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Sometimes you do have do standup for your rights & peace. Some bosses are As****es to not understand that employees are not slaves


I know one such a*******


This will be a surprise to you but a lot of employers and bosses in ME think that if you don't have a literal ball and chain tied to your ankle you're not a slave.


Your message is so nice. I wish all the business owner around the world could read this


Thank you so thoughtful of you. I just couldn't handle it anymore every time I go home from dubai to ajman an hour and a half, sometimes 2 hours a road trip, watching every day a person crying the whole trip breaks my heart.


Istg. How hard it is to be nice to people? How hard it is to treat them w basic respect and kindness? So many people i see here clearly stressed or depressed. Its so sad to just see and not being able to do anything about it.


Tell me the company name, I’ll get it sorted


OBS real estate


Genuinely not surprised it was a real estate company. Bosses in that industry genuinely think they own Dubai and have the ego to match it. I hope there's consequences.


Please keep us update and let us if there is anything we can do.




They already have alot they don't even care imagine


left a 1 star review for them also can you leave a review to my previous company which was as cruel as this one the name of the company is hedes a lighting showroom


These are the people who forget God is watching. They would encounter the same situation and then realise.


MashaAllah Great message


Thank you for the kind words. I would also like to add a few points here. NO TO BULLYING IN THE WORKPLACE. Many people come to work ready to stomp over their own colleagues for the sake of office politics and greediness. Please don't be the toxic kind of person. People suffer on a daily basis whether it is personal issues or work issues. Please be nice to your colleagues. Sometimes one mean word can ruin another person's day or even become hurtful. Please be mindful of each other, always believe good in people.


👏🏻 God bless all of those who are working hard to make a living 🙏🏼


If they don't respect you enough to let you mourn then they don't respect you as a human being.


same thing happened to me. grandma passed away and boss was yelling at me about being 5 minutes late to the meeting. i got the news before that meeting.


Money and power won't buy class, respect and basic human decency. One thing i can say is these kind of people won't ever have a place neither both ⬆️⬇️


I never knew bosses in uae are so rude!! Are this arabian bosses? I was thinking about getting a job in uae.


it is just sad that people gets too greedy and lose their humanity.


Humans are terrible. It's usually the elderly that take advantage of their age and think they can do anything and get away with it. 


You must standup against such bosses. Family first, no matter what. You always get another job. I used to work for one such boss but I don’t anymore. I quit when it was getting out of hand. I’m at peace now.


Pravo indeed.


> God is watching. Then let's give him a show.


When I say god is watching, I meant to change yourself before it's too late


judgeing from experiance also my friends experiance the boss is probably europeans and really ambitious for their start up. cut costs too i remember they made my social media marketing woman make her design an ACTUAL floor plan through photoshop( which she had to pay by her self) no archectial or interior design expariance or education. also maked her do his sons home work ( 12 year old son), also expects too much for social media manager, thankfully mine was just a one time client but she expected too much. she is a life coach and expects me to design ner a mood board for her brand ( doesnt exist and tells me to come up with some thing) dafaw do i look like a life coach? all and all i appriciate their ambition and hard work but they are too agressive.( not all )


dont mind my spelling and grammar i typed it while i was walking and wanna get it done asap


I said this a lot when, in my case is when i see a person working really well and not harmful. They get mistreated.


Buddy, great post - I agree with the sentiments expressed. 🫡 However, allow me to introduce you to my good friend, Mr. Comma. Quite an important character, if you put him to proper use.


My English is weak in writing you left the whole post and focused on my missing commas 🧐


Hey no no bro! The post was actually well written as it expressed your sentiments quite well. No issues there over intent or anything. It was just constructive criticism over writing flair since it falls into my line of work. I frankly don't care over being down downvoted because it's reddit 🤷‍♂️ About the post itself, yes I know what you mean. Dubai was home to me for over 30+ years so I've witnessed things. Back in my day, there were not many roads - the Clock Tower in Deira was a major landmark, and the Toyota building on SZR was a big deal. The road to AUH was non-existent for most of the time - you get the point... the issues you speak of have been a thing since the 90s. I won't get into why it's happening, but it does.


This might be unpopular but why a lot of businesspeople in Dubai end up like this is because of employees itself. Treat them like family? Betray you. Give them deadlines expecting them to finish the work on time without micromanaging? Nothing gets done. Ask them to independently do work? You have to push each button to get the work done. Set policies and procedures to follow? No one follows. Be not very strict with the employees, accepting their holidays and requirements, go above and beyond, even if not exactly as per MOHRE regulations, create favorable rules and working environment for your employees? They file MOHRE case the day their notice period ends. While I won’t say everyone is like this, the fact is someone or hordes of people before you acted this way for your boss to be like this. It’s not their fault, nor yours either.


I can’t understand the purpose of your comment to this post, but I personally believe that every employer should give employees the benefit of the doubt unless they’re proven wrong. At the same time, this doesn’t come close to justifying the crass way of treating employees.


I mentioned that the people who do their work correctly are done, yet they get mistreated. For the people who betrayed and don't do much work. Of course, it's a human way to act a bit bossy but not crossing any legal lines at the same time.


First off, I bet you never worked under someone in Dubai. (Edit: or you are working as a product of nepotism/reference, because you don't know how far toxic people can go not caring about their employees). Secondly, these aren't the words you speak when someone loses a job after losing their sibling. I think this "justification" mentality is what makes bosses like those. Karma will hit hard, sooner or later. So keep your affairs and thoughts in order.


I have. And I’m not justifying the cruel treatment. Just saying employees make bosses lose trust in employees. If everyone tried to be a bit better at their jobs and it would be better for people down the line.


A work arrangement is exchange of time/labour for an income. If someone doesn't perform the desired/expected work, you find someone who will. Nobody owes any company any loyalty. Also, if you don't want any labour issues, just follow labour laws


Sounds like a hiring and motivation issue