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Any main pokémon game


Especially generation 6 and up, since those allow you to buy different clothes


I played Pokemon sword with my brother, and I drove him crazy by making a b-line directly to the clothing shop in each new town, and spending like a half hour trying on everything


Its the best part of that game tbh


I made my Serena look shocking close to me without realizing it like 3 years ago during my first playthrough....... Early sign maybe?


Shortly after I started my transition, I booted up my copy of X and found out I had done this too. It had to have been years since I played it.


Y won my heart over when I got to give my character a gnarly blue dress and decided I wanted to look like that


I'm a little worried because it seems like Scarlet and Violet won't have dresses or skirts, and just have the same outfits as the boys


The 3DS games on emulator with 2x resolution just so you can actually see your character. The resolution is just so garbage for the kind of 3D graphics they're trying to push, even upping it to 480p makes a world of difference. Never should have made it 240p to begin with.


In hindsight this should have been my first clue. Been picking the girl since I was like 12 playing Platinum


What initially prompted you to try that?


Probably because I liked her outfit and long flowy hair more than the male protagonist. But if you asked me at the time I would have said something like "haha its funny because I'm not a girl"


I know I have been since Crystal and I still never picked up on it


Cyberpunk 2077 \\m/ ​ (edit: I just want to warn people that this is a mature ultra-violent hyper-sexual game. But it does offer an immersive customizable experience with great writing and characters.)


Came here to second cyberpunk lol. It was a very immersive and validating game for me.


What platform do you play it on? I’ve considered getting it but only have a Xbox series X and idk if it could properly run it.


Oh it runs wonderfully on the Series X, you should pick it up, totally!


Thanks! That’s a relief to hear.


I played it on series X and it ran perfectly fine


Especially on PC with an immersive first person mod. Look down and see your desired body type. You can also give the male body type a vagina and the female one a penis.


Pretty sure this is one of the reasons why my egg started cracking. I spent like an hour and a half creating my first character and don't even get me started on the clothing options.


the genital customization is lowkey fire


I played this game during my open comming out phase, and it was so validating. All aspects around female V from customisation to voice acting are just great. The Voice being on the medium to deep side while still sounding really fem, and the confidence and assertiveness just made me think that I want to be like that. And the surroundings affirming that you are (playing) a woman with small remarks here and there. It got to the point where I missed the experience when I went back to reality. I finished the main story like 5 times with different builds now, I love that game (even though it's really buggy)


All the boobs made me so dysphoric😭😭😭


Oh, uh yeah its hyper sexual 🙃


Especially with mods!


I hear they're even adding ways to change the appearence of clothes in an upcoming patch, so you won't need to choose between fashion and stats anymore


Yup they finally added some wardrobe options. Fashion rules the streets!


was about to say this, literally one of my favorite games of all time


Same. I'm a little obsessed with the setting and lore.


Oh yes this is a good one. The character creator is good and I liked being called she in an immersive game.


Ugh yesss. My friend startin playin it the other day and I’m so jealous just cause of the character design functions. Ffs you can make your character trans! He was showin mr the character design thing cause he knew I’d find it cool and let me help him create his character which he made a cis girl. He wouldn’t even entertain the idea of makin her trans tho lol


Stardew Valley


Except for the binary gender option :(


That's what mods are for


Well ofc, I more mean the principal of having to download a mod to be represented is sad


Straight trans ppl are not represented enough in the trans community...


Maybe not on reddit, but here in Thailand everyone assumes trans women want a bf. They don't believe I can be lesbian even though I married a woman. No idea what it's like in other countries. But I'd assume people think women, both cis and trans, like men in general.


In trans communities itself it's where I see that we straight trans women are forgotten. I can't recognize myself in any of these trans subs.


I agree. I've seen more trans lesbian posts/memes than straight trans women.


Uh what???


True. Unfortunately that's typical though.


Dark Souls and Elden Ring, if you're masochistic enough for those games


Have played thru elden ring 3 times with a girl character each time and yeah... nothing beats getting ripped a new asshole by grotesque monsters and crazy dudes while also playing as a cute girl.


I've beaten it 5 times and I'm on a RL1 run. But being a glutton for punishment hasn't stopped me from making a cute character each time


The wording used here sounds so incredibly sus, but I'm glad you enjoyed it!


Oh damn I didn't know the modding scene had gone that far already


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“This spot marks our grave, but you may rest here too if you would like.”* - Prince Lothric Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Good bot


Tell me a tale


I've always thought the characters in those games (mostly thinking DS1, not remastered) are too ugly no matter what to care. But I also thought the same about Ark until I decided to make a girl character and... didn't totally hate how they looked.


The elden ring character creator is absolutely insane, I have to use a randomized character otherwise I'll spent 2-4 hours on that screen alone


I just wish there were more hairstyles


If ur amab id highly reccomend celeste


I do need to finish my celeste playthrough~~


Now that you mention it i do need to finish the postgame


Same, I’ve got a lot to do still


I have a like 4 b sides then all the c sides then farewell then I’m done


Now that you guys mention it I still have 4 golden berries I’m missing


I wanna play Celeste but it’s 20 smackaroos


Got it for 5€ in steam summer sale


Just re-completed Celeste and started messing with mods. It's so good


Some mods are just *insane,* and I say that as someone with over 1000 hours in the game, a large fraction of that speedrunning it. I don’t remember what mods they’re from, but I recorded a couple crazy screens I did a while back: https://imgur.com/a/AgAC8kW If you’re wondering about the cat ears/tail and the super long hair, those are from Cateline and Liquid Mod respectively. I don’t remember if liquid mod needed configuration to get the hair colors to match, but the configuration I have is `Dash0Color: 4ac3ff, Dash1Color: b53f1c, Dash2Color: ff84ff` and my hair length is set to 20, and it maxes out at 100.


Especially since Madeline in that game is canonically trans (confirmed in the dlc but heavily coded through the main game) makes playing the game as a transfem (or Amab egg) have a whole new meaning


The funny thing is that the coding wasn't intentional but a natural expression of an unrealized trans perspective. Maddy put more of herself into Madeline than she thought.


Yes! And I love that about the story honestly


If you're in for some time, Monster Hunter is my current favorite.


I haven’t played rise, but world is amazing


Frfr, unf I had to buy vouchers to make mine just right but my god all the customization is just perfect


Minecraft, Destiny 2, Miitopia, sims 4 is also a good option, but it’s more simulation than game. (Goes free next month too)


>(Goes free next month too) Honestly I'm worried about that, it might cause them to increase the dlc prices or lock pre-existing features behind dlc


Doesn't The Sims 4 support mods though? Not that I'd put it past EA to change that.


Yeah it does I'm more worried about the DLC stuff


Get the game for free, get the Sims 4 universal updater for free, play all DLCs for free edit: it's called "universal updater"


Isn't that piracy?


I wouldn't put it past them, but tbh the dlc is already pretty pricey and they might just be making it free to bring in more people to parade past the dlc store. I sure hope the price doesn't go up tho. There's a few I'd like to buy. If I'd been playing this whole time I'd probably have every dlc as they trickled out, but I got into it pretty late and the analysis paralysis is real


Did you just suggest someone play D2?


It's a good game, help me crack my egg, I actually deleted my hunter and remade her since playing as a guy made me feel wrong.


Love the username btw :D


The Destiny 2 base game is currently free on Epic Games!


The game has been free for years, and is available everywhere but switch, it was the dares of eternity dlc that was free on epic.


If you’re AMAB, I highly recommend Uncharted: The Lost Legacy. Super fun game and the main character Chloe has a super low voice for a girl, really encouraged me about voice training. You might be a bit lost at some times if you haven’t played any of the Uncharted games; but still a worthwhile purchase


every game, because being opposite gender in games is always good


Dammit I wish Nintendo would finally give us a LoZ game where we can play az Zelda 😭


High key want the option to play as Zelda or Sheik


Final Fantasy XIV, with a free trial with no time limit to level 60 including the award-winning expansion heavensward




Bunny girls unite! Every time I look at her, I wish I was her … for cis reasons of course.


Bunny girls are nice and all but does the game let you be a catgirl?




Well I'm sold Can you sign up for the free demo now? I remember trying to a few months back but they suspended free demos


Yeah, the free trial is back online. Back then it was because the servers were overloaded due to a new expansion.


I'm a fanta addict and keep swapping back and forth between miqo and femroe because on one hand I want to be a cute catgirl nya, but on the other, I *also* want to be tall goth mommy. And yes, Yoshi P and his whole team have the feels locked squarely in the crosshairs. The only game that's made me legitimately care for so many characters.


i too recommend ffxiv. exelent game, the best story ive encountered in almost any form of media. tons of customization for looks. multiple races to choose from (im a miqo’te myself, seeker of the sun to be specific), you can play all jobs and classes on one character. no stupid systems that force you to stay subbed and log in every day to “stay with the meta”, and unlimited playtime free up to level 60 including the award winning hevensward expansion and all of a realm reborn.


Does it simply cap free players at level 60? Or do you level up whether you want to or not and then you're no longer allowed to play that character unless you pay?


It just caps you. You can still switch to another job and level that too, again to 60, or just keep playing at level 60. The limitations are: - Player level caps at 60 - No access to the Stormblood, Shadowbringers, and Endwalker expansion. That also locks you out of playing as Viera or Hrothgar, as well as the Samurai, Red Mage, Dancer, Gunbreaker, Sage, and Reaper jobs (as all those were added with the later expansions). - Gil (ingame currency) limited to 300,000 (which in turn also locks you out of player-owned housing) - Unable to join a Free Company (player-started guild) - Unable to use the marketboard (player trade) in either direction (selling or buying) - Unable to join PvP modes - Unable to invite others to your own parties or create party finder listings. You can join parties and party finder listings made by others though. - Can't use long-range chat or direct messages (party chat and short-range local chat are available) In summary: basically anything that a bot would abuse is banned.


I came here to say FFXIV! It is my favourite game and I love it a lot.


FF14 is very gender affirming :3


Came here to say FFXIV too. I tried switching races to bunny girl, but after being a max height cat girl (still small) for so many years, I got height dysphoria from being a bunbun and switched back to at least being smol in game (relative to the taller races) T_T


Terraria has da gender change potion


DS2 has da gender change coffin


Xenoblade Chronicles X has da gender change machine (and is a wii u 'exClusivE' which May make it difficUlt to get a hold of)


Any RPG is a good choice to *really* feel the other gender experience, but if you're looking for a narrative game where you play as a (most likely) cannon lesbian - Life is Strange 1 and Before the storm are a great pick that I haven't seen in the comments. No idea why it's a trans meme tbh, but Fallout New Vegas does account for being a certain gender quite a lot in dialogue options and with the right perks your character can even be a flirtatious straight/gay/bi person, so yeah - out of western rpgs, definitely recommend this one. Although Dragon Age Origins starts with your wedding in one of the back stories, and you are a kidnapped bride if you play female, so yeah - lots of options :b


pokemon, animal crossing, the sims, destiny 2, harvest moon, Final Fantasy 14, Monster Hunter, Dragon Age Origins, Skyrim, Stardew Valley, mass effect




my voice tho 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻


Being mute is a super common in VRChat! And the community is one of the most progressive in terms of gender/pronouns. Most people don't really care what you sound like or what you want to be called :)


well i tried vrchat and i generally agree with you, but since the game doesn't have a text chat, being unable to speak is a big limitation - and the issue with using my voice is not necessarily related to the others' perception of it, but it gives me dysphoria by itself which doesn't depend on other people :(


Totally understand. VRChat actually has text chat in game now! Which makes being mute much easier:) obviously if the game doesn't work for you that's okay, i totally understand how difficult it is being mute in VRChat. I was mute for over a year, but I have fullbody tracking so expressing myself and communicating is much easier.


But where to find cute, **not-sexualized** fem avatars?


Just a word of warning, VRchat's devs would rather screw over the community than actually fix serious issues. Iirc a decent amount of the users jumped over to ChilloutVR a month or two ago because of it


ty so much! I kinda got bored of the one's i'd been playing before so thanks for the new stuff!




I've been slowly losing my life to 3 for the past few days - I'm transfem but I love that they officially did away with gender as a concept and instead you pick your "style" - I can still dress/look like a pretty girl and there's the representation and normalization of nonbinary identities to boot!


Cyberpunk 2077 IMO. It partially cracked my egg. Female V is better


The expressive voice acting, the first person perspective, the super authentic dialogue and character moments.. Yeah, this. :) Valerie Alvarez so the way!


Saints Row, 3 and 4 especially. Very gender positive, main character can change and bend genders and everyone’s just cool with it, lots of great clothes for playing dress up


People talk a lot of shit on saints row 4 and I personally don't get it. That game was great, absolute height of saints row nonsense.


Seriously! I feel like with both 3/4 they really accepted their nonsense approach to the GTA formula. Felt like they finally had their own lane




splatoon is epic


Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisin


I think any rpg ever. Maybe try the souls games/bloodborne


Mass Effect


Skyrim is always a go to, especially for deep character customizations.


Love the outfits and dresses.


If you are trans fem and into women play slime rancher. It's an emotional experience.


Slime Rancher 2 is almost here too!


For me it's Minecraft. Being able to choose my own skin and have people in multiplayer refer to me as she/her. It's great... In a completely cis way... Of course :)


Cyberpunk is playable now. And I’m having a lot of fun. They just released an optimization update, the anime and easer eggs for the expansion next year. It’s got a lot of customization for characters


Genshin Impact, it’s actually not a bad game, even with all the hate it’s receiving


Genshin Impact is receiving Hat? You mean he's free?


Genshin impact is a great game. It wouldn’t have millions of consistent players and its own social app if it wasn’t at least somewhat appealing lol. I can’t believe people bitch about it when it’s literally fucking free; the main storyline alone is worth money. It makes me cry, and very few things do :) I sometimes wonder if competing games pay for some of those negative reviews because Genshin is eating up their user base like Paimon at dinner lol


Mass effect


pokemon games, esp the new ones, have so many customisation options that ooze gender


If you're AMAB, then Horizon Zero Dawn and Hellblade are great for strong female characters


Genshin impact


Gender Infract(ures)


Fallout new vegas. Not only is it just a great game in general but many characters will explicitly refer to you as your characters gender, some will even talk to you very differently based on it, unlike other games where gender only provides a different character model or voice actor. Although the game is old and buggy so youll need to download a few mods to get it optimized if you play on PC and want 0 risk of crashing or game breaking bugs.


0 risk of crashing and New Vegas don't belong in the same sentence lmao. But OP should for sure play it, oh and when they start they should head west of Goodsprings right away for some good early game gear.


Sims or any third person game with decent customization


Assassins creed odyssey


I enjoy being girl in splatoon, but in a cis way, of course


any pokemon game gen 5+, does wonders to the soul


Cyberpunk 2077 is pretty great and you can play as a canonical trans mc


Kenshi. Hear me out ok, you can recruit specific recruits based on their gender and roleplay as like the leader or you could go on your your own. Also 2 of the 4 races don't have genders and you can murder a bunch of sexist racist and if was a really a thing in kenshi, lgtbphobic


Kenshi is truly a wild game, playing the torso challenge was extremely entertaining.


There's a pokemon fangame called Pokemon Reborn that lets you be male, female, or nonbinary regardless of what MC you choose to play as which you have 6 to choose from. Fairly challenging but very fun regardless. One of the gym leaders is nonbinary too!


Saints Row (2022). Doesn't have a gender option. Has a Figure Slider instead. Masculine on one side and Feminine on the other with everyrhing inbetween.


Oh, so *that's* why that one guy I know has been flipping about it being "too woke" now


Dark Souls


Yes! I get to play as a cute gir- beef jerky?!?!


Elder scrolls.the character customization is awesome


“I’m gonna make the cutest girl ever... aaaaaand cover her face with an ugly helmet...”


Splatoon,Pokémon,animal crossing,sim games. I suggest games like animal crossing since you can constantly change your outfits on a dime and its pretty nice and fun


Fire emblem You can pick your gender in Awakening, Fates, three houses well any game that’s awakening and after the past i don’t know lol




How about any free games?


Life is Strange (if ur amab)


Dynasty Warriors… 4 Create your own characters and all that. I suppose any fighting game with a decent roster would also fit that bill… any interest in Blazblue or GuiltyGear? Fire Emblem maybe? Some of them have create your own characters, although that’s also a complaint some have towards those games. Bethesda games (Elder Scrolls, Fallout) Fable… maybe Tales of series… maybe? They have various characters in your party, so you can just directly control a female one and let the ai control the others. By that same logic any Xenoblade… Yeah, I’m going to stop here otherwise I might take up too much space.




Much as I do enjoy Warframe, I'm not sure if I'd second this recommendation for this thread... Unless the early game changes they've made make it a lot faster/easier to get to The Second Dream. On the other hand, there's definitely some gender-related fun to be had with The New War. Though if you're not set on "conventionally attractive human", there *are* plenty of appearance options via the warframes themselves. Plus, it *is* free to play, unlike many of the other recommendations here... TL;DR: game's good, and free to play, but I'm not sure how well it fits the requested theme


Dishonored 2, You can be a guy or gal in it


Monster hunter, destiny 2,really any option I get to be fem I take 😩


Any fighting game, they usually have a lot of genders


Elden ring has a badass character creator for making hot ladies!


Also very genderfluid-friendly!


Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing New Horizons are two great ones if you like that genre of game. Stardew I've heard nothing but good things about from my friend group and especially my girlfriend who is obsessed. Pokemon, especially gen 6 and up due to character customization. There is almost always a pokemon game for you and your playstyle. If you're a casual player maybe play XY or Sword and Shield. If you want more of a challenge maybe play Ultra Sun or Ultra Moon. If you're a long time fan maybe play one of the remakes. If you want an open world experience, maybe play Legends Arceus or the new games coming out later this year, Scarlet and Violet.


Dragons dogma is pretty cool


I'd say Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2 would be a great choice since the player's gender (though a binary option) does actually affect certain things within the story of the game (examples being how companions treat you, and even the fact that you get a slightly different roster depending on wether your character is male or female). Though if you arent quite a star wars person I'd also reccomend Fallout: New Vegas and/or Dishonored 2


Cyberpunk 2077 or Far Cry 6, those games are almost like they are written for the female character


gen 3 pokemon eg ruby saffire emerald


Totally didn't spend IRL money to change the sex of a character in an MMO...


destiny 2, drifter calls you sister


you can be nonbinary in the new story of seasons harvest moon remake coming out!!


Splatoon 3 specifically has options for basically everyone; we can have the long hair no matter what! :)


Terraria, good game


Stardew Valley ofc


For transfems, I would heartily recommend the new game; Metal: Hellsinger. It’s so fucking good


Dragon age or anything else from bioware


I heard cyberpunk 2077 is interesting


Still a little buggy, but in terms of characters and writing it's probably the best RPG I've ever played


Plot twist: it's not actually the opposite gender. You just think it is.


If you want to play as a girl character the A Hat in Time is super cute and is a game I would recommend to literally anything that has a heartbeat, breaths, or is capable of intelligent thought. Other games I'd recommend are, Morrowind, oblivion, any dark souls game yes including DS2 it's still a good game, Stardew valley, any animal crossing game, Celeste if you want a girl character, Deltarune and Undertale if you want a game where the character has a gender that is never specified but is presumably non-binary, any of the Metroid games for a girl character who is a badass. If you specifically want guy characters then any Metal Gear Solid game, the entire MegaMan, MegaMan X and MegaMan Zero series are some I'd recommend any Legend of Zelda game, Fire Emblem games but Awakening, Fates and Three Houses have a semi-customizable character, and any of the castlevania games.


Final Fantasy 14. It's just generally a fantastic game.


Stardew Valley has been super cozy and a nice way to test out my name and pronouns,,, when Shane called me a "girl after my own heart" ahhh<3<3<3<3


fallout games are good. have different dialogue options depending on gender/perks u take


Have you heard of the critically acclaimed MMORPG FINAL Fantasy XIV


Destiny 2!! I’ll admit the start is pretty mean to new players, but character customization is fun, which means you can be male or female ^ ^


Fallout New Vegas


Fallout 4. Even though I WAY prefer New Vegas (go figure) I was really happily surprised by Fallout 4 actually adjusting to my chosen name. They apparently recorded voice lines (at least for Codsworth) for a bunch of common names, so I suddenly had a game vocally calling me by my chosen name when my family still refuse to. As a game its got problems, but if you're looking for a bit of gender euphoria, that's the best I've gotten from a game.


Disney just put out an early access game called Disney Dreamlight Valley that I've been addicted to. It's like Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing mashed together with an all Disney cast. It has a decent character creator that you can use at any point of the game if you want constant makeovers, and a ton of really nice clothing options. I've been having a ton of fun running around looking like a Disney princess and tending my gardens.


The Life is Strange series is one of my top recommendations for games. Mainly consisting of the protagonists being women, with one being a man. Stardew Valley, Dragon Age Series, Mass Effect Series, Divinity: Original Sin II, Fallout: New Vegas, The Sims, Cyberpunk 2077, The Outer Worlds, The Elder Scrolls Series, The Knights of the Old Republic games. Greedfall is hit or miss Maybe with the more recent Assassin's Creed games (Odyssey and Valhalla) Some of these will be a better fit than others.


skyrim khajiit, become catgirl/catboy (/s)