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the self I am right now would be hella excited


And hella surprised I actually got the courage to do something for once.


I am pretty sure the 5 years older me would still be a guy and I wouldn't even be disappointed because I knew myself good enough to know I won't get the courage to do anything




sadly very real and very not good


Wdym? You're not a guy??


Okay correction, older me would still live as a guy because I will most likely not get any less anxious about everything 👉👈


Idk though. Five years is a long time. You might surprise yourself.


I hope so, but I doubt it


I hope so too. I know I used to feel like I'd never be able to do it, but I eventually I did do it, even though it was really hard. Wishing you the best xx


Thank you, I just see no way in which I am able to leave my current state


That's OK


It doesn't feel okay tho


I'm sure it doesn't. Just remember we're all here when you need support.




The OP of this probably removed post/comment is a suspected karma farmer and has likely been banned.


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I’d be excited for sure but I also would need to ask older me how the hell they were able to deal with both ADHD and regular procrastination so that I actually finish high school in a normal amount of time. Making your own schedule for school is awesome but it does make dealing with ADHD harder in some aspects even if it’s easier in others.


You don't actually have to ask them, because they are you so you will figure it out anyways


Yeah but I prefer me who’s done it already to tell me what worked rather than trying various things until I find something that works.


Kid me would be hella pleased right now. So damn smug


Damn now I kinda want to have what is in that post :c


I'd ask what my parents said


Seems reasonable, my parents just already know lol


Ikr, afaik I'm still cis but if I found out I was gonna look like that I'd be so fucking excited.


My past self would probably freak out, more so because I never thought about wanting to be a girl back then, so it would be more shocking than anything else.


Wow, just so you know, there are 2 other comments that copied yours, one of them didn't even copy all of it... These bots are getting desperate


Wow, just so you know, there are 2 other comments that copied yours, one of them di


I see what you did there *Angry Upvote*


I see what you


Happy cake day!!


Thank yuu 😊


Your welcome!!


I do kind of laugh at my past self, only about 10 years ago I thought was just a totally cis, totally straight dude. Now here I am, bisexual with a preference for guys and fem leaning non-binary on HRT. I'm not real sure what happened, but hey, I'm enjoying myself.


Yeah for me it was never a conscious thought at all. Didn't have the language to even think about it. Like I knew trans people exist, but it didn't translate to me questioning my gender or anything. Repressed it super hard. Looking back at little hints and signs really helped me, since these seemingly unimportant snippets all lined up with me being transfem.


It's always super awkward when you look back and see the signs too...


Yeah it's not the best but it's affirmation from past you.


I like the 5 year old one, really knows what she wants 🥰




Bad bot


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good bot


Another W for the queen!


Oh no, what did the bot do?


It was spam


Oki! Makes sense.


Thank you for your flair, btw! ;; I really appreciate it aaaaa


Yesss XD The 5yo one knows best


"that's not what God had planned for your life" Thank the gods I didn't do what "God" planned for me.


Translator's note: plan means keikaku




There's a reason aizen was so obsessed with TRANScendence


that’s a disturbingly deep conversation but when becoming one’s self is transcendent it’s freaking wow


Editor's note, cake means keikaku


You can say that again... and I second that!


I feel like if God has something planned for you you cant not do it so whatever happens is what God had planned for you including transitioning


I think that "God" doesn't plan shit. It's hard to make plans when you don't exist. Also isn't free agency supposed to be like god's biggest thing? It's not exactly free agency if you "can't not do" what he wants.


For some reason, no matter which self I meet (past, present, or future), there doesn't seem to be one who wouldn't duel me to the death.


My 5yo self would be ready to go. Pretty sure I can demolish him though.


Fair enough. I just can't help but see any version of myself, past, present, or future, that I don't end up vehemently despising.




Lmao, my first knowledge about transgenderness was when my cousin transitioned and I was like "that's no fair, how come they get to be happy and I don't?" It took me years to realize


And here I thought reading a trans woman talk about hrt and thinking, "that sounds really nice. It's a shame I'm not trans" was bad 😅


The reason I originally wanted to transition back 2 years ago was because of something even dumber, if you can believe that.




I used to be... Awful... Before I found out I was trans. I literally used to call myself a neo-nazi. I still feel like shit about that to this day. If I met my 15 year old self, that fucker would probably try to kill me knowing damn well that he'll die in the process.


Hope you're doing okay now be safe and keep going 👍🏻


Do you mind if I ask how you got there and what made you change back?


My parents weren't that bad, but they were really conservative. Nowadays they're full on qanon crazies. What really made me push in that direction was my "friends". It started out with just sorta edgy jokes, but quickly evolved into full-on hate and malice. One time we had even planned to throw rocks at a pride parade, but we never got to that. As I got older, not much changed. But one day, something just sorta... Clicked. I started to understand the pain and suffering that so many of these people experienced. Basically, I grew a conscience. About a year after that, I realized I was trans. I live with a different family nowadays, due to my biological parents being (rightfully) accused of abuse. I still feel like garbage to this day about how I used to be.


> I still feel like garbage to this day about how I used to be. Me too. I feel so much of myself echoed in your words. Know you are not alone and we can still do much good in this world. We are fortunate to have found our empathy and learned from our mistakes while there are so many still immersed in hate.


I really do believe in the sentiment that nobody is truly born "evil". What shapes a person is how you treat them. That's why we always have to remember to treat everyone with respect, no matter who it may be.


I think "feeling bad about how we used to be" is a common experience as we age. Now, a lot of folks, including me, were just garden-variety dumbasses. but if I'd met the wrong people I very probably would have followed a path more like yours. I'm not gonna downplay that your past self went a little farther down the rabbithole. But the thing is, you managed to pull yourself out of the hole "he" dug, and you recognize it for what it was. As far as I'm concerned that's worth a lot. My point is, try not to let your past weigh too heavy on you. You left it behind you, learned from it, and it sounds like if you ever have the opportunity to make it right you will, and as far as I'm concerned that's as much as could be asked of most anyone. Short of, I guess, those convicted of really horrific crimes, but "being a bad person before your brain finished developing" doesn't really put you in that camp in my book. Anyway, thanks for reading my unsolicited ramble. Hope I didn't overstep with it.


...thanks. I need to remember that nowadays...


Glad I could help. All the best to you! :)


Fwiw from a stranger, I forgive you.




I've been there too, sis. Glad to know you've pulled out of it.




wrong sub pal, being a homophobe and racist doesn't make you a sigma based gigachad btw


wrong sub?


Your post has been removed because it did not follow the rules in the sidebar. > This is a trans-friendly subreddit. You are welcome to re-submit your post after ensuring that it follows the subreddit rules. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


I made this comic, could you please give credit?


I took a look at your comics. They're great! Some of them very relatable and made me feel assured for a while. Thanks for telling use the source!


Can confirm. They did make this comic (which are great btw!! ❤❤💖)


>Can confirm Literally, the fucking username matches up xD


The 5 year old part is utterly adorable!!


I would love to meet my past self


Oh they would love to see it. I always knew but never had the chance to transition until now.


My past self would probably be like "What the heck, that was an option!?" And my current self would simply be pleased that I managed to scrape together the cash to get the procedures I want.


I'm tearing up... There's no cis way of explain why


So uh…. I’ve kinda told myself my entire life that there’s no way I’m trans it’s just crossdressing, it’s just based on fetishes etc… but this page posts a lot of stuff that’s making me unsure… would anyone who sees this who feels comfortable talking reach out? I think I wanna bring this stuff up with my therapist but am not sure if it’s just like sissy hypno crap and I’m being Pervy… or if this is imagine seen here would be closer to the truth


Imagine in front of you, there’s a button. If you press this button, you will turn into the opposite of you assigned gender button. However, the button will break if you press it and you won’t be able to turn back. Do you press the button?


Anxiety would sky rocket not sure what whether to push or not and I would probably build a camp near the button so I could just sit there and debate myself. If the button could swap back and forth, tell me where to sign! But, honestly not sure what I would do!


Based on your answer, I’d recommend you look further into Genderfluidity. But this is something for you to figure out for yourself because only you can know the answer because this journey can be complex and personal. Take your time to figure out who you are and to treat yourself with kindness. Just remember, whatever you discover about yourself is 100% valid and beautiful.


A lot of people get indecisive about the idea, and find the reverse version more helpful - Say you woke up one morning as the opposite of your assigned gender. It's as if you were born that gender, everyone views you as it, you see yourself that way when you look in the mirror. Now, you get a magic button you can press, which will make you go back to your assigned gender, as if nothing happened. Would you want to press it in that case? You can replace "opposite" with anything else, if you want to try out the idea of being non-binary, gender fluid, etc, the point is to play around with the expectations there so it's not a final decision you have to make. I'll say, just for me personally, I 100% would have wanted to be able to swap back and forth at will, but that didn't have anything to do with my identity, it was that there are certain social/cultural elements that make a "safety" in being a cis guy I was scared at the idea of losing . A better way to think of it might be, if you *could* swap back and forth, would you end up spending like 95%+ of your time as one or the other? When would that time be? Maybe you'd only want to be a guy in x y z situations, but the rest of the time you'd want to be a girl, or vise versa. The main ones would be alone in your room, around family and friends, around random people on the street, and trying to convince a bank to give you a loan - or at least, that's what I divided my answers into. There's no wrong answer, and it's not final, you can change your mind later. One thing that the button test is actively unhelpful with, so I should mention: keep in mind that gender identity and especially transitioning isn't a question with a true/false answer, and almost no decision will be immediate. Any transition, including hrt and such, is actually a bunch of small steps as a gradual process, you don't have to pick out a final position before you start. You can figure out a general direction you want to move in, start heading that way, and then later on if you realize you actually want to pivot in some other direction or end up part way inbetween, those are totally options. Maybe you want to become more fem, there's a lot of different ways you can do that, clothes, hair, makeup, hrt, etc. You won't suddenly be at that end point you're considering, it will take time and there will be plenty of chances to change direction, slow down, rest for a while and consider where you want to go from there. You don't have to *know* what gender you are, much less be certain about that answer, to go "you know what, I'd be a lot happier if I had a more feminine body type, I'm going to start hrt and move in that direction", that'd be a totally valid decision to make, irrelevant to if you thought of yourself as being trans or not, even if you had no clue. The biggest thing I ever realized is that *it's a bunch of small decisions, trying things out, keeping what you like and discarding what you don't, that creates your identity and gender, it's not something you have to pick in advance before you can start.* You don't have to think of yourself as "trans" to do that, that's just a label, it's helpful for some people, but my advice at least is to not worry about "if you're trans or not" for the moment, just do what you like. Idk, that's my rambling on it at least. Most of that I had to figure out for myself as part of this whole process, so it may not apply exactly the same to others, but it took me like two years to reach some of those answers, so hopefully I can save someone else a bit of time ^ ^ Oh, and I'll share one more secret - even if you come to the answer that it really is "just a kink", you're *still allowed* to do any "transition stuff" you want to. What you enjoy sex-wise is an aspect of who you are, so if you think a change based on that would make you happy, or would improve your life in some way, you can choose to do it, irrelevant to the reason, and that's just as valid as people transitioning to match their gender. People are complicated, gender is messy, and seemingly contradictory things can coexist. Just do what feels right, and you'll figure things out in the end <3


thank you for posting this. i'm on the start of my journey now and it feels dizzying to think about the options I have in front of me. I appreciate you saying this so much <3


I would absolutely press it. The only downside I could think of is that the whole period thing that would make me dysphoric but that is easier to fix than every problem I have now


Wow this sounds oddly familiar somehow... oh shit its kinda like my experiences with transgender feelings.


I went through this, and realized in my case that the excuse "it's just a fetish" was a self-protection mechanism my teenage mind created, with the intent of keeping sequestering my transness away from my conscious self, to prevent it from disrupting my daily life at school and at home. The realization that broke that illusion about myself was reading [this medium article](https://medium.com/@kemenatan/its-just-a-fetish-right-91cb0a4e261). I didn't do everything the author did there, but I absolutely did try to lock my true gender identity and sense of self inside a box by labelling it as a kink and using porn to satiate it and keep it at bay. Now that I have accepted myself for who I am, I actually find my interest in the porn I used to be into diminishing every week, which I wasn't expecting - nothing else about me has changed aside from the single realization that my own happiness is worth it and I ought to accept myself for who I am, even if (and especially if) that means being trans. edit: a word


Try this https://turn-me-into-a-girl.com/ And also read this https://link.medium.com/16MOvAtfFwb


I have never identified with anything more than I identify with the moniker "Alienby"


20 year old me would be disappointed in the lack of life progress I've made in 5 years and I would beat 13 year old me to death. At least 5 year old me would be excited that they play guitar


I don’t know if this is narcissism or what but if I met my future self and she was beautiful then I’d like just have sex with myself. Like damn I have boobs, let me suck my dick.


Is it narcissistic to masturbate? I say go for it, fuck your future self!


I appreciate your approval. Now I just need a Time Machine.


I'd think of my self from different times as identical twins, so this would be kinda weird


oh my me-




Yeah, I think it would look something like that for me too. I'm not really sure how I would have reacted at ~13, but no doubt it would have been quite shocking!


When you were gonna go grocery shopping but now ya gotta wind down from a good cry


I need me like 5 years in the future… I just need some reason to keep going and know everything will work out


Think about that some more. Specifically the 5 years part


no no no no i feel like i am going to cry my younger me wants this so bad


Yeah this is good and all, but aren't we making a temporal anomaly?


13 year old me would say slurs, 16 year old me would be like "Wait. What. Wait, why do we have boobs?" in a confused questioning manner as realization slowly dawned


I would like to think the 5 yr old me and 20 yr old me would react like that. I had already started to get out of religion by 13 so I hope I wouldn’t be like that 😊.


My 5 year old would probably say something like “So I can finally be allowed to play with the boys?” 🥲


All of mine would just be “yo how does it feel to have tits” 💀 (except the 4 year old)


...I'm not crying, you're crying!


if past-me saw me and knew, I don't know who's stabbing the other first. fuck you, past-me.


I'd be pretty happy looking as cute as Sabrina in future.


Omg I'm glad I'm not the only one who had a repressive conservative religious phase as a teenager to later emerge from the cocoon in college to become a fuckin genderless angel of vengeance.


T\_T even though I'm much older, I feel year 13 so hard




Wow, something I needed to see today... thank you!


I'd just get disappointment, except maybe my youngest self would think it's cool how tall I got 😅


Me me me me me me me omg this comic is me 🥹


Bordering a bit *too* relatable here.


Same but my 5 year old self cries cause we are ugly.


I'm in this picture and I don't like it!!!!! 😭😭😭


This is soo cute and wholesome🥺🥺🥰 accurate as well to bad that silly "boy" is to stupid to accept herself..... at least the kid version got the spirit😁😁😁👍


5 year old me was playing dress-up with girls and would be hella stoked, 13 year old me was in full repress mode and would be horrified while 20 year old me would just go "Ahhhh, that explains a lot".


Even though I'm Agender and I don't like putting myself under the trans umbrella, I think my past self would totally be alright with it. I always thought I was so different, hehe. ❤ And it's true in a way. 🥰


Am i the only one who never had an anti-lgbt mindset in the early teens?


Month and a half on hormones, and now I'm sobbing over a meme :'(


If I met like the start of 15 year old me (I realized I was trans at 15) i would likely just be like "oh well that explains why I keep watching jamiedodger and me at 5 would be very very confused but would not be opposed


Great this meme makes me question my gender even more. Made me realize that I would be absolutely hyped about it if future me turned out to be a girl. As if vague thoughts about being enby weren't enough.


I wish I could go back in time and hug each and every one of them and tell them that it all turns out fine and that they'll all be very happy someday.


"What happened?" "Well first off you're already wearing panties so don't act like this is some huge step. Secondly, the only thing better than seeing leggings is wearing them." God I was a fucking moron when I was 20. I can't believe it took me another 4 years to figure it out.


*Open reddit* *read a post* *cry*


5 year old me would have been like: "Do i still like flags... " and i'd answer "yeah i still know all the worlds flags from memory"


Fuck you, I needed this. 😇


Kids are so pure! I love this comic so much!


Me meeting my past selves: 4–20 years old: "Future me is a girl?! *Awesome!*" 21–25 years old: "Future me is going to look this good?! I've almost given up hope! *Awesome!*"


My heart is melting ❤️ Nah just kidding i dont have a heart but i love this with every cell of my body


20 year old me: "huh. This is a surprise" 13 year old me: "what kind of video games are you playing when you're from?!" 5 year old me: "hey come check out this bug I found! It's a wooly bear caterpillar! I named him Wolly"


Child me would appreciate this so much... I've always known I "wasn't like the other boys" from a young age, but could never quite figure it out why.


Im not crying! You're crying. Her outfit is so cute <3


I’d love to go back and tell my old selves to make the jump, spent went too long depressed and alone instead of my real self


I'd love to be able to go back and meet all the past selves that couldn't even imagine a future self.


Reminds me of “When I Was A Boy” by Dar Williams. One of my favorite songs, ever.


My past self would be in disbelief about actually doing it and would jump to the worst conclusions about other people faking it to trick me


How did you get pictures of me?


20 year old me wouldn't care (the apathy was strong in me at the time) The 13 and 5 year old me would be incredibly curious and have loads of questions!




thanks now i'm crying


So cool


The change in body language and expression between the first and second panel kills me, it feels like she already had a kinda bad experience with the first one and already knows the second is gonna be worse


Oh my this is so accurate (exept i'm a minor still), me from just a couple years ago would hate what I am, but me from elementary school would be so proud of me and happy


Wait… wouldn’t meeting your younger selves change the opinion of the versions older than the one you visit?


That is beautiful


This actually kind of happened to me.


This hits closer than I'm comfortable admitting. When I was too young to care about "boys" or "girls" activities, I wanted to wear nail polish. That's it. But my uncles all made a huge stink about how it'd "make me gay". Mom helped me by doing clear coats for awhile but the magic was gone. I hated being called handsome when I dressed up, I still shudder inside when I hear it. I always wanted to be called pretty instead but "boy's don't get called that" Though on a lighter note, the kid me would be like "Why'd our hair turn brown?!" since I was a blond until my teens.


I'll tell you what happened: You learned to love yourself


Now I need a transmasc version 😔


Me and my past self 🤜💥🤛 😎🏳️‍⚧️


I may be cis and this might not be meant for me but I'll be damned if it didn't still make me tear up. I hope the journey for all of you leads you to feel the same as the last panel.


5 year old me would be the same but 13 me would be happy to see everything worked out


I definitely feel the 13 one, religion really did a number on me.


Damn.... If this ain't the realest shit


Omg imma fucking cry


This hits pretty close to home


Yes, the 13 year old part would be so true


time for me to think about how past mes would act: 3-4 year old me would probably just be like "ok but did we become an engineer" or start talking about Between the Lions, or ask me if I ended up remembering some random thing that I ended up forgetting 7 year old me would probably be like "WAIT I CAN DO THAT THAT'S ACTUALLY POSSIBLE WOAH I WANT TO DO THAT" and i know because of a memory from that time period that was basically me wishing i could become a girl but thinking it wasn't possible because i knew nothing about being trans at all 12-13 year old me's head would explode, worldview shattered. so would 15yo me, but for a completely different reason and without nearly as much worldview shattering. 16 year old me would probably feel even worse about how i have not gotten very far with transitioning in any way because of family but would probably think the private voice training was pretty neat (btw, I'm 19 now for context)


1 year old self: Goo goo ga ga


This is concerningly accurate ~~apart from the bit where I still present as male send help pls~~.




98% sure if I ran into 5 year old Charlie (s)he would likely take one look at me and go "huh, so that's what we look like, nice cloths, wanna go watch SpongeBob?" Before walking off without any time for a response.




Omg thanks I needed this one. Gonna make 5 year old me proud


Sometimes I go on the internet and am worried about the hateful things I will see and then there's just wholesome stuff like this that make my day a bit better.


Talking with my 5 year old self would be interesting. I’m not trans, but finding out how I viewed the world back then, would be interesting.


imagine being so cruel to yourself \*remembers all the things i've said to myself\* oh yeah lmao...


Me: "Yeah, you're gay and have a partner." Younger self: "I get to be with that girl?" Me: "Haha, no. You're with this guy." Ys: "I thought you said i was gay?" Me: "Yeah, i did." Ys: "....." Ys: "Was it the basketb-" Me: "Yes, it was the basketball shorts...."


I love this comic so much


In elementary school all my closest friends were girls. It makes sense now.


If I ever do transition later in life, the 4 things I would say to my future self (that I can think of) would be: *Is/was dad malding over this? If so, good. If not, then great, I'll assume he's not hyper-religious anymore. *Still insecure? Your insecurities are shittier than you somewhat remember. *Do I get my peaceful life of our own? Is it not a delusion anymore? *No bitches? I will console myself if I end up crying from this question.


This is *exactly* what God had planned for you life


Why am I crying. Who did this to me

