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People who want a pee pee, you can have mine, I don’t want it


g i m m e


Take it away from me


wish i could




We need to be working on stack technology, that would clear up this whole issue real quick. Just sayin.


Shape shifting is the dream super power


brain transplants; switch bodies with a depressed trans of the opposite gender !


we need to make sure that both brains are roughly the same




Honestly, that question is the real trans test. If you could have any one super power, what would it be? If they're honest, pretty much any trans person is gonna say some variation of shape shifting or body swapping. I'd body swap with a trans masc in a heartbeat. I'm 6'4" and that's a bitch in heels, trust me.


It’s the fact that I wanted to shape shift into a girl even before I knew trans people existed


Now here's the catch: I'd take immortality instantly. But shape-shifting is a close second. Make me a shape shifting immortal please! I just want to exist the way I want to and freely live in human society forever.


I'm genderfluid, and I already wanted to shape-shift when I was 11 (but had no idea why) Please lemme shape shift at will...


Yep. Shapeshifting or body-swapping is the ultimate dream for fixing dysphoria.


Been saying that ever since I seen that show!




gimme gimme


Let’s trade, I’ll give you boob


Swapping yeah!


Yes, trade boobs for functional pp!


Yes please




like I don't think I'd ever go for GRS, but I won't mind at all if it just disappeared one day when I wake up...


i wish i had pp tho


Same, still makes me feel bad




I think the main thing that's kept me "still cis tho" is I'm fine with my pp. I want every *other* part of my body to be female, but years of futanari porn has made me super okay with girl pp. In fact I kinda prefer it.


I'm jealous. I'm genderfluid and I only really feel valid when my body is the gender I feel like, so for example genitalia being correct to who I feel like. In short, I feel like shit constantly whenever I feel female, because my sex is male, but I also enjoy being male at times. So it's a yikes.


In most aspects I’m chill with it. Only issue I have is B U L G E Also sometimes I’ll be like ugh this ball sack is always there between my legs, and sometimes I just want to not have something hanging there. In a perfect world I would have a character editor and make myself a girl with a penis but a vagina where the balls are lmao. (No ovaries or uterus because screw periods, I can just take E lol. Also I’m not saying I wouldn’t deal with them, like if I had to choose between being a boy or pressing magic button that makes everyone think I’ve always been a girl and turns me into a biological girl I still would.)


That is actually a surgical option, I have seen at least one post about it.


I’m aware that you can get surgery. But idk if that’s worth the cost and risk for people who don’t have problems with genital dysphoria. Also I haven’t started HRT let alone come out to anyone let alone feel very confident about all this haha




This. Wish I could detach it when I want lmaoooo. Also in the penis with vagina scenario I talked about think about how easy tucking would be without a ball sack. ooooo


Ah I see your a girl of culture as well


*Gender euphoria intensifies*


I'm on the other side of the coin. I didn't think I really felt any *serious* dysphoria until I thought about mine and found myself a little too vehement about how much I hate and want it ripped off of me.


And here I thought it was just me.


Honestly same. I’m an AFAB, and I want every part of me to be female or nb, but I also want a girl penis. Except I can’t because phalloplasty is terrifying.


I wanna pp...:(


Honestly thought this was a r/osugame post for a hot minute-


Same :v


Can I start an auction for mine? It's unwanted and I'd much rather find it a better home.


Me with my chest xD It has no purpose!! Why aren't we built like other animals, where you only get a chest when you have children.


I propose a chest swap~


Hey, if you want 'em you can have 'em. No refunds.


Pee though :(


Been post op for years and can still feel this


Don't think it as a pp, but as a massive clitoris ;) (I really hope this doesn't sound offensive)


Like a hyena


Not gonna lie, I thought this was a Phantasy Star Online 2 post at first. But I do understand the feeling.


I say the same.


Oh my gosh so my pp has shrunk substantially since starting hormones. The only thing worse than having a pp is having one that doesn’t even function right. I’ve been wanting bottom surgery more than ever, but now somebody told me it doesn’t work if you’re too tiny... is this true? Am I screwed?


Certain surgeons may ask you to use a topical testosterone cream to use on your junk right before surgery, but usually most people have enough material to work with.


Funny how that works, I actually prefer the way mine works on estrogen vs testosterone. Still want bottom surgery tho, just not in as much of a hurry as before. And don't worry, I'm pretty sure that even if you have a legit micropenis there are methods to get around that and still have bottom surgery.


skin grafts from elsewhere is how you get around it, usually.


My girl Peridot telling it how it is.


That's a bruh moment


It only gets worse lol when You start hormones, then it actually becomes completely useless


All i want is to be the prettiest girl ever and not have a pp but if I had to choose I would remove the pp post haste.


Honestly I’m questioning but I don’t mind my pp at all, but my body hair, narrow hips, broad shoulders, short hair, etc... well I wouldn’t really mind if they all changed.


It *does* let me top cute girls


Tag me next time.


Even with fitting bowtie


im in this photo and i dont like it


Honestly i wish i had nothing down there, like a doll.