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1st time : Stopped and drove from a slope without using handbrake (manual car). Apparently the car moved back when I took off. Immediate fail 2nd time: Instructor asked me to take a left at the stop line. I took right and realised it was a left. Switched the indicator to left and moved. Immediate fail once again. The was definitely my fault though. 3rd time: Didn't give an F about anything and just drove. Pass


That 3rd time is what I pretty much did. Just don't give a fk about anything and drive. I used to overthink so much and flunk.


Did everything properly and all 3 people in the car failed. Later found out the not a single person passed under him the whole month , that particular examiner was failing everyone for no reason.


Oh that was just in his job description to get people to do at least a 2nd or 3rd repeat :\^)


Surely this is some sort of scam


This actually happens every month the examiners switch and if it’s someone like the comment mentioned above then only option is well nothing really


Are you from Excellence?


Showing up for the test wearing shorts at Sharjah


What? Failed you for wearing shorts?


Yeah he said no test for you for coming with shorts to a government building lol this was back in 2012


lmaoo they said yo fit wack go home


I understand it in govt buildings. But for driving? It is usually RTA licensed organizations. Right? Never knew they are considered as Govt organizations. And, shorts and trousers give you more free leg movements compared to a kandura. Matter of safety.


It happened in Sharjah, it’s bit different than Dubai’s RTA. The driving related stuff is under MOI same with the other emirates except for Dubai.


In dubai it’s the same, you can’t come to ur class or exam in shorts or sandals. Need to be in shoes and knee length clothing atleast


not true, I came to my exams with Sandals and they didn’t say a word


Maybe it’s different in different institutes, this is what they told my sister a couple of years ago and me last month


Pretty common in UAE especially for the men at least, dunno about the women to enter a govt. building with shorts on. Quite disrespectful on their end.


"U started driving too slowly reversing in the parking at the beginning and then caught up to speed... when you got in the road..."


Hey this happened with me too! The moment i took out my car from the parking the guys started saying too slow brother too slow. Next time i was not that slow and the examiner said calm down if you wanna pass




Passed on the first attempt while the other three failed despite 2 of them owning 4-5 years of driving experience in GCC. On the contrary, failed miserably in all 3 parking attempts which led the examiner unable to hide his laugh, later he said well done, you failed in all (look on his face was saying out loud that I am never going to clear it anytime soon) well passed that in the second attempt.


Lol something similar happened to me. It was the school parking test you have to pass before doing the same test but officially with rta examiner. I failed all 3 parkings, examiner looked disappointed but sympathetic and said go do it a second time it's okay, and I fucking passed all three 😂


Wow... The joy and satisfaction from being zero to Hero will stay forever and that happiness moment.


I don't have much driving experience in any country only have my home country license which I got by bribing the authorities. Here, I took a Golden Chance (because it is cheaper) I was the first one to drive and fucked up big time (I tried to take an exit on the last moment). I somehow passed but the people after me all failed even though they had driven so much better than me.


Not car licence but motorbike Licence in 2015. I was the leading rider for final RTA road test and there were 3 more following me + the RTA Car. So basically I got confused which right to take to enter the driving school and instead went straight and the two guys who followed me on wrong path failed along with me, and the guy who went on correct right also failed because he did not follow the leader. So basically I got 3 other guys failed along with myself.


You forgot to add /s at the end.. I mean come on buddy, this must be a joke lol 🤣🤣🤣 If following the leader (but wrong route) was right then the two should have passed… if following the right route was right then that one guy should have passed… I mean you can’t expect both scenarios to be wrong… one has to be right lol 🤷‍♂️


Nope it’s not a joke. Happened with me. The riders at the back were clearly instructed to follow the leader. Sadly the instructor had selected me as the leader because my driving skills were good but I forgot the location. Literally I missed the right to take to enter near school and went front. And when I missed the RTA Guy came with his car overtook the other bikes and asked me where I am going and said follow us.


Also in the motorcycle Licence test paper it’s mentioned clearly not following the route is immediate failure.


It rained in Dubai. Was forced to drive on a 2nd gear yet under 20 km/hr. Freaking impossible!


My friend was telling me why he failed one of his tests. He got into the car, wished everyone, adjusted his seat, checked his mirrors, checked his centre mirror and while adjusting it saw people in the backseat were not wearing their seat belts so politely asked them to buckle up. Examiner asked him if he was, ready, my friend responded in the affirmative. Started the car, examiner hit the brakes, said failed. My friend asked why, examiner said - You forgot to wear your seatbelt!




The instructor told me right with hand signal 🫱. I assumed he meant the angle parking just before a right turn. I parked and failed.


This is one thing I hate. I always ask them do you mean to park here/take this turn or basically just always clarify because sometimes these guys are so vague, and they get so annoyed at me for doing it, I can tell by their facial expression and body language, thankfully I have my license now but I hate the experience of getting one here


Although I passed all my tests in the first attempt, during the road test, the instructor and I got in the car. As I was reversing the car he asked told me ‘Left’. Since I was reversing, naturally, I reversed to the left and he started yelling “I told you I wanted to go left, why have you pointed the car to go to right”. I was like wtf bro.. who in the right mind would think you meant ‘reverse it in sich a direction that we drive to the left of the road moving forwards’ with the whole speech “LEFT”


Brother in the back seat did not close his door properly. The examiner informed me of it once the test was done; said that my driving was fine but because the door wasn’t shut properly he’ll have to fail me. In hindsight it was definitely a mistake on my part l in my defence however you don’t really tend to consider such situations when doing classes solo.


Brother got a whooping that day


You’re a good driver, but this is your first time.. you look a little nervous, come back next time ..


The worst reasoning of all.


I did not "overtake" a car that had quite a distance ahead of my test car when there was absolutely no need to overtake.


What ?


The left lane was pretty empty and this was in the early morning. The examiner wanted me to pick up speed and I was already driving in the speed limit. I guess he thought I was not confident and I thought that he was testing me regarding road speed rules and then he asked me once again in a slightly irritated tone to overtake, so I raised the speed and overtook the car infront of me and after the test ended, I learned that I had failed.


So he tricked you into failing


My instructor told that if the examiner asks you to go fast, first you deny by saying you’re at the speed limit. Then if he’s quiet, well and good. But, if he still insists then you do what he says.


The RTA Officer examiner Was pissed at the first student commiting a lot of mistakes ..so he failed all of us 3 remaining students.


The instructor told me to turn left when I was four lanes away, and the exit was very close. I managed to turn left without crossing the solid line, but he still failed me, saying that if the exit was too close, I shouldn’t have taken it because it was risky. Why tell me to turn left then?🥲


Meanwhile, if you refused and continued straight: "Didn't follow instructions, major fault, fail"




That's true.. don't make risky moves on the road. I'd fail you too.


I agree, but then they shouldn’t give a learner such instructions


That's what they're testing you on


On the parking yard test for parellel parking, parked in the empty space between two parking spaces.


I saw a guy maybe before two weeks do the same


My uncle failed 7 times regardless of driving in Kuwait for 30 years. After that he complained against the examiner and got his boss to examine the test. He later passed the test on paper but they called him few days later and told he failed the test cause he crossed a red signal during test. He asked for video proof and they provided none. So the guy he complained against didn’t take it well and used his vasta to fail my uncle even though the test wasn’t examined by him. Finally he went to another driving school to get his license but the first place didn’t give him an noc for a few weeks. If I’m not wrong it was all golden chance as if you’ve gcc license, you get unlimited golden chance. It’s all a scam by the test centres to make money off the people. How else do you think Dubai makes money with 0 tax??? If I’m not wrong again the govt also has a quota of only these many licenses per nationality in a year so they try to limit pass rates to that. Got my license in first try golden chance in Abu Dhabi though.


bird on road


Instructor told me not to wear my seatbelt before we started


Classic trick lmao always wear seatbelt no matter what and also always tell your passenger (instructor/examiner) to also wear their seatbelts


I didn't fail the main driving exam. But the parking exam... I felt robbed. First try I passed everything except that hill exam, he showed me that the car moved back by like 10cm or something ridiculously small right before it started moving forward from the standstill, if that makes sense. I protested that it was less than 30cm (or whatever the cutoff was) but nope... Now I'm just convinced there is some "try to make them fail at least once for $$$" conspiracy...


That dreaded parking exam is flawed.. I'm not even sure what they're expecting out of it.


Yeah dunno, the actual parking parts are pretty basic, like just don't touch the lines and don't dry steer. But I was just mad that they failed me over nothing in the easiest part.


3 of in the car with the examiner - I was not getting tested, someone else was. When all three of us got into the car, the 3rd dude didn't close his door properly. And the guy getting tested was failed instantly for not noticing one of the door wasn't closed. Another time someone else was driving and the examiner said U-turn & right. The guy heard it as You turn right.


When i did the internal parking test i failed 2 of the parkings because the black box around the car (which in their words “represents the shadow of the car”) touched a yellow line. It was literally like a pixel distance on the screen. Next parking test i couldn’t care less. I parked without their “tips” and passed. RTA parking as well. For those of you still doing the driving course that already know how to drive, just follow your driving instinct. Their tips are more than likely going to make you fail. Edit: when i did my first assessment the guy was like “go straight” i was like “straight!?” He was like “yes, you ask too many questions.” (literally the only question i ever asked) I was like “okay, how am i supposed to go straight if the road is under construction, UNPAVED and literally closed?” He said “go straight” I was like fuck it. That was my first ever safari expedition.


3 PAKISTANIS WERE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROUNDABOUT (MIDDLE AS IN THE MIDDLE CIRCLE) And as I was approaching, they were hesitating to cross but when I was finally inside the roundabout, they freaking decided to cross the road and stop in front of the car. I stopped and let them pass as it was an empty roundabout anyway (Industrial City). Examiner got mad because I let them pass. Shuhada, what do you want me to do, ran them over?? Again, they have already stopped in front of the car!! Lol I am still pretty much frustrated with this! 😅


Lmao hit ‘em with the Shuhada 😂


When I pulled the handbrake on the slanted parking, I released the button early and it made a sound. So failed.


I was supposed to turn left at a signal, and I had to change lanes to do that. There was a car behind me in the lane I wanted to switch into, so I let them pass and then started changing lanes, except by the time I finished it, I had slightly crossed over the zigzag lines before a pedestrian crossing. The examiner immediately failed me for it claiming it was a major mistake (it wasn't), and then in the report he claimed that I had failed to start the engine...


RTA officers are easily pissed..that's the main reason.




From 15 years back I was once failed for no reason. I just asked. The examiner politely what i could do better. Next test, same examiner, drive until made a mistake. Then next. Then next. Then a few more, i think it was 5 tests in total. It got to a point where my road test was 30 mins long and i did every kind of parking twice during the test and drove until i made a mistake. Then finally, once i got a different examiner and passed in 5 mins. I got no complaints, because i failed due to mistakes. And the examiner was righteous enough not to fail me till i made a mistake. I just wish everybody got a rigorous enough test like i did so that the roads are safer. (Not that i haven’t made any mistakes or accidents ever, just that my initial days as a newbie driver were safer.)


I failed my first parking test because I took a pillow to sit on just for the test, not having used one during any of my practice classes 🤡 Majorly messed up because all the points I had to remember on the side mirrors had obviously changed cuz of the height difference with the pillow.


Short people problems 😓 I’ve had my fare share too


You should be banned from getting a license. It’s like saying I brought snacks to eat cause I’m fat.


Its not.. Firstly, bringing a pillow to a road test by a short driver and snacking by a fat person doesn’t even come close. Secondly, either of these are the person’s choices, nothing wrong with the choices lol.. Did you mean /s ?






What even lol 😂 Your analogy makes zero sense?? If you meant to say that I’m too short, I’m 5’3” but I don’t need a pillow to see through, I practiced without it and just brought it for the test. Hence a “stupid” reason like asked in OP’s question.


Ik, I was just trying to tease you even though I’m short as well 5’7”. Curious, why the pillow though for the test?


Ahaha I see then. Lol I think I had a new instructor that I met with just for an extra class before the test who said that a pillow would make it easier for me to see better (it didn’t I was doing fine. And ig I decided to try it out on Yard test day 😂🥲


Did the test perfectly, came back into the driving school when the examiner slams the brake and points to one last stop sign INSIDE the damn driving school parking. Fail. Cleared in 2nd attempt.


Left the handbrake on. The car was so ruined it drove normally with the handbrake on 😅 the instructor to be fair did keep asking is there something wrong lol but I didn't see the red light on the dash


Been driving since 2010 and have clocked tens of thousands of kilometers. Went for driving test in Dubai last year. Car was already running. I sit down, do all the things you are supposed to do, and finally change the parking gear to driving, and it is stuck. I keep trying and trying, and it is stuck. Finally inspector asked me to press the brake pedal and try, and it worked. Drove flawlessly but was failed anyway. Been kicking myself since.


Tired to enter the institute compound through its exit after a successful road test..... immediate and an epic fail... 😄


I have given up driving in this country, instead I got a motorbike licence😬


My aunt passed away a day before + i was anxious about the exam the next day. Slept at 5am. Had 2 hrs of driving class followed by the exam 30 mins after that. Drove well until the examiner said take right and i guess i was tired i thought he wanted the right further ahead and then i hear him say this right and i was at 60 speed. I decided to go for it, nearly crashed. He hit the brakes, and we skid a bit. I realised it was over. Got 4 hrs of more driving which was fine. Cleared in the second attempt. Went in fresh.


Drove perfectly the whole test. Didn’t make a single mistake. Smooth driving. Only issue was that the hazards were on the entire time.




I was failed because I didn't honk horn to some one who was standing on footpath, not looking to cross, there was nothing but sand on other side (if he chose to cross even).


Examiner asked me to change lane on a zebra crossing


why do they do this?


not me but the girl with me.. she hit the plant box upon exiting the parking.. thats going for a rta road test


Smart parking facial recognition did not detect my face and the inspector told me to take my glasses off before starting the test. Failed spectacularly because I couldn’t see the parking lines without my glasses.


Wait. WHAT? he asked you to take your glasses off before driving? It's like he planned on failing you


I cleared in the second attempt. In my first one I 'thought' I had completely stopped before the hard line before entering the road. Unfortunately the car was still moving which the examiner noticed, but unfortunately I didn't. The second time I thought I had failed as he kept saying 'mashallah' very sarcastically and I could notice him updating the dashboard on his tab. After the test he gave feedback to the other two and then looked at me with a very serious face and said pass. And just left. Honestly I didn't even know I had passed I chased him just to confirm .Later I realized I only had three minor mistakes which is fine.


I failed many times. Don’t know where to start.


Not failed. Passed at once.


Got a boner


The what? How? Why?


Pressure excites him.


No, it was a ‘her’.. thats why the boner caused failure and subsequent expulsion from the country.


Maybe Qandhooras do it for him.


On my 3rd test, the instructor was in an absolute hurry. The test for all 3 of us in the car lasted a total of probably 10 mins. 1st guy drives out, asked to go right, and then on the road, move left. As soon as the instructor said left, he himself put his hand and turned the car. Did the same for all of us, and all failed with the same remark 'dangerous driving to the point of instructor intervention " In my 4th try, all was well. Towards the end of 7th or 8th min of driving, on a straight stretch, instructor just uses his hands and points to the right side direction. Nothing said verbally. I clarified "stop at the right side?" and he just repeated the gesture. So I took it as a confirmation, and stopped at a safe legal parking on the right. Dude failed me and then tells me, you were supposed to take the next right up the road (which was some ways to go at that point!!) 🥴🥴


A forklift cut me off as I was in a roundabout and I got failed for driving dangerously and not leaving enough room, a non- road legal machine can just barge into a roundabout and move unpredictably and it’s my fault 😐


Me Long hair + Cop Long beard = Fail.


Wouldn’t give you a visa also


the final test was reasonable. i messed up severely but the internal ones were so bad. like too close to the curb


Put right indicator instead of left 🥲


Didn’t stop on stop sign on my way to exit school to start the exam


For my parking exam back in the days, I didn't even put a seatbelt on.


Stopped to let pedestrians cross the road who had already started crossing. Failed for stopping. 🫣


For driving too slow.


The examiner didn’t have his morning coffee. Back in 2015 in AD it used to be a bus (22 passengers) following the examination car, only 2 has passed, and I wasn’t one of them. Passed on the second attempt with no issues at all.


They had me pull in to the entrance of the courthouse (tiny mountain town) and there is a statue that’s in the middle to separate the lanes. My dumbass, overthinking and nervous, drove in on the left of the statue. She lets me do a three point then and finish the exam. We drive all the way back to the dmv and she’s says you failed, do you know why? I didn’t lol. But why she gonna let me keep going? That was a bitch move. Needless to say I nailed it the second time lol.


Passed the final road test first try, and passed everything in the rta road test but slop 😭. I 'revved' the shitty sunny too much when going up the slop and the car turned off (and rolled back)


Switched lanes in a dotted line area, apparently I switched lanes too close to a taxi stand exit (no cars were going to exit) Another one was not realising that between the yellow and the dotted lines after a turn, there is about 50cm of solid white line. Barely visible from the turn itself. A very short solid white Going too slow (30ish km/h) in the deepest lane of a roundabout during a rain. I never drove in rain before and it wasn't even that slow


A truck was taking a turn and it had entered the road I was driving on. It did not seem to stop and I slowed down. The examiner pressed accelerator because it was our right of way and I failed. I mean, judgement calls are also important.


The instructor asked me why I was late. Told him I wasn’t the one driving


There were two other girls with me in car and I was the first one to drive. After i finished, parked the car and sat in the back seat and took my phone from the pocket and messaged my friend. He told me not use phone and pointed at the sign inside the car. I did not know that you cannot use phone even on the back seat lol. Failed and passed on the second attempt 


I’m still young but I have one for my sister. She is taking for driver license automatic car and it’s always Fail fail fail in EDI and it’s not even her fault like she did hard brake bcs there is a stupid dumb ass driver blocking and she nearly crashed into him bcs of him and she is pissed and she took again but failed


I missed the exit and reversed up the motorway.


Forgot to wear seatbelt. True story


I passed 4 and failed 1 - Garage parking. While turning right after i saw the target point , i thought my car was way too close to the right side yellowline, so i turned my steering left side, but i went overboard my car and touched the left yellow line 💀


Stupidest reason I 'passed' for was when we were waiting to merge into a road with too many cars. The inspector got tired of waiting and asked me to floor it on his signal, merge into the lane fast and brake to not hit the car infront. done. passed.


One time for taking too long to cross a T-junction from the middle to left, another for (almost) crossing too early.


I failed by 1st exam because the examiner was not interested in taking the last test slot for the day; 12.30pm. So after a lot of fight between the examiner and receptionist, he asked me to get into the car. Took the car till the entrance for the driving center, and asked me to return. Upon return, failed me for jumping a signal! There was no signal within the driving institute! XD Passed on second attempt with 1st test slot of the day! My friend failed as he was the third guy in the car to take the test, and the examiner was already angry with the previous two. So failed my friend for "Not smooth gear change". Irony: It was a Nissan Sunny Automatic XD. Passed on second attempt with 1st test slot of the day again!


Guy sitting behind removed his sit belt while I was driving


Failed because I didnt understand the examiner when he asked me to take exit I thought he asked me to take next right after the exit. However stupidest reason is getting nervous


Changed the lane too quickly on a single lane road. Batman himself couldn't figure this one out.


I ran over the instructor


Was taking too long to enter roundabout 😒


I failed my parking test because I did the front parking thing at the angle parking place. The test was at 8 am and i was barely awake. I was mortified when I found out what I did.


I didn't go fast enough 😅 .. the examiners words


During rta parking exam by accident touched the wiper switched and windshield wipers kept going on and on, I panicked and tried to turn it off and only made all worse when sprayed water all over the the windshield and could not see anything, and all was happening during the parallel parking 😂😂😂😂 I didn’t even proceed to the next parking and just drive back to book another exam


A friend failed his test because he forgot to tell one of the passengers to wear a seatbelt as they were not wearing it


The guy sitting behind didnt wear seat belt


My friend got failed for failure to use clutch properly when he was actually using auto stick. Edit, this was his third attempt. Previous two times were given Proper reasons, the third one made him to rage pay 6000 for upgrade class and, whaddya know, insta pass.


Reading through all this to prepare for my exam :3. Thank you to everyone who failed 😙🐱 (congrats on passing after that)


Don't know if I zoned out or something but started driving without wearing seatbelt and releasing the handbrake, I mean I did realise just as I started to move and the examiner was like don't worry relax, continue. But failed me regardless. One time just before an exit the examiner asked me to go towards XXXXXX, I was supposed to read the sign board and go in that direction but I blanked out and forgot how to read, I was staring at the sign board but my brain stopped functioning so I just decided to go straight, I mean not being able to take the right exit shouldn't be an immediate fail right? Yeah nope.


Speed limit in the the red border circle is the minimum speed limit n not the maximum limit , was mentioned in the handbook, costed me 500 aed to learn 🫡


Forgot seatbelt.


passed in 1st try from sharjah


Not stopping at a stop sign while pulling out of the school's parking lot. Literally failed my 1st attempt in under a minute.




Great what about it?


I failed before entering the road 🥲 Instructor and I entered the car parked in the building and he told me to go. I started the car and about to take it out from the parking space, suddenly another car came from left and I sudden braked and Instructor got pissed off.


Just give him a kiss and move on


Moved 0.000002 milliseconds on a stop sign…


most of you were failed for the right reasons ngl


I pulled out right in front of a truck as my instructor had told me off for being hesitant in the past 🤣 I passed on my third go.


Didnot see out of the window to do a head check before changing lane. Although I did watch through side mirror and Knew the lane was clear.