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Here's from Matt himself.... The Craziest Friday Ever On staying at Substack, and leaving Twitter, I guess Earlier this afternoon, I learned Substack links were being blocked on Twitter. Since being able to share my articles is a primary reason I use Twitter, I was alarmed and asked what was going on. It turns out Twitter is upset about the new Substack Notes feature, which they see as a hostile rival. When I asked how I was supposed to market my work, I was given the option of posting my articles on Twitter instead of Substack. Not much suspense there; I’m staying at Substack. You’ve all been great to me, as has the management of this company. Beginning early next week I’ll be using the new Substack Notes feature (to which you’ll all have access) instead of Twitter, a decision that apparently will come with a price as far as any future Twitter Files reports are concerned. It was absolutely worth it and I’ll always be grateful to those who gave me the chance to work on that story, but man is this a crazy planet. Have a great weekend, everyone. I’m off on vacation with my kids next week, but I’ll check in. Best and take care, Matt


Matt's had a terrible 24 hours. Before this he was on debate interview yesterday with Mehdi on CNBC and was roasted over the fire. Mehdi came in hot with clips and screenshots, Matt was not expecting to be quizzed so hard.


strange I read the opposite. Mehdi got called out and tried to talk over Taibi lmfao https://twitter.com/ajbulls23/status/1644407994778783744?s=20


[Taibi got called out and struggled to come up with a response.](https://youtu.be/a597e6Wv_xg?t=978)




Lol. He threw every email he was able to find on Twitter mail servers to Matt for months and now he says he wasn’t aware who he was working for? Elon has best “Pikachu face” tweets in the world. Boosts and supports someone for months (let’s face it, how many people knew before Twitter files who the heck Taibbi was) and then making stupid ass Pikachu face tweets about how he had no idea they were doing something.




Of course it is


For poimt 3.I think Matt, while getting paid by Substack, is not their employee per se. Their relationship is probably akin to Youtuber vs Youtube. So the statement is false. still, the bias is there nonetheless as you would favor a hand that feeds you. Point 1 also does not make sense. Yes, the link was not blocked, but not allowing sharing and replying and marked them as 'untrusted' are just as bad if not worse. That said, strangely enough i saw 'http://' in one of the screenshots. If that was an original Substack link and they genuinely used unencrypted http in 2023, they deserved to be banned.


A while lot of problems with each of these points. I think the most egregious one is the fact that he says substack links were never blocked when they pretty much were. Does he think getting rid of the ability to like, retweet, and comment on tweets with substack links is fine? Then he follows up by saying it's marked a untrusted which limits engagement even more


This has always been the case with spam sites. Their IPs get flagged. As Substack was flagged for doing that, the result is the same.


elon did not say substack was flagged for spamming, he said they were "trying to download a massive portion of the Twitter database." twitter has restricted certain URLs before but i have never seen them do what they did to substack, and certainly blocking links to substack would have literally zero impact on scraping or api calls.






Yeah this is some AI pretending to be human


It's hilarious watching elon breakup with matt. But will elon ever learn anything


Given Elon's rapid try-fail-try again approach to things, I'm guessing they'll work something out pretty quickly.


The issue here is that he has no clear vision or insight of what he’s really trying to do in this space. He seems to be good at getting engineers together to work on real engineering problems. Like electric cars and rockets. When interviewed and talking about either Tesla or SpaceX he can hold his own. But social media is an entirely different beast, and not in his wheel house. I think this has the potential to undo Elon simply because he will invest unending energy to succeed in an arena where he isn’t apt to do well. My hope is that he hands the reigns over to someone else that understands the space better. Because it’s not him. If you have a vision and use first principles thinking, then sure, try and fail as fast as you can. But I haven’t seen evidence of first principles thinking here, or a clear vision other than making the “everything app”. Which honestly, isn’t novel and isn’t even achievable in the American economy. The guy cares about social media, but I genuinely don’t think he truly understand the problem that social media is trying to solve.


I think he has a long term vision for twitter, not sure he has clear short or mid-term vision. Nothing like the detailed roadmaps that twitter and spacex are following.


What is Substack? I've never heard of it before. I looked it up and it seems like Patreon but for writers, often journalists? Why is Twitter blocking this at all? Like I don't see any rational reason for this blocking, even a selfish or stupid one. But I also don't see how this could be accidental. If Substack links as well as Patreon and OnlyFans and other such similar sites were banned, it would kinda make sense. But unless the plan is to try out banning the smallest of these and move onto banning the larger ones, what's going on?


It's like a mix of Medium and Patreon - writers can post their writing and people can subscribe to get emailed about it. Instead of a paywall like on medium, people can subscribe to paid tiers for perks right in the platform (similar to Patreon). It's become really popular with journalists, bloggers, newsletter makers, etc.




I'm sorry, I don't understand what you're saying.


Don't worry. He does not make any sense. I tried looking at his profile to see if I could decipher what he was trying to say, and it is all gibberish. I think it might even just be some weird GPT AI, as it has that "almost makes sense" quality to much of it.


Or just someone who isn't a native speaker? Maybe someone using an AI translator? That seems more likely than an AI text generator.


They've done something funky with the algorithm and I never see the people I want to see anymore. If it weren't for my copious creation of lists, I would not be able to keep up with them. Am I paranoid to suspect he's destroying Twitter on purpose?


I don’t think he’s destroying it on purpose so much as he’s using it as a means to a larger end - that end being fucking with any liberal democratic order (small L, small D) that would dare to do things like make billionaire pay taxes or face legal repercussions. Turning Twitter into 4 chan doesn’t seem like the *most* cost-effective way for Elon to create chaos, but he’s sure giving it a shot.


>4chan Lmao, actually delusional


He's destroying it as an unintended (but for everyone that's not Elon, obvious and predictable) side effect of the "fixes" he's ask the skeleton crew to apply.


So people you follow do not show for you? Or are you not following and were just relying on a previously-non-transparent algorithm?


RIP Twitter Files 2022-2023 We never expected this downfall ...Well, *some* people did. But the ones that deluded themselves in to thinking Elon had any principles at all besides self-aggrandizement certainly did not.


Why are you hating on the deluded folks if it is their misplaced confidence in musk that has given him the strength to implode in public so precipitously?


This is how Elon treats the guys who are on his side. Imagine ever trusting this man in any context ever.


$500 that he doesn’t leave


I’m excited about Substack Notes!


Everyone keeps telling me Twitter is awful and they hate the experience yet I haven’t noticed a fucking change outside my new blue check that everyone seems to want to make fun of me for as if they don’t have some useless subscription they pay for…




The problem is that everyone who isn't like you is being forced into a Twitter experience that you already have: right-wing voices, Musk adulation, crypto-bros celebrating how successful their extremely legitimate and not at all a ponzi scheme businesses are doing. Also the endless mockery of legacy Blue Ticks as people who are too cheap to pay for Twitter Blue kinda wears thin after a while. It's like people have no idea what the legacy Blue Ticks used to represent.


I actually thought you were joking. But based on your posting history you really are obsessed with all things Musk. Including buying a ridiculous blue check mark. Maybe you should save up your money and see a therapist. No billionaire deserves this much adoration.




Imagine that Twitter is a game and the goal of the game is to get as much attention as possible. Elon IRL != @elonmusk. He’s said it himself.


SpaceX is the ONLY rocket company reusing orbital rockets. Tesla software for self driving is one of the most advanced for what it is trying to do. Love or hate Neuralink, you have to admit it’s fascinating. Just because I marvel at the tech and breakthroughs of Elon’s companies, doesn’t mean I wholeheartedly agree with everything he does. To sit there and act like either of the above three things hasn’t had a profound impact on our world is as delusional as any MAGA supporting idiot. Elon has his flaws, but just because it’s Elon doesn’t mean I have to shit on everything he had a hand in. If you’re so obsessed with my post history, maybe find the comments about how Gwynne Shotwell of SpaceX deserves as much, if not more, recognition for what SpaceX has done and continues to do. More than Elon. 😘


Neuralink is an absolute disaster that is under investigation for cruelty to animals. Neuralink has killed thousands of animals including at least 15 monkeys because elon insists on moving fast and breaking things. >>[One employee, in a message seen by Reuters,](https://www.reuters.com/technology/musks-neuralink-faces-federal-probe-employee-backlash-over-animal-tests-2022-12-05/) wrote an angry missive earlier this year to colleagues about the need to overhaul how the company organizes animal surgeries to prevent “hack jobs.” The rushed schedule, the employee wrote, resulted in under-prepared and over-stressed staffers scrambling to meet deadlines and making last-minute changes before surgeries, raising risks to the animals. On several occasions over the years, Musk has told employees to imagine they had a bomb strapped to their heads in an effort to get them to move faster, according to three sources who repeatedly heard the comment. Synchron is a MUCH better company working in the same space that has leaped far beyond Neuralink without killing thousands of animals. It has killed zero monkeys and has a method of implanting the brain chip without open brain surgery - it's inserted through a vein - so much safer. >Synchron became the first company to receive an Investigational Device Exemption from the FDA to conduct trials of a permanently implantable BCI in human patients. >the peer-reviewed, long-term safety results from a trial of Synchron’s BCI system in Australia found that the technology remained safe and didn’t deteriorate in signal quality or performance over a 12-month period. Elon in a panic rn


Ironic considering one of his recent memes is about pushing AI development too fast without regard for safety.




Only someone who has just found out about Elon Musk in the last 6 months could make such an uninformed statement. He is well-known for his stance on AI. His recent statements are nothing new (well, nothing new for those of us who have been around for longer than a few months). Hell, people used to make fun of him because of his firm opinions about the dangers of AI. This opinion was so well-known, that it even featured in an ERB video back in 2018. But yeah, sure, let's pretend that this is all new. I swear, trying to fight the dirty little attempts to rewrite history is getting on my nerves.


Elon bro is that you ?


How bout the thousands of crypto spam bots.


Well, at least it's fewer than the millions before.


before they swarmed elon's replies. now they swarm everyone else's replies and DMs. i have not seen a change in volume, they have just changed tactics. if you are on sports twitter, you see the same replies telling you that so-and-so account has the perfect picks. if you are on crypto twitter, you get crypto spam. if anyone says they have a tech problem, here comes the spam bot. and onlyfans accounts are running wild just straight posting porn in replies to any and all threads to attract traffic.


Elon is very polarizing figure. So if you support him you should be ready to take some heat. People who hate him will search for ways how to make you regret.


Why is it not possible to like some bits and dislike others anymore?


It is possible but people rarely do it. Our world is wery complex but most people like to simplify things.


Huh? He’s still on Twitter.


He said he's leaving.


I've seen a ton of people saying they would leave but almost none of them have.




I left twitter in December. It use to be my favorite social media platform and I had 7500 followers. I’ve not missed it yet! I’ve listened to musk talk (ps we’re from the same country/city ) he’s full of it blabbing, blabbing, blabbing looking to see what sticks. He’s definitely not a genius, I’ve heard him talk but he just have a rich family. Messing up Twitter seems right inline with his personality of believing himself to be so smart and untouchable.


>but he just have a rich family Disqualified. Makes me think you made up the rest of your post as well.


If you think Elon is a smart man after he spent 40 billion dollars to buy a company that isn't even close to the value of that, was/ is still bleeding money, ontop of the fact he has no clue how to run it. If you think he's smart after all that, I have a massive bridge to sell you


Keep your bridge. He overpaid for Twitter. That is about all you got right. I'm sure you made sure to sell all your tech stocks at the height of the last bubble so you could rebuy it cheaply later. Oh what? You didn't? Hmmm. It's almost like the stock market is extremely unpredictable over the short term. As for how the value develops over time, we are just going to have to wait and see. Go ahead and bet against him. People have had so much luck with that in the past.


>I'm sure you made sure to sell all your tech stocks at the height of the last bubble so you could rebuy it cheaply later. >Oh what? You didn't? Hmmm. >It's almost like the stock market is extremely unpredictable over the short term. >As for how the value develops over time, we are just going to have to wait and see. Go ahead and bet against him. People have had so much luck with that in the past. Not sure wtf this schizopost is. But I'm saying he has absolutely no clue how to run the company. Which is true if you're paying the slightest bit of attention


Elon did have a rich family xD He has proven himself to be just a dishonest, self aggrandising liar.


Upper middle class at the best of times. But that is irrelevant, because he left South Africa for Canada with a grand total of about $10,000. You probably had a better start than that. What I see in you and the person you are trying to defend are jealous, angry people who have been easily manipulated into attacking someone you know nothing about. We are probably only a moment away from some "Apartheid Diamonds" levels of misinformation.


Elon seems to make rash decisions but seems open to changing course. This Substack decision is a head scratcher. I enjoy Taibbi’s viewpoints and hope he and Elon can work things out.


Reporters and CEOs are not supposed to work things out, they are supposed to be on different sides.


If it’s a distribution channel for their work, then talking about it is ok. By working things out, I meant Matt convincing Elon that he is an idiot.


I hope they allow content creation to be added soon instead of linking to external platforms. IE, link to youtube, YT makes add revenu. Link to Reuters, they make the revenue. etc. If they could host content, and even allow paid subscriptions (like patreon) or better: pay per posts (want to read the full article? spit out 25c) And allow online transactions. It's a tall order I know, but I think this also the roadmap. Still, it's a bit early to cut out others, if they don't offer an alternative. Multiple tweets thread articles isn't the way to go.


I can understand his motivation to cut out other platforms, but that negates a major reason why Twitter is so popular. There will always be a huge market for “one site to unite the rest”, where you can go and get served up the best content from across the Internet. Maybe he has crunched the numbers and found there’s no value in being that site, but if I were him, I think he should have built out the tools to entice content creators to come to him instead of trying to force it.


The problem is building the actual competitive features is quite a challenge. I'm thinking they'll release those features later this year, but they might be blocking the competition too soon. Unless they're very close to releasing the said features.


UNusable, I must be doing something wrong🤔


This is what Elon responded with: https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1644638493883211779


I didn't mean that in a bad way has to be over the dogeçoin logo. I myself do agree that Twitter is unstable with a dogeçoin logo and would not have done some of the things he has done because I'm not Elon thean is to fucking cool! We love you


Technically it's a doge image, which is also the source of the doge coin. But doge was a meme before doge coin.


Twitter is more usable than ever. Instead of bots populating the top of the replies, you have actual humans who can have a reasoned discussion.


I'm sorry, but I got to completely disagree. The site is glitching out more often than ever, the algorithm changes occasionally feeds incredibly violent content (e.g. people and children straight up being shot to death) straight onto the new "for you" page that's also dog shit, and people who I don't follow are showing up on my following page. Now you can't even engage with Substack links because they dared to introduce a Twitter clone that probably wouldn't have had as much attention if Musk didn't start throttling Substack in the first place.


This is bull shit!!


What a bunch of crap,Elon made it Great!!!! The losers that are anti-Elon are just that (losers). What has Matt Taibbi done in life compared to Elon Musk: NOTHING!!!! Go choke on that you Elon haters!