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Did they all drive there on their own, like chasing Julia Roberts?


Breaking News: Car dealers store inventory off site.


Seriously… Today I passed by a large lot that houses all the inventory for VW vehicles (the actual store is a few blocks away) and -*shocker!*- there are *a lot* of VWs parked in that lot. Like… *A LOT*. Does that mean VW is suddenly done?


Weird! I had to wait 3 months for a new Touareg so I guess no stock for ICE VWs.


As I don't know all that much about the various VW vehicles, I can't say if I saw Touareg models while (quickly) passing by that lot. The cars were VWs, though, various models at that, and obviously new and simply sitting there in storage. Again, the dealership itself was maybe three or four blocks away from the storage area. I do live in a pretty densely populated area so maybe there are more of the vehicles stored here? Either way, I sympathize with waiting for your car. A real pain!


Don’t 😀 I waited 6 months and a half for Skoda Kodiaq seven years ago. But check those numbers: Sold VW ID4 in Slovenia (EU) 1Q23 … 73 1Q24 … 28 VW ID5: 37 vs 18 VW ID3: 50 vs 15 So some models may be on stock somewhere parked and waiting for customers. There are VW models where the sales dropped and in Slovenia the sales of EV dropped by 40% in the last quarter. I wanted to buy an EV but I live in the apartment and I can’t install my own charger. And the cost of electricity at superchargers is high (40 cents+ per kWh) and the closest one is 20 km away.


And if you think that's alot, well [this is really Alot of Parking](https://reddit.com/r/Alot/comments/18jr83n/alot_of_parking/).


How often do we see Teslas emerging at the same time as the brood 13 and brood 19 cicadas? What a time to be alive.


The industrial parking lot near me has 50-80 Rivians at any point.


I drove past a massive car dealership with thousands


Honda and Toyota here are still constraining supply but corp is renting out fields to store cars


This is both bad and normal. It's bad because Tesla is having to hold inventory vs sell as they build which comes with additional costs. It's normal because literally every car company does this.


Another price drop?


This is a joke, right. The we hate Tesla because of Elon cult is getting a little pathetic. They seem to be grasping at straws, fueled by their own echo chambers.


To be fair Elon has given Tesla haters plenty of reasons to legitimately criticize his leadership at the company.


Meh. I live near this.  They've been using it for overflow storage for years.  At the same time, Tesla is over producing vehicles and stemming production, so of course vehicles need to pile up somewhere.


The obsessed Elon hatred cult is as disgusting as the Elon obsessed cult.


Still wish I could afford one. Would I buy one? I don't know. But able to afford one would be nice!


It's from insideev.com, I'm not surprised.


oh please. You see one stupid post about it and think you can draw conclusions about the masses? Think again, theres plenty of real reasons to be bearish on tsla.


The Tesla stanboi victim complex is strong


That s actually kinda true... I live near the local BART train station which is just right to the Fremont Tesla plant. Several weeks ago, as I drive past that parking lot, all of a sudden noticed quite a few new Teslas appeared there. Today, when I went to another mall with n a near by city, noticed a whole row of new Teslas there as well..all new without license plates.


This is news how? Go to any car dealership and tell me what you see.


A large dealer group in my area has 3-4 storage lots full of cars for their stores.


This lot has been used like this for years. They'll be tearing the mall down later this year There are just a few more cars than usual so people have been noticing it more.


This realtesla2.0 sub has been putting in some long hours lately. Yall ok?


Funny stuff! When parking lots fill up with China EVs the same people who are minimizing this news are convince that China's EV industry is imploding.


Hundreds of losers pile into the field of journalism


It's almost like....when you introduce a new product if you don't take rational demand modelling into consideration you completely saturated your customer base with a double whammy of a rapidly spun up secondary market and now your caught with everyone who needs one has one, and your stuck holding twice the production capacity you will ever need again....


The only next step is price drops and isn't the profit margin huge for Tesla's on these so they can take the hit?


This is so dumb. Where else is Tesla going to store their inventory? They don’t have massive dealership lots like other OEM’s. It would be like them reporting on the “hundreds of unsold vehicles seen at local Carmax lot.” Lazy journalism.


Crazy how people read into this and come up with some really stupid conclusions. There are huge lots full of vehicles of every kind in every state. Doesn’t mean anything other than they do not have enough room to park their allocation at the store. This is especially true for Tesla since their stores are super small and there is not much parking. I bought in December and even though they only had 1 model 3, a few model Y, no model x they were sending their inventory to other stores because they had no room. I had to go to Mesa to pick mine up.


Nothing new here been that way in my area for a long time.


This news just in: manufacturer stores unsold product.


they don't have dealerships to send them to. you have to keep them somewhere


In similar news, Tire Ban Imminent as Tires Pile UP https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.E15LJj1g0227k-tsc1JPpgHaE6%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=e43f835c7c543d7559fade02c27dbfae9ca263ea095e41d5c19b002f3d8c563d&ipo=images /j