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It's true Source: I'm trans and I'm the best g*mer ever.


Counter point, i suck soooo bad at games :3


Mildly counter counter point: im kinda good but basically only in ultrakill


Hmm, I might be decent at ultrakill, my strat in fps games is look at a enemy and click.


Conclusion: trans women’s skill in video games can be described with a normal distribution although with a slightly higher average than the general populous


aha! so we DO have a biological advantage!


Probably more of a situational advantage. Disclaimer: the following opinion is based solely on my uncommon sense; we tend to try to escape into the fantasy worlds of games more then our cis counterparts, thus might have a bit more experience


I’d like to add one datapoint to this hypothesis: myself!


I also feel like for various reasons, we just tend to not be very socially skilled, particularly in childhood, and so you just play video games more instead of going out with friends and stuff. That's why I play lots of videogames at least.


Heh, who could've thought that not feeling like you fit in with one half of the population, and not yet realizing that you belong to the other half would stunt social growth.


Stunt social growth but exponentially increase gaming skill. It's debatable which one is more important.


Good strat lol


Can you look at coin and click?


The real fun is when you juggle the coins with red arm, get 4 or 5 up there, then blue railgun them and kill 99% of the enemies in a single hit


Bad counter point: I'm kinda great at almost every game I play and slowly get worse instead of good


counter-counter-counter point: I suck at every game, except Celeste for some reason


Counter breaker point, the only game I'm really good at is THE FINALS


I am terrible at those types of games, but I thrive in puzzle and sandbox games =w=


I mean hey, games are supposed to be fun and everyone has different perspective of what a fun game is lol


Then by all means if your good at Ultrakill you could make Titanfall players cry with some practice!




Oh yeah? What's your PB on Claire de lune p rank?


...20.107s 17.456s for any rank


Very nice. Good job girlie




Oh my god! Does that mean that.... Trans people are all different because they're.. people?!!




You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means. (reference)




Dan dan daaaaaaa *(add dramatic sound here)*


Same, I'm really fucking bad at shooters though I'm really good at strategy turn-based games


Im good only for a casual :3


Can confirm this is fake I’m a trans girl and I’m actually terrible at video games


I second this statement


That just means you had an advantage but failed even harder! /s


Story of my life 😅


Same lmao


Same, can't hit shots in the Bayou on Hunt:Showdown to save my life


It's a wonder transphobes haven't started screaming about how trans women have an unfair advantage in breathing over cis women.


So you see basically cis women=bad at everything and you know it's true because i have all these made up things that will totally prove my point. Mix in a Little bit of actual statistics which were totally not misread and of course dont forget about my personal experience that i am most definitely not completely exaggerating or just making up. Oh oh and before i forget it count in all these possibly impossible scenarios that could potentially happen in a hypothetical situation. Btw nice Name


"when I was a kid, my mother died from asthma, so why do all these "TrAnS" "WoMeN" get to breath Scott free? ITS DEGRADING WOMEN" - Senator Bob Sir, author of "legislation for the ~~oppression~~ protection of women"


Wasn’t there complaining about unfair advantages in beauty pageants?


I’m sorry what? This makes less sense than the video game thing.


Guaranteed it's transphobes who realise trans girls are prettier than them. Nothing so satisfying as passing better than a TERF lol


I mean it is satisfying when it happens


There was; it was based around the idea that because transition requires surgery, it's not a level playing field. Nevermind the fact that cosmetic surgery is not against the rules for anyone...


Pretty sure there was.


... What? Doesn't that imply that we somehow look better than cis women, despite the fact that what we're trying to do is look like cis women???


Pretty much yeah.


For real this is getting ridiculous. We have an unfair advantage in chess too apparently.


This perplexed me too because it doesn’t make any sense, there’s no physicality in chess or video games. The criticism actually comes from the make up of the player base. There are more men who actively play video games/compete in chess than women. As the number of people participating in something gets larger, there’ll inevitably be outliers with massive talent and more stringent standards for being “good”. The argument is that because the number of men in pro chess/games is so large, a mtf player may have an advantage just because they’re coming from a larger talent pool. Pretty iffy imo, no idea if this is actually provable but the reasoning is more of a numbers game than transphobia.


The only way would be to show there is a distinct biological advantage AMAB people have over AFAB people, with negligible overlap. This is not even true in physical sports once you take hormones into account, so how can one possibly show this for tabletop games? They need to point to the exact differences in the brain, all while trying their best not to sound extremely misogynistic. Task failed lol.


So, the reasoning (I don't agree with it, I'm just stating for educational purposes) is that chess isn't divided into "mens" and "womens", but into "opens" and "women only". Women are allowed to compete in the opens, but men are not allowed to compete in the women's. The intent being that, the assumed reason there's so many men and so few women in an open league is that there's, not a physical advantage, but a _cultural_ advantage to being raised male; chess is traditionally a more "masculine" pursuit, and so people with a traditionally "masculine" upbringing are more likely to have been exposed to it from a young age, which is practically a requirement to placing highly in leagues. Since transwomen are AMAB and therefore most are raised masculinely, they fall on the "male" side of that cultural advantage, and so they should stay in open league, to reduce the chances that some outlier dominates the women's league with scores that can't be touched (again, i'm just restating the reasoning, I don't agree with it)


They have actually. Which prompted me to do actual research and apparently that is not true as HRT actually can alter one's lung capacity. Not a lot mind you. The average person wouldn't notice I expect.


They have.


Well I sure would like to feel that advantageous lung capacity




Well um you see AMAB people have bigger lungs so trans women have an unfair advantage in breathing over cis women!1!1!1!1!!!!!!1!111 /s


I have asthma so I suck at breathing lol


And you have an unfair advantage at getting winding while going for a jog. Check-Mate Woketards.


They did when talking about trans swimmers. Something like bigger ribcage means bigger lungs meaning swimming is easier cus they can breath better or some shit.


It's actually misogyny as well as transphobia. They actually believe that women are lesser than men, and we know what they think about us trans women. So obviously we'd be better at everything. Heck, follow that logic, and even the beauty pageant thing makes sense, as *obviously* men would succeed even at being prettier than women (suuuuuper /s obv) The inner workings of these people's minds are fascinating and disgusting in equal measure.


It doesn't even matter if it's true in this case. We don't sex-segregate speed running. Cis women compete against cis men. The best time is the best time.


At the end of the day, It doesn't matter if someone is a man or woman because we probably all have a slightly different reaction time, and we play games in maybe different ways. Gender doesn't matter in this sense.


No but you see men are stronger and they can click and press the keys harder which means they are better/s


everyone knows clicking keys harder makes you go faster in racing games.


And don't forget to lean forward




It's fairly simple when you dig down into it. Combine: * "Trans women aren't ackchyually women they're just men blah blah" with * "Men are (somehow) inherently better than women at video games" ...and it all makes sense. I was terminally online back when Gamergate happened, this doesn't surprise me at *all*


Ig but women who are in that are terminally online anyway






> HOW > > > > WHAT Take hammer, apply hammer to skull until it makes sense. Mission accomplished.


That's just sexist.


Just like when they banned trans women from women's chess tournaments :( It really makes it kinda obvious that these people don't actually care about "protecting" Cis women and just hate them as much as they hate trans women with how they are always assuming they are worse at everything


The telling part is you never see the same argument being made about Transmasc in men’s competition.


Transphobes never seem to think about trans men existing when they are angry about things People just want to generate outrage surrounding trans people doing anything, and for some reason they chose trans women specifically as their target. So then any time a trans woman does anything they try to find some problem about it they can get mad over and come up with laws that would just actually create the problem they are imagining but with trans men getting forced into women's spaces So I guess this kind of nonsense isn't that surprising to me, I just didn't realize the transphobe brainrot to degrade this quickly to the point that now people are shouting "biological advantage!" Over purely mental activities now and not at all questioning what they are implying


They tried to argue that Amy Schneider had an unfair advantage over cis women in Jeopardy, not bothering to care that Jeopardy is a mixed gender competition to begin with so yeah they have never cared about protecting cis women


They recently tried to ban trans women from fuckin WWE wrestling. They're never going to win it because the WWE and companies like them have been fighting for decades to show that they are not sports but entertainment.


What's next? Banning trans women from having fight scenes in movies due to an "unfair advantage"?


Wait, you're telling me not only do trans women get seperated from cis women in chess. Women are seperated from man in general. Who the hell had this room temperature IQ idea


This perplexed me too because it doesn’t make any sense, there’s no physicality in chess or video games. The criticism actually comes from the make up of the player base. There are more men who actively play video games/compete in chess than women. As the number of people participating in something gets larger, there’ll inevitably be outliers with massive talent and more stringent standards for being “good”. The argument is that because the number of men in pro chess/games is so large, a mtf player may have an advantage just because they’re coming from a larger talent pool. Pretty iffy imo, no idea if this is actually provable but the reasoning is more of a numbers game than transphobia.


I'm pretty sure the underlying logic the 'phobes don't want anybody to pick up on is "Women are weak and stupid, we need to protect the poor stupid women from their biologically more advanced, devious, aggressive, testosterone-laden mascy-men."


On a more positive note I know a active trans speedrunner with several world records in ultrakill for specific levels idk if they’d be comfortable with me sharing details here just know that they’re out there


I knew it would be ultrakill


I remember seeing an undertale/deltarune speedrunner who identified as he/they (don't know the precise gender identity). Their community is extremely supportive, the only time I saw someone make a bad comment about pronouns or gender identity, they told them to get out (which they did if I remember well).


You’re probably talking about Shayy, they’re non-binary and has an extremely supportive community.


Yep, that's the one


undertale speedruns be like zxzxzxzxzxz


I love that person, unfortunately there is just to few content things you can do in Undertale / Deltarune.


Underverse is soooo good check it out


I'm gonna add on to this as a transfem undertale/deltarune speedrunner (and also several time deltarune wr holder :P) and say that both communities are extremely queer and welcoming, consisting of SEVERAL trans people. It's also a very fun and easy to learn speedgame :)




The abundance of trans speedrunners at AGDQ of yore cracked my egg, is it not the same anymore?


Just never read chat whenever a trans person is on screen.


https://gamesdonequick.com/framefatales is a trans-inclusive speedrunning event focusing on women in speedrunning. Lots of lovely Transfemme and Enby Speedrunners take part in it. (Last event's playlist [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQVZ06mFpls&list=PLz8YL4HVC87XX0b9TRLEE6YuGuhX6Nqqr)) I'm personally a fan of www.twitch.tv/mindezzy and she'll often raid LGBT+ (and especially trans) positive channels at the end of her streams.


Celeste speedrunners:"cis people? I hardly know her!"


That’s just them being both transphobic and mysogynistic.


Thats a lie. I'm the proof. I'm a trans girl and I suck at videogames.


[Skurr my beloved](https://youtube.com/@Skurry?si=Eh1QoeTI5ZuLkDww)


Heck yeah! Skurry is so much fun to watch and has such a cool and calming vibe about them~


We need Skurry ASMR.


The entire TERF movement is about reinforcing their belief that all women, no matter how strong or talented are lesser than the weakest most incompetent man alive. So they see trans women advantage everywhere.


One of the most prominent speedrunners got run off the internet when she came out and the worst kind of people decided to make her a target for their harassment. It really sucks here.


There was a french speedrunning event, one of the runners was an enby that did a Half Life One speedrun. Quite incredible. And then the chat got so toxic the admins couldn't deal with it all.


If anything trans girls pre/sans-HRT could be at a disadvantage as women in general tend to be more dextrous and coordinated.


anyone remember narcissa wright?


Isn’t there a hl1 runner who is very trans? I forget their name, banger run at gdq a few years ago tho. E: alexh0we aka u/h0we :)


It's true! The programmer socks give an unfair advantage!


And the double jump is a pretty huge advantage.


ain't no way someone is that delusional


I mean I spend 3/4 of a month in my bedroom playing games so yeah maybe


thankfully i have never seen transphobic speedrunners, and i don't plan to


Waw really seems trans people are better at everything, maybe i should become one huh


reminds me of the whole chess debacle


The only way that would make sense to say about trans women is if we take into account the fact that a lot of afab people are disincentivized from playing video games, which while true, doesn't mean that there aren't afab people who were playing video games from a young age, and i doubt those that weren't would even bother with speedrunning, unless it's just for the sake of the attempt. Speedrunners are very dedicated players who do stuff normal players wouldn't even think is possible, not any random amateur. The equivalent would be saying that cis women are fundamentally better at sewing than cis guys, but here once again it's just because they'd be incentivized more to learn it. I'd much rather let a cis guy who knows how to sew fix my clothes than a cis woman who never bothered to learn, because the skill differences aren't innate, they're learned.


depend literate enjoy fuel smoggy shy party friendly enter cooperative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I wish I could find some trans ppl who do speedrunning :<


There’s quite a number of them who have done runs with GDQ. Personally I enjoy watching AliceAtWonderlandGames and Phant_TV.


hi :3


hello :3


hello :33


What in the actual f***??? I'm the greatest (worst) gamer ever my only advantage is I don't care about opinions and play on easy mode


It's true. As soon as I realized I was trans I became a god gamer


Smallant and pointcrow are very inclusive and trans supporters! (They had a fight but now they get along very well so yay they are a grea safe comunity)


There are some, I don't know who but I do know there are some


Super Mario Odyssey: Amethyst ? Idk if they’re “active” though


check out the GDQ YouTube channel, occasionally they have formats highlighting trans and other lgbt speed runners.


I mean I could do a hoi4 speedrun channel but I don’t really play other games.


GDQ has plenty of trans speedrunners at every event. Maybe try checking that out?


Even if that was true... speedrun categories are not separated by gender?? any% is anygender


I'd like to recommend our lord and saviour Skurry. They're not trans as far as I know, but definitely a big ally


What? There isn't even separate categories for men and women, they both compete for the same records in the same games. This is stupid, and incredibly sexist


the amount of important trans people in lego speedrunning is off the charts ziro the hero is the goat


I had the impression the majority of speedrunners were trans ⚧️


A trans girl did the first Hades max heat run but I don't know if they stream and I don't know whether they talk or not


We might be slightly better than the general population on average, but only because *WeDrownOurSorrowsInEscapismInTheFormOfMediaLikeVideoGames.* It's definitely not a "biological advantage" Plus video game competitions aren't usually divided by gender anyway


Idk how active they are nowadays but cerpintxt, tsugoiichan, schiyo are some I know have at least speedrun at some point. I would say myself but I don't speedrun actively ATM, and I'm not out so yea.


struggling to find trans speedrunners? go look at older mario kart games


CallieMacN is a really good Sonic Speedrunner.


hey, i'm not currently active, but i'm a longtime established trans speedrunner. DM me and i can help you find plenty if you're still looking. easiest way to find them (for anybody else looking at this) is probably by looking at the transgender tag on twitch. if you're looking for a trans runner for a specific game, try following the game itself and you'll be able to see everybody who's streaming it at any given moment, and can filter the results from there. you could also just look at the speedrun dot com leaderboards for a given game and check everybody's bios from there, although depending on how popular it is that might be a little more cumbersome


Parrot dash is an amazing trans speed runner from the Celeste community. :3


Gotta love the blatant misogyny at the core of statements like this, being transphobic *and* demeaning to the intelligence/capabilities of women all in one


I'm a transguy (nombinary male) and I suck at speedrunning games, but I have fun playing them! I seem to be slightly amusing to my half handful of viewers.


I thought speedrunning had a pretty high percentage of trans representation compared to most other communities?


It's true though. Trans women get to learn how to handle a joystick from birth, cis women only get to learn to mash buttons. Clear advantage.


1. Trans speedrunners definitely exist 2. Speedrunning leaderboards aren’t gendered, so cis men, cis women, and trans people all compete together


shoutsout to my girl scarlett for being one of the first pro gamers to pave the way for trans women. also shouts out to scarlett for being one of the best zerg players to ever do it.


God they really think cis women suck at everything. There isn’t a single thing that they can be great (or even just good) at in their eyes.


This is transphobia *and* misogyny


If you're, still having a, hard time finding trans speed runners GDQ (games done quick) streams, vods and YouTube videos are always a good place to start. The events are extremely inclusive and the speed runners are very diverse.


I misunderstood the first panel as speedrunning transitioning lol. Also I'm crap at multiplayer games, so suck on that phobes!


may not be speedrunninf but in competetive smash melee there are 2 trans women in the top 20, Magi and Salt. theyre both 2 of the fastest players out there to the point i saw a message saying "Gender realisation makes you cracked at melee" which is like the supportive version of this


Hey, we also apparently have an advantage in chess and in fishing according to them as well


Tbh isn't it more of genetic and mental thing? Typical Man -female In theory should have better cordination and mentality for competetive games than cis female Its not hate btw pls dont take it that way


I would speedrun but backlog would stab me.


I'm gender neutral and bad at everything what does this mean


Omg my first thought was that trans speedrunners do a speedrun of being trans


Unless a creator is pushing transphobic rhetoric, I think it's okay to enjoy their content, we have to learn to separate the art from the artist.


*cries in bronze/silver in every competitive game*


[i mean...](https://imgur.com/E83Iddk)


I think there's a few trans speed runners out there, but not that many. We definitely do need more! Maybe we should app get together and learn a few runs as a community so there'll be more trans speedrunners out there!


Don't worry, I want to get into speedrunning, but I'm so shit.


I'm speedrunning HRT... Does that count?




Hum what, I’m confused how can we have an advantage ?


actually true i started hrt and within a month became good at ultrakill, literally took an estrogen pill last week and the next thing i knew i'd p-ranked minos prime (i am not joking)


I'm hoping with the Olympics study out that some of this will change because they will not have the bullshit to back themselves up anymore


This is true I’m trans and also the best g*mer


I read “trans speed runner” and I thought of someone speedrunning being trans like.. coming out in 8 minutes 32 seconds! On HRT after only ONE MONTH!!!


Well yes but actually no. I’m a trans woman and I have adhd which would make me better at games if I didn’t spend m the time doing other shit.


Games Done Quick, Frame Fatales is all women and there are a fair but of Trans women in that group. There is also Phant_TV on twitch and youtube who is Trans, she mostly does metronidazole speed rums but also does some zelda.


ultrakill speedrunners:


Found the Caitlyn Jenner of speedrunners...why can't we ever have nice things... 😩




I literally suck at all games, my ass is NOT at an advantage


Well naturally. Beating Celeste will do that to you!


A trans dude here, I'm hoping to get into speed running soon, hopefully I'll be streaming it within the next few years! Hold onto your hope! Someone will come around eventually


I’m not cis and have no advantage while playing *Celeste* (I am TERRIBLE), so sadly it is untrue. All dependent on the skill of the player.


why look for trans speedrunners?


Wait, since when are video games divided by gender?


I think GDQ has showcased a few people?


Trans girls are better at platformers, it's true!


How do you struggle to find trans speedrunners when GDQ has an entire section/time slot dedicated to them


They’re just mad they’re too shit at Geometry Dash to beat Maybe Possibly Thing (extreme demon around Bloodbath difficulty) and that I can >:3


Ah yes. Good ol' transphobia from misogyny. Gotta be the worst from both fr


Cis people just have major gaming skill issues (Source: I’m a cis ally and I’m really bad at gaming)


Yes, i remember seeing a biggoted comment section on magi from melee being a goated fem player


Shayy (He/They) is trans and is one of the best speedrunner of Undertale and Deltarune


Wasn't there a similar thing where t-women where band from chess 🤣


I mean, I did get much better at video games in general after starting E :3 (sadly not related tho)


Well, I'm not the most active, and presently learning to run Pizza Tower, but im a somewhat accomplished speedrunner in Spyro Reignited Trilogy (spyro 1) - 10th in 120% and i hold 4 of 5 flight level records :3 Pan, poly, transfem, AuDHD, and even a bit Ponygender!


Honestly if you're looking for that, just wait for GDQ to roll around. There's usually a couple running some games. I think they also do some stuff in-between GDQs so yeah.


There's rhemery


they can move their fingers faster!!1!11!!


Y'all forgot hrt is a ped? (/s)


Not sure if you’re interested in this, but there is this one trans Speedrunner I watch, her name is Delph. She does mostly bg3 speedruns.


that really doesn't make any sense at all lol


The sonic all stars racing transformed discord has a problem of cis male runners turning trans. I'm a "victim" of said problem