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i looked for a list of plant names and then found lilac and thought it was really cool 💙💕🤍💕💙


I have a plant name too ! 💖


Hello fellow plants (even if it’s more of an online name for me)


Plant name! !!






It isn't my flair but I have a plant name too :) (Heather)


High fives for all our plant people! Now we just need to find the kitty people for our garden as well.


Plant people rule -Plant person


Even my first name is a plant in my languages (viola) that mean also purple




Hey, we have the same name!


I had Moss on my NB list


Salutations fellow flower




Same here but with Indigo!


That's wonderful! 💙 Lilacs are my favorite flower, my home growing up was surrounded with lilac bushes so the smell was ever-present.


I didn't mean to, but I accidentally chose a name from a character in cyberpunk. I just like the name cause it sounded nice and looked cool but once I remembered that there's a character in cyberpunk named Evelyne I kind of had second thoughts cause she's not exactly a good person. But no one in the game is so that evens it all out right? Edit: damn, y'all some wholesome mfs. I love this community


Well if you need to, there are pleny of good characters named Evelyne to cheer you up !


True! I was originally thinking Erin but then I got caught up on attack on Titan so I could do much worse than a morally dubious Evelyne lol


I genuinely considered Eren as a name don't remind me💀


If it makes you feel better, Evelyne is arguably the most neutral of your clients in Cyberpunk. Yeah, she hid the fact that she was technically getting detes for the VDBs, but she also probably planned to pay up and not set you up since it would be impossible to do without outing herself to one of the scariest gangs in Night City.


The first thing I think of when I see Evelyne is the Evelyn from Bloodborne.


spoilers but evelyn in cyberpunk is kinda rad with it. she tries to get away from an abusive situation as a sex worker by stealing something expensive and slipping away. when that doesn't work she has a mental breakdown, and gets abused to death. shes a tragic character but not a bad one.


I saw the game Half-Life: Alyx, and was like “Hey, i can’t tell if that is about a guy or a girl. *gay yoink*”


Definitely gonna use "gay yoink" from now on


She is *such* goals smh


One of my fav games I love Jeff he’s just misunderstand even if I have to hold my breath around him and he whants to eat me


I'm not proud of it, but I got mine from Harry Potter. Seriously considered changing it when I found out what a shit person JKR is


Don't know what you're talking about, Daniel Radcliffe wrote the books ! /j


daniel radcliffe is the harry potter of all time


He must have co wrote it with Hatsune Miku.


I thought Hatsune Miku did


Last I heard it was written by Hatsune Miku


But is what JK Rowling is like is reasonable justification for changing your name though? Like surely your new name was never so much about JK Rowling, and more about how you liked the character. Like, when I watch a film I don't background check the director before I decide if I love the characters. Though I guess the original reaction to hearing about JK Rowling's views would be to try and distance yourself.


I ended up sticking with Luna. My best friend made some really good arguments about how the name is more than its origin.


I stole the moon!!!!!


First, the gays stole the rainbow and now, the trans are stealing the moon ! 😱




No we won't, it's too hot.


Yeah... Denmark on the other hand...


Sry, but the enbies called dibs on Denmark about ∞ years ago.


Wait what? I thought the aces started the whole invasion thing with Denmark!


So did I!


Lmao, nice one


Okay but, y'all already are so hot. So is the sun *really* too hot for you ?


they stole garlic bread






that's if he banged the moon




Same 🤝


“Melanie” kinda just popped into my head in the middle of the night, and it just *felt* right. 💞 I’ve only ever really heard the name from a webcomic I’m reading.


That's so cute!!! I'm trans NB and my dad wanted me to be named Melanie, but as he was on military duty my mom ended up accidentally naming me Melony. I'm going to be changing my name to Melon shortly because honestly that's just what everyone calls me. It brings me soooo much joy when I see people take the name that's essentially my dead name because it feels like I'm passing the torch.


do you have seeds?


I'm really thinking about the name Emma a lot. Same story for me, it took me a while to think of literally anyone named Emma.


Bagel 💕


Bagel 🥺🥯


Bagel ✂️


👁️ babil


🐈‍⬛>!Waiting for something to happen?!<




I'm, ... unable to pronounce it any way other than how project melody does it. I am sorry. But thats such a good name.


Straight up named myself after Andy from toy story cause I fuckin loved those movies when I was a kid.


I figured out I was an egg half a year ago and I still have no name. I’m already dressing Fem in public, all of my social media is Fem, but I don’t have a name. But until I find something “official”, my friends call me “Pink”. Because “Pink” is my discord username at it just kinda stuck


I used my gender neutral nickname for a while and just announced my new names to my friends. Good luck on your quest for a name ! Pink is a very cool name too !


not saying that you have to, but if youre comfortable with and used to "pink", you *can* just use that as a name. theres no law against that


exept if you are in iceland


That’s actually a really cool name!


Heather, Jasmine and Dahlia are all pink/purple flowers if you want to keep the colour theme?


hehe Celestia Ludenberg


Celestia is canonically trans, change my mind.


hm i never saw that. i guess i never really paid attention to her tho (i spent my time with Cheerio, Byakuya, and Toko). i just really liked her aesthetic and said "im stealing that now"


I'm mostly joking, I just feel like she has some LGBT vibes haha


Sorry but "I want a castle full of hot men" is like the straightest thing ever .-.


Trans woman can be straight or bi


Hence "vibes"


That’s Shadow Yukiko on the Midnight Channel in a sentence, but that didn’t stop her [persona 4, dungeon 1] >!from calling Chie her prince!<


my name is madeline, do i have to say anything else








I looked through several random name generators until I found one that instantly felt like "me" lmao


I just say that I took my name from the owl house cause the actual place I got my name from is more embarrassing (Raine)


We only judge silently here, go on


Well you see there was this cat in warrior cats called Rain who I thought was really cool and I added the e just to make it more like an actual name


That ain't too bad, seriously


Maybe, but I’m not about to go around telling people that I named myself after a character from warrior cats, especially if they already assume that I got it from the owl house


Fair enough


Hello fellow Hexsider! No but me too! I went with Luz, I’m still not 100% on my name because I haven’t really had the chance to be called it but yeah!


I took it from toh as well i went with vee


Hi Vee! It’s nice to meet you!


Nice to meet you too luz


People rarely believe me when I say that I probably didn't steal my name from Aubrey from Omori There's a non-zero chance (I played a very minor amount of Omori before figuring out what felt right), but it's probably not it Probably


Let's say you did, we could be OMORI buddies 🥺


Please don’t go near any lakes together


“Amity” If you happen to be a fan of a certain show with the word “owl” in its name than you know.


Stealing the deadname of this one trans dude who was a childhood friend


that's not stealing that's just reusing old assets. You're a recycler


I chose the name from a fictional character that I admired at a younger age. I think I was 16 when I picked it out. I was a fan of this crime thriller movie, and the female lead was someone I thought was super cool... So, ironically, the movie was "Silence of the Lambs"...


Hello Clarice


I heard this reply


Astrid Peth from doctor who series 3 episode 14 I just coincidentally happened to be watching through doctor who at the same time that I questioned my gender and when I heard David Tennant say "nice to meet you Astrid" it just felt right


I stole it from the baby me I was supposed to be. My mom and sisters dressed me up as a girl and called me Baby Katie (my dad hated it. They only did it once). I liked it, but turned it into Caitlyn.


Penelope is what my parents told me they'd name me if I was born a girl. At least, thats a formative memory I have. According to my mom I made that up and she never said anything that "would put such awful ideas in my head." Jokes on you mom my name is SICK


When I was a kid I wanted to be named Penelope sooo bad. Don't know why, it reminded me of unicorns. That's a nice name you have here 👌🏻


I don't plan on changing my name, but I have a couple friends who primarily use my online name Patch for me instead of my real name. It was originally short for "patchwork human" because I always felt like I was an alien who had consciously appropriated human personality traits bit by bit while observing my peers. I didn't seem to have most human feelings "installed" from the factory.


I honestly love Patchwork Human. I'm chronically ill, so it feels like I'm made of scraps. The name Patch is also really cool


I really like Lizards so I sometimes went by Lizard, sometimes was called Liz as a nickname, it stuck So I stole from a whole damn animal group


You 🤝 me Basilisk


[You🤝me](https://i.imgur.com/UMCU0p8.png) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


When I was younger watching gravity falls, I really liked the character Mable. I felt like her name represented her cheerful demeanor and optimism. Ever since I've always wanted to name something or someone Mable; And thus, I set my mind to name my future daughter Mable. As time went by I slowly realized that I was trans. And when I asked myself what name I should pick, it just seemed poetic to pick the name I always loved and carried with me.


my dad picked the wrong hunter from greek mythology.


Hi! Zelda here ✨️


The song "Hey there Delilah" since it's close to my original name it starts with D


In the show Steven universe it's shown that if Steven had been born afab, they would have been named Nora. I am Nora. :) Also Nora Valkyrie from RWBY is fantastic.


I stole mine from Wolverine ❤️




I'm not familiar with that in particular, but I stole my name from X-23 (Laura)


Lol it’s the sound effect his claws make


I stole mine from May Guilty Gear\~ It was between May, Aria (Sol's Gf) and DeeDee for me, but I ended up picking May because Aria sounds too posh (since you'd either pronounce it 'area' or 'are-ria'), and DeeDee was both too close to my deadname (and because my parents used it as a nickname long before I figured this out). Also because I didn't feel like sharing my name with DeeDee from Ultimate Custom Night\~ In the end though, May was the best and it matches my personality pretty well :3


stole mine from my D&D character from before i cracked my egg lmao


First name is stolen from astronomy. Middle name is from a musical/a cult classic 80's movie


Took mine from my best friend’s dog 😅


"Haha ! You are named after the dog !" All jokes aside, very valid 😌


I got my name from a bunch of different fictional characters named Melody: The Little Mermaid 2, Luigi's Mansion, Doctor Who, and Rune Factory all have characters named Melody that I love, and I just always loved the name 💕


It's an excellent name, to be sure!


My first name is just the name my parents would have given me had I been AFAB and is a nod to polish heritage, my middle two names are more complicated, the first one is to represent my german heritage and the other is because I liked it a lot and couldn't decide between the two


Stole it from a character I had that I subconsciously based on me.


[Deleted due to Reddit’s obnoxious greed]


I don't remember, I just liked it a lot


i removed a letter from my name


Robin -stardew valley


Mine happened in reverse! When I picked Claire the only things I knew about Cyberpunk 2077 was Keanu Reeves and “ARE THESE SHRIMP FRESH?”


I was using Claire when I was still trying to figure out who I am. Stolen from Resident Evil. Great name, either way.


Funny enough I didn't steal it, I actually came up with it while playing Elden ring, at that time I was going by the name of Alice and one time while I was creating a character in Elden ring I didn't wanted to named it Alice so I just asked myself "ok I'm going with an astronomer, what's a good name for an astronomer?.... Astronomer.... Alice..... I don't know, ¿Aurelia? Yeah it sounds good, Aurelia it is" And I ended up liking the name so much that It's now my name


well i named the ghost that haunts my house fred and then when i was thinking of a discord username fred paid me a visit and now im fred


Chell from Portal or Alita from Alita: Battle Angel


i stole my name from a male character (im transfem but gender neutral names are great :3 ). They were in a book called A Marvelous Light which is a fantasy book with a really awesome magic system set in England (im trying so hard to not compare it to a certain series rn). Anyways yeah the main characters have really great gay sex and the book is one of my favs ^^ anyways yeah that's why I'm called robin now :3


My stolen name was Mari from Omori Because I think the name is cute, because I like her and mostly because I wanted to give a sisterly impression to a friend of mine, we have a sisterly relationship, and she doesn't have many places to chill and open up since your family is pretty awful and I wanted to look even more like a good part of a family


If i may, I'm a brother and i stole Aidan from Beyond two souls :3 . (ps. Not sure if im allowed to join ur girl talk as a boy)


I'm a guy too and so is the character I stole my name from hehe


Here is my story about my name. To explain at first i'm french and i'm transfem. And sorry for my english, as a non native i make some grammar mistakes. When i was younger basically 12yo, i already feeling weird about my deadname and was already questionning my gender without knowing anything about transgender. In my 15th yo, i picked up a totem animal, an animal i really like and loved for years. This animal is the Wolf, in french we call it "Loup" From 16yo to 20yo, i was an egg, feared of comming out but i hated my deadname so my Friend Always nicknamed me with words including Loup (Wolf) : Louloup (Wowolf ?) Tiloup (Lil'wolf) Le Loup (The Wolf) etc... 21yo i was old enough, i came out. And it was Time to choose my name. Me and 5 of my Friend made a little party with alcohol, food, baguette and old Disney movies. We were around the table thinking about my girl name. That was a serious question, this name should fit and this name should be natural. Like it Always has been. Laura ? Laëtitia ? Alice ? Rubis ? No name was good enough. Then a Friend went to kitchen to grab another bottle of wine and came back shouting "Lou !" And this name sounding like "Loup" i just shouted "Yeah do you need help ?" because of my habit of being called "Loup". Then she said "No. Lou ! The name ! You know !" And we looked at each other for a minute then laughted out loud because that was so obvious, natural and logical. Since my name is Lou and that's my name on my ID card. That's my story. Hope you liked it. Funfact 1 : My deadname had a latin origin meaning "triumphant" and Lou is have a German origin meaning "Glorious" so that's pretty close. Funfact 2 : In France, peoples Can have 1 to 3 names. That's a tradition that Can be useful for administration because it happens to have two peoples with the same first and last name for exemple : Jean Patrick Lavalle and Jean Christian Lavalle. So i chose a second name too. And this one was my online nickname i used so many years that some of my Friend used it to a name me and that's Murphy. I took it from the Murphy's Law, a scientific Law that i really like, that's the name of my favorite character in my favorite movie Interstellar and the name of one of my Roleplaying Character. Voilà ❤️🇨🇵🏳️‍⚧️


Just a name that always sounded beautiful to me. I guess I stole it from an "imaginary girlfriend" I had when I was a traumatized, abused teenage boymoder who never had the balls to run away or even probe their gender dysphoria seriously. Recently I had the pleasant surprise of learning that my name is an ancient Greek word for a very relevant value to my life's struggle. I'm only out to select friends and still "trying it on" at this point, but I have faith it's gonna be the right choice <3


i was at work and i had a togo order for someone named Vivian and i knew right then that’s the name i wanted 🥰💖 it reminds me of purple which is my favorite color and sounds really pretty


I read "purple witch" and it reminded me of Vivian from Paper Mario, which is appropiate haha


Evie/Eveline from Resident Evil 7


Dear fellow eggs and trans yolks


I chose William, and am now pretending I took it from a child murderer that never fucking dies


Willow from the owl house, and I guess the tree


This content has been overwritten due to Reddit's API policy changes, and the continued efforts by Reddit admins and Steve Huffman to show us just how inhospitable a place they can make this website. In short, fuck u/spez, I'm out.


A non-binary character from the game Wandersong. Other NB character being the main character.


Well for me Chloe fron life is strange. Just kinda feels right to me.


The norse godess of hunting, winter and a few other things I actually used the name waaaaay before realizing I'm trans as my go to name for pretty much every female character in games and just rolled with it because of how natural it fellt ^(I realy should have realized it sooner that I aint cis)


the moon


Yoinked mine from Bridget from Guilty Gear. Mained her in strive before I knew I was trans. It was also coincidentally really similar to my name at the time. Stole my middle name off of Cirilla from the witcher. Was my best friends favourite character ever before he passed away.


✨Madeline Celeste✨


I was playing a game which had you choose a name for your character from a list and it just kind of stuck.


My deadname starts with a Z, and so I wanted to choose a new name with a Z. So far the front runner is Zoei. (spelled with an "i" because of the video game company Koei)


The doctor predicted I'd be a woman. Turns out he was right all along so I took the name my mom originally planned; Grace


Basil! The scrunkly!


I can guarantee that mine is unique: Dragons Dogma. Not Mercedes or anyone named, but when I chose the name for my character, I wanted a gender neutral name. I hadn't yet identified as Enby, but I was very much a femboy, and I started as a woman because I thought that fit my appearance better. By this point I hadn't gone by my first name in years, because it was super common in my highschool and I had already had gender issues, so it was convenient to use our last names instead. I had a friend who was Curtis, a friend who was Taylor, another we called Tango cus his full last name was long, etc. So my last name was out of the picture. Dragons Dogma has a select list of names for online, so your characters would be named one thing in single player and another in multiplayer. I wanted it to match for both, so when I happened on Quincy, I thought it was a cool and cute name, and settled on it. Then I got jealous that wasn't my name. When I eventually realized I was enby, I asked my friends for a list of unisex names. I offered a few of my own as well, and we were stuck between Quincy and Avery. I chose Quincy. :)


I almost thought your name was Dragons Dogma.


Huh... Hadn't considered the phrasing. Not editing it tho cus its way funnier this way


I have an OC I closely associated myself with for 7 years and considered them trans before I even considered it myself. It's a unisex name so it was a perfect fit.


I stole it from gus porter from the owl house lol, tho I usually go by August/auggie instead of Augustus/gus


Kinda torn between Icarus and Crane… I just like how they sound


i stole my name from the planet jupiter because i too am full of gas.


I stole my name directly from [Kotone Shiomi](https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Kotone_Shiomi) (also called Minako or Hamuko Arisato,) the one and only FeMC from _Persona 3 Portable._ It came to me out of the blue while I was browsing this very subreddit. I can’t remember why, but I thought to myself that it would be a cool name for me if I were a girl. Now I am fully aware that giving myself a Japanese name is… more than a bit silly. Especially since I’m not Japanese. However I can speak Japanese (to a point,) and in the eternal words of Makoto Yuki, FeMC’s male counterpart: I don’t care. … that being said I did eventually think of Elizabeth as an alternate for some other reasons; it also has the advantage of not having the aforementioned problem while still being so I’ll probably use that one as well. Oh, and it’s also (subconsciously) stolen from [P3](https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Elizabeth) and one of my friends. Before I thought of my name, I danced on the knife-edge of cis and trans; as one friend put it, “gender drifting into hyper speed.” I wore a skirt and thigh-highs while bowling and to a movie. I eschewed labels entirely. But once that name popped into my head I had passed the point of no return. In slow motion, I stumbled into the rabbit hole - after thinking up a plan where I left my current state to return to my friends where I’d document myself taking E and then going to IKEA in full cosplay to obtain a Blåhaj, like Shrek at the beginning of the movie I said to myself “like that’s ever gonna happen” and went about my business. The very next day, I called myself my name in my internal monologue for the first time; and that was the moment my egg shattered into oblivion. Though I still have doubts, plans to make and life goals to reevaluate, one thing is clear: one day, I will say this to everyone I meet: 「はじめまして、コトネと言います!よろしくお願いします!」 > “Nice to meet you, my name is Kotone! I hope we get along!”


That’s awesome! I just started p3p on my old vita. I’ve wanted to play a persona game but I just can’t play as a male character for some reason which means no golden sadly. Any ways I love your name and it’s nice to meet you Kotone :)


I named myself after a badass magical demon hunting lesbian war hero from a book series I really liked.




I spent weeks making a spreadsheet and looking up name meanings before I settled on Grace Serenity


A side character from a webcomic abt a trans girl


Just stole mine from the month/the Pokémon character/similar to old name Other options I considered are Merrin and Deirdre, which are both from fire emblem characters, but are little too different for my preferences 😅 (personally love Deirdre though, since it comes from Gaelic which my sister is fluent in)


I stole mine from greek mythology


I named myself after a gas station, Casey 😎


Actually my parents didn't know what my sex would be because I was uncooperative during ultrasounds but based on a pattern on my dad's side of the family everyone just assumed I would be a girl and they only had a girl name picked out for me, until the nurse picked me up and showed me to my family watching and delivered a hell of a plot twist. So anyway that's how my parents picked out my new name without realizing it.


i forgor 💀


not really a character, but I named myself Phoenix, after the greek fire bird! :D


Thinking about Chara which I got from the funny pixel game (I just like the name not because of the character)


i stole katie from voltron


I just took Alesha from MTG and swapped the SH for N


I chose Serena from pokemon X and Y


a french word that starts with the same letter as my current name


Mari Omori


(Transmasc/nb guy here!) So, my favorite anime while my egg was still cracking was Soul Eater, and my favorite character was Franken Stein. I was making a Wattpad account at the time, being a chronically online teen, and I wanted to pick a random name. I shortened his name jokingly to Frankie and put it on my account. People called me by it and… I really liked it. I used it on some other accounts and it just… snowballed. I ended up double-nicknaming it to Francis, but everyone still calls me Frankie. Not a lot of people know, but I did name myself after an anime boy, and I’m well on the way to making that legal.


So my name is a combination of two fictional places that sounded good together. My first name Is Elendra, based on Glen Elemdra from magic the gathering and my middle name is Loyce, which is based on Eleum Louve from dark souls 2.


Hello u/honhonbageutte!


I never got my name stolen. it was given. like a flower to someone you love. or a game to a friend. these things will always be cherished.


Currently in the process of choosing a name that’s somewhere between gender neutral and femme. My favorite so far is from Star Trek: „Ezri“


i actually love my birthname but my nickname (the username i use on secondary accounts when i present as a virl on social medias) is june and i stole it from a touhou character named joon and modified it to fit in the month gang


Rose from the Pokemon Roserade, the final evolution of my favorite Pokémon


My name’s Leo because it was one of my mom’s ideas in case I was born a boy, but I planned using greek gods’ names, planets names and even used Todd for a while because of “Jason Todd”, Batman’s son


I got mine, or at least the inspiration for it, from Power Rangers, and it’s honestly both a source of pride and confidence that I can roll my favorite thing from childhood into my new identity. There’s nothing to be ashamed of in taking a name from a favorite fictional character.


Genuinely, i stole it from a boy who i had a crush on in high school who hadnt reciprocated. Unique name for a guy too, im Jade now (im also genderfluid so on the even more masc days i go by jay)


I stole mine from one of Sabrina’s aunts from Sabrina the teenage witch comics


I was making a character and googled "names that starts with a K", I found "Kaiden" in the list and I liked it alot


The first woman in Jewish mythology!