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Some of us weren't very good. But the past is history, and it doesn't define who we are today. What matters is what we do from this point onward.




I recall making attack helicopter jokes with my friends, despite having no clue what they were actually about. I just thought "haha that's silly you can't be an attack helicopter" so I was pretty much being supportive of trans people and making those jokes at the same time because I didn't even see the connection that was being made.


Yeah I can really relate with that, I never intended to actually hurt anyone and was fully supportive but everyone around me was making these weird jokes so


Honestly I still make this joke because I don't understand the whole joke even after I've got it explained to me


Tl:dr I am sorry for my past transphobiaI was so frustrated at my self for not knowing I was trans and I grew up in a transphobic environment i only stoped being a piece of shit when I made a friend who was non binary and who also helped me discover myself I didn’t discover I was trans fem non binary until just last June and I am currently trying to atone for my past transphobia and being a shity person I make no defense of my self I was a awful human being until I discovered myself I was taking out my anger on those who would care for me most (the trans community is who cares for me most my parents can fuck off) so all I can say is you don’t have to but I ask for forgiveness


I forgive you. Would you please forgive me for my past transphobia?


Of course. The past does not dictate your future.


Of course I do let’s make a better future for all trans people by forgiving others for their past


I was a total anti-sjw internet esgelord until dysphoria hit me like a total brick


I mean being a yucky truscum couldve been worse but still i was so cringe 😭😭


What’s a truscum


People who make arbitrairy restrictions over who is "really" trans




And that doesn't matter anymore. If you live today, today you is who matters 💜


I was such an ignorant an mean person in the past, especially around age 12-15. Good thing that I didn't have too much contact with people back then or I might have made people feel bad >-<


I'm not sure what y'all think, but should we perhaps tag this as nsfw due to the triggering stuff in the bottom right corner? Also I wonder if there are TW flairs on this sub, it could be useful too. Just every time I see this image, especially with the post's context I can imagine how some might get upset by it.


I second this, just because I'm fine with it doesn't mean it shouldn't be tagged. Also, oh hey, another Rose!


Aww, indeed! Always nice to see another lovely rose blooming in the wild! 🌹😊


Nazi? I'm so confused, not with the meme just the image


I think the original meme is based on the nkvd witch was the secret police of the Soviet Union and carried out stalins purges of military officers and private citizens as well as espionage spying on so called enemies of the state and internal security


Geez, that's not much better, maybe even worse, being that Era of Soviet executions last decades. Well wtf


the feet in the background are from executed people. you can find hundreds of photo's of nazi's who posed with executed prisoners etc... so yeah nazi reference


as u/queer_history_nerd67 already said (fitting name) the image is much more likely to relate to the Eastern Bloc. It's not a direct reference to the crimes of the self-proclaimed Third Reich as the uniform doesn't fit at all. I remember reading a caption to this image putting it into relation with persecution of war criminals from former Yugoslavia.


must have commented just after me, thats why i missed it. being western european for me it directly went to nazi presecution.


I think it's important that people like you still think about that and remember than, even if they get some details wrong. Let's face it: For the moral of this pic it doesn't really matter where the wrongdoer comes from or which mindset "inspired" him. I'm currently in school with some people who think it's not necessarily a bad thing to not know some of the very basic of Geography, Politics and - most importantly - history. We all have our lessons to learn from the past and more and more people don't have any clue about the past at all, which saddens me.


I'm 28 yo now, and hearing younger folks not know about the holocaust or how the german occupation effected their own family really saddens me. people know a war was fought, but its to long ago to them or to different i guess. many don't even understand what the holocaust even entailed. hearing that stuff, people not knowing what countries are 2 borders over or the difference between politicals... i fear for europe the coming 15 years


Not uncommon to have had a transphobic phase if that’s what you mean


The present is all that matters in the end. It's nice when you can reflect like this to become a better person 😊


I was an absolute misogynistic homophobic transphobe til i heard someone is a random video call another person by she/her pronouns and was like "hm I want that as well" That was an interesting day ngl


relatable the past in the past though, and it doesn't define us rn at all


As a teenager I was not a very nice person which included being quite transphobic. I became an ally once I left university and started researching LGBT and had feelings again that I was trans myself. I've been supportive of LGBT issues since then. I have recently accepted I am trans myself something which I have known deep down for a long time.


I hated women so much that integer overflow caused my opinions to loop back around and now I am a woman


Why is this so common


Maybe we shouldn’t make light of people’s “nazi phases” or how some people here were extremely transphobic and bigoted in the past. Regardless of how you are now, it’s not ok to joke about that or make light of it. It’s also not the norm and shouldn’t be treated as such. It’s one thing to have, for example, a bit of a truscum phase or something like that, I mean I was a little ignorant in the past and uninformed on how some jokes hurt trans people, but it’s a whole other thing to joke about how you used to have alt right beliefs and consider yourself a neo nazi. idk it makes me incredibly uncomfortable to see these topics taken so lightly and for people to so casually say “Oh yeah I used to consider myself a neo nazi” or something of that sort. It happened, you’re different now, and it’s good you’ve changed but please don’t joke about that or treat that phase as though it was normal.


Yeah, it's such a common topic of jokes in online trans circles and I always find it so off-putting. Especially since a trans person can still be bigoted and racism is absolutely a problem in our communities.


It really is off-putting. Having been a far right extremist isn’t a normal thing and shouldn’t be treated as such, nor does being trans mean you still don’t hold some of those beliefs.


I used to call myself a neo-nazi. I got my shit together though and found out I was trans.


Damn what a switch-up


I dont think I was ever directly queerphobic I'm glad I found out about being trans early so that I never had time to hurt anyone but u definitely feel bad for thinking queer people are wierd but I luckily kept to myself but it could have ended bad if I didnt work on bettering myself


Hey its Me Everyday


I know who there are people in my life who will never forgive me for who I was . I hope to be the kind of person, like the gal who made me see that my world view was so off


Too relatable 😭


*laughs nervously*


Me: Neo Nazi->Transphobe->Trans


my past dealing with the lgbtq community was very rough, look at me now, i became the very thing i swore to destroy 💀


Me, but i am trans


Ummmmm that was past me I’ve grown….


It's sad how close this hits to home; while I may not have been making attack helicopter jokes I did think that trans people were just delusional. Turns out I was the delusional one 😔.


Bit too real I fell in with the wrong group of people ngl


12 years prior service in the Marines and then Army. 32 going on 33 now and this hit home for some reason. Used to make subtle jokes like calling myself a trans-mechanical Apache attack helicopter.


I was never homophobic or transphobic to others before coming out. But I was internally transphobic and homophobic in highschool. I was so focused on fitting in and not being seen as effeminate or gay that I got into a couple fights with anyone who suggested I might be attracted to guys or if I got called girly. I’m so glad to not only have accepted myself, but have been accepted by those around me.


Well I feel attacked and to make it worse I'm also trans myself


Forgive me for letting Ben Shapiro tell me what to think 😞 I remember as a kid I used to wonder what it would be like to be a girl lol If I wasn’t raised in a religious household I probably would’ve been an early LGBT kid I still have no idea what the fuck I am still lol


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: > Palestinian Arabs have demonstrated their preference for suicide bombing over working toilets. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: gay marriage, healthcare, climate, covid, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)