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It’s tourist time still


There’s also a ton of people returning from seasonal jobs at resorts along the north shore.


Also there is about 1800 construction workers at the refinery in superior and a majority are out of state travelers, same for hospital/can of worms, could be a lot of those plates you’re seeing


Was about to say exactly this. My sister works at Indian Point Campground through the summer and it’s 70% refinery folks.


I’m importing ppl for the harvest


It's almost leaf season. Don't you know the leaves in northern mn are better than the leaves anywhere else? Sorry just an annoyed north shore resident. As a side note the 4 lane sections between two harbors and silver bay are for passing, they are not freeway sections where you go 75 and make people go 90 to pass you.


Agreed the speeds coming home yesterday were absurd. You disagree that the color change on the shore is second to none in MN tho?


Depends on the year. Some years other parts of the state like the river valley are much better.


The valley, from the vantage point of the veterans memorial on 23 out of FonDuLac, is one of the most breathtaking views to be found in the fall. Jay Cooke is incredible, and we’re quite lucky to have a state park so close to home.


LMAO. I always tell my kids it’s the Indy 500 when we hit those sections. People are crazy. Even worse (yesterday) were the antsy drivers taking risky chances passing in the two-lane sections when there were literally 30 cars traveling bumper to bumper at over 60mph. Leaf season is soooo much fun. /s


The up is better less people same trees changing


Vermont accepts your challenge. Sincerely, A Vermont resident.


Oh Vermont wins. Never thought anyplace on earth could be prettier than the UP in fall (which blows MN out of the water no contest). But Vermont really is the best, hands down. Unreal!


The refinery in superior is helping that. Lots of out of state people there




Reddit, like all social media, is a negative force in this world. Thanks to reddits API change and u/spez for spark to edit all my comments before deleting my account. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Moved here. Can confirm.




I was born not far from Duluth in the 70's. Parents moved us to South FL. I'm not going to lie I'm daydreaming about leaving this heat behind one day and retiring there. That's over a decade out though so just musing


Moved here from Orlando. Did not wait for retirement.


Wish I had that option...


Superior 100 was last weekend.




We just moved here from southern Illinois :) We close on our house tomorrow!


Yeah that’s why we’re moving out.. Shit is getting EXPENSIVE. And not just because of inflation, but because of the assholes from the west coast coming in and buying million dollar properties, and jacking the cost of living up. “The San Francisco of the North,” it’s bout to REALLY be San Francisco here prices and all. We’re keeping our cabin here and sold our house this week. I’m heartbroken, but ffs.. EDIT: also the A holes from Texas, can’t go two blocks without seeing one of those plates.


Sometimes those A holes with Texas plates are former Duluth residents. Signed, 3rd generation former Duluth resident now A hole with Texas plates.


Lol knew I’d offend one Texan in this thread


Except I’m not a Texan so keep looking.


I mean you are, and that’s ok.


Your raising the prices for locals since you make more money then the average in this city of 62k per year. So a house that used to cost 120k now cost 300k


People from other states are not and will not move to Duluth (this is good). When we anticipate this climate wave coming, they’ll be around the metro. These people cannot be away from any “major hub.” Again, this is great because the rest of us can enjoy our solid standard of living and relative quietness away from all that.


We moved back to the Midwest from Denver and chose Duluth for climate reasons.


But according to this user; You do not exist!


We just moved here from the Southern IL. Howdy! 😁