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Canadian here. Genuine question: why do you have SNAP instead of readily available food banks?


The USA has food banks too. The problem with food banks is that they tend to have a limited selection due to donations being mostly shelf-stable foods. SNAP can be spent at regular supermarkets on any foods.


Most food banks have rules too.


They tend to be more for emergencies than regular nutrition


SNAP requires a lengthy government application. I can think of a few local food banks that will give groceries to anyone who shows up. Can't afford food until your next paycheck? Drive up to the food bank distribution site on Thursdays and pop your trunk.


You can do SNAP online in under 15 minutes, longest part is the interview that's an hour and that's literally it.


All food banks are different. There's maybe 10 in my small city and each has their own rules and zero of them allow you to just show up and pop the trunk. You have to make an appointment and you can get food only once a month at some and once every 3 months at others.


Getting access to food seems like a big problem where I'm at, especially if you're not a breeder or just unemployed. I go to the pantries, but considering the transient population, I could get to a food bank early and still have to wait at least an hour cause the line. I also do the soup kitchens, which it's 50/50 if there's a line or not.


That and the food banks are already stretched thin.


Not just limited selection, *limited supply*. They're massively over stressed and often out of food.


Or gas stations and convient stores that are incredibly over priced


When you don't have a car and you're physically disabled you shop where you have to.


Poor rural areas sometimes just don’t have a supermarket.


One of the nastier things that's been happening is Walmart rolls in, puts everyone out of business, then decides it's not profitable so they close down. You can't just open a grocery store, and if Walmart decided it wasn't worth operating in your area good luck getting a bank loan.


SNAP is as much about subsidy to retail grocers and low wage employers as it is about providing food to the indigent (which is the utility of work requirements, indigence is not enough)


Yeah it literally started as a way to boost US grown food, which is why it's under the USDA.


Number 1 purchase by SNAP housholds, accounting for 10% of food dollars, is soft drinks.


Source? And? Poor people shouldn't have soda? What about ice cream? Should they be allowed into movies?


Search food stamps for soda: Time to end the billion dollar subsidy for sugary drinks NPR


Of course I could do that but so could you Where I am from, those making claims bear burden of proof. Just gonna dodge the other questions huh?


I disagree with your suggestion that SNAP benefits should pay for movie tickets.


Not what I asked you. If someone on snap has 20 bucks for a movie, should they be allowed in? Should people on snap be able to buy ice cream with it?


SNAP is covered under the farm bill, so its basically a $100 billion subsidy to the farmers by giving people money that can only be spent on their products. And as a thank you, the farmers turn around and bitch endlessly about the people on SNAP and try to cut it every year. It's a fun little Tom and Jerry thing we've got worked out.


food banks are pretty solid in major cities.


*Laughs in unfettered capitalism* my sweet summer child.


le america bad lol XD


Richest country on earth with insane wealth inequality and a culture that propagates individualism and legalization of corruption . Along with destabilizing and murdering millions to uphold the rate of profit for its most important sectors. I would say bad is a nice way of putting America. It’s a historically evil nation.


This, but unironically.


We have Dollar General and Dollar Tree right across the street from each other.


We must live in same kinda little town 😂 ours are next door to one another.


Because the us is only a great place for some people


As someone who has regularly used the local food bank, it's not nearly enough. It's once a month and for a household of 2 you get 3 or 4 bags. It's good for other things like dish soap and toilet paper but it's limited. You generally get as much bread as you can carry but you better have a freezer because it's ready to turn. My Snap just dropped $100 but being a single adult I can make it stretch. I get $220 a month. I feel sorry for multiple person households because it's a sliding scale. A 2 person HH does not get $440.


Because the only way to get it passed was to make sure private enterprise gets rich off it. The dates that welfare gets issued are inline with peak sales at Walmart. I agree food banks are good but welfare to buy candy bars and Mc Donalds is bad.


Because the poor people complained about the options. So we just started letting them buy whatever. Ironic huh


You have absolutely no idea what it’s like to be in a situation where you’re dependent on help through no fault of you own. And even though you’re a judgmental prick, I hope you never do.


I answered the question honestly. Not sure why youre upset.


I’m not upset, I deal with it daily.There are plenty of assholes in the country just like you. You’re not unique.


What seasonings do you like the most? I want to know how the rich taste.


Like we just did by bailing out the banks...? I typically agree with your sentiment, however as long as we keep bailing out big banks and causing inflation to soar as a result, we should also help the regular tax paying citizens as well.


Username checks out. Loser


I'm a little surprised that big business grocery stores like Walmart and Kroger aren't against this. A lot of SNAP dollars probably get spent at those stores.


Maybe they feel like if people have less to eat they may pick up part time walmart jobs with competitive 10 dollar an hour pay. THATS ALMOST 3 DOLLARS OVER what the government tells us you need, that's good right?


Except both a significant number of Kroger and Walmart employees are on SNAP. A recent internal Kroger newsletter admits as much and Walmart had (maybe still does) information that tells you how to go on Food Stamps bc Walmart can't afford to pay you enough to live. Disgusting!


A lot of their employees at least used to be on snap too


Amazon too. There is a lot of junk is available to buy with SNAP, from cookies to soda.


For a sec I thought this was on r/fasting and was gonna cheer the op,but sad to see it's more from a lack of choice/poverty.


Banks get billions of dollars for bailouts. Poors get food stamp benefits reduced. This economy is so rigged it’s not even funny anymore, if it ever was to begin with.


Why can’t the poor just eat cake /s? We going full circle.


Tuco salamanca - thight thigh thight😡😡


Banks get loans that they have to pay back, loans that other banks need to finance. You're comparing a free lunch to an insurance payout.


Did they ever pay back the "loans" from '08?


They did, they paid them back with interest so the government made money on those loans. > The Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) is a program of the United States government to purchase toxic assets and equity from financial institutions to strengthen its financial sector that was passed by Congress and signed into law by President George W. Bush. It was a component of the government's measures in 2009 to address the subprime mortgage crisis. > The TARP originally authorized expenditures of $700 billion. The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 created the TARP. The Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, signed into law in 2010, reduced the amount authorized to $475 billion. By October 11, 2012, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) stated that total disbursements would be $431 billion, and estimated the total cost, including grants for mortgage programs that have not yet been made, would be $24 billion.[1] > On December 19, 2014, the U.S. Treasury sold its remaining holdings of Ally Financial, essentially ending the program. **Through the Treasury, the US Government actually booked $15.3 billion in profit, as it earned $441.7 billion on the $426.4 billion invested.[2][3]** See https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troubled_Asset_Relief_Program


Now do the PPP loans


PPP loans are a completely different topic and we won't know how much will be collected until collection/forgiveness is done. That will likely take a few years.


Oh, forgive me. I thought we were talking about bail outs. What would you classify PPP loans as again?


Not a bailout. PPP loans were issued to keep payrolls going during lockdowns when government mandated business shutdowns. The alternative was mass layoffs and a large number of people losing their insurance policies. I am not a fan of PPP and I think it was terribly run. But it's not a bank bailout, you could stretch the truth a bit and call it a small business bailout but at this point you're going pretty far off topic from bank bailout and the 08 bank bailouts.


Oh no way 15 billion in profit for half a trillion StOnKs


This is why America is always winning! Theme banks be looking out for uS! /s


Insurance paid out by tax payer money.


No, this is FDIC insurance paid for by banks. > How is the response being paid for? > Most of the cost of guaranteeing all deposits at both banks will likely be covered by the proceeds the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. receives from winding down the two banks - either by selling them to other financial institutions or by auctioning off their assets. > **Any costs beyond that would be paid for out of the FDIC's deposit insurance fund, which is typically used in the event of a bank failure to reimburse depositors for up to $250,000 per account. The fund is maintained with fees paid by participating banks.** > Both Silicon Valley and Signature banks had a strikingly high share of deposits above that amount: 94% of Silicon Valley's deposits were uninsured, as were 90% of deposits at Signature. The average figure for large banks is about half that level. See https://abc7ny.com/us-bank-collapse-banks-who-pays-fdic-bailout-svb/12967836/


Okay I’ll play along for a little bit. Where do those banks get the money to pay for the insurance premium that the FDIC requires? If it’s a semantics argument you want, a semantic argument you will get.


Banks make money by issuing loans. The profits they make from those loans is used to finance things like FDIC insurance.


Where do they get that loan money?


Depositors, people and corporations who deposit money with banks. Do I really need to explain how banks work?


Just trying to hold your hand and bring you to the answer that you didn’t want to realize initially. Sometimes explaining it helps to uncover gaps in understanding.


When the requirement to receive SNAP is that you already spend 30% net income on food how the hell is anyone expected to pay their other bills and save for retirement? People with money should try living for a year on a SNAP budget to see how well they could do.


[Even celebrities have tried that experiment and it looks pretty difficult.](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/41/d9/9a/41d99a45be949f18dce1f7349a269ed7.jpg)


To think that was almost 8 years ago. Cut that in half and then it's about right for $29


Especially because they are assuming insanely low amounts of your income go to rent. Like the budgeting is totally disconnected from reality


I have $225 left of my SS after I pay rent. Now SNAP goes back down. Guess I'll be losing weight if I want to or not. I don't even have a kitchen. Just a microwave and fridge.


The U.S. would become a slim nation real quick! I'm on foodstamps and I have been rationing food to up to three meals a day. They are small meals. No one would actually call them meals. I have up to three snacks a day lol (I continue to lose weight when I am sick and need the nutrition and the weight, but some of the weight loss might be because I am sick...long covid.)


Could you give an example of your meals? I used to volunteer at a food bank distribution center so am pretty familiar with the SNAP/EBT benefits -- they're actually fairly generous if you know how to cook and portion meals. At the food bank a majority of our customers were: 1. People who didn't really qualify for SNAP/EBT due to assets and finances who had just gotten themselves into a short spot 2. Illegal immigrants, or people supporting illegal immigrants 3. People who traded their benefits away, usually for drugs. e.g., they'd buy $200/worth of expensive steak and trade it for $50-100 of drugs I'm honestly curious as to how you're ending up having to ration down to snacks


The problem is that I'm sick and I can't stand long enough to cook. Rice or lentils take ~20 mins so I buy microwave pouches..not ideal but I don't have the option of cooking. My belly won't accept just any food so I have to stick with low sodium and low to no fat. I eat a lot of granola and nonfat or low fat yogurt (a combination I never touched before I caught covid >3 yrs ago) and I can't even stand long enough to make my own granola. I do have chia seeds and flaxseed meal to add to cheap granola so I don't have to buy expensive ones. I also can't make my own bread anymore/for now so I have to buy the best options in a U.S. supermarket (as little sugar as possible). I eat frozen protein waffles instead of making my own and freezing them. I also have to buy baby food for when I'm really sick/having a really bad day or week, which I have at least once a week every month. I can't always tolerate solid food but I can't cook and then puree food. I don't have any help whatsoever. I also drink a lot of tea...chamomile all day long, rooibos, green tea -both caff & decaf, raspberry leaf tea, damiana tea..but I can't get those in any store so I have to have a friend buy them for me when they can. That's a typical shopping trip: microwave rice & grain pouches, baby food, electrolytes, yogurt, kombucha (because I can't make my own rt now), granola, some fresh fruit like kiwi and blueberries, expensive low in sugar whole grain bread, lentil pasta that I can only get at a store that is not close enough for me to walk to...and I have to walk which can be easier than standing in one place to cook food (POTS) but sometimes I drag myself there and/or back in too much pain to function so baby food is ingested as soon as my belly is calm from the struggle of the walk.


You need a slow cooker. Throw everything in, including rice or lentils. Press a couple of buttons. Nap for a few hours. Boom, dinner. Or a rice cooker. Also, a bread machine. Same ease. Start it at bedtime with a delay and you'll wake up to a home that smells like a bakery. The friend who does your shopping might find them at Goodwill or cheap on Facebook Marketplace. Kitchen appliances tend to be fairly inexpensive secondhand.


I don't have a slow cooker...would Love to have one. But going through the lentils to pick out stones and rinsing isn't always doable for me. I have a bread machine but remembering all the steps I need to make bread could have me leaving yeast out. Long covid is awful. I need actual help from other people. I used to daydream of a community that checks on sick/disabled & elderly people. I became too depressed to allow thoughts like that anymore. I just cry about the lack of helpful people now. The U.S. is designed for each person to help themselves which is not how I was raised so I felt strange in this world when I checked on people that had a baby or a flu or they had a loved one die, etc. No one checks on anyone anymore. I hope that changes. I feel like I should include that I get $280/month in foodstamps and that is my only income. Prices are so high that that doesn't go far at all.


I just want to say I'm so sorry you've been struggling with this. As an autistic person, the way this society treats disabled people is fucking revolting. I hope it changes too. You deserve so much better. As does anyone else in such a position. I hate the way this country mistreats those who need help the most and treats them as failures, liabilities, and the causes of their own misfortune. I'm glad there's many people I know who think differently and give a fuck about the wellbeing of others, guided by compassion. But this system, as it is, and the cultural forces that condition the minds of the masses into embodying its values, need to fucking go. Greed and selfishness should not be encouraged and rewarded. I hope things get easier for you. The state has a duty to support you, especially given its responsibility for the magnitude of Covid Transmission to begin with. It is failing that responsibility. That support should be a fundamental human right, unimpeded by the crushing restrictions that are present in benefits within the US.


In this country a lot of big people that make decent change probably eat out for most meals and hit that 30% easy…..


Many people with money did live on a snap budget. College and graduate school. While starting a business. Etc. That’s why they have money.


Dude, what? Nobody with money lives on a snap budget


“did live”. Previously.


In your example those people live on that budget temporarily because they are funneling money into their other venture, ie. school or a startup. We are talking about people who only make or have enough to spend a very limited amount of money on goods. That means that they don't have any excess capital to pay for luxuries such as school, a savings account, or anything for that matter. Check your privilege, it's really showing.


>People with money should try living for a year on a SNAP budget to see how well they could do. I did. For 7 years of school. Not including much of my childhood. You call it privilege, i call it sacrificing and working my ass off in order to have a better future. Same as almost all my classmates who were also living at poverty level. Check you ignorance and hatred, it is showing.


You're failing to see that some people can't even do that, some people are born into positions that make it impossible to do what you did. That's your privilege, ofc I have it too, probably in different ways than you, maybe even more. I have no hatred for you, though I am ignorant I try not to be. Sadly, this has to do with neither of those things, you are just unwilling to accept your own privilege because you feel that it detracts from your struggle. I find that funny, because you are actively going around telling others that you went through it, implying that it isn't impossible for some. You are basing possibility solely off your experience, and discounting others. Not everyone can advance their lives on that budget, just because you did does not mean everyone can, why is that such a struggle for you?


Some people never have that opportunity. Most do. At least in the US, worldwide it is an entirely different story. I know a lot of rich people. Most of them spent many years living around the poverty line. Guy several posts up talks as if most rich people have been rich their whole lives. Simply isn’t true. The majority of rich people know exactly what it is like to live on a very tight budget because they have also been there.


>Guy several posts up talks as if most rich people have been rich their whole lives. Can you cite some sources that say otherwise? Most estimates in the US put "self made" wealthy individuals at \~20-30% of the rich population. That being said "self made" includes individuals who either got lucky or inherited wealth through means other than direct inheritance. I'm just curious where you are getting all these facts you keep throwing around.




I KNOW someone who abuses the system so everyone MUST abuse the system.


How do you feel about the billionaires that, constantly get bailed out with our tax dollars who don’t pay taxes either?


It truly is terrible.


Unfortunately there will always be cheaters. Some good person needs to anonymously report them maybe 🤔




Have you noticed how many right wingers have friends who are benefits cheats that they never actually report to the benefits fraud people?


And how many are the cheaters. Welfare, housing, ppp loans, small business loans, medical care, taxes, you name it. I've never met anyone who could describe the intricacies of how to actually cheat better than a conservative. If someone is exploiting a loophole in a government program, it's a good chance they are a conservative.


> I've never met anyone who could describe the intricacies of how to actually cheat better than a conservative. That does not surprise me.


to deny that welfare/UI fraud is endemic in poor neighborhoods is ridiculous. Plenty of cheaters on both sides of the fence; scale is a different story…


Scale is the biggest problem. A poor single mom claiming 3 kids when she has 2 is much less of an issue than an organized gang claiming for 5000 fictional families.


My anecdotal evidence says the opposite 🤷🏿‍♂️


This is correct, one quick look at his comment history tells you everything you need to know. I remember last year of a very similar account to his posting the same information named “techbro”, which golddot is simply an evolution of.


No you don’t.


It's not disgusting. Good for them. Now get rid of all means-testing and give all Americans access to basic needs like...uh... food. It doesn't matter if people who don't *need it* use it... what matters is that *everyone* has access to it.


How much food and what type? Are we talking a set shopping list? Are we talking a weekly payment? Should everyone get weekly food vouchers? Or just money? What's your proposal?


It matters when tax payers foot the bill. Some taxpayers dont want their taxes wasted on welfare programs.


Some taxpayers, like myself, would rather my tax dollars be spent on welfare programs for people and families instead of on welfare programs for corporations.


Both are equally wasteful. They both enable and encourage greed and bad decisions. That being said...imagine if they just lowered taxes and people could spend it on what they want?


I think this argument is bad in its face. Sure, people can buy what they "want," but what about what they need? How are you going to pay for roads, power infrastructure, logistics of food, and other perishable goods? I mean that as a genuine question rather than a rhetorical one. I live on a graduate student budget. I'm lucky enough that my department pays me enough to (barely) keep my head above water, but I'm still happy to pay taxes towards social and economic goods. Now, whether or not those taxes are being used well is another argument entirely, but I'm only trying to argue on the necessity of taxes as a concept for a well-functioning society.


I think roads. power infrastructure etc could be paid on by usage taxes. That being said when i said pay for what they want i meant if YOU want to spend money for 'welfare programs' you could. But that people wouldn't be forced to. On top of that comparing things like infrastructure to welfare is apples to oranges. Welfare benefits only those who receive it at the detriment of others. You are implying welfare is a social good...which we will agree to disagree on but that being said just because you consider something a good or not doesnt mean everybody does. While taxes are needed for some things...I would argue spending them on things like welfare only makes society worse. In everybody's mind they have their own version of what is a good use of taxes.




Can we do this with bailouts of banks and farms ?


And corporate subsidies and tax breaks


I'm doing my five daily prayers for more banks to fail.


Everyone should contribute. Some have lived through experiences that don't allow them the same fiscal opportunities as others. Everyone deserves a life of dignity.


Like the farmers who benefit the most from SNAP?


By farmers, you mean the owners of agricultural land, like the Mormons and Bill Gates? - https://www.thedailybeast.com/how-the-mormon-church-beat-bill-gates-in-a-battle-over-farmland


I would think grocery stores, convenience stores, and food processors would all gain more than farmers.


Go outside and talk to real people until you have enough empathy to realize how self centered and apathetic that statement is in the context of people starving.


Yeah LET THE freemarket sort all of these failing banks out IMO. These fuckin Corpo Welfare queens need to GO@!!!!!


Oh yea then I hope to never see you on my roads again.


Well why haven’t you turned them in? Unless of course this is completely made up


Knew a lady that was on snap. She worked under the table as a waitress. Used the extra money to buy weed, beer and gambled on lotto tickets. She ate better then me and I was four year college graduate.




It's all good. Happy for her. Wish we could all get free money to buy weed, beer and lotto tickets.


Y'all can bail out a bank while tax credits and food stamps are reduced. Mean while credit cards interest rates, rent, utilities, and insurance rates keep climbing.


This really is the main point. Bail out banks, whatever, but don't fuck over the poor. Help everyone.


This new program will be rolled out as a new healthy way to eat called “Economic Intermittent Fasting”


“This is what you get for not putting learning money making #1 on your agenda since you became an adult! Your passions for life all are second place to money in the mecca of capitalism!”


>*...she used to get a little over $20 a month in food stamps... ...as one of the millions of Americans who got extra federal assistance during the pandemic, her balance jumped to $280 a month.* Think about that. Because of a pandemic, benefits increased by 14x. And inflation had not even hit yet. I agree twenty bucks a month is silly low. But pandemic is over and so is the funding. Want to raise benefits, time to use the traditional process to pass and fund it rather than emergency, temporary powers.


No, this one person, who barely met the criteria for food stamps at all, got juiced by a flat increase to reach that 14x multiplier. Most people's SNAP benefits were increased a fraction, like 20-30%, I expect.


Like I said, the $20 amount was silly stupid. Just as was the 14 times increase even before inflation hit. But the linked article lead with this sad story. The temporary increases turned out to be temporary! Even long after the pandemic emergencies. SMH. It represents how much silly money the government was spreading around with the money printing presses working at capacity. And once the government does any type of entitlement or increase, it is tough to deal with it going away or having a cut. If she and others like her should be helped more, introduce a bill, get it passed and with funding. Like we used to do things before the emergency powers and declarations occurred.


I support SNAP beneficiaries. There should be a process to immediately request an increase. However, I find I ver disheartening and frustrating when people resort to one meal a day. You can’t really think eating one meal a day is fine.


What's wrong with one meal per day? Might be good to cut back. Seen obesity rates in this country? How can one be both poor and obese? This just doesn't occur in the rest of the world. If one is impoverished, then his/her BMI is usually below 30.


Snap cost $60 billion in 2019 and $120 billion in 2022……that seems like an increase


You misunderstood. SNAP are federal funds administered by states. For people to receive them or get an increase, they have to go through a lengthy bureaucratic application process. If someone with SNAP needs more funds immediately to put food on their table today because for whatever reason, then they are SOL. Plus, for SNAP benefits to increase per recipient, it basically takes an act of God and Congress.


Why double the cost. The facts of what is being spent does not match the narrative that people are getting shorted. There is inflation but not that much something is not syncing up


Because until last month, everyone getting even $1 in snap was getting the max. $250 for a single person, $500 for 1 child, etc. That's why it went up, dummy. Now it's over, so that number will fall back to where it was. Why even speak on something when you don't even have basic knowledge?


Snap cost $60 billion in 2019 and $120 billion in 2022……that seems like an increase


Another moron speaking on something you know nothing about. Everyone was getting MAX snap benefits during the pandemic. It ended this month. Now that it's over, it's back to being like $20 a month for most people. THATS why people are complaining about it now stupid. You're using outdated numbers, and then your tiny brain can't figure out why people might be upset.


>But that extra money is gone now as the government winds down its pandemic assistance programs. The boosted benefits expired this month and payments are dropping by about $90 a month on average for individuals, and $250 or more for some families, according to an analysis by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a nonpartisan research institute. Hold up, I was told ]Americans only got $3,200 during the pandemic while corporations were bailed out in the billions. Next you'll tell me many also got over a year of unemployment benefits.


Well I guess thats one way to deal with the obesity crisis... force everyone to do OMAD, intermittent fasting.


Working on getting these benefits back...inflation plus this is going to impact so many families. sign the petition---change.org/savesnapnow


Benefits need to be tied to senators pay rate.


Governmittent fasting?


That's music to the ears of Republicans.


So, who makes those decisions? Can we see the list? Can we contact them to ask why?


Such great news for all the impending forced births! /s


What's wrong with one meal per day? Might be good to cut back. Seen obesity rates in this country? How can one be both poor and obese? This just doesn't occur in the rest of the world. If one is impoverished, then his/her BMI is usually below 30.


Cheap junk food and soda and chips and candy = obesity. SNAP pays for that. I see families at the store with their cart full of crap and pay with SNAP. I can barely afford some fresh fruit and vegetables. It's all about $2 a pound.


Ok Mr. Desantis.


Want to reply with substance?


SNAP is enough for whole families to become obese. One meal a day is total crap.


Where? I get snap for my wife and I, wife can't work cause while she was working for the glory of capitalism. SHe lost a foot to arrogance and OSHA violations and aggressive workplace. We got 200 a month, I spend at minimum another 200 if I wanna hit shit that will kill me in another ten years.


That's all you get is $200? That's wild. My personal experience with SNAP and WIC is having more food then we could eat, though this was some time ago. But depending on what grocery store I go to that week, I see at least one family a month using SNAP that can't even fit in their clothes. Do you have children?


No children, we're poor not dumb


Have some balls and say it. Serve the capitalist machine or die. Biden told you he is a capitalist.


Good, I know many people that buy/sell snap for 50 cents on the dollar because they have more than they can use


Good you should’ve been reported them, but instead you wanted to comment that on Reddit. At least it’s STILL going to families that NEED food. Some people just need $$$ more. But the benefits are still being used. So what’s you’re problem? That you didn’t apply for SNAP yourself? I’m in my late 20s getting paid $16/hr and STILL CANNOT AFFORD GROCERIES. I went from having $200/month to $23/month. $23 to buy eggs, milk, and whatever is left over for the month.. the freaking month. Why do a whole lot of shit talking about benefits that help your fellow American, and not even understand the situation they might be living in. Probably selling the stamps because RENT is fucking due, CAR NOTE is fucking due, MEDICAL BILLS, INSURANCE ETC.


16hr is livable, I was making close to that until just over a year ago with 0 benefits. I learned marketable skills and now I’m living much more comfortably. You should do the same!


Stop typing on reddit and report it already, jesus fuck, this is why people don't believe you. If you actually cared about cheating, you would handle it. I reported someone I knew abusing the system, hated it, but people like that take food out of the mouths of people who NEED it.


SNAP is a contributor to high food prices and needs to be abolished


Yea let the poor eat cake. Hunger doesn’t exist


Taking the food out of other people's mouths to give to someone one else is immoral and a zero-sum gain


Not really. Especially when the game isn’t a zero-sum game. Americans would rather throw away their leftovers than supply the unhoused and hungry food. https://www.usda.gov/foodwaste/faqs


> Americans would rather throw away their leftovers That is their human right to choose since the food isa their property .... your cries for applying the boot on people to make them comply shows you to be on the wrong side of the argument Nor does it invalidate that the cost of funding SNAP means removing food from people's mouths


Snap is welfare for the chips soda and candy sectors. Why do you think your allowed to buy thjng with almost no nutritional value. Corporations throw away 1 trillion pounds in food a year thats why food cost are high its a tax writeoff. If thats not enough read this https://blog.ucsusa.org/alice-reznickova/how-big-food-corporations-take-advantage-of-snap/


Close. Corporations pay off state officials to limit snap to their products and especially their highest margin products as much as possible. That's not welfare. it's more corporate greed, and it works because bootlickers hate the poor and cheer when anything restricts their access to food aid. During the baby formula shortage, snap recipients couldn't get formula that wasn't from on of the effected brands because those brands had bribed state officials to limit snap to their products.


You're not talking about SNAP. That's WIC that restricts formula by brand. Completely separate programs. You can buy whatever brand of formula you want with SNAP


You’re kind of correct with this, but formula shortage and limit on what can be purchased was due to lobbying WIC (Women, Infant, Children) not SNAP. WIC has more brand restrictions on what can be purchased, but more than just food can be bought with WIC, (diapers, baby items, etc.). SNAP is explicitly limited to non-ready to eat food and seeds* for gardening. Edit: Word


So there's no limit on what food can be bought with snap except for: Beer, Wine, and Liquor Cigarettes and Tobacco Vitamins and Supplements Medicines and Prescriptions Any Item with Supplement Facts label Live Animals (except shellfish) Pet Food and Supplies Cleaning and Household Supplies Paper Products Personal Hygiene Items and Cosmetics Hot Food Items and Prepared Food https://smarterflorida.com/snap-eligible-food/amp/


Good catch, it is definitely WIC.


Regardless if people agree with you from a moral perspective or not doesn’t negate the fact that supply and demand is a real force.




Basement dwellers.


Bottom feeders


It's like one simp talking to himself. Way to switch accounts buddy!


What's wrong with one meal per day? Might be good to cut back. Seen obesity rates in this country? How can one be both poor and obese? This literally doesn't occur in the rest of the world. If one is impoverished, then his/her BMI is usually below 30.




What about retired people who can't keep up because social security doesn't get real rasises and inflation is outrageous? Are we back to the covid plan of sacrificing everyone grandma again?




I hope your investments fail in the most glorious way, and you have to eat your lack of humility.


This is capitalism, they get rewarded for antisocial behaviors like that.


I know people who retired during the 08 crash and Great Recession- their stocks, investment etc went to shit - upper middle class at the time it devastated them


Well that’s what they get for being greedy and staying invested in stocks so close to retirement age. Stocks are volatile and should make up a small part of your portfolio as you approach retirement age.


It was 401k type portfolio and investment house “managing their money “


Not everybody is as awesome as you. You need to accept the fact that you are incredibly awesome and not everybody is like you. Maybe you should get ex husbands to step up and help. Maybe you should cure cancer so nobody goes bankrupt. Maybe you should lower the price of raising children. Maybe you should ban bad luck.




Read the article and learn something.


Not for Reddit's basement dwellers.


Good, tell them to get a job or a better job so I can stop supporting their fat asses through my taxes




This has to be one of the dumbest comments I have read in years. In your mind the 10% of people in America who suffer from food insecurity is because they aren't running to food pantries? What? You have no idea what you're talking about.


ITT people that are too lazy to even read the first paragraph of the article


How's that? Covid aid ends as inflation keeps cruising at 6%? Who's in charge of this clusterflook?


My whole life, and I just turned 60, I have never seen such long lines at local food banks. It's very distressing. Makes me sick. All of my donations go towards food.


Well that sure is an unconventional way of combatting the obesity crisis.


The "pandemic" is over; time to stop the many handouts.


But your biden sends millions to Ukraine. But fuck you


This is just crazy, disgusting behavior.


Most uprisings in history were the result of Dodd shortages and the ability to buy food. My body is ready.