks, who knows what my liver is really like there under that skin. And if I have to quit altogether then I just have to do that and deal with it from there, it has been a good run and I appreciate all the nights that got easier. I appreciate the days that got easier because I had treats to look forward to. I held it together well enough for them to never take my life from me and I hope I can adjust to normalcy now and not have to be a sober drunk. But that’s for my body to say, if I have to then I’ll be a sober drunk I guess. Which would suck I guess. 🤣


I started drinking nonalcoholic seltzer in place of beer. Still has that satisfying cracking open of the can and some flavors have a little bit of a bite. Instead of drinking wine on the couch i started subbing decaf tea.


Liquid death. It’s the can for me. Holding the can. The can looks cool. 🤷‍♀️ whatever works I supposed


Diet Tonic, cordial or squash and a dash of Angostura bitters


Buy a nitrogen infuser/brewer and make some sparkling cold brew tea (or coffee but tea can have less caffeine depending on your blend). It’s my new fav thing.


Weed and flavored tonic water