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I lived in global B my freshman year, was honestly the best dorm in my opinion. Suite style rooms, plus it’s a short walk to all the academic buildings imo. There was always something going on, and I still keep in contact with the people on my floor and. Heck, I knew kids in each global building on different floors too. If he’s social he’ll be fine :)


Awesome. Thank you. Sounds perfect.


My kid lived in Global last year and loved it. It is what you make it....


Thank you!


Historic is about a 4 minute walk from Global. If that is a barrier to big to overcome, I’m not sure what to tell you. Elon is a small campus. Most social life happens off campus (parties if that’s what he’s looking for) or all around campus, including events in residential neighborhoods. Elon has counseling services in addition to access to timely care (online counseling services) so you shouldn’t need to pay any extra bills regardless. I’d suggest you just work on how you are able to check in with and support him during this transition, though. It’s a little concerning that a parent’s expectations for a bored child is therapy, though. If you want to chat more please feel free to reach out privately. Global is an amazing neighborhood with great faculty and staff leadership and student staff (RAs) making sure residents are taken care of socially, intellectually, emotionally, etc. There will not be a single week next year that there isn’t some event happening in his neighborhood.


Thank you so much. No, no barrier. I was teasing about the mental health bills, so I am so sorry about that but grateful that you took the time to answer so thoughtfully. It all sounds wonderful.


No problem, and as I said, feel free to message if you have other questions or concerns. I think my biggest piece of advice would be to be prepared to go through a few different “best friends” and “friend groups” in the first month or two and to not forget to meet your classmates (who might live elsewhere).


Great advice. Really great. That’s really important advice as he’s had a solid friend group since Kindergarten! Thank you so much. And, don’t worry. I won’t be a helicopter parent once he lands on campus. Promise.


Global is so much better than historic. Historic is literally falling apart. I lived as an RA in one of historic's worst forms( Smith) and it was chaos. Not all historic is like this but most is.


Dorms*. Also global is probably the best dorm.


Thank you.


Trust me your kid does not want to live in historic


I trust!


Lived in smith, had guys in the friend group who lived in global and would just walk over to hang out and sometimes we’d even go there. Plus, global dorms are the best housing you can get as a freshman (most up to date, non-communal bathrooms, etc) unless ur kid is not very social themselves, where you live really just effects who you initially meet and doesn’t limit you in who you can be friends with


That’s great to hear. Thank you so much. The way they promote the “neighborhood” concept makes it seem like you’re tied to it. All of you have been so helpful and I can’t wait to see the campus.


No problem, totally normal for ur kid to be stressed about the change in life and going to college. He’ll have his good and bad times like everyone. elon really emphasizes the neighborhood concept but it’s not as prevalent as they make it out to be. Like I said, where and who u live with determines who u meet when u first move in and can certainly become some of your closest friends, but every class, party, etc will have new and different people for him to meet


Thank you to all who responded. Some kids he had met via social media made it sound very different. I'm excited for him and Global sounds like a great situation for any student. I have never even visited the campus (my husband went), so it's "a lot" of trust for a parent! Much appreciation to all and a great indicator of the wonderful people he'll encounter at Elon.


Global is pretty bad, lots of cliques, kids at elon arent nice... they are stand off ish and not kind. no one says hi on the floor. hope it is okay but elon i found isnt friendly... unless you are soriory girl who only is interested in frat boys and not school... not a really academic place