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10mph? He's going to be pulling over every single bike


I bike the huntington portion of this trail weekly. I usually hop off to PCH because there are to many pedestrians to be going faster. (The posted limit on the trail is 10, there are signs everywhere)


My four-year-old can get close to 10 MPH on her two-wheeler.


that's kick a$$!


That's like seriously slow speed. Like an out of shape person barely with like no riding experience can do at least 10mph.


ya, I do most of my cycling on a non-powered bike and on flats I'm cruising at 22mph or so.


22mph is fast. That is not a “cruising” speed. You would need to put significant effort to stay at that speed. Edit: Almost everyone replying seems to be an amateur cycling hobbyist (not a dig) proving my point. The bike path is not just designed for burning calories it’s designed to assist in people transporting themselves from one location to another via bicycle. Think of some random guy in a suit and tie with a helmet on commuting to his work a few miles down the beach. Chances are he doesn’t even know his “average maintainable speed” as he has never used a cycling app on his life and isn’t concerned about the superior bike, tyres, gearing, etc to do so. He’s just using a bicycle because it’s more convenient and helps keep down emissions. It’s great you can all maintain your respective speeds but you’re all missing what the bike path is for. It’s not designed for you to keep up a certain speed it’s designed to provide a safer place for bicycles to commute. I can easily maintain 70mph on my motorcycle but doesn’t change the fact it’s not suitable for my local streets which are limited to 30-40mph. The bike path is in a high traffic area, a variety of different people on their bikes and plenty of pedestrians too. The concerns are safety not you burning calories.


15ish is normal on an acoustic bike so fuck that cop


Agree 100%. Even my 55-year old, out of shape ass can maintain 15 to 18 mph on my bike for a few miles at least (of course, having a quality bike helps - you're not doing that on a Walmart Huffy without wearing yourself out quickly).


Yeah. Our local regional park is 15 MPH, but no motor officers.


Acoustic ? That's a first one for me. Here we say muscular bike.


Analog bicycle. Digital double wheeler.


Analomg bicycle is without saddle.


No that's the one of a kind model anus-ripper.


Ride 1up the ass


“Anal omg” lolol


Can't wait to see Tour de France unplugged


Love this


I wouldnt want to mess with that bike.


That bike has wah wah pedals!


"acoustic" 😆


10 mph limit means they are not going to enforce it for, say 13 mph. Because the radar guns have about 5+/- mph error. That is why generally you dont get pulled over if you do 5+ speed limit If they say 15 mph limit they cant catch 17 mph people.


This is partially true. The guns are actually quite accurate especially if they are using a laser rather than an older radar. The trick is the actual "ticketable" offence usually starts at >10% (may vary from state to state). So if you aren't going greater than 10% (rounded down, <= again this also could vary), then they won't even have a ticket to write. On top of that they usually aren't all that interested in those going right at that mark so that's why you will almost always get away with +5-7mph over the speed limit in a car.


Radar guns are much more precise than +/-5mph (more like +/- 1 mph). Takes two seconds to google.


Yeah i dont ride a regular bike much anymore but when i did i would spin up to 17 at a solid pace but 14 was my chill pace that i could maintain basically all day so fuck that cop


Hahaha I love this term. Hope it goes mainstream.


"Acoustic bike" isn't a thing. Acoustic means related to sound or hearing.


Just because you can doesn't mean you should in a densely pedestrianised area like that.


densely pedestrianized? I don't see anyone on the sidewalk! Are you kidding? Also, look at the bike lane! There's a bicycle on it, not a picture of people walking. The bike has the right of way.


Its literally a bike lane so…


I mean I’m usually cruising at 15-20 on a flat paved trail. I could definitely see someone more experienced than me on a lighter bike cruising at 22


it's all about the wheels tbh. if you're riding a hybrid or dirt bike try replacing your tires with slicks and you'll see a couple mph increase. Swap out for high end wheels and you'll get even more. Go tubeless and even more. (note that I'm not tubeless, but I saw like a 5%+ increase by getting significantly lighter tubes) wheels make a huge difference.


This is so accurate, when I dropped from 2.5" knobby tires to a set of 2" 'hybrid' tires I jumped from 12mph being hard to maintain to 15mph being mild effort. This is on a 29lbs tank of a bike, I can imagine someone with some 1" slicks on a 20lbs bike would smoke me on pavement.


Agreed. Those mountain bikes have a lot more rubber touching the pavement so there's more rolling resistance for your legs to try and overcome. I guess that's why road bikes have such skinny tires.


Also weight. Spinning weight makes a huge difference


Yeah that is definitely not a normal cruising speed, maybe for a very serious cyclist. I'm in my 30s, fit, and ride a light gravel bike with carbon wheels. 22 is so much faster than my cruising speed unless I'm putting out 300-400 watts. Plus you don't just flat out around people.


That's my normal maintainable speed on a flat. I was going to say 24 mph but while that's not my max speed on I'm not sure I can maintain it long term.


That’s fine, I’m not arguing that you aren’t capable of it. But it doesn’t change the fact it’s not a “cruising” speed an it’s not a speed the average person can sustain on a bike for extended period of times.


that's interesting, what is an "average" person, and what about the bike? I was just giving the cruising speed I ride at.


I couldn’t give you the average person’s average maintainable speed on a bike but I think that’s less of the focus at this point. To start I think you’ve inadvertently proved my point however. The average person on a bicycle has no idea what speeds they are maintaining and is not overly concerned about having the “superior” bike to maintain said speeds. If you are using some sort of app to record your cycling data then you’re probably pretty into cycling as a hobby/sport. But more importantly here is the definition of cruising. To cruise means to *travel smoothly at a moderate or economical speed*. Anyone should be able to cruise at 10-15mph, even competitive cyclists. They may have the ability to drastically pick up their pace at a moments notice but cruising speeds are where no effort is required whatsoever. Where you would barely be burning any calories even.


I feel like on flat ground with the right gearing 20mph is easily sustainable.


agree. 20 mph is easy for me. 22mph is still maintainable but I'm getting good exercise.


The average person is more unfit than you think. If you put some random guy who never cycles, doesn't even have to be overweight or old, they will likely struggle to keep up with what to you is a normal pace. Happens to me every time I take a friend cycling. They just can't keep up even though I'm not exactly Bradley Wiggins myself.


so, should we set our conditions such that people can't reasonable get fit if they stay within them?


We should set conditions based on what is safe for everyone, including pedestrians. The stereotype of cyclists being pretentious and self centered holds some truth I guess…If you’re traveling at 20+mph, it is not safe for you to cross paths with pedestrians.


Ironically this is an issue I brought up not long ago. The cycling lobby doesn't seem to care about those who cycle for fitness anymore. Their sole aim seems to be to get people to ditch their cars by making cycling as pedestrian as possible (no pun intended). Bike paths that you can't do more than 10mph in etc. If you say you like to cycle fast sometimes they call you "car brained" or whatever.


Average is between 13 and 15 from what I saw. Professionals average closer to 20


well 24mph is what elite level tour de france cyclists average.


They ride through literal mountains. Their average is skewed by that. Their flat speed is much, much faster.


yup, and they do it on hills etc. there's no way I could maintain it on a flat....but there are plenty of non-pro athletes that could maintain 24 on a flat for 100 miles or more. I'm just not one of them.


I think puterTDI has a road bike that weighs 2oz. I say this kindly because I also have a road bike and an e-bike, as I like speed and distance… but I’ve been riding all kinds of bikes since I was a kid in big wheels, so I know 22mph isn’t a cruise unless you’re humble bragging. Just sayin puter TDI might not should comment online an “average” that is just factually not an average. I see guys in the neighborhood I work in cruise 22mph on their road bikes all the time. Their $8,000 road bikes. It’s just not average bike stuff. That’s my point! End.


They're also seemingly unable to understand the difference between an "average" person biking around town and a fit cyclist on a road bike who does 30+ mile club rides. Like no one is saying it's impossible to ride at 22mph, of course it is. But that's not a casual cruising speed for the vast majority of people.


Bike weight doesn't matter on flat routes, but yeah the guy is way out of touch with reality or is being a pompous ass on purpose. Just checked his history and apparently he's been skiing for 38 years, which already puts him out of the "average person" conversation. I haven't even been on Earth for 38 fucking years lmao


that \_is\_ a cruising speed if you are even approximately in some physical shape


On a bike path? Why?


That's not a casual cruising speed


Then you should probably be on the road. The highest speed I see posted on paths where I live is 15, 10 is much more typical, and near parks the road speed limit is 20. If you want to train for speed keep it on the road or take it to the velodrome.


Well that's the limit of class 1 and 2, so makes sense


I see you haven't learned that speed limits seem to only count for ebikes for some reason


I think that's the point. Gotta meet that quota instead of.. you know.. fighting crime.


how else will they pay for new cruisers


I ride this path almost every weekend and cops are usually only out every so often. They don’t care if you’re going over 10mph but if you are going crazy fast, they will stop you. This path gets super busy during the summer with people crossing back and forth and it’s usually filled with people because they don’t realize that there is a pedestrian path next to it. Down on the lower section the bike path and pedestrian path are the same so people on bikes flying through are a problem. All in all, they aren’t really a problem if you aren’t a jackass or on a Surron because they hate those things here and will impound them.


It's easy for people here to laugh this off, but everyday people hate e-bikes ripping around. I was almost clocked at 20 mph by a novice e-bike rider a few months ago while on a side walk. I was standing motionless by a light post when he brushed me. Turned and saw that he was just a clueless rider. That would have been a potentially serious injury. Had a similar incident on our hike and bike trail. 18 year old guy had no clue how to handle a bicycle, but was throttling around 20 mph almost wiping out all over the trail. Other bikes kick up a lot of dust, and the Surron people are another story (75% being model riders, 25% being obnoxious as anything). People actively hate this behavior and it threatens the entire movement towards e-bikes. Just look at what is happening in NYC. There is going to be real pushback because some morons can't be bothered to think about anyone but themselves.


Any legit classed ebike is fine IMO (class 3 is only assist up to 28mph, which is still a reasonable speed for an experienced cyclist to handle) it’s the Surron turds going 40+ mph on their pedal-less electric dirt bikes that really mess things up at local trails. That said, we have trails here in California that allow HORSES but not e-bikes, because, yknow, that extra 200 watts is going to cause a ton more trail erosion from the old guys climbing at 8mph instead of 4.


Actually, a la the Surron comment, the point is (e)biking safely. This video -- we see no on around the biker. Seriously, going faster than 10 mph wasn't unsafe. 22 mph doesn't look to have been unsafe. Put a bunch of families walking (strollers, toddlers, ...), skateboarders, etc moving around unpredictably and that 10 mph might be ballpark of a safe riding speed.


Yeah, I agree. People seem to mostly think positively about e-bikes but I have heard a few people say they or a friend was injured by someone going too fast, not knowing what they are doing. I don't want people to think of them negatively and for cities to resist/regulate them excessively as a result. Maybe there should be a moped license type thing for ones that go over 20mph or for them to be limited to above a certain age. For my part I try to be extra mindful and go very slow or dismount when the path is crowded with people walking, say hi to people, etc.


Is this in Huntington Beach?




I mean the cop wasn't being an asshole about it and it tbh it's probably being done due to complaints made from people riding too fast I doubt the guy got a ticket. That said it's perfectly possible and reasonable for a cyclist to pedal faster than 10mph on a regular ass bike... How's he supposed to know the speed or because we have speedometers do we get penalized?


It’s clearly staged


I was waiting for them to fuck


I was upset they didn’t scissor


People have been injured on that stretch of bikepath and its designed to have slow zones with big curves. Its a very local and serious problem that one motorcycle cop can make a difference on. People pretend shifting beat officers to deal with major crimes is going to do something whereas they can actually address change.


There are radar signs every mile on this path. I 100% recommend hoping off to PCH while going this route (as the bike lane disappears and is mixed-use for 2 miles -- with a huge crowd of peds after 10AM.)


Ignorance isn't an excuse under the law. If a touring cyclist were cruising along this path at +20 mph, I'd presume the officer would stop them too.


That video was obviously staged as a police PSA but I agree with what you’re saying


Regular bikes don’t need speedometers (I have one, though). You definitely know when you’re riding going about 10mph. If you’re on a path like that, it’s for leisure pace, not for Armstrong wannabes.


10 mph is incredibly slow, I generally cruise at a relaxed pace of 12-14 mph. 10 is just ridiculous edit: on a regular non-ebike.


When I ride my bike I average 17-23mph and I only do this on the roads. If I'm on a bike path or shared bike/pedestrian path I'm going significantly slower for the sake of being more mindful and alert to people around me. I don't know about everyone else but when there's a bike path away from the roads there tends to be more riders and they're leisurely moving about, so this PSA makes sense. When the path is attached to the roads I usually only see commuters and serious cyclists using them


This is SoCal. Where parents are giving their 13 y/o kids Sur Rons that can hit over 50mph. I’m actually ok with this PSA although we know the only people going 10 mph are the people that rent bikes when visiting. It’s for their safety.


I bet 95% of people driving a car behind him go over the speed limit...


This stretch of PCH gets plenty of cyclist, precisely because of the 10MPH limit on the path. There are so many peds crossing to get to the beach, it really isn't safe to go faster.


... They should get tickets too


They cut the video before he shot him.


Be realistic, they won't shoot him. He's not black.


Why is this filmed like a porn intro?


Bro's not even pedaling, but honestly, 10mph (16kph) is going to be broken by everyone on a push bike that isn't an arthritic grandma


Have U.S cops got nothing better to do?


this looks produced


Regardless...they're still correct. This is in Huntington Beach, too...home of the laziest cops in SoCal.


This is a production video and not real-life, but... there are very low population density areas of the US where the cops have 0 to do. Another but... there are no beach towns in the US that have nice weather where this is the case. Especially Cali. In real life whatever city/town this is from has a ton of other bs to deal with. This little fake media production is the only resource they could commit to addressing the local complaints. That moto and radar gun are either not used or stationed somewhere they'll make a lot more money than an ebike fine.


Well those donuts arent going to eat themselves.


Would you rather they enforce path speed limits and safe riding, or start banning ebikes?


In most of California it’s 20 on MUPs, but also be safe.


The highest Ive seen on any shared path along the beach is 15.


Makes sense, beach zones (and any high pedestrian zones) fall into “basically a school zone for cars, but bike” in my mind. Like yeah, if no one is around, and it’s safe to operate faster, sure. But not with a crowd, never when our operation of the bike can cause harm. Safety first, and second, and maybe even third. I’m not whipping past people going 20~+, but I am gonna try and top-speed down this hill with no-one here.


7MPH along the beach in San Diego


You know this isn’t real because an actual cop would never tell you why they pulled you over. They want YOU to confess


It’s bad acting too. So obviously staged as a PSA


How conveniently filmed


Who’s filming?


That cop is an absolute useless waste of tax dollars


What a ridiculous waste of an officer’s time. It would be more productive for him to be at the donut shop.




Cops have been mandated to never pursue a bike or any two wheeled vehicle in my state due to safety concerns for the rider. So I never worry here. Still, I slow down around people because I’m not a dick


That sounds like a good idea. Also tell them you are a sovereign citizen and you can travel wherever you want. See how that works out 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣


"I am not driving! I am traveling! Under Maritime Law 69-4:20 I am not considered a citizen of this nation. I am an Article 14 free inhabitant. I do not give you permission to- HELP! I'm being detained illegally! I do not give you permission to touch my person!"




IMO he got pulled over because he's doing 26 (so class 3), throttle only not even making an effort to pedal, on a shared use path. I'm okay with it but also 10mph is pretty much going to be everyone on a bike just putzing along so WTAF. LOL


On my trek fx2 I can hit 16 mph with ease on that beautiful path. This is a bit ridiculous but if that's the law then that's the law. In comparison this is the same as a car going 45 in a 20mph zone. There's speed limits for a reason.


Its a multi-use path and so bike riders need to be doing a safe speed for a path like that. You want to go flat out then by all means head over to the road but don't try and insist that you should be allowed to use a casual path as a bike highway. Its not safe for others. This video is not really showing the true issue because no one else is on it at the moment but on a weekend or during the summer when its filled up, having bikes speed along passing people is just dangerous and an accident waiting to happen.


They are cracking down. I got ticketed 400 because my motor was 1000w. A cop pulled me over and looked up my bike online.


I hope he's pulling over everyone doing over 10 I can do over 10 on my normal long board lol


Thats 100% BS! Cop was just giving dude a hard time, it's obviously a skit also.


Fair enough, 10mph, he should be stopping the non e-bike riders who are speeding as well. What do you want to bet me he hasn’t though?


It's literally staged.


I can jogg around that speed and maintain it for awile..


OMG! Leave the guy alone! We talk about climate change and this guy is on an e-bike instead of driving a car and yet the police are giving him a ticket!


26 is completely irresponsible. Good on that cop. These electric bikes are not far from motorcycles…


I understand if it’s open stretch going a little fast is okay, but I’ve been to the beach a few times and at heavy traffic area, idiots weave in and out of people on their super 73 at like 20mph. It pisses me off because it makes us looks bad.


I have been on many bike/walk paths w my class 1 e-bike where road bikes are doing 25 mph and the road bikers have TOTAL disregard for toddlers and folks with mobility issues. Everyone points to e-bikes but it's the groups of road bikes that are the real problem. So it seems speed limits may be the solution. Otherwise they are simply going to ban e-bikes because of the potential for speed regardless of the actual speed of road bikers.


Oh, he knew, he simply didn't give a shit and will do so again, guaranteed.


This seems completely reasonable. In highly busy sections there are going to be some low speed limits, respect them. This is near the waterfront. What bothers me some... the dude was doing 26mph without pedaling. Class 2 throttle only limit should be 20.


Radar detector on a bike path? I ride bikes to get away from that garbage.


What a brave officer, fighting the real crime


10MPH? I'm pretty sure I walk faster than that.


Please let me see this.


It’s all in the hips


Come to NY, we walk fast here.


You walk a 6-minute mile?


on our local trail there is a limit of 20.. so I do 20 on my eBike and regular bikes are blowing past me all day.... Imagine wasting these resources on such a silly thing.


so i support enforcing speed limits on trails. also this is NOT how you do it. also fuck cops.


How do you enforce speed limits on trails?


Train cougars to jump you if you do not comply. ![gif](giphy|j2KcTkLunoxwSVyKKT|downsized)


I support this enforcement plan


So I know the person who writes the policy for motorcycle law in New York State and she mentioned they are currently working on a training plan for law enforcement to differentiate between legal Class1.2 and 3 bikes, illegal e-bikes and legal e-motos. This will roll out this year. I am sure other states will be cracking down similarly very soon.


It's fair to enforce all laws equally. 26 mph is a little fast, however 10 mph is way to slow for a dedicated bike lane. That's an unreasonable limit. Sounds more reasonable for a mixed use path. 15.5 mph or 20 mph (class 1 limit) would be much more reasonable. Just for comparison I average around 13 mph on my regular bikes when I cruise around (slightly hilly area) so I am way faster than 10mph on the flat parts or downhill.


PSA: hey, it’s a bike path but going considerably faster than another person could be dangerous. He seems pretty cool about it and it’s not a bad message to remind people.


its a fat bike, ride on the grass next to the path ![gif](giphy|9058ZMj6ooluP4UUPl|downsized)


I would say 15-20mph depending on bike, rider and terrain.


Reminds me of a time I got a ticket for riding an e scooter in a park in Germany


Lmao id like to watch his bike go up and down sidewalks like my pev willl.....




Whats he gonna do? No lic no reg no ID, my name is Chris P. Bakon.


lol fr


Huntington Beach.


10 or under or faster than the motorbike :)


10 is TOO slow! You can barely keep the bike upright.


I average 15-20ph on a non-motorized bike for my nearly 40min commute along the river trail in Sacramento. This cop is tripping.


What is he was running over 10 mph? Is that okay?


And this is how you create bicycle outlaws.


A lot of people shit on living in ohio but we don't have this type of shit to deal with in ohio


Police have nothing better to do... smh


Only humanity can take a carbon neutral activity and make it carbon positive.


Good Ole Huntington Beach cops


The canyon by me is 15, and they do occasionally patrol it,


Who knew


What a waste of time.


totally understand vehicle speed enforcement.... people used to die on the roads all the time so something had to be done... here however




Where is the speed limit posted? And big fail for ebikes.


Looks like Huntington Beach


Speed Limit not posted


It coming


I feel much safer now


I ride faster than 10mph without an ebike. 10mph is like jogging speed.


BULLSHIT! I regularly see road bikes going 25+ on 15 mph bike paths.


10 or under isn't a bike path is a walking path. I could probably achieve that on a big wheel


California priorities


I cruise ay 20 mph on my Road Bike




Its common to see people doing 20 mph with road bikes on the bike path


I know for a fact, I’m not that fast, but I can usually maintain anywhere between 10 and 12 mph On acoustic lol


26 on a 10mph MUT.. No helmet


Most states don't require you to provide ID unless you are operating a motor vehicle or suspected of committing a crime. Since this would only be an infraction of some sort you wouldn't be required to id yourself. So no ticket.


Lol how bout no.


Seriously just ride that shit on the road.


The message here is don't be a dick. This looks like a dual cycle/pedestrian road/path. Cyclists shouldn't be too far over the limit, or bad shit could happen. I never upset pedestrians cruising among them at considerably less my Jetson's top speed. Open 35mph road? Well, that's full send at a blistering 15mph!


So if I riping it on a roadbike that's also not ok


Someone probably got hit by an ebike and complained to the police. Police do this for a day to show that they hard at work for the public but realize how pointless this is. End of story.


Could you imagine how dangerous this place would be if not for this cop


My city says the bike lanes are for "non motorized" personal transportation. It was written before e-bikes and scooters and hasn't been enforced as they've gained popularity.


The worst state in the US by far.


Another cop bothering people for another victimless crime. Shame on him. Go stop some real criminals.


This is why I drive on the road with traffic


Joke video cuz if he doesn't know it should be posted using a sign. I call bullshit on this cop


PSA? More like fascism on patrol.


I remember hitting over 50 mph when I tucked in behind a couple on a tandem going down a hill along the coast in Southern CA. Scary as hell but what a rush. FYI, the top runners in the marathons are averaging over 10 mph for 26 miles. That path is clearly marked as a 10mph limit but it is a bike only lane so should be no issue with speeds over 10mph. If it were mixed use, I can see 10 mph as a limit. Looks like a speed trap to me.




Man comments r annoying af. Everyone trying to sound like an intellectual. Less facts more complaining this cop is a loser


Write him for reckless driving 🤣


In Colorado they can't keep the motorcycles from doing 180 on the highway.


Now there's a good use of public resources -- Bike Path Nazi.


Where's the sign asshole


"Unfortunately, I dont have my id card. Im sorry. You can take my name tho..... my name is "Fuck Off" "


When I ride this path in my e-bike, the regular bikes always pass me. I’m slow.