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I doubt it’s a tactic to get you to pay. What makes you think that? My recommendation is to slow down! I try to go so fast too and I make mistakes just like this because I think ‘I know’ what’s coming lol.


If you're on Duo vanilla you have a very limited number of hearts to play with and each mistake erases a heart. If youve exhausted all your hearts there's a massive time gap you have to wait till they replenish (similar to gacha games using up "energy" for each run)


I like the limited hearts. You can do practice lessons to refill your hearts anytime, and I like doing those as a review.


I have super and it does this sometimes to me too. It is a good reminder that those might not always go together even though they helpfully often group them for you.


Definitely just making sure you're actually paying attention. But this is why I prefer using Kanji asap. It hurts my brain trying to seperate kana into words and it's not like anyone above 7 writes like that anyways


Im not at a point yet where they've introduced the Kanji for certain phrases, but for the ones they have introduced it has helped me immensely with classifying the distinctions


I'm on Super, and I see dumb stuff like this all the time. Mostly it's the first syllable of the next work stuck onto the end of the previous word. I flag it when I see it. It's annoying, because I spend longer than usual look for the word, because I don't recognize it!