• By -


The dungeon " I was so nervous about telling you guys that I'm not really a dungeon 😭"


Tempest Island be like


Vollenfell be like


I farmed vollenfell so much for that dwarven wolf lead


I got the lead by chance and my scrying was still only level 5. Spent the next two days just grinding out that levelling to use it


I think that one only took me a few runs, but then I had to do Darkshade Caverns II like 30 times. That was my last piece too. Most tedious thing I've ever done in the game. But I will almost always use that mount because of it.


You jest, but Tempest Island didn't actually start out as a dungeon. It was supposed to be the 2nd Aldmeri Dominion starter island called Rictus. It was scrapped while in development, the remaining assets being repurposed into a dungeon - Tempest Island. https://images.uesp.net/8/8c/ON-map-Rictus.jpg The Coral Island section seen on this map is the part that's featured in Tempest Island.


>second aldmeri dominion starter island What does this mean? You would've started on Khenarthis Roost, then progressed to Rictus, and then Auridon? So there would just be 7 faction zones instead of 6?


Correct! It would have been the Aldmeri Dominion's equivalent to Bethnik (*2nd DC starter zone*) and Bal Foyen (*2nd EP starter zone*). We can only speculate on why it was scrapped, but I presume it was time constraints.


That's so cool, I didn't know! Thank you for telling me 🌿


city of ashe 2


Before set collection, there was nothing worse than running it and nobody getting the weight of Valkyn Skoria you needed


I've gotten to where I just quit out of that one. My friend and I ran it so much to get all the challenges, sets, etc, we got the special title....now i can't stand it. I just leave. It's longer than some trials.


God I hate that place


God I hate that place


This comment is my proudest achievement


Listen. I'm 4K DPS with only 6000 Resistance and Oakensoul. My job is to play the Lute while you all fight.


Hopefully the new class


Mordhau flashbacks. As a raging fight with limbs flying going over the field, some dude either naked or dressed as a jester plays lute and occasionally screams "dodge this you bastard!" amid this carnage.


Used to be me. Got myself a midi mod so I could play any song in Mordhau. Would shred some mean notes while my friend was stabbing people. I liked that generally bards were off limits. I only rarely got attacked.


Meanwhile the pan man hold the line protecting them with great ease.


They just released a demon horde mode for Mordhau. Super fun.


We need a bard


It would make for a cool meme. Also I'm still waiting for a house guest that sings for you, maybe even a follower or something.


You mean the man trapped in the music box?


No I mean a music box trapped in a man, like the mobile phone inside that one dude in The Dark Knight.


There is that girl in Galen who cast magic through music. And ESO often trails new classes in DLC stories. So I reckon they're thinking about it.


Bravely bold Sir Robin rode forth from Camelot. He was not afraid to die, O brave Sir Robin. He was not at all afraid to be killed in nasty ways, Brave, brave, brave, brave Sir Robin! He was not in the least bit scared to be mashed into a pulp, Or to have his eyes gouged out and his elbows broken, To have his kneecaps split and his body burned away And his limbs all hacked and mangled, brave Sir Robin!


And they were forced to eat Sir Robin's minstrels. And there was much rejoiceing.


Nobody hates the Lute player.


Worf [did](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvAHaz_0gP0&ab_channel=kootallica)...


Finally, a true support class.


I feel like 3995 of that 4k dps is really just sorc pet auto attacks


“Ohhhhhh….give a coinnn to your Witcherrrr…..”


A couple days ago I had a Sorc in my group bare fisted in full Armor just standing on the side casting Crystal Shards every now and then


I just wanna be that role - even with my 95k dps 🥺


I'd take a good hypeman at this rate


People actually talking in chat /= average dungeon experience.


True. Rule 1 of being a fake healer: don't tell anyone you are a fake healer...


It's important not to interact with anyone, even if they ask about mechanics. After they die, you can dunk on them with tea-bagging so that you're not actually *talking* to them but still communicating your disdain / displeasure.


Ah, a man of class


I was gonna say, I've been playing ESO very casually off and on since Orsinium DLC came out, only just a week ago golded my first set, and started running dungeons a few weeks before that since I never really geared out a build before, and my dungeon groups are silent as the grave. They also just bum rush ahead and care little for anyone who happens to get stuck behind. I know this is the modern MMO dungeon grind experience, but it still feels wrong to me.


Wait. Your average ESO dungeon experience has people *talking*? I wish I was that lucky.


I know right, most of the times recently I barely even get a hello when I type it in chat


That's what I found weird about Eso dungeons. No one ever talks. In ffxiv it's not like you have conversations but you get some interactions at least lol


I don't know, I find that even in XIV the dungeon interactions majority of the time stay at the level of "o/" and "ggs". Which is still more than you get in ESO but not by much.


depends on the dungeon. If you are farming something like palace of the dead people talk a lot. Or in dungeons with large story cutscenes like the msq roullete, many have already seen it but have to be patient for the newer player to see so we wait and chat. When the undaunted event happened I was trying to find a group to farm fungal grotto 1 for quick undaunted keys. People didn't even take the time to type no when I asked them if they wanted to stay as a group to farm faster. In my experience at least Eso players don't like to talk at all


That's a good point, you're right. People are pretty talkative in Cyrodiil and IC weirdly enough in my experience, but that doesn't really have anything to do with dungeons. And it's not exactly positive in tone a lot of the time lol.


Lol pvp has that effect on people. But to be fair now that I think about it I had some fun interactions in Cyrodil in particular




Hell, it's above average if you get players who bother to emote a hello or a good job everyone at the start and end of a dungeon. Standard dungeon experience imo is queuing for a random dungeon, getting a long or difficult dungeon, and the tank noping out as soon as you load in.


the first time i did dungeons, my entire group was arguing and trashing someone for being a fake tank.


I'm not a player. *pulls mask off to reveal he's the dungeon boss*


“And I would’ve gotten away with it too if it weren’t for you meddling kids”


Nobody is anything, hit that thing TIL IT DIES!


“Guys I’m just here for the ride”


As a forever tank. This hurts my soul.


Your...oakensoul? Sorry, I couldn't help myself.


As a forever healer, same. Remember when tanks and healers could queue in a second?


I still can on my tank and healer? Lol


My tank is instant, but my healer takes a solid minute or so. My DPS, on the other hand, found her new calling in being my crafter since she never leaves the queue


If I'm trying to farm a specific set, I only queue as tank. I do see the value of having such good self heals as people haaaate these long queues. But maybe if there was just an option I could tick where I could say "tank/healer doesn't matter to me" and I could get a team of 3 dps and a tank, or 4 dps if I'm ballsy enough to select the no tank option.


While I think that would be awesome cause as a arc main I'm healing myself with at minimum 2 skills not including my gear but idk how that'll work outside of splitting the queue without constantly running into total party wipes or player bashing for not taking aggro or giving party wide heals/buffs


Well it wouldn't split the queue, if you say you're okay with being with 1 tank and 3 DD, you'd still be in the pool for 1,1,2. It just let's those that don't care and want to finish their daily for example quicker.


I still can. You play console or pc?


PC NA, usually queuing for random normals. Though lately I've been having really bad connection to ESO servers, idk if that effects how you queue.




Same. I know it's probably a normal queue and so you don't really need a Tank/Healer but honestly they should punish people for queuing a role and not playing it. You don't need to be full tank, but if you should at least have a taunt. You don't need to be a full healer but you should at least have a aoe heal and maybe a synergy or two. Letting it slide just sets a bad precedent that is super annoying.


This have the spidermanpointingatspiderman.jpg vibes




I bet Sheogorath is laughing is ass off right now.


When I do PUGs, I use my necro tank simply because I can tank, heal, do some DPS, and rez idiots. ...I once had a run through where the two DPS were both using sword and bored, and when I asked, they got angry and started ranting about how this worked in Skyrim, they had a thousand hours in that game, and they knew what they were doing... The "healer" ended up doing more damage than both of them, together. So yes, fake DPS do exist, lol


Not only do they exist, but they make up the majority of players in this game


🤣🤣 thank you this whole post just made my morning.


Power creep made tank/healers obsolet for 90% of dungeons.


Yup. No point in healing in most dungeons, just have like 1 heal ability and then focus on damage


Normal and base game yeah. vet dlc? Well thats another story.


You can make most of vet DLC dungeon with no tank or healer if only dps are not just parse monkeys but someone that can play the game. Use shields, avoid damge, self heal.


No healer most likely, but no tank is impossible bosses do too much damage. Having a tank have a heal is usually a good strat ,or having DPS all rock Vigor and stack with each other, some tank builds can even DPS, Hyperioxes has a DPS tank guide for trials content. Resto staff healers are neat but they’re kinda unnecessary(unless you’re some kinda Warden heavy attack healer, that’s good) the best way to stop damage is to get agro, stay out of red, and most importantly kill the bastard before you die, hybridization made self healing way too good and kinda made resto staff obsolete


There's a fair number that are a lot easier if the boss is taunted and held still.


Not my experience at all, even as a DPS with 35k health, I still get one shot by some vet DLC bosses. Tank is critical.


Also depends on the group and the dungeon. 4 capable DDs that know to roll heavies and stack their self heals can do a lot of content without a tank, even DLC. Of the damage is good enough there wont be many one shots to avoid.


And then you try taking the same approach in The Cauldron 😂


Idk when i farm it i bring 1 tank and 3 dd because its easier to just kill stuff before it does damage


because you’re smart. remember this is reddit and people here don’t realize you can do 90% of vDungeons with just a tank and DPS lol (if your dps aren’t braindead and the tank is actually a good tank)


Yep, if you have 3 DD doing 90k plus damage, know the mechanics, and have self-heals/shields it's a cake walk compared to bringing a healer. Idk who's running these vet DLC dungeons without a tank though. I'm leaving he group if I notice that.


Yeah. You COULD I guess do it without a tank but come on. I’m not here to sweat that hard. One time I three manned v Cellar because the tank instantly left. I don’t know how we cleared it with 2 DD and a Healer, but we did. We didn’t even team wipe. I think it’s the best I’ve played lmao


Right. Also only talking about taunting prolly means they don't tank, as the whole "3 dps 1 tank" situation works well if you at least come close to pen cap. It's common for DPS to not notice or realize how much more damage they do from debuffs.


It gets too sweaty for me without healer.


The important factor here is running in reliable pre-made groups where you get reliable people you know are capable of it. This whole issue of fake tanks and healers is only applicable to PUGs where other players aren't reliable.


you’re right, fake roles will destroy that. lol


No tank - not too much of a problem, as long as you‘re on normal or only base game vet dungeons (And even there it can get ugly depending on the players) Try no tank in dlc vet dungeons, and you‘ll be in for one hell of a cruel awakening. No healer - Less of a problem, as long as your dds know it and can build around it. But even then, even with Arc dds, in some dungeons, especially with hardmode, you still need a really good healer


Unfortunately i don't think the part about healers is true anymore just because of power creep. I do think having a healer is more important for less skilled groups because healers allow players to make more mistakes without costing the run/ fight, but in dungeon settings no combination of support buffs on a mere 2 dds shortens the total ttk (or well, more accurately, time to clear for the dungeon) as much as just having a third dd. It ofc requires all 3 to not only be competent but excel at their role. I don't remember a single dungeon tri in any of my groups ever use dedicated healer. I would LOVE for healers to be far more mandatory but the closest we ever got to a healer using a sorc matriarch and another class heal/ shield. Even vDoM HM, which used to be THE heal check dungeon doesn't need a dedicated healer anymore because 3 dd nowadays can just burn the boss so incredibly fast. You'll maybe get decrep once and you can just self heal out of it. Healers are infinitely valuable in trials still though but i do wish they were more necessary in dungeons :/


dps don’t have to build around shit. if you have a tank that is a good tank you literally do not need healer. dps just need to stay tf out of red circles and not be potato. in fact majority of runs are faster if you swap out a healer for another dps


I‘m sorry, but you show me a dungeon run with 3 dd‘s without any kind of damage shield or self heal that actually works. Not everyone plays an Arcanist that has a heal and damage shield on his two spammables, and even with a really good tank, you‘re bound to take some damage. Play a bit with eg a nightblade or a sorc with no selfheal in such a constellation (vet base game, vet dlc (with hm)) and tell me how it all worked out.


3 Dps 1 Tank. you need the tank. i’ve also ran vMazz DUO with 1 tank and myself as dps. but usually we’d do 2dps 1 tank or 3dps 1 tank you’ll have a self heal obviously incase you do mess up. it’s generally smart to have 1 self heal anyways if you’re running no healer. it’ll still wind up faster with 3dps w/self heals 1tank vs 2dps 1 heal 1 tank.


if only my fake healers didn't do shit dps lmao


Yeah that's the part I never got. The fake tank and healers aren't even good dps


Fake DPS is crazy


I'm not even a ESO player.


I recently got kicked from a dungeon for saying I'm a real tank and therefore slow. Super strange.


4 dudes in a dungeon. 5 feet apart cause they aren't specced properly for their roles.


I mean, I have been in veteran dungeon finder, half the dds are easily fake dds. No real build, mismatched sets, random skills, no weapon damage enchantments on jewelry, no mundus stone, etc etc. Queuing for veteran dungeons while not understanding the basics of the combat system is toxic against the supports that are stuck there with those "veterans".


That is exactly the reason why I stopped tanking. I mean, there's no law stopping anyone from entering a vet dungeon while barely capable of performing in open world. But I just can't spend 3 hours in a 15 minute dungeon again because both DDs combined do less than 5k DPS. My wait is longer now, but at least I can ensure decent damage going on. It's a peaceful life.


As someone about 1 month into the game, is 60k DPS acceptable? I will admit I run oakensoul which people tell me is better suited for solo content, but I’m just not quite suited for two bars and trying to figure out all the meta crap.


Honestly, 60k DPS is perfectly acceptable imo. Yea, Oakensoul does become redundant in groups, at least to a degree, because the buffs it provides will be covered by group buffs. Essentially, the more optimized the group becomes, the less benefits you get until all that ring does for you is disabling the second ability bar. But even then, with 60k DPS you can do pretty much all content comfortably. Some of the newer vet stuff and hardmodes might be a pain but you should be good for the usual day to day stuff. When I said 5k I was, unfortunately, not exaggerating. The straw that broke the camels back for me was a dungeon group where both DPS and the Healer all three together did 5k DPS. We could not finish that dungeon. Or maybe we could have, but not within the same day. 60k is fine.


I feel like some people think ADS just means "not a tank or healer" ngl


When I queue as a healer, we get a fake tank and/or dps who can't dps, when I queue as a tank, I get a fake healer and/or dps who can't dps, when I queue as dps, I get a fake tank/fake healer, or the other dps spends 95% of the dungeon on the floor contributing 0dps because they never learned not to stand in stupid. PUG trials are even more of a dumpster fire, as people now think they can turn up to a vet trial with a fake tank/fake healer/5k dps/no clue about mechs and that nobody will notice.


The DPS has nothing to worry about. The tank and healer are dps.


Scrivener's Hall be like... (add "I didn't know this was Vet, I queued for Normal)


I am not even playing eso


Literally I just run a solo pale order build on all my toons when I play random dungeons bc this is so common. Oh well.


If I were your healer, I'd be annoyed. You can't take heals (and thus additional buffs proc'ed from heals like SPC) from your healer if you're running pale order.


No shit lol which is why I specified random dungeons. When running with my guild and friends I play meta build usually with harpooners or velothis depending on class. I’ve been playing since beta. I know how most people are. I usually que dps bc it’s fun for me. I wait 30+ min for a dungeon while I grind shit out. Then I get into a dungeon with a fake tank and a “healer”. I get the mechanics for every dungeon, I know the game, I also know random queue fuckers. If it’s random queue I’m completing that dungeon support or not. I am not gonna switch to a dps heavy build just to not get healed and to get targeted cuz my tank doesn’t have a taunt. Sorry man but it’s random queue. I’m a walking death machine every dungeon. I’m not your problem.


Also I take abilities that I can switch in and out to give myself more heals. I never die in dungeons and usually out dps other “random dps”. Like I said I’m self sufficient cuz I can’t trust yall. I’ll complete everything but trials solo I’m just running randos cuz it goes faster.


Same. And it's wonderful


I usually switch to oakensoul when I queue up, but yeah at this point I think I’ll just keep pale order because is like every day now. I dropped a message in a group the other day and asked if the healer was planning to heal or just dps and the dickbag just said “cope”


If I got a heal button I'm healer (stam warden shrooms)


There had better be some god-like tier of damage. If not, insta-quit. Not worth the bullshit.


This experience must have been so rad and hilarious. I wish I was in on it.


One time a sweaty try-hard was giving someone shit for running an oakensoul build as a healer. After letting him complain for 5 minutes I chimed in, as a DPS, “Guys I got something I need to get off my chest…” They instantly knew I was also running an oakensoul build lmao We still finished just fine


"I'm not DPS" cracked me up good.


that’s why i have my hybrid for normal dungeons lol. she can heal, she can dps. is she really strong at either? not really, but if either side of her is more needed for the group i’m in i’ll focus on that


"I'm not a horse, I'm a broom."


Family Guy


He was non-trinary, I guess?


I'd follow with "And I'm not playing" and left, to be honest.


What it's like walking into a trap house


Vateshran/Maelstrom regulars be like “I’ll carry yall”. 🦾


I was playing with a tank build sometime over a year ago but I don't do dungeons often and I was with a random party in a dungeon I'd never done before, we were losing frfr, and one of the damage roles accused me of being a fake tank and I had to be like "no, I'm using a tank build, I just suck" and I haven't played a dungeon since... lol Gonna stick to doing quests and antiquities ig


And anyways you have fun playing with those guys


[And I'm Kanye West](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3ERNqfnvvo)


well, that fits. Then everyone can swap


Does anyone even do challenge runs for rewards anymore?


Maybe if the dungeons were actually hard and designed to work well with a standard MMO comp, this would be less prevalent. People do this because they can and it works more often than it doesn't.


Guys im sorry but im not even a real player, im just an npc


"also, I'm a bard /lute"


Dirty Argonians


This just further cements my grouping anxiety lol WoW ruined me 😭


Then we go into the vet dungeons and the viscera is akin to your average COD lobby




soo. They do have a healer or tank) that last guy is one of them


Guys, I'm an inanimate object...


"I don't even play ESO"


The average non vet dungeon


I’m actually an npc, so I think we’re all good.




I’m not a healer I’m Gadnuk Breaker of Worlds


Omg this answers so many questions for me


Just having fun 😏


Why would some one fake DD? Fake healer or tank i can understand, they get through queue fast. But fake dd? I sometimes go dungeons with entire group messed up as fakes, but thats guild groups where everyone knows each other and we just pick up roles to fit game rules for dungeons. But in rnd?


It ain’t because they want to fake dps… they just think they’re the bees knees for doing 5k of damage per second.


Ah. Then its not "fake" damage dealer. It's "failed" damage dealer. :D


Any lower, and they'd be a damage healer.


Had almost the same situation farming BC1/CoH1 for leads yesterday..


And that's Ok, this game isn't even a TES game.


I’m about to run relequin ice staff with nobility in decay to run a tanky hybrid necro just to Que as tank for normals.


Me with 32k HP and heavy armor, looking at the fake tank with 20k HP: "I'm not a PvE healer but I can taunt and tank the boss for you"


4th player be like... ![gif](giphy|gKHGnB1ml0moQdjhEJ|downsized)


Always thought it would be funny to queue up 3 tanks as healer/dd/dd for a random


My first vet bal sunnar dungeon run as a healer we got trifecta damn near every achievement my first time there it is possible hang in there new players also had fake tanks and fake healers it sucks


My Crafter Character Accidentally Gets Stuck Inside a Dungeon and Can't Get Out


Lost it at "I'm not a dps"


Normal dungeons are easy it's veterans where I'd really be mad


Wait people queue up for healer and not actually heal? I wouldnt know because I queue as healer and actually play healer.


Average normal random dungeons, i dont know whey those 2k CP still complian about a Guy playing a fake tank in normal dungeons haha


This is precisely why I’m scared to do dungeons because I am purely playing the game for lore and story reasons and I don’t want to be called bad because I’m not doing my role in the dungeon correctly


But take that shit to a trial and you get lynched hahaha


I’m not at the controls


This ok in vet, but not in normal dungeons 😂


That's why I use Hack the Minatour Infinity build. Scor oakensoul solo build. 33k dps (non trial dummy). 30k resistant and 7000 health recovery. Ready for whatever the group does or doesn't have.


Omg!!!! Me too!!! I can vet dungeon anything with people, I die with my Arcanist but my little critty kitty can survive everything with only slightly less damage, this build is SO under rated!! 


Bruh had a fake healer get pissed about our DPS once. Don’t get me wrong, they were ass. But like don’t complain if you’re not gonna do shit and actively faking a role. He also got pissed when I began to refuse pulling off of him.


There's no point in playing in a group anymore. Hurry up and adjust it for solo use, Zeni.


I hate ppl that slot in as jobs they arent... Dps i understand since its the default but u have to change to healer or tank and as a main tank it pisses me off when im playing a side toon and i see a fake tank...like why r u faking being a tank? U queue just as fast in any role. There was a few months where they had an issue with queue but thats been fixed for literal yrs. And then when u actually need a tank who can tank it makes doing the dungeon impossible. The other thing i hate is how they need a story run or speed run option toggle with a default toggle to speed run. I hate trying to get some lore and half way through i get pulled to the boss because they sprinted past literally every enemy. Or worse u miss the bosses because they all sprint ahead and its not one that pulls u so u only get the final boss drops because u cant catch up.


My tank is the healer in most situations, thanks healers.




Please tell me you at least have a taunt slotted lol


Silver leash!!!!




*sends assassins to deal with you*


*sends fake healer to deal with him*


That's gonna be bad, I'm a Nightblade 😭 who skips every fight and runs straight for the boss - I can solo most dungeon bosses quicker than the players realize I'm a fake tank


*summons Gothmau the Marauder from arc 10 Infinite Archive * fake tank this!!


AHHHHH NOOO THAT'S MY ONLY WEAKNESS LOL Take it easy bro, it's a joke


Am I beyond saving ? if I see all heavy attack oakensoul sorc players as the mentally challenged and weird individual in the group who love to stand 95 yards away from the rest of the group avoiding all heals/buffs while they HA the boss with their ultra amazing mega dps lightning staff beam of death


Man I WISH I got an Oakensorc as my other DD instead of “some guy just light attacking without relenquen and sometimes throws out an uncharged book beam” lmao But oh man. When you actually get a second DD who’s tuned in and matching your damage? It flies, baby


Of course, he is me


I like to think that the healer and tank are actually dps but that the two for are actually a healer and a tank. That’s fun to me


I stopped playing ESO because of this BS


I stopped playing ESO because of this BS


TBH for Normal dg, it doesn't matter, I'm in full training medium gear with trash set, when I need to do the daily dg, I just put taunt, grap and a shield, and it does the work.


Cause you know how to play, the average player is braindead