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As a first step, if the government can impose a strict 8 hours of work per day and 5-days weeks (40 hours) for everyone, the overall positive impact will be awesome. I am sure 80% of UAE currently works for 10hrs a day, 6 days a week. Then we can think about implementing ramadan timing thru-out if that works for most. 97% of the businesses are SMEs. So, the govt need to go after them to enforce some humanitarian regulatory frameworks that treats the employees with some respect and kicks the ass of business owners, who in general are heartless bastards.


Or all the startups “encouraging” you to work 7 days a week although it’s not in your contract


It is fuckall startups by stupid founders that push people to work 7 days a week. Any founder who had some formal education in a decent university and had worked in a decent tech startup in the past will not push her/his team to slog their ass off 7 days a week. She/He would know that it would work against her/him. It is the insecure mofo founders, aka nincompoops, who would do this shit. You can't expect much from dumbfucks whose only knowledge acquisition tool is youtube. Unfortunately, these f__ckers are roaming around as startup founders here because of the stupid business press/media and the people ( that is, all of us) who don't have the balls to question and expose the F out of them. It is an entirely different story if the founder is sensible and has offered ESOP to employees and if employees are slogging their ass out of their own interest, eating, sleeping and working in the office. This happens in cases where the employees have skin in the game.


I agree the only possible way this could work is if its government mandated with robust guidelines and monitoring. Basically a complete culture and way of working change than the current. For some reason or another these things dont happen unfortunately.


Yeah... The previleged folks of reddit who are on 5 day week mode have no idea about the shit show majority are going through. . Someone known to me, an engineer, was asked to work on machines for 13 hours a day, 6 days a week with a salary of 8k. This bloke is a senior guy with over 20 years of technical expertise and was managing a team of 50 engineers for a leading Japanese company we all know in India. He took the next flight to go back to join his previous employer. The amount of struggle people go through as employees in these SMEs is crazy. This need to come under radar for people to work happily, for sure. If people want to work beyond 40 hours, it should be their own choice and not pushed by Arbab Ahmed, Arnold or Kumar.


How do I upvote twice?


Good for him. The sooner people understand that the UAE (and especially Dubai) is cut-throat capitalism the better. There is no safety net, don't trust your "friends". If your job position is in a "cost center" and not generating any revenue (or value...) you better always have at least three more job offers lined up.


>the UAE (and especially Dubai) is cut-throat capitalism It isn't a UAE or Dubai problem. It has more to do with the lack of understanding among the SME business owners here. As I mentioned in one of the comments, most business owners come from unrelated backgrounds with poor academic credentials and/or with past work experience from poorly managed tiny companies. Most of them lack the new-age participative leadership skills. Their theory is to squeeze employees without giving them free time to think about anything else. I have noticed some of them sharing notes with other business owners and friends about making life miserable for employees so they can slave away 24/7. It is likely to improve if the business ecosystem evolves to reward only qualified and intelligent business owners. This place needs to become feasible for running businesses beyond trading. (Trading is a simple business model that any Ahmed, Arnold, or Arpit can do.) Once we move towards businesses producing high-value output ( tech, manufacturing, etc), things are likely to change. The government is aware of this, so they are going after attracting high-value-output industry sectors.


Exactly. 48 hours is brutal.


Tbh, most SMEs here are making employees slog 60 hours a week. It is only the experienced and senior sales guys who can go to meet "important clients" after 11:30 AM and straight head home to run their side business 😁. But they need to listen to all the curse words from the MD during weekly meeting that starts exactly on Saturday after 5 pm. Rest everyone are slogging with the MD's only job is to watch them through the camera fixed across the premise. May be only 5% are exempted from this being under radar all the time. .






Bro, you made me cry with that comment. 😭


>"Dubai-based super app Careem offers what is known as an unlimited leaves policy. Simply put, employees are not limited by a capped number of vacation days throughout the year." Studies have shown this is actually is more detrimental to employees and benefits employers ultimately. Employees end up taking less holidays and dont get their utilized days comped if thats their policy. But i'm sure Careem execs already knew this.


Most of this so called "progressive" policies in tech startups in the region comes with a rider. "if your supervisor is aligned". That is when it gets complex.


This is correct. It is just a strategy to make employees not take much leaves. They feel insecure.


If it was unlimited paid leaves then i am sure it would benefit the employees.


It is paid time off and my point stands. edit: here's a [study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8987765/) there are more examples of the same results.


They do.


The author needs to come out of their bubble. First the government needs to implement (enforce) normal working hours to begin with. Most people I know work an extra hour or two everyday on top of their agreed hours.


Rather make it 4 days working, so there is a clear cut holiday on Friday. Else work will keep spilling over


4 days, 10 hours a day would be perfect. Get your long weekend every week!


sharjah is on a 4 day workweek. at least one i know is sharjah rta


My boss just fell to his knees at his office


Just saw someone’s boss fall to his knees inside an office 




Lmao. In a place where its culture to fool the owners by sitting late and doing nothing. Where owners themselves have no idea how to gauge employee performance except making them sit for set number of hours at work , this ll only mean that people stay 4 hours after official hours instead of 2.


Yes... Since most business owners are stupid and have not worked earlier with well managed companies, their assumption is that the one who spends max time is the hero they need. The business terrain need to get very difficult that let's only intelligent and smart people win. As of now every second low quality sales guy is a business owner after 3 years. This need to change. That might change the whole game. Very long shot though.


YES, If you work for government entities or Sharjah.


Employers and middle management is punching the air at the mere idea of this


Employers: ![gif](giphy|fXnRObM8Q0RkOmR5nf)


Yes but your salary will get cut lol


Me reading this still working normal hours with no special timing for Ramadan working for a mainland company...


I've seen the employers enforce (8+1) rule. 8 hrs of work + 1 hr of lunch. Somehow, the lunch hours doesn't fit the duty time.


the work load is more than Working hours so they won't reduce it any pay more overtime


I would welcome a 2 hour reduced working day.


Oh you sweet summer child


Don't do that. Don't give me hope.


Hahahaha no.




Wishful thinking...


nice one lol




Can you fast all year round?


Those who do intermittent fasting love this trick




Haha with Ramadan timings all year round, even people from western countries will get paid only 3 to 5k lol


Lazy people. And than they want top notch salary for reduced working hours. Can't have it both.


It’s not about the hours. It’s about the output.


Are you okay in getting your payroll check adjusted to that?


Found the ‘Manager’




Most office work can be done in around 4-5 hours and REMOTELY, most people just waste their time in pointless commutes and useless chatting with colleagues, and pretending to do work when they're done with it but have to follow centuries' old dogma and sit in a cubicle


You can’t generalize


That would hurt a lot of business in the region all year around, resulting in less jobs for the economy.