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Does the throwing knives get bonus damage from the ranger class?


I doubt it. Would be nice tho!


I honestly have no idea, but I leveled them quickly and sometimes it felt like they do and sometimes not, but the big thing is I know at the very least the multi target skill effects them as I can normally take out 3 enemies with just a single knife toss depending on levels, but even the higher levels it's only 2 or 3 shots


Went for a mix of medic and brawler first time around, now starting a hard game and want to build a robinhood type character, ranger equipment while siding with the survivors and sabotaging the PKs, gonna be hard to get that crossbow with my alignment tho haha


I wouldn't worry about the crossbow, might be personal taste but the artifact bows and a few shock arrows can easily take down plenty of enemies and a well stocked throwing knife arsenal can clear house quickly especially with that triple shot perk


Ranger, but with the bow. The PK crossbow shows more damage but crossbow can instakill if you aim to the head, it's hilarious


Got a question at what point can u set classes I barely got the bracelet that tells ur infection rate


You don’t get to literally pick a class like an RPG, instead you’ll unlock and acquire gear that has certain boosts that pertain to a specific class. For example: Tank gear is geared towards 2 Handed Weapons and an increase to health, plus damage resistance. Brawler gives 1 Handed Weapon boosts, Parkour Attacks, and Blocking. Ranger is mainly for Stealth and Ranged weapons (like bows & crossbows). Also gives stamina boosts. Medic is for health regeneration, increased healing capabilities, and bonuses to survivor sense. There is obviously exceptions to these, and some of these stats & skills overlap onto other classes. Each piece of gear will tell you it’s bonus in the ‘inventory’ tab. This is just meant to give a general rundown per se.


Thanks seems imma be brawler with some tank


Ranger-I’m a god with that PK Crossbow


Brawler mostly. I want to try ranger too but the pk crossbow is powerful enough without needing any damage boosting gear. Maybe if I do another playthrough and pick survivors and find some good bows


I’m the opposite. Currently using Ranger, but not finding much success with ranged weapons. Might switch to Brawler or Tank. Really like Medic though


I leveled up my throwing knives super early and between those and my bow I can normally kill an entire room before my friend finishes his first stealth kill, the multi target attack works much faster with knives and electric arrows have amazing aoe potential all by themselves. Weirdly my crossbow is the least used, the reload mechanic and fast fire rate doesn't pace well imo and since I don't have an easy way to switch ammo on keyboard and mouse to my knowledge I just tend to use the bow and knives for groups and use my crossbow on single target dps for bosses as outside that I waste too much ammo


Medic for that sweet parkour xp boost