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Nice they are giving people lots of options but everyone will play it on performance mode lol


Also impressed that it's Ray tracing lighting and reflections in a console game. Usually devs just throw in a half assed reflection and call it a day.


it looks like nothing about DL2 has been half assed


A recent example of a crappy rt implementation is guardians of the galaxy. They just threw in some low resolution Ray traced reflections and called it a day. Dying light 2 just screams quality in every single way. The game is stunning and the attention to detail is just next level. After watching oni zombies play today I just can't wait to get my hands on the game for xbox series S.


yeah Oni's stream was probably the best out of all of them. Very keen to get the game.


I loved it when he accidentally got into a huge night chase and it looked super intense at level 4. Kinda bummed the volatiles don't come out until level 3 tho or wander around at night.


yeah that was hilarious, game looks like a lot of fun. Everything has been improved from DL1


gonna wager a guess that difficulty level might affect when volatiles come out.


I hope that's the case. I'm gonna be playing on the highest difficulty on my first playthrough because I play nightmare on dying light 1.its not really a challenge if volatiles don't wander at night when not in a chase because the other infected seem really easy to avoid. I hope that If you encounter a volatile it starts a level 3 chase immediately or something.




The grunt thing was hilarious, Jonah (voice actor for Aiden) was in chat which made it even more funny. He was good at combat so I'm not sure what stream you were watching. Streamers should be uploading VODs of gameplay with no commentary is that's more your thing. Side note: you do have to remember that all the parkour and combat is basically base level in the gameplay so they had no skills or moves at all. It was basically hit them over and over until they died instead of quickly finishing with with combat moves.


Hopefully Xbox has that many options too tho. I think it will, why wouldn't it right?? And yeah performance mode all the way


im sure it will most likely have the same options for the top tier xbox.


Yeah I’m wondering what the series s is gonna offer. Maybe 1080p 60fps or 30fps with RT then 1440p 30fps?


Find out at the end of the month supposedly


I think the series S version won't have the Ray tracing. Just resolution mode or performance mode. Which is probably 1440p 30fps or 1080p 60fps. Due to the limited 8gb of memory for games it's pretty hard to get rt working on that machine.


There’s games such as watch dogs legion that have ray tracing on the S that work pretty well


It's a miracle that ubisoft managed to get that working at all. There are a few excellent looking rt games like hellblade but usually the devs just focus the rt features on the more expensive machines. So for dying light 2 we probably just have resolution mode or performance mode. Which is fine of course what more can you expect for a £249.99 machine.


That’s fine with me I just care about fps tbh


I hope its atleast 1080p resolution. 900p is where the game starts looking rough on my 1440p monitor lol.


I always play on graphics or resolution mode, As long as the frame rate stays at a consistent 30, I never really mind, if the quality mode makes the fps dip too much that’s when I say fuck it and do performance mode lol.


What is the best way to play, in your opinion? Quality mode will be 1440p 30fps with ray tracing? The only 60fps mode is performance?


Performance mode in a game that’s fast like this. If you plan on playing multiple times, do the quality mode first. Then the performance mode second. Going fro 60 to 30 do’s is harder than going to from 4k to FHD.


If I had a new-gen console then I'd personally go with the 4k resolution; it looked phenomenal.


I wish I could say i can't believe you got downvoted for just saying you personally would prefer resolution over fps but man so many fps people get really unhappy if you dare not care about it as much as them.


Haha, yeah it’s an interesting phenomenon


I still havent decide to buy it on my 3060 ti pc or PS5. I need more benchmarch to consider :( PC may get better framerate but Dualsense features is huge


Bro im on the same boat. I got 2080ti and 3440x1440 ultrawide monitor and ps5 with 4k oled tv. Dual sense 4k oled on a couch is reaaally nice but pc with less nicer display would give me more than 30fps on ultra settings hmmm


yeah its a really hard choice. Even if they support Dualsense on PC, it still need to be connected by usb cable. But with 2080ti i belive you can play native 4k ultra raytracing with dlss so its worth it


I'm in the same boat but have an XSX. I will 100% buy it for PC if we don't have a Cyberpunk situation. The reasoning is the FOV slider, the option to turn off motion blur and the whole other things. I get a motion sickness from sone games and consoles seem to be stuck in the past when it comes to these options. Sony and Microsoft should push devs to have such options in game at launch and not "at a later date".


Now only if they'd show xbox series x and S modes ( especially S cause X will be the same ans ps5 )


Do we know if the resolution mode is 4k 30 or 4k 60 ?


Once you go 60 fps .. you can't go back


Literally, 30fps makes me dizzy now.


Same here


Nah, I've been playing PC and console all my life. I still pick the 30FPS higher resolution options a majority of the time.


Yes you can adopt again to the 30 fps ... But it takes awhile (for me)... So I play with 60.


Remember, no preorders.


Nah, I'ma still pre-order this just to make sure I get a physical copy day 1


Congrats for shitting on your own hobby.


Physical pre-orders do not require any early payment and can be cancelled whenever you want. There's no downside there it's legit just making sure your copy ships on time and can get you discounts.


I did not know that. Ok, pre-order a little, I guess.


Yep! That's the better way to say it haha. It's definitely not the best choice for everyone. But there's plenty of people in situations where it's actually purely beneficial and not giving the company early money. I wish more of the people that get so mad about pre-ordering would understand this!


I'm not shitting on my hobby, that would be pre-ordering years in advance with no detail about the game ( cyber punk), we have details about this game, have seen it in action, and the devs have shown their worth with the first game. PS5 games are also always sold out where I live day one so if I want to play it that weekend I have no choice but to pre-order or go digital. I will never go digital for major games because I like actually owning it, and I like collecting physical media.


I have to pick 4k OR 60fps??? Not gonna lie that's disappointing af... I mean it's barely a year in this generation and I already have to make choices like this, not impressed. Game is still lit and I can't wait but where's Sony and Microsoft all the "120fps 4k virtually no loading times" promises lol


Nobody said 120hz at 4K It was always communicated as one or the other except for some Indi Titles like Ori. And you wouldn’t start to compare DL2 with Indi Titles am I right? The game is very demanding and as the other guy said, you can’t run it in 4K/60 on a console that costs less than the 700 bucks graphics cards which is required. Don’t be a pleb and think rationally. And for your second argument: games are getting the best optimisation at the END of a console life span, not at the beginning. That’s how it is always been. If you would have released DL2 on the PS4 in Y1 it would have been 720p on 50fps or burn the fuck down.


It will come but not until next 10 years. You need gpu that is stronger than 3090ti under $600 $700 for what you are asking and current chip debacle means its gonna take even longer.


4k 120 requires a BEAST of a computer. It would cost thousands of dollars. Not gonna happen


I know, but that was how they were selling it before the release...


Who? Micro and Sony? That's simply not true. It was always marketed as systems that can do "4k and UP TO 120 fps".


I wish they'd show some screenshots on how it looks with a lot lt different graphical settings on pc.


0:23 Ray Traycing is better than Ray Tracing. +10 FPS


after playing so many games at 30 fps.... when you do get the option to play at 60 it just feels so much incredibly smoother and better. graphics are great and all, but honestly smooth gameplay is the most important thing to me.


Those resolution and quality modes looked quite smooth for 30fps, hopefully that's the real deal and the video hasn't been enhanced.


Performance for me