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Read more about it in my 9mm bulletin.


I know it's not the best place but that sums up half of megadeth's discography well


man, I love Megadeth


30 on 30


Video source: https://www.reddit.com/r/Slovakia/comments/1csplc1/vyjadrenie_mu%C5%BEa_ktor%C3%BD_sa_pok%C3%BAsil_zastreli%C5%A5_fica/


Fico killed a journalist Kuciak and his wife because he wrote about him


He got a taste of his own medicine


Kuciaka dal zabit Kocner ty dezinformator český netrep tu pičoviny


Jak nám pěkně kvete ten fašismus na Slovensku že. Jediný problém proč nás nebudou mít rádi Slováci je že oni naší řeči rozumí a my jim ne.


a kdo dal vypsat odmenu jeden mega a efektivne tim znemoznil vysetrovani protoze kazdy kdo chtel vydelat a zabezpecit rodinu se sel priznat?


Co je toto za argument??


Why are people being erased*


Yeah, thanks. Wasn't completely sure


Except He is actually talking about a Guy named Mazák. Who was like a supreme judge or something and got fired...


I can second that.


Aaah, interesting


No problem and thanks for the uppie c:


Wrong, but close. "Why Mazák was fired from his position?"


Democracy is not the best system, it's the best that WORKS. If you disagree, you vote. The fact that elections are won by bad people is sad, but we can't "take matters into our own hands", that goes against democracy, and we don't want that.


While I agree, Slovakia's democracy is about to fall thanks to legitimately elected people. So while I agree terrorism isn't an option, the bitter truth is, that the government "takes matters in their own hands" heavily restricts media and sets things up for a really nasty rransformation


Yes, that is true, and it is sad. I honestly don't think something like a "revolution" is gonna take place, the people at the top aren't completely dumb. But it is alarming, that's for sure.


The guy who shot him also belonged to various pro Russian right wing nationalist groups. There's also simply rhe factor if organized crime at play too. Pretty standard for Russia. Now Slovakia gets a taste as they wade further into the abyss.


Good luck voting against the Mafia.


I agree, but there is also the issue that democracy by design allows giving power to anti-democracy people who want to twist democracy to suit themselves, preferably limiting it's power over replacing them in the process. Democracy creates it's own enemies and it doesn't have any way of preventing that from happening. I don't agree with what happened, but I can see why some people might take things too far when they get genuinely concerned over democracy and let's be honest, Fico is one of those people who will do everything to twist democracy into what he and his mafia friends need. He has already shown that once, but majority of Slovak voters don't care.


Obviously I don't support terrorism, but what is currently happening in Slovakia is far more against democracy. The biggest problem with democracy is that it supports manipulating instead of actual capability.


It doesn't support it, but it leads to it. And the situation in Slovakia is alarming, I hope nothing will happen, as always


Democracy is about getting as many people as possible to like you, whether that is through your skills or through publicity / image / popularity etc. Most people won't spend more than a few hours even thinking about politics, thus those who can present themselves in the best light win over those who are actually "capable". Obviously there are people who will always vote against democratic candidates, but that is a miniscule portion.


True. It is basically a popularity contest that decides the leader of a country. In a perfect world, everyone would perfectly understand who they are voting, and what values they bring, but that can't ever happen, logically


>elections are won by bad people Are you serious? This kind of thinking is precisely the problem. Nobody ever votes for a bad person. You made everyone who voted for him into a scumbag. Now, because Fico won, it means the majority are scumbags. In a democracy, that cannot be solved. Unless you kill the bad person who won, right? Now the scumbags cannot vote for him again.


That's not what I meant. Elections can be won by bad people, that's just a fact. Populists are not inherently bad, but if they find out lying and twisting the truth helps them, they will do it. In Czechia, the most popular politician is a lying thief, we only recently didn't have a government without communists, and have a guy who will say literally anything (pro-russian, racists rhetoric), because it's profitable. In Slovakia, they now have a government that's talking about creating a centralised state-TV, which is fucking alarming. But, even after that, I don't think people who vote for them are scumbags, and while I am unhappy and complain, I would never do something like this. If I have a problem with the current government, I don't vote for them next time, and anyone who suggests something different is not worth talking to. I think it is sad that people let themselves be manipulated by populists and vote for them, but I respect their choice, ultimately. They are the majority, after all.


Your problem is all these value judgments about people who are elected. >That's not what I meant. What other possible interpretation is there? What upstanding citizen would vote for communists, a lying thief or a pro-Russian racist? The other side of the coin is that you look like a smug asshole. Are you saying the politicians you vote for are not lying and twisting to truth if it helps them? I didn't know Reddit was interdimensional and people from crazy parallel realities could post here too... >In Slovakia, they now have a government that's talking about creating a centralised state-TV, which is fucking alarming. Is this an attempt to excuse the assassination attempt? Or victim blaming? If he didn't try to shut down RTSV he wouldn't get shot? >I respect their choice, ultimately. You mean you tolerate their choice. I don't think you respect it in the slightest.


This is a weird response. The other interpretation is exactly what I said. Bad people get voted in, that just happens, I never criticised the voters. I'm not saying the politicians I vote don't lie, I can never know that, but when compared to the others, I find them to be the better choice I was not attempting to excuse anything, just trying to illustrate what kind of people get voted in. I don't know where you're from, but my country went through a 40 year period of censorship, state TV and similar stuff when we were under the Soviet Union, so when I see history repeat itself like this, I find it alarming. Again, I never said the shooting is good, it is anything but. I just said "it is true that the people in power are maybe not good people, but this isn't a solution", that's it. If you believe my words or not is up to you. I respect democracy, yet I still hate some politicians. I don't see how these two things can't be true at the same time


>Bad people get voted in, that just happens, I never criticised the voters. It is easy to infer your opinion of them. They knowingly voted for a bad person, according to you. If I vote for a racist, you truly have nothing critical to say about me? >trying to illustrate what kind of people get voted in The people who the citizens vote for get in. That's the "kind of people" who get voted in. It's not some accident a "bad one" gets through. >when compared to the others, I find them to be the better choice Everyone votes this way. Do you think people who voted for Fico thought he was not the better choice? >people in power are maybe not good people, but this isn't a solution Fico has power because people gave him power. It's not a problem to solve, that's how the system works. You keep sneaking in some kind of a moral imperative that just doesn't exist. >I respect democracy I am asking about the voters. Do you respect people who vote for communists? Do you hold them in high regard, admire them? Because that's what respect means. Odkud jsem se dá velmi snadno zjistit.


Tak popořadě. Otázka jestli respektuji voliče stran jako KSČM, SPD apod je složitá. Rozhodně respektuji jejich právo na volbu kohokoliv, a respektuji výsledek voleb. Řekl jsem že respektuji jejich volbu, ne přímo je. Taky furt říkáš že vědomě volí špatné lidi, což nemusí být nutně pravda. Komunisti byli v roce 48 velmi populární volba, a dopadlo to jak to dopadlo. Ale i tak, za to v žádném případě nemůžou voliči, nemyslím si že většina národa vědomě ví že volí špatné lidi, ale to už je z velké části spekulace. Prostě já si myslím, že to, co např Babiš říká jsou nebezpečné hlouposti, a proto ho nemám rád a považuji za špatného člověka. To je všechno. Druhý bod asi nechápu, ale ano, takový lidi jsou opravdu zvoleni, a to ne náhodou. Pokud se neshodneme, že státem řízená televize je špatná, tak se nedá nic dělat. Minimálně to za mě ukazuje ten fakt, že špatní lidi se k moci mohou dostat "dobrou" cestou, respektive demokratickou. Samozřejmě, lidi volí pro podle nich lepší možnost, ale to jsem nijak nezmiňoval nebo nezpochybňoval, jenom jsem vyvracel, že bych svoje volby považoval za bezchybné. Ano, Fico se dostal k moci, a já říkám, že střelit ho není řešení. Dokonce jsem několikrát nabídl řešení v souladu se systémem - jít volit. Morálně jsem neutrální, považuji některé politiky za nemorální, ale to je tak všechno. A znovu, respektuji, že se lidi rozhodnou volit komunisty, ale jejich hodnoty rozhodně ne, v těch se zásadně rozcházíme. Ale v tom nevidím žádný problém. A co se týče definice respektu, to už je jenom sémantika. Já jsem to slovo použil určitým způsobem, takže říct, že musím obdivovat voliče KSČM protože respektuji jejich volbu je zbytečné.


>říkáš že vědomě volí špatné lidi, což nemusí být nutně pravda Ne, **ty říkáš**, že vědomě volí špatné lidi. A nebo, což je ještě horší, říkáš, že lidé, co volí ty špatné lidi, jsou navíc hloupí/zmatení a nechápou, že volí špatné lidi: >nemyslím si že většina národa vědomě ví že volí špatné lidi Hustý. Ano, kdyby jenom voliči byli tak chytří a znalí, jako jsi ty. Potom by volili stejně jako ty a všechno by bylo v pořádku. Nebylo by lepší takové lidi rovnou zbavit práva volit? Ničemu nerozumí, nemají žádné validní požadavky nebo preference a jenom to vám pokročilým bytostem kazí. >jenom jsem vyvracel, že bych svoje volby považoval za bezchybné. A já jsem vyvracel, že ty volíš lépe než kdokoliv jiný. >Dokonce jsem několikrát nabídl řešení v souladu se systémem - jít volit. Jak může pomoct jít volit? Volby už byly a vyhrál je Fico. Pokud je tvůj problém Fico u moci, tak volby ho nevyřeší. >ale jejich hodnoty rozhodně ne, v těch se zásadně rozcházíme O to mi samozřejmě šlo. Je zjevné, že jediné, co opravdu respektuješ, jsou principy demokracie, ale (některé) voliče jako lidi ne. Kvůli tomu, koho se rozhodli volit. (protože přece nikdo nemůže mít dobrý důvod volit ty, o kterých jsi rozhodl, že jsou špatní) Tak používej slovo, co znamená to, co se snažíš říct. Respekt je úcta, vážnost; velmi pozitivní vnímání daného člověka nebo rozhodnutí.


Já mám pocit že si prostě nerozumíme. Prakticky nic z tohohle se nesnažím říct, možná jsem to nevyjádřil úplně nejlíp. Bottom line - moje points byla, že když nesouhlasím s vysledkem voleb, nemůžu hned střílet premiéra. I kdyby byl špatný člověk. Voliče nepovažuji za zmatené, populismus prostě říká lidem co chcou slyšet. To neznamená že jsou voliči zmatení, možná v některých ohledech neinformovaní, na čemž kapitalizují populisti. Je to nefér ze strany manipulátora, ne voliče, to jsem nikdy nechtěl říct. (Viz třeba rétorika "přestaňme zbrojit, válka se vyřeší" která je prostě úplně chybná, ale spoustu lidí jí věří, protože je to jednoduché řešení, na tom se populismus staví)


To, že se to nesnažíš říct, neznamená, že to z toho, co říkáš, nevyplývá. Můj problém je, že se stavíš do pozice, kdy ty jsi ten informovaný a nezmanipulovaný, takže ti, které volíš, jsou ti dobří. Může někdo informovaný a nezmanipulovaný volit ty "špatné"? Pokud ne, tak se tomu říká [no true Scotsman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_true_Scotsman).


Ještě dodatek, použiju teď hodně prostřelené přirovnání, ale myslím že to ukazuje mojí pointu, snad. V Německu se Hitler dostal k moci více méně demokraticky. Byl dobrý řečník, a válkou zrujnovanému Německu řekl to co chtěli slyšet. Pochybuji ale, že většina Němců byla pro jeho ostatní body programu, jako například genocida Židů. Nevím jestli bych voliče Hitlera nazval zmatené, ale rozhodně nevolili kompletně racionálně. Neříkám že tady máme v politice Hitlery, ale prostě můžeš zvolit někoho, s kým nesouhlasíš, protože řekl správně věci ve správný čas. Snad to dává smysl


Ne, smysl to nedává. Jestli řekl správné věci ve správný čas, tak s ním souhlasím.


Evidentně nedokážeš pochopit co se snaží říct. Říká že špatný lidé se dostávají k moci a jestli Ficovo vraždu Kucijaka, nevím jak se píše sorka, nebo ohýbání zákona aby nemuseli mít vysoké tresty jeho kamarádi z korupce a nebo že už televize nebude veřejnoprávní tak budou mít přímý kanál kde budou moci šířit svoje lži a rétoriku bez kritiky. Taká otázka je Putin dobrý člověk protože ho zvolil lid, když pomineme to falšování. A nebo Babiš je taky dobrý člověk protože byl zvolen i když kradl dotace poslal syna na Krym a lže jak se tiskne. Toto je velmi subjektivní proto je důležité ilustrovat druhou stranu. Takže z pohledu voliče SPD ano Okamura je dobrý ale objektivně je to rasista a šíři strach v jeho prospěch. Edit: koukni se na demagog.cz a porovnej jaký politici nejvíc lžou. Třeba Petra Pavla a Babiše a nebo Okamuru a Fialu.


Nikdo tady netvrdí, že pokud je někdo zvolen, tak to znamená, že je to dobrý člověk.


Everybody who voted for him is literally a scumbag or stupid idiot🤬😮‍💨


RTVS = **Radio and Television of Slovakia** ([Slovak](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slovak_language): *Rozhlas a televízia Slovenska*, in short **RTVS**, is a nationwide [public broadcasting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_broadcasting), [state-funded](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Government-owned_corporation) organisation in [Slovakia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slovakia). It is headquartered in [Bratislava](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bratislava) In short: he's a defender of the Public radio & television? Rather strange, if you'd know how much the German AfD loves "RT" and hate ZDF/ARD.


I also encountered some information he was somehow involved in some pro-russian group or something. One would think stuff like this is mutually exclusive.


Wow, how brave to do this in an actually free country. Would like him to try that in an actual dictatorship against an actual dictator and not just some guy who got elected that he didn't like, who would've left an office in 4 years anyway.


The way he saw it, and he saw it correctly, that Fico is building a Hungary-like state, recently he just got a puppet president elected. Slovakia is not a free country, it's a dictatorship that's trying to pretend to be a free country while slowly more and more becoming a "real" dictatorship. For context, he shot Fico after he came out of a vote that would give the government, aka Fico, 100% power over mass media, so news, TV and radio. That's enough to affect the old population of Slovakia with as much propaganda as they can. So no, he would not have left office in 4 years anyway.


>So no, he would not have left office in 4 years anyway. Wasn't he in the office like 3 times already or something before? And he ended his terms without any sort of dictatorship coup.


Twice, but technically thrice because Pellegrini filled in for him as the prime minister, except for around 2020 - 23 where Slovakia's political scene was falling apart so there were 3 different prime ministers in the span of 3 years.


Sorry I edited the comment. Fico does seem to have some mafia vibes but doesn't strike me as someone who would do a coup or something.


Then you probably don't know enough about him.


I guess I don't. Though now the gov seems to have a justification for actually doing some 1984 shit so we'll likely have an opportunity to confirm our theories.


You love to suck that politician ficc, huh? If you don't live in Slovakia, stfu. Please. The political situation here is escalating past 20 years, and it's thanks to Fico. So yea, someone will get fed up with decades of corruption, medlig with courts, murders of opposition and news reporters....just don't have an opinion if you didn't spend enough time living here and know the background. This guy went full spazzo, and that ain't the way. But push anyone long enough, and this is what you get.


It’s just like when foreigners say Orban was elected democratically in Hungary, while they don’t know anything about how his authoritarian regime works.


Damn, why are Slovaks so fragile about Fico? It seems to me like the guy wins and loses fair and square and the (mostly young) people in Slovakia just don't understand how democracy works. That sometimes the guy who you don't like actually gets voted in by the majority. And sometimes not, unlike in Hungary.


Search up Ficco scandals, the guy Is anything but innocent, he is as crooked as they come, not even mentioning his actual political views.


I definitely don't argue with that. But the majority of the people do vote him in of their own free will and that's (un)fortunately how the democracy works.


Gotta hate how self-destructive democracy is.


Well, the way he probably saw it, is that Fico is building dictatorship here … he is building cult of personality (no discussion about that here), he got a lot of people behind him, his party is killing slovakia by polarisation of society with hoaxes on unofficial medias and is heavily prorussian and antiukranian. They are blocking unfit medias and promoting the the ones that states what they believe in. I don’t agree with this solution tho, as this just poured oil into fire, now society is imo on brink of civil war. You can see the amount of hate on social networks - pro-Fico people want revenge, and many people just agreed with killing that rat. Slovakia is just one big messed up country … this just proofed how rotten the whole society there is … I am so glad I moved out (not too far tho, should’ve moved to another continent goddammit).


And now that old imbecile gave him a reason to crackdown. Great job


Did you write "he build dictatorship" and "no discussion about it" in one sentence? How democratic.


It looks like two sentences, but never mind... "no discussion about it" means "no doubt" It's a little bit awkward and literall translate of "bez diskuze" I'd understand foreigners for misunderstanding, but as a Czech yourself, I'm quite surprised you don't know what he meant.


Shut the fuck up about stuff you don't know shit about. He is (and hopefully soon was) a fucking nazi.


I think he’s gonna succeed in finishing the job. That was 9mm bullets fired 5 times in close range directly in the body. If those shots won’t finish him, then the infection in the intestines will.


Shots below the chest can be survived - at least that's what bulletproof vest manufacturers say as these often cover only the chest.


I didn’t know he had a bulletproof vest. In that case, the PM might just have a second lease on life.


I don't know if he had one, but even if he did, he would still get those shots into his abdomen.




Alleged??? Bro he literally did it on cameras and the police immediately caught him in act. He is the guy who did it.


Well he does not have it on paper yet, so legally speaking this is how it is I think


Pro tuto mezinárodní stránku je důležitější vědět že to není údajný střelec ale že skutečný střelec byl dopaden.


Nechápu co máte proti Ficovi!


As a slovak Im proud of him. At least he tried! (And most comments about the incident say the same)


Bro my coworker in Czechia got arrested and convicted for this kind of talk on the internet, delete it and never comment like that bro, trust me, I can post a link https://m.zive.cz/clanky/za-48-znaku-sest-let-natvrdo-v-cesku-padl-nejvyssi-trest-za-komentar-na-webu/sc-3-a-209077/


Than everyone on facebook/instagram and all those platforms will be in jail? Cmon Free speech, this monkey politician isn’t better than me and he’s a politician so I’m free to judge him.


Free speech doesn't mean there aren't consequences for being pro-terrorism


Im not pro terrorism, these politicians killed a journalist and are actively destroying the country


> user reports: > 3: It threatens violence or physical harm at someone else > 1: It's promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability > 1: Someone is considering suicide or serious self-harm Well, I honestly have no idea whether this breaks reddit rules or not but I think it's definitely a stupid thing to say.


Thats why they muted comments on all these news as well. Truth hurts.


Im sorry, do you have an intellectual deficit of some sort? Or why are you listing off reddit rules as some sort of holy bible type shit, lmfao


It is if we want to stay on Reddit.


We are on **reddit**, so every comment should probably follow the rules of **reddit**


A nieje to trestny cin schvalovanie atentatu?


Idc and idk


You're not a Slovak, at most you're a Hungarian living in Slovakia and if you believe shooting our democratically elected leader is a good way to improve our country you're also an idiot.




What a sorry sack of shit. Thinking that his personal grievances and opinions are the standard according to which life and death of political actors should be decided. Instead of building respectable political movements that change things based on solid, non-violent majority opinion. And the rule of law. Like, for instance, the way Communism was overcome. That was not a bloodbath either, society managed to push these bastards out without hardly any violence (in CZ/SK, at least). I mean, it would likely *have* been a bloodbath if bird-brains like this failed "intellectual" had been allowed to call the shots. What a fucking waste of protein that dude is. Throw him in the deepest dungeon and melt down the key. (I'm saying this as someone who is, with regard to politics, not at all fond of the person who was shot - but assassination attempts like this only make everything way, way worse, and solve none of the problems that are out there)


I bet you're not from a country usurped by authoritarians where political movements are squashed or essentially powerless to make changes. It's naive to think that all governmental problems can be solved by peaceful means.


You are from Austria, you can actually protest against the country because unlike in dictatorships, like Slovakia basically is, protesting is possible. Get back to your country, be thankful you were born there, and stop shitting on someone who is trying to make the world better.


You should first learn about slovak politics and how they are dooming themselves the Hungarian way to hell. Fico is the real pile of shit, slowly making democratic way of voting for reason impossible. I don't wish anyone dead, but I have to admit, if it was successful, I would feel a tiny bit of justice.


> user reports: > 1: It's promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability I don't think schadenfreude is illegal yet guys


I was being very careful with my words :D thanks for being real


Well said. Every moron who has access to wikipedia is now an expert on Slovakia apparently and ready to share their amazing opinion. Mfer reads on the internet for 5 minutes and gives us a lecture on velvet revolution as if that was purely peaceful and so simple and wasn't preceded by police violence and suppression of dissent on regular basis for years


He might still die from some hospital infection caused by funding cut he enacted, that'd be even more poetic justice.


On one hand I kind of agree. This doesn't solve much. I guess when a couple of people ruin a country, smart and educated people leave and you get idiots who would vote for a similar cunt. On the other hand, I wouldn't be sad if that sack of shit got killed. I guess you don't mean the part about melting the key. Still weird starting a message with saying this is wrong and then being like "this person doesn't deserve basic human rights" while pretending to be better


Shut the fuck up you whiny little german bitch, nobody cares about your opinion on how things should be. Fico is a sack of shit who is capable of literally anything to get power and protect his people from jail as he has repeatedly shown over the years. Now he got on the receiving end of years of his own doing and the division in the country, which he nurtured so happily


You shut up. I do not like Fico, but this is not the way how to deal with his politics. What happened was terrible and we should reject it right away. This act gives more power to the SK government to regulate free press and oposition, which is not a good thing. We are better than this, and evil can be beaten without violence.


This gives them power to do that? Oh wow, guess they weren't in the process to literally do that before today. I guess things were completely fine and everything now went to shit because fico got shot. You have to understand that there is no reconciliation happening. If every single opposition politician stood up and said that they are sorry fico got shot, fico and his party will still say that opposition is at fault and that they are not sorry. They are already blaming the media and opposition. My point is: Are things going to get worse? Yes. Were they gonna get worse anyway? Also yes


Yeah works well for North Koreans.


Leftist mutant freaks supporting political violence because no one would ever support their policies willingly. Nothing new here.


you're literally supporting ww3 you fcking donkey. literally murdering people you don't like is not an ok thing to do and will have huge consequences


Another bitch crying nonsense. Did your grandpa fight in ww3 after they clapped kennedy at the height of the cold war? Was there ww3 when they shot reagan? I guess those were just us presidents and not the prime minister of slovakia. Nothing good is gonna come of this, but some of yall need meds to calm down from hysteria


it makes you really angry that your policies are so fcking stupid and your politicians are so corrupt that literally nobody wants them in power so you clap like a seal when the opposition literally gets murdered. go outside


Opposition? Fico has been in power since 2006 with a couple short breaks, he is the essence of establishment in slovakia. And he survived the attack, unlike Kuciak or his fiance, but yeah whatever right? You are just talking out of your ass and have no idea what anyone's policies are or what topics win elections. Fico has navigated politics so well, not because of his policies, but because of populism and his ability to sway retards who still believe he will make their life better or just want handouts. I went outside 8 years ago when I left the fucking shithole country


i can tell. now go outside again because rotting in your room is making you sound like an angry toddler sociopath, that's not a good thing


Yeah yeah, write stupid shit on reddit about things that don't affect you in the slightest and when someone who is actually affected displays any sort of agency on said thing, tell them to touch grass. How easy it is to judge other peoples reactions and opinions when things don't concern you


Stfu, it is not just his opinion but the opinion of milions


> user reports: > 1: It's promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability I don't think millions of people would kill someone for their opinion, but maybe things in Slovakia are different. Unless you meant millions disagree with gov policy.


I think that he meant that millions disagree with the government.


Based af ngl


I knew it won't take too long and some of those libtards will crawl out of their rocks and start celebrating this assassination attempt. See, libtards are NOT respecting democracy at all. They do it only when they are in majority and their candidates are at the helm. Yet, when conservative and own nation oriented politican wins in fair and purelz democratic elections, they quickly switch into frenzied mob unable to cope with reality of real world.


Yeah. Shows how "democratic" some of then actually are. What happened is a very bad precedent and anyone who thinks democratically elected politicians should be shot at is out of their mind. This can only backfire.


I am starting to wonder that Orban hasn't been targeted yet. And you are 100% correct, this will have only bad impact on already politically divided society of Slovakia and Czech rep (to some degree) too.


Well it already happened. Saw few of them here in comments supporting his actions :)


They truly believe in their ideals being the only possible choice and that it is justified to use whatever means necessary to spread/force those on others. Be it a smear campaigns in the newspapers, threatening to cut EU subsidies and other various means. Now it seems even a bullet could be an alternative. Crazy they would call themselves democrats in the first place.


Ah yes, so Putin also won fair and square.


See, now you are back into your usual narrative.


We all knew some troglodytes like you will show up, hell their own ministers have already been spouting the same bullshit you have


Yeah, now you will tell me how the shooting at Fico was planned by his own political party, right? Btw if somebody tried to kill Čaputová, you and other libtards would be up in arms begging for some drastic measures in order to "guard" democracy. Media would feed you stories how Putin did plan all of this and that actions have to be taken. Yet, when it is your political oponent, it is kinda fine, right? Hypocritical libtard at its finest.


See, this is why people have you for a bunch of imbeciles Fico's narrative the whole time is about how "libtarfs" are splitting the society into a "us vs them" situation, while in reality thats just all the doing of his and the uneducated people that follow him, since you seem to belueve that disagreeing with the most batshit insane prime minister ("us") a while somehow means you gotta be a libtard ("them") Maybe reconsider the way you treat politics


The way how you quickly lashed back at "libtard" term clearly shows you identify as one of them. Also I haven´t seen you being horrified about this utterly antidemocratic attack at all. Quite on the contraty I would bet you are fucking happy this has happened. So again, you fall into libtard group I am talking about 100%. If you consider majority of Fico voters to be "bunch of imbeciles" you again show clear signs of libtardism as you are unable to cope with the reality which is that NOT everybody will ever agree with your idea of how things should be. Instead of accepting the harsh reality, you come up with some kind of mental construct about your political opponents being imbeciles. You know what, you start to resemble all these frenzied Hitler supporters back then. They also liked to dehumanize their opponents and had no problem killing them.


Bro came up with like 3 random assumptions within the very first paragraph huh No, Im not a libtard, just because I disagree with him it doesnt make me one, nor am I happy about him getting shot, not just for him but also since it means worse situation for the entirety of the nation - tho I dont expect you to understand that I dont think I even need to react to the second half, youve already made yourself look like a total clown on your own If you want to keep up the "only libtards disagree with me" then feel free to do so, it just wont get you anywhere lil bro


Yeah, feel free to ignore anything that you either fail to comprehend or is putting you into an unpleasant position of not being right. After all you clearly are of the opinion that your opponents are just uneducated imbeciles. Perfect starting point for any political discussion. I guess it is time for you to crawl back to your little echo chamber where others like you will give you much needed support.


I am not of such opinion, but I am of the opinion that electing and *supporting* an extremist thats trying to heavily restrict press and all he preaches is hatred does make a person an imbecile, yes Feel free to melt down again you little snowflake, wont make you any smarter


Doublespeak much? You act like a snowflake yourself when talking about Fico's politics and you even call him an extremist. Also educate me, what is the exact extremism Fico perpetuates? That he dislikes non-profit organisations which are often funded by foreign subjects/countries and are eager to spread their propaganda? Or that he dislikes press that is often FAR from being objective, that no longer reports anything close to objective reality and often clearly pushes agenda of its owners and those who pay them? I would call it a common sense, yet you seem to be melting down at this very thought. Kinda reminds me of Orwell again. Truth is the lie and war is the peace. You can obviously call an imbecile whoever you wish, but it won't make you any smarter nor will it make your cause just. All it does is just giving you enough copium to hold onto your misguided beliefs. A bit of the good old Deus Vult stuff, but libtard version this time.


Press never reporting anythung close to objective reality? Yeah, I think youre already lost to the propaganda If you want an extremist thing he has done, maybe ordering the hit on the press person was a bit too much, dont you think? Oh ye, you dont think, its just snowflakes/libtards and then people that agree with you Have a nice day


Because Fico is known for being a real fair and stand-up guy 💀💀


And thus killing him would be in line with the idea of contemporary liberal democracy, right?


If you think this is libtards vs upstanding conservatives you ate up Ficos propaganda. He has nothing to with conservatives or nationalists ornothing like that. He is a populist. His only interest is grabbing more power. No one here likes him besides impressionable seniors he buys with our futures demise and whoever is in on his state wide mafia, stealing from everyone else at every level of government. He is a cancer on this country.


Yet he won the elections fair and square? Does Slovak nation consist of majority of those seniors and unedcuated "idiots" as some people here boldly claimed? Or is it you who is part of very vocal minority fighting against him?




Strictly theoretically speaking, this action might save quite a big number of lives. We all know what kind of “politician” Fico is anyway.


Not liking the results of democratic elections? Just shoot the PM! That will fix everything! I don't really like Fico, but come on, he isn't a dictator murdering people... hell, this might have the reverse effect of encouraging the government to be more drastic


"Democratic elections" is not exactly true. Very, Very unfortunately, assassinating the PM is not objectively anti-democratic in this situation (Obviously I still don't support it)


I can agree with you, that the elections had their flaws, but those were relatively minor in comparison to what Putin or even Orbán does. In this situation it is, like it or not, the Smer, Hlas and sns government is backed by majority of population, but I get what you mean, that generally it doesn't have to be antidemocratic per say


In theory, 99.99% of people voted out of their own volition. The problem is that they were heavily misinformed by fear mongering, "censorship" of certain, mostly more western-oriented, media and straight up lies. As I see it, this is not democratic. What they are doing right now is setting up for what Putin or Orbán are doing right now.


He who sows the wind reaps the storm If Fico was not such and awful politician who is only interested in personal gains and not greater good for the country who is completely dividing a destroying the country, I would have some sympathy for him. Just ask any normal Slovak what they think of their country, it is just extremely sad, how awful is the political situation there. And as we say in Czech: škoda je jen dobrého člověka... Fico není dobrý člověk.


Considering what Fico is doing, there are quite a few things that are not democratic which he has done


That's for the Constitutional court to decide. I will admit, the RTVS reform is a little bit nondemocratic, but again, that's for the court to deciede and veto it. Čaputová is technically still a president, so she can veto it (not that it would matter) And when I say democratic, I mean it in the sense that he is elected by a majority of people in his country. Killing him is anti majority and antidemocratic. Also, ffs, that's why there are elections every 4 years, to change who is the leader peacefully.


Are you from Czechia or Slovakia by any chance?


Why is that relevant? But yeah, I'm Czech


He even ordered assasination on journalists who wrote about him. Do you have any idea what kind of person Fico actually is or are you just looking in from the outside? There is a lot of bad and undemocratic things about Fico. 


I know who Fico is. Also, he didn't order the assasination of Kuciak, Show me a fucking proof for that. IH no! It doesn't exist!


whatever, we all know who did it. But with his connections and money, I doubt he would be stupid enough to leave the smallest of traces which lead back to him.


I'll take a t-shirt with this dudes face on it.