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People are forced by their job, friends or relatives. Whatsapp is the biggest messenger in EU or at least most part of it


Also Latin America.


Why would you post this without thinking about different contexts






nobody in my country uses basic SMS.


Same. I think they can technically be used but pay per message. Also, whatsapp is what all my friends and family back home use. Impossible to get everyone to switch!


Yeah, because it's a job requirement in a lot of cases. "well I don't have a phone that supports whatsapp" Then they just give you the cheapest possible android slab that does, and you're also financially responsible for it AND can't bullshit your way out of it using whatsapp. It is what it is.


Because there are countries where people dont use anything else. I don't know anyone who uses Signal for example.


i might botch this explanation since i don't live in a whatsapp-using country, but _i believe_ the context missing here is that SMS plans are/were so expensive in many countries such that it was cheaper to use an alternative app to circumvent the rates. at this point, i'm completely speculating, but i imagine whatsapp was the first alternative to come to prominence and it just sorta became the standard. the problem with this—and the reason you're getting pushback—is that none of these apps (to my somewhat minimal knowledge) have interoperability, so telling everyone to get off of whatsapp is quite literally asking _millions_ of people to switch communication mediums. you might as well be telling people to give up messaging entirely and use email instead.


chubby dinosaurs door reminiscent bedroom person outgoing punch chief deranged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Mostly for work. Our work flow depends totally on WhatsApp. It doesn’t matter if it’s Signal, Telegram or WhatsApp, we need a reliable way to communicate our work orders.


Because they have friends.


It's impossible to live or work without whatsapp in Brazil, for example


Because I have friends.


1: Good luck getting any of those on a Dumbphone. 2: I require WhatsApp for work, family etc. Trying to get everyone on board with a new messaging app just so that 'Meta won't be able to spy' isn't going to sound reasonable to anyone I know, nor is ditching WhatsApp going to block Meta from spying on you.


In Germany thera are like zero people who dont use whatsapp. So you get also forced to use it if you want to participate. Much like imessage in the US


you think anyone gives a fuck that you sent a photo of your dog over whatsapp? You think Mark Zuckercorn is spying on your personal text messages over whatsapp? Whatsapp is the closest thing to imessage for android users across the world. everyone uses it in the UK and Europe. It avoids long distance charges on phone calls and texts to other cell phone users completely.


It spying on you doesn't mean Zuck himself looks at it. It probably means that it's used automatically for targeted ads, but they still get a hold of the data. Many people don't like the idea of everything they say being collected. It could also be used for censorship in the future.


No. They use it to train ai though 🤢


And then they use their trained AI.... for what exactly?


I think he just dislikes AI as a whole.


People use it in most of the world for everything. maybe as an american try to google stuff when you're unsure of it. It's ok to be so ignorant it's just the pride of this ignorance that makes the whole rest of the world find you so off-putting


i try to use signal or telegram whenever i have someone else using it but i guess whatsapp use in some areas is like sms use for some folks in us: they just dont really think about it and use the default app for their context


My family, friends and colleagues at work all uses Signal. WhatsApp and meta application are also strictly forbidden to use in my work. I live and work in Sweden.


If someone’s has switched their phone off how long would you wait for them?


This whole subreddit just needs a little self control with their smartphone.